Lower Harpton (Old Radnor), Herefordshire

Extract from Littlebury's Directory and Gazetteer of Herefordshire, 1876-7
with Private and Commercial Residents

Transcribed by Rosemary Lockie, © Copyright 2004

LOWER HARPTON is a township in Herefordshire, but belonging to the parish of Old Radnor, Radnorshire, distant 2½ miles N.W. of Kington, 4 S.W. of Presteigne, and 24 N.W. of Hereford; is in Wigmore hundred, Kington union, county court district, polling district, and petty sessional division. The population in 1861 was 85; in 1871, 84; inhabited houses, 18; families or separate occupiers, 18; area of township, 900 acres; annual rateable value, £898. Mrs. Miles, of Downfield house (who is lady of the manor), Sir Harford James Jones Brydges, Bart., of Boultibrooke, and Sir John Walsham, Bart., of Knill court, are the principal landowners. The soil is loamy, producing wheat, barley, roots, and pasture. There is neither church, chapel, nor school in the township. The parish church of Old Radnor is about a mile and a half distant. The Rev. A.B. Dickinson, M.A., of St. John's College, Cambridge, is the vicar, and the Rev. Sir Gilbert Frankland Lewis, Bart., of Harpton court, is the rector. Downfield House, the property and residence of Mrs. and Miss Miles, is an interesting old mansion, situate in Lower Harpton township.

POSTAL REGULATIONS.- Post office at Walton; Edward Price, Sub-Postmaster. Letters arrive from Kington at 7 a.m.; despatched thereto at 7 p.m. Kington is the nearest money order and telegraph office and
Miles Mrs. and Miss, Downfield house
Hamar Geo., farmer, Lower Harpton frm.
Ingram Richard, miller
Vaughan John, farmer, and agent for T. Robinson & Co., manure manufacturers, corn merchants, &c. (of Gloucester), Downfield farm

OCR/Transcription by Rosemary Lockie in April 2004.

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