Llangarren, Herefordshire
Extract from Littlebury's Directory and Gazetteer of Herefordshire, 1876-7
with Private and Commercial Residents
Transcribed by Richard Lane, © Copyright 2002
(See also LONG-GROVE.)
parish situated in the southern portion of the county, on the Garron Brook, one of
the tributaries of the River Wye, celebrated for its excellent trout fishing. It is
distant 5½ miles S.W. of Ross, 7 N. of Monmouth, and 13 S. of Hereford; it is in
Wormlow hundred (lower division), Ross union and county court district,
Whitchurch polling district, and Harewood End petty sessional division. The
population in 1861 was 1,215; in 1871, 1156; inhabited houses, 252; families or
separate occupiers, 265; area of parish, 5,450 acres; annual rateable value, £9,115.
It is in several manors. Chandos Wren Hoskyns, Esq. (the Lord of the manor or
hundred of Wormelow), The Governors of Guy's Hospital, Sir Joseph Russell Bailey,
Bart, M.P., Thomas Mayos, Esq., John Jones, Esq., Thomas Berrow, Esq., and the
Rev. Henry John Potts, B.A., are the principle landowners. The soil is sandy and
loamy; subsoil, chiefly sandstone rock; produce wheat, barley, roots, &c. Llangarren
is in the diocese and archdeaconry of Hereford and rural deanery of Archenfield;
living, a vicarage annexed to St. Weonard's chapelry; joint value, £506, with 67
acres of glebe; patrons, the Dean and Chapter of Hereford; vicar, Rev. Henry John
Potts B.A., of Trinity College, Cambridge, who was instituted in 1854.
The church,
dedicated to St. Deinst, is an ancient stone edifice in the Anglo-Norman style of
architecture, with tower and spire, nave, chancel, side aisle, porch, font, four
monuments, and 475 sittings. The earliest register is dated 1569. There is a
national school for boys and girls, with a certified master under government
inspection; average attendance, about 50. Langstone Court, the seat of John Jones,
Esq., M.D., J.P., is an ancient mansion, supposed to have been built by Inigo
Jones. Trecilla House is the property and residence of the Rev. Henry John Potts,
B.A. Long-Grove, or Llangrove, formerly a hamlet to Llangarren, is now an
ecclesiastical parish, and will be found under a separate heading. Kilrhyg, or
Kilreague, distant 1 mile W., Llangunnock and Treribble, 2 miles N.W.,
Langstone, ½ N.E., Treburnfrey, 1 mile N., Biddlestone, 2 miles N.E., Trecilla,
to the E., Trerees, ½ mile S., and Trevervan, 1 mile S., are all places or townships
in this parish.
POSTAL REGULATIONS.- Mrs. Eliza Rudge, Sub-Postmistress. Letters arrive by
messenger from Ross at 8.35 a.m.; despatched thereto at 5.40 p.m. Letters can be
registered here. St. Weonard's and Whitchurch are the nearest money order offices.
Ross is the telegraph office and post town. The Letter-box at Three Ashes is cleared
at 5.5 p.m.
Parish Church (St. Deinst).- Rev. Henry John Potts, B.A., Vicar; Messrs.
Charles Notley and James Hartland, Churchwardens; John Morris, Parish Clerk.
National School (boys and girls).- Mr. Allan Bowker, Master; Mrs. Bowker,
Sewing Mistress.
(See also LONG-GROVE.)
Berrow Mr. T. Gilbert, Llangarren court
Bird Mr. John, Panbrook
Coke Rev. Wm., B.A. (vicar of Marstow with Pencoyd), Garron Hill Cottage
Dowle Mr. Alfred N., Bernithan court
Drinkwater Mr. George E., Treribble
Hartland Mr. James, Biddlestone
Jones Jn., Esq., M.D., J.P., Langstone Crt.
Llewelyn John, Esq., Tre-Evan
Marstone The Misses, Woodfield
Potts Rev. Henry John, B.A. (vicar of Llangarren with St. Weonard's) Trecilla House
Banton Thomas, Grocer and provision deliverer
Berrow T. Gilbert, farmer, Llangarren Court
Bevan William, tailor, Cross Lane
Bird Charles, Tressey Cross House
Bird John, assistant overseer, Panbrook
Bowker Allan, Schoolmaster
Brake James Y., farmer, Terees
Dowle Alfred N., farmer, Bernithan Court
Drinkwater George Edward, farmer, Treribble
Evans William, farmer, Langstone Court farm
Garness Samuel, boot and shoemaker
Griffiths Thomas, miller, Langstone mill
Gunter Benjamin, mason, Rock Cottage
Hartland James, farmer, Biddlestone
Hill Charles, farmer, Lower Trewan
James John, farmer, Upper Field
Keddle George, King's Head Inn
Keddle Thomas, farmer, Penblaith
Marstone William, miller, Trevervan mill
Morris Edward, wheelwright, cabbage
Morris James, tailor
Morris John, carpenter and parish clerk
Notley Charles, miller, Trerees Mill
Partridge Cornelius, machinist, Garron Field Cottage
Partridge Edward, boot and shoemaker
Pope George, farmer, Lower Butts
Powell, Henry, Job Gardener, Three Ashes
Powell John, farmer
Reynolds Isaac, carpenter and wheelwright, Cabbage
Rudge Mrs. Eliza, sub-postmistress
Rudge William, farmer
Scudamore Mrs. Elizabeth, farmer
Scudamore George, farmer, Treworgan
Scudamore Thomas, farmer, Trewen
Sherriff George, farmer, Tredunnock
Spencer William, farm bailiff for Mr. Thomas M. Mayos, Trewaugh
Stone George, farmer, Trebumfey
Street Joseph, farmer, Kilrhyg
Tummey John, Three Horse Shoes Inn
Walters George, farm bailiff, Park Mill
Walters Mrs., farmer, Trevervan Farm
Watkins Mrs. Ann, farmer, Little Bernithan
Weale Amos, blacksmith and implement maker
Weale Henry, blacksmith, Llangunnock
Weale James, Blacksmith
Weale Thomas, gunsmith, &c
Webb George, carpenter, Treaven
Williams Henry, farmer, Upper Park
Transcription by Richard Lane in November 2002.