Leominster, Herefordshire
Extract from Littlebury's Directory and Gazetteer of Herefordshire, 1876-7
Transcribed by Rosemary Lockie, © Copyright 2005
Alexander Mr. Samuel, 15 Broad street
Alexander Mr. Samuel Joseph, Ashfield
Allen John Arthur, Esq., Elm lodge, 1 Hereford road
Allen Mrs., Holly Mount, 2 Pierrepont rd.
Andrews Charles Davis, Esq., Corn square; and at Church house, Laysters, near Tenbury
Andrews Henry, Esq., Corn square
Bach Miss Margaret, 24 South street
Barber Mr. Joseph, Etnam street
Barnett Samuel, Esq., M.R.C.S., L.S.A.,
Brook house, 27 Broad street
Beaumont Mr. William, 1 Ryelands road
Beavan Mrs. Harriet, Pinsley house, 29 Broad street
Beck Mr. Henry, 2 Middle Westbury
Bedford James, Esq., J.P., 34 Broad st.
Bellow Mr. John, Wharf cottage
Bemand Mr. Robert, 58 Etuam street
Bevan James, Esq., 18 Etnam street
Bevan Miss, Etnam street
Blundell Mr. Charles, Elmley house
Blundell Edwin, Esq., Caswall house, 50 Etnam street
Boyce William Stewart, Esq., M.R.C.S.E., L.M., 4 Bridge street
Bradford Mrs., 17 Broad street
Bradley Mr. Fredk. Edward, 13 Broad st.
Burlingham Mrs. Mary and the Misses, Buckfield villas
Burlton Thomas, Esq., J.P. (for county of Hereford and borough of Leominster), F.R.C.S., &c., Eaton hill
Caldwall Bonham, Esq., J.P., D.L., 25 Broad street
Caldwall Miss Ann, 25 Broad street
Carwardine Mrs. Ann, 28 Bridge street
Coleman Edward Wm., Esq., Eaton hall
Counop William, Esq., Buckfield
Cox Mr. James & Miss, The Grange
Daggs. William, Esq., J.P. (for the borough), Corn square
Davies Miss A.A., 7 Corn square
Davies Rev. Hy. Robert, M.A., Gate ho.
Davies Mrs. M., Gate house, 8 Church st.
Davis Francis, Esq., 3 Baron's Cross vils.
Davis Mrs., The Poplands
Davis Mrs. Mary Ann, 77 Etnam street
Edouart Rev. Augustin Gaspard, M.A., J.P. (for Lancaster), (vicar of Leominster, and surrogate for the diocese of Hereford), The Vicarage, 20 Church st.
Edwards Mr. Alfred, 20 Etnam street
Edwards Mrs. Emma, 126 South street
Edwards Mrs. Mary, Broadward
Elrington The Misses C. & F., 22 Etnam street
Gammidge William, Esq., J.P. (for the borough and ex-mayor), 2 Burgess st.
Gammidge Mr. Wm. N., 18 Church st.
Gilkes Mrs. Mary, Townsend cottage, Green lane
Goode Samuel, Esq., Ivington Bury
Gough Mrs. Mary, 63 South street
Graves Thos., Esq., J.P. (for the borough), High street
Gregg Edwin, Esq., 9 Broad street
Griffiths Mr. Thomas, 12 Church street
Gunnell Mr. Edward, 6 Church street
Gwillim Mr. J.C., 2 Baron's Cross villas
Hall Mrs. Olive, 38 Burgess street
Hall Mr. Wm., Beresford pl., 37 South st.
Hancock Mrs. Elizabeth, 26 South street
Harding Mr. James, 32 South street
Heather Mrs. E., 1 Baron's Cross villas
Herbert Henry, Esq., J.P. (for the borough), Buckfield villas
Hinton Mrs. Elizabeth, 65 South street
Holmes ValentineWebb, Esq., Southfield, Hereford road
Hughes Mrs. Ann, 46 Ryelands road
Hyde William Edward, Esq., M.R.C.S. (alderman), 16 Church street
Ingrain Mr. Thomas, 27 Mill street
Irvine James, Esq., The Poplands
Jenkins Mr. Benjamin, 36 Burgess street
Jenkins Mrs. M.A., 115 Bargates
Jones Rev. John Price, B.D. (vicar of St. John's, Ivington, & of Ford), Bankfield
Kinnersley Mr. Wm. Isaac, Dishley court
Kirkland Mrs. Elizabeth, 29 South street
Knill Mrs. Susannah, 3 Corn square
Lane Theophilus William, Esq., M.A., J.P., D.L., The Ryelands
Lawton Mr. Julien, 13 Perseverance road, Bargates
Lloyd Edwin, Esq., 30 South street
Lloyd Mrs. Jane, 7 Broad street
Lloyd Mrs. Sarah and Lloyd Miss, Bryanstone house, 33 South street
Loveridge Mrs. and the Misses, 2 Peel vils.
Loveridge Mr. Thomas, 34 Etnam street
Lucas Mr. Henry, 26 Bridge street
Mannwaring Mrs., The Cedars, Grange
Manwaring Miss Ann, South villa
Manwaring John; Esq., South villa, Hereford road
Marshall Mrs. John, 20 Broad street
Marshall The Misses, Holly Mount
Marshall Thomas, Esq., Colaba lodge
Mason Miss Mrgt., Green bk., 14 Green st.
Meacham Mrs. Ann, 42 Burgess street
Moody Rev. John W. (Wesleyan), 16 Perseverance road
Moore Henry, Esq., The Grange
Morris Mrs. Lydia, 34 Burgess street
Morris Mrs. Thomas, 2 The Elms, Hereford road
Munn Mrs., 9 Westfield walk, Bargates
Nash Rev. Thomas (Baptist), Etnam st.
Newman Henry, Esq., 46 Etnam street
Newman Josiah, Esq., J.P. (for the borough and chairman of guardians of Leominster union), Buckfield house
Nixon Rev. J. Wannop (curate), Etnam st.
Norgrove Mr. Chas., The Firs, 72 Bargates
Page Mr. James, sen., South bank, Hereford road
Pentland Henry Thomas de Montarville, Esq., L.R.C.P., L.R.C.S., L.M., 32 Etnam street
Perry Mrs., 15 West street
Phillips William, Esq., 44 Ryelands road
Pickwell Rev. John (Primitive Methodist), 103 Bargates
Probert Mr. Thos., Mill cot., Etnam st.
Protheroe Wm., Esq., Lower ho., Ivington
Pyefinch Miss E., Copper hall, 184 South street
Quintin Mrs. Frances, 112 South street
Robinson Geo. Thos., Esq., 9 Church st.
Rogers Mr. John, 2 Grange cottages
Russell Mr. Edward, Hay lane
Sale Thos., Esq., The Forbury, Church st.
Sale William Thomas, Esq., Church street
Sampson Saml., Esq. (mayor), 4 Corn sq.
Saxby Mr. John James, The Hawthorns
Scammell Mr. Thomas, 19 Broad street
Slater Rev. George (incumbent of Free Church of England, Etnam street), Minera house, Hereford road
Smith Mr. Frederick, 26 Bridge street
Smith Mrs., Copper hall, 134 South street
Smith Rev. William Austin Sadler (Moravian), 51 South street
Southall Mrs. Ann, 143 Bargates
Southall Edwd. Prichard, Esq., Westlodge
Southall The Misses,The Farm, 1 Green la.
Stallard Thomas Bristow, Esq. (alderman), 26 Broad street
Stephens Mr. Henry, 1 Peel villas
Stephens Mr. Peter, 85 Etnam street
Stevenson Captain Charles Benjamin, J.P., D.L., Hennor house
Taylor Rev. John (Congregational), 67 South street
Taylor Rev. John Pierrepont, M.A. (curate of Eye, near Leominster), Townsend house
Taylor Mrs. M.W., Mount pleasant, 68 Bargates
Thomas Mrs. Bridget, Copper hall, South street
Thomas John, Esq., Cholstrey lodge
Timbury The Misses, 91 Etnam street
Toogood Mr. Thomas, Westgate house
Turner Mr. H., The Limes, Hereford rd.
Turner Mrs. Mary, 36 Etnam street
Vale The Misses Mary and Hannah, 10 Corn square
Vevers Mrs. M., Ivington park
Ward Richard, Esq., 30 Burgess street
Watling The Misses, 28 Burgess street
Weaver Mr. George, 38 Broad street
Wells Mrs. Jane, Light ho., 2 Bridge st.
West Mrs. Sarah, 2 Grange cottages
Weyman Miss Eliza, Stagbatch house
Williams Mrs., 8 Bridge street
Winnall Misses, Clarendon house, Church street
Wood Mr. George, 70 Bargates
Wood Daniel, Esq., Broadward
Wood Samuel, Esq., Broadward
Woodhouse Mr. Charles, Westbury house
Woodhouse Mrs. Frances, Westbury ho.
Woodhouse Mrs. George, Dutton house, 2 Etnam street
Woodhouse Mrs. James, 14 South street
Woodhouse Joseph Carpenter, Esq., 13 South street
Woodhouse Robert Hayling, Esq., J.P. (for the borough), 38 Etnam street
Woolfall Mr. Richard, Bargates
Yapp Mrs., The Laurels, 91 Bargates
Yapp Mrs. R.K., 24 Church street
Yeld Miss Ann, 22 Church street
A'Court F., supervisor of inland revenue, South street
ALEXANDERS & LOVERIDGE, manufacturing, furnishing, and general ironmongers; bar iron, steel, and oil and colour merchants; agricultural engineers, and manufacturers of implements, celebrated sheep racks and cow cribs, iron fencing, garden seats, nails, &c.; agents for all the principal makers of agricultural machines and implements; Lion ironworks, Broad street; and at Nos. 1 to 4 Cattle market, Hereford (see advertisement opposite commencement of Trades directory)
Alexander Samuel (firm of Alexanders & Loveridge), 15 Broad street
Alexander Samuel Joseph (firm of Alexanders & Loveridge), Ashfield
ANDERSON ALFRED, baker, confectioner, tobacconist, and licensed to let post horses, 27 West street
Anderson Sidney, gardener, 24 Burgess st.
Andrews C.D. & H., solicitors, Corn square; and at Tenbury
Andrews Charles Davis (firm of C.D. & H. Andrews), solicitor; commissioner to administer oaths in the supreme court of judicature; agent for the London Assurance Corporation fire and life office, Corn square
Andrews Henry (firm of C.D. & H. Andrews), solicitor, Corn square
Andrews Mr., frmr., Upper house, Ivington
Anthony John, shoemaker, 8 Rainbow st.
ASHLEY & CUTTING, wholesale and family grocers, cheese factors, and provision merchants; special wholesale agents for Spratt's dog biscuits, poultry food, &c., 2 Broad street and Burgess street (see advertisement page 18)
Ashley George (firm of Ashley & Cutting), agent for the Star life assurance office, 1 Church street
Bailey Joseph, farmer, Ford house
Bailey Mrs. Matilda, farmer and hop grower, Bank farm, Wharton
Baker Mrs. E., clothes dlr., 17 School la.
Baker & Smith, grcrs., &c., 23 Drapers' la.
Baker Richd., hosier and toy dealer, 43 High st.; and tobacconist, 39 High st.
Balls George W., coml. clerk, Priory ho.
Bannister Mrs. R., hosier, &c., 9 Bridge st.
BANNISTER THOMAS, clothier, hatter, and general outfitter; registrar of marriages and deputy registrar of births and deaths for Leominster district, Commerce house, 2 Church street, corner of Drapers' lane; and at 42 High street, Kington (see advt. p.13)
Barber Mrs. M.A., laundress, 9 Perseverance road
Barnett Samuel, M.R.C.S., L.; and L.S.A., surgeon, Brook house, 27 Broad street
Barrington George, boot and shoe maker, 41 Bridge street
Bateman Isaac, 41 Bargates
BAYLIS JOHN, family grocer, tea dealer, and provision merchant; agent for W. & A. Gilbey's wines and spirits, and for the Alton Court brewery company's ales, porter, and stout; dealer in Allsopp's Burton ale and Guinness's, Dublin stout, 3 and 5 Drapers' lane (see advertisement page 20)
BAZLEY JOHN, veterinary surgeon (member of the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons), 12 South street
Beaman John William, currier and leatherseller, 11 Broad street
Beard Henry, baker, 22 School lane
Bedford John, butcher, 14 High street
Bedford Joseph, maltster, corn factor, ale and porter dealer, 8 High street
BEDFORD THOS. JAMES, wholesale and retail tobacconist; sole proprtr. of the celebrated "Black Dog" tobacco, 3 High street and 4 Drapers' lane
Bedford Wm., frmr. & brick manufacturer, Corner Cop farm; brick works, Ebnal
BELLOW JOHN & SON, general ironmongers, bar, hoop; and sheet iron merchants, plumbers, braziers, iron and tin-plate workers, dealers in oils, colours, implements, seeds, &c., 26 High street (see advertisement page 6)
Bellow John (firm of Bellow & Son), 26 High st.; res., The Cottage, Kimbolton
Bellow John, jun. (firm of Bellow & Son), 26 High street
Berkeley William Rowland, agent for Mr. C. Mather, brewer, of Tewkesbury, 23 North road
Bevan Thos., frmr., &c., Upper Hyde farm
Biddle Jas., Chequers Inn, 61 Etnam st.
Birch William Edward, baker, 5 Bridge st.
Bird Mrs. Susannah, Three Horse Shoes, 15 Corn square, and 1 School lane
Blacklock George, manager of the Orphans' printing press, 10 & 12 Broad st.
Blackwell Charles Masters, reporter for the Hereford Times, 52 Etnam street
Bland James R., master of St. John's national school, Ivington
Blomer Charles, painter, decorator, &c., 13 West street
Blomer Richard, painter, glazier, paperhanger, and refreshment house, 16 Corn square
BLUNDELL CHARLES, Britannia brewery, brewer of ales, stout; and porter; also maltster, and coal and lime merchant; brewery, warehouses, and offices, 38 South street; depots for coal and lime at Leominster and other Railway stations; res., Elmley house (see advertisement pages 7 and 19)
Blundell Edwin, miller and corn merchant, Pinsley mills; res., Caswall house, Etnam street
Boneham John, grcr.'s assist., 39 Mill st.
BOUCHER WILLIAM ARMSTRONG, music warehouse and fancy repository, 16 Broad street; and at Shrewsbury and Ludlow
Boulton Mrs. G., lodgings, 6 Perseverance road
Boulton Richard Christopher, farmer and hop grower, Cholstrey
Boyce William Stewart, M.R.C.S., L.M., surgeon; medical officer to the dispensary, 4 Bridge street
Bradford Edward, tailor, 15 School lane
BRADFORD FREDERICK, saddler, and harness maker, 30 Broad street (see advertisement page 11)
Bradley Frederick Edward, cashier at National Provincial bank; agent for the Accident insurance company, limited, 13 Broad street
Bridges David,, earthenware hawker and dealer, 1 Burgess street
Bright Geo., shoema., &c., 18 School lane
Bright Wm. & Rd., butchers, 30 High st.
BRIMFIELD WILLIAM MORGAN, builder, contractor, and dealer in timber, and all kinds of building materials; agent for Leominster and district for the Herefordshire friendly society, 38 West St. (see advt. p.15)
BROWN & CAFFULL, linen and woollen drapers, funeral furnishers, and general sewing machine agents, 20 High street (see advertisement page 7)
Brown Jas. (Brown & Caffull), 20 High st.
Buckham John, chemist, 35 High street
Buckland John, tailor, 15 Drapers' lane
Buckley John, agent for Mr. Wm. Poole, coal, coke, lime, and building material merchant, &c., 89 Etnam street
Burgoyne Mrs. S., shopkpr., 19 School la.
Butland John, sergeant instructor of rifle corps, 37 Broad street
Caffull John William (firm of Brown & Caffull), Broad street
Caffull Miss Susannah, dressmaker, and agent for J. Vaughan, dyer, &c., of Hereford, 2 Vicarage street
Caldwell Thomas, cooper, Wharton
Callow Mr., assistant to Mrs. Davis, tallow chandler, 22 Broad street
Carter Ben., Blue Boar Inn, 21 Broad st.
Carwardine Joseph, farmer, hop grower, cattle dealer, and grazier, Cockcroft ho.
Carwardine Joseph, jun., farmer, Hay lane; res., Cockroft house
Castle James, law clerk, 10 Grange villas
CAVE EDWARD, plumber, glazier, painter, &c., 16 West street (see advertisement page 10)
Chambers Miss E., dressmaker, 37 Broad street
Child Geo., station master, Railway sta.
Christy John, Anchor Inn, 46 Bridge st.
Cleall Mrs. H., Broad street
Clewer Ann, laundress, Lower marsh
COATES RICHARD, tailor and outfitter, 5 Corn st. (see advt. page 15)
Colcomb Edwin, rlwy. insptr., 1 North rd.
Cole John, shoemaker, and agent for Sutton & Co., carriers, 29 Cranes lane
Coleman Edward Wm., frmr., Eaton hall
Coleman James, Prince of Wales Inn, fellmonger and leather dresser, 121 Bridge street
Coleman Joseph, fellmonger and glove manufacturer, 18 Bridge street
Colley Christr., Mortimerhouse, Bargates
COLLEY CHRISTOPHER, baker, grocer, and provision dealer; agent for the Bristol packet tea company, 60A Bargates and West street
Colley George, shopkeeper, 62 South st.
Colley Henry, farmer and hop grower, Marlbrook farm
Collins & Hammond, drapers, milliners, &c., 14 Drapers' lane and High street; and at 13 High town, Hereford
Collins William, hairdresser, perfumer, and fancy repository, 5 South street, Iron cross; and farmer, Old Fields and Ryelands farms
Connop Jas., friar., Noakes ct., Ivington
Cooke John, landowner, farmer, and hop grower, Upper Wintercott, Ivington; J.C. Proudman, Steward
Coulthard J.J., coml. clerk, 147 Bargates
COX JAMES (associate, prizeman, and member of the Royal College of Preceptors; author of "Home Lessons for Junior Pupils", &c.), boarding and day school for young gentlemen, Grange House academy (see advt. page 9)
COX JOSEPH, builder, undertaker, and borough surveyor, 1 Cox's buildings, Broad street
Coxall Samuel Lloyd, shoeing and jobbing smith, 39 and 41 Broad street
Crick John Henry, baker, &c., 8 West st.
Cross Robert, seedsman, &c., 5 High street
CROSS WILLIAM, hairdresser and perfumer, 14 West st. (see advt. p.16)
CRUNDELL W.J., watch and clock maker, jeweller, &c., 6 Broad street (see advertisement page 17)
CULLIS GEORGE, family grocer, tea dealer, Italian warehouseman, and provision merchant, 4 Corn street (see advertisement page 15)
Cullis John Bedford, butcher, 17 Corn sq.
Curtis Thomas, tailor, 5 Burgess street
CUTTING FREDERICK JAMES (firm of Ashley & Cutting), licensed grocers' valuer and accountant, 3 Broad street (see advertisement page 18)
Daggs William, manager of the Leominster branch of the Worcester City and County Banking Company, Limited; secretary to the Leominster and Kington Railway Company, and to the Leominster and Bromyard Railway Company; agent for the Phoenix fire and the Scottish Equitable life insurance offices, Corn square
Daniel A.H., tripe dresser, 7 School lane
Davenport George, cooper, 15 Bridge st.
Davies Mrs. Ann and Thomas Edward, farmers and hop growers, Chipps house, Ivington
Davies Miss A.A., lady superintendent of industrial home for girls, 7 Corn sq.
Davies James, harness maker, 7 Bargates
Davies James Henry, basket maker, and agent for the Hereford Journal, 16 Drapers' lane
Davies Joseph, painter, paperhanger, and confectioner, 41 High street
DAVIS DAVID FREDERICK, pharmaceutical chemist, 2 High street
Davis George, locksmith, &c., 57 Etnam street; res., 3 Pinsley road
Davis George, Cross Keys, 31 Bridge street
Davis Hy., basket maker and cane worker, Bridge street
DAVIS JOHN & SON, builders and timber merchants, The Vinery, 41 and 43 Etnam street
Davis Joseph John (firm of John Davis Son), 1 Grange cottages
DAVIS MRS. MARGARET, candle manufactory, and warehouse for composites, soap, blue, starch, soda, burning oils, brushes, brooms, &c., 32 High street (see advertisement page 12)
Davis Thos., locksmith, &c., 51 Etnam st.
Davis William John, surveyor of roads to the Leominster highway district, The Poplands
Devall Samuel, hat manufr., 24 West st.
Dickins Thos. J., parish clerk, The Priory
Dipple Mrs. Mary, furnished apartments, 87 Etnam street
Dobbs S., organist of the Priory church and teacher of music, Rainbow street
Downes Henry, blacksmith and wheelwright, Wharton
Drew Thomas, farm bailiff, Cholstrey
Dunn Alfred, shoemaker, Ivington
Durham Joseph, Hop Pole, 40 Bridge st.
Dykes Thomas, superintendent of county constabulary for Leominster and Wigmore division, Burgess street
Edwards Alfred (firm of Edwards & Weaver), 20 Etnam street
EDWARDS CHARLES, builder and contractor, Mill st. (see advt. page 8)
Edwards Henry Nicholas, farmer and drain-pipe manufacturer, Broadward
Edwards Mrs. Sarah, farmer and hop grower, Lower Wintercott, Ivington
EDWARDS & WEAVER, auctioneers, valuers, surveyors, accountants, estate, insurance, and general commission agents, Corn Exchange offices, Corn street; and at New Market st., Hereford (see advertisement page 9)
Edwards William, salesman for the Shrewsbury and Shropshire coal co., 44 Etnam street
ELLWOOD MICHAEL JOHN, operative and agricultural chemist, 25 Drapers' lane
Ensoll James, farmer, Townsend; res., Ebenezer cottage, 138 South street
Evans Ann, laundress, 1 Perseverance rd.
Evans Edward, grocer and provision dealer, 66 Bridge street
EVANS EDWARD JUSON, photographer, grocer, and tea dealer, 34 and 36 South street (see advt. page 14)
Evans Henry, greengrocer, 31 West st.
Evans James, tobacconist, 121 Etnam st.
Evans Rd., tailor & shopkpr., 11 Bargates
Farr Mrs. Eliz., milliner, 22 Drapers' Ia.
Fearnsides William Johnson (firm of Newman & Son), 14 Broad street
Fencott Mrs. Mary, frmr., &c., Eaton fm.
Field's Mercantile Company, Limited, coal merchants, &c., depot at Railway station; William Holder, District Agent; Joseph Wilkes, Salesman
Fletcher Samuel, farmer, Summergalls
Footitt Mrs. Ann, Bird in Hand, 44 Broad street
Foster James Northwood, leather dresser and glover, 47 Bargates
Franklin Henry, shopkeeper, 41 West st,
Freeman Mrs. Mary, shopkpr., 51 West st.
Freeman T., cooper and basket dealer, 3 West street
Frowd John Joyce, farmer and hop grower, Stretfordbury
FROYSELL THOMAS, family and wholesale grocer, corn and provision merchant; agent for the European and Colonial wine company, and for the Royal fire and life insurance company, 38 High st. (see advertisement page 11)
GAMMIDGE WILLIAM, drapers' valuer, silk mercer, linen and woollen draper, millineryand carpet warehouseman, 1 Broad street and 2 Burgess st.
Geaussent Stephen, sen., pianoforte tuner for Mr. W.A. Boucher, 16 Broad st.
GEAUSSENT WILLIAM JAMES, district agent for the Imperial fire and lifeinsurance companies; for the Ocean, Railway, and General Travellers' assurance company, limited; and for the Liberator Permanent building and investment society; 13 Church street (see advertisement page 5)
GEAUSSENT MRS. W.J., Berlin wool and general fancy goods establishment, 13 Church street
GEORGE EDWARD (the Executor of), foreign and English timber merchant, dealer in slates, tiles, and general building materials, 90 Etnam street (Edmund Smith, Salesman); and at Steam sawing mill, Canal wharf, Hereford; William A. Hill, Executor (see Hereford advertisements page 34)
Gillum Jn., beer. retlr. (Stores), Bargates
Godfrey Benjamin, farmer & hop grower, Brick house, Brierley
Golley J.G., schoolmaster, 101 Bargates
Goode Geo., ironmonger, &c., 36 High st.
Goode Samuel, farmer, Ivington Bury
Graves Thomas & Co., linen and woollen drapers and carpet warehousemen, 22 and 24 High street
Greenhouse Edward Harris, clothier, 2 West street
Greenhouse Geo., saddler, 153 Bargates
GREENHOUSE JAMES, saddler & harness ma., 9 West st. (see advt. p.17)
Greenhouse James Luggar, Berlin wool and fancy repository, 29 High street
Gregg Edwin, solicitor; clerk to the guardians of Leominster union and to the rural sanitary authority; superintendent registrar of births deaths, and marriages; clerk to the Stoke Prior school board; offices, 9 Broad street, and at the Union workhouse
Gregg Mrs. Sarah, farmer, Broad house, North road
Griffiths Henry, shoema., 109 Etnam st.
Griffiths James, boot and shoe maker, 2 and 7 South street
Griffiths James, wheelwright, builder, and farmer, Aulden, Ivington
Griffiths Wm., farmer & hop gr., Brierley
Grubb W., basket ma., &c., 10 School la.
GUNNELL EDWARD, importer of foreign wines and spirits, and sole agent in Leominster for John Jameson & Son's Irish whisky; sole consignee for Guinness & Co.'s Dublin stout, and dealer in Bass & Co.'s and Allsopp & Sons' Burton ales, office, 6 Church street; retail vaults, 1 High street and 2 Drapers' lane (see advt. page 6)
Gurney Hy., shopkpr., 56 Middle Westbury
Hales Mrs. Mary, general dlr., 45 Bridge st.
Hammond Mr. (firm of Collins & Hammond), 15 Church street
Hancox Thomas, haulier, 97 Bridge st.
Hardwick Saml, shopkeeper, 90 South st.
Harford William, ironmongers' assistant, Etnam street
Hargreaves Abraham, inland revenue officer, 47 Etnam street
Harper James, baker and confectioner, 13 Drapers' lane
Harper John, hat manufactr., 8 Corn st.
Harper Mrs. Louisa, milliner, dressmaker, &c., 28 Broad street
Harris George, coal agent, 51 Bargates
Harris George, shopkeeper, 73 Etnam st.
Harris John, shopkeeper, 10 New street
Harris John, butcher, 25 Bridge street
Harris W., boot & shoe ma., 79 Bargates
Hart George, hairdresser and perfumer, 8 Broad street
Hayes Richd., boys' school, 26 Church st.
Haynes J., cooper and basket dealer, 19 West street
Hill Henry, cheese and bacon" factor, 18 High street
Hill John Roberts, veterinary surgeon, M.R.C.V.S., 55 Bargates
Hill Mrs., lodgings, 58 South street
Hill Mrs. Sarah, laundress, 12 Priory
Hill William, mason and shopkeeper, 22 Burgess street
HINE JAMES, builder and surveyor, 56 Broad st.; res., Corve st., Ludlow
Hinton George, farmer, The Rugg
Hinton Geo. Felton, farmer, 65 South st.
Hogg Thomas, woodward, Marlbrook
Holland Jn. Rd., grocer, &c., 36 West st.
Holland Mrs. Mary Ann, farmer and dairy keeper, Longfield, Baron's cross
Holmes Fredk., cabinet ma., 12 West st.
Holmes Henry, cabinet maker, 10 Corn st.
Holmes J., rope maker, Lower Buckfield
Holmes Jn., upholsterer, &c., 14 Bridge st.
Holmes Valentine Webb, manager of the Leominster branch of the National Provincial bank of England; agent for the Life Association of Scotland and for the Westminster fire office, 13 Broad street; res., Southfield, Hereford road
Hudson Misses, ladies' school, 42 Broad st.
Hyde William Edward, M.R.C.S., surgeon, 16 Church street
Irvine James, estate agent to the trustees of the Right Hon. Lord Rodney (Berrington hall); res., The Poplands
James George, foreman, Grange walk
Jay John, stonemason, 6 Bargates
Jenkins Benjamin, outfitter, tailor, and draper, 7 High street and 8 Drapers' lane; res., 36 Burgess street
Jenkins Edward, tailor and fishing tackle dealer, 19 Drapers' lane
Johnson Geo., superintendent of borough police, and inspector of weights and measures and common lodging houses, Borough gaol, New street
Johnson Samuel W., accountant, Corn sq.
Jones Edward W., master of National school, Almsbury close
Jones George, miller, Bridge street mill
Jones Jesse, clothes and coal dealer, 53 Bridge street
JONES JOSEPH S., rope, twine, net, and waterproof cover manufacturer, 6 Corn street; rope walk, Bridge st.
JONES ROBERT, portrait and landscape photographer, and picture frame manufacturer, 36 Broad street (see advertisement page 12)
JUSON JOHN, baker and confectioner, 49 Bridge street
Kinnersley William Isaac, farmer and landowner, Dishley court
Knight Joseph, shoemaker, Etnam street
Lane Geo., farmer and haulier, Ivington
Lane John, grocer, &c., 24 Drapers' lane
Langford John, wine, spirit, ale, and porter merchant, 4 Broad street
Lawrence Mrs. Ann, laundress, 4 Westbury street
Lawrence Mrs., dressmaker, 96 South st.
Leominster and Kington Railway Company, and Leominster and Bromyard Railway Company, offices, 8 Corn square; William Daggs, Esq., Secretary
LEWIS ALFRED, family grocer, tea dealer, provision and cheese factor; agent for H.R. Williams & Co., importers of wines and spirits, 4 High street (see advertisement page 8)
Lewis George, butcher, 45 High street
LEWIS THE MISSES, dressmakers and milliners, 4 Church street
Lewis Thos., cabinet ma., &c., 7 Mill st.
Lewis Thomas, butcher, 29 West street
Lewis William, farmer, 46 Broad street; and at Scatterbrain farm, Eyton, near Leominster
LLOYD EDWARD, confectioner, fancy bread and biscuit baker, dining and refreshment rooms, 1 South street (see advertisement page 12)
Lloyd Edwin, solicitor; treasurer of the borough; clerk to the commissioners of land and income taxes for Leominster and Leominster borough divisions; com. to administer oaths in the supreme court of judicature; perpet. com.; 28 and 30 South street
LLOYD THOMAS, currier and leather merchant, 18 Corn square & Etnam st.
LOCKETT JEREMIAH, White Lion Inn, 133 Etnam street
LODGE JAMES, tanner and currier; agent for the West of England manure company, 71 Bridge street; and Abergavenny
Loveridge Thomas (firm of Alexanders & Loveridge), 34 Etnam street
LUCAS FRANCIS, Talbot Commercial Hotel, 5 West street (see advt. page 16)
LUDWICK THOMAS, coach builder, 31 South street (see advt. page 16)
Luscott Mrs. Ann, Black Swan, 33 West st.
Mapp Wm. (Roberts & Mapp), Corn sq.
Mapp William, White Hart, 10 West st.
Marshall Thomas, farmer, Colaba lodge
Mason Miss Mercy Maria, mistress of girls' national school, Almsbury close
Mason Thomas, shopkeeper, 95 Bridge st.
Mason William, relieving officer for No. 1 district of Leominster union, registrar of births and deaths, and vaccination officer for Bodenham district, 6 Bridge street
Mattey Mrs. Eliza, Bridge Inn, and grocer, &c., 3 Bridge street
Matthews Richard, furniture broker and clothes dealer, 3 School lane
Maund Wm. Cope, miller, Cholstrey mill
Meredith Jonathan, farmer, Wharton crt.
Merrick Mrs. P., laundress, 110 Bridge st.
Miles Frederick John, assistant to Mr. J.T. Southall, draper, 56 Etuam street
MILES RICHARD REES, general brass and iron founder, millwright, machinist, engineer, and maker and dealer in agricultural implements, Leominster foundry, 42 West street (see advertisement page 9)
MILES WILLIAM, linendraper, milliner, hosier, haberdasher, &c., 9 and 11 High street
Minton Henry, boot and shoe maker, 32 Broad street
Monnington Thomas, Greyhound Inn, Rainbow street
Moore Henry, solicitor; coroner for the county (Leominster district); clerk to the borough magistrates and to the county magistrates for Leominster division; clerk to the lieutenancy for Leominster division; clerk to the Leominster district highway board; steward of the manor of Burton; com. to administer oaths in the supreme court of judicature; perpet. com.; offices, 5 and 6 Corn square; res., The Grange
Morris James Davies, collector for gas co., and agent for manures, 9 South st.
Morris Mrs. J.D., millinery, dress, mantle, & baby linen establishment, 9 South st.
Morris John, bankers' clerk, 139 Bargates
Moyle Benedicta, dressmaker, 5 Mill st.
Moyle Samuel, woolstapler, 56 Bridge st.
Mytton George Edward, draper, Drapers' lane; res., 32 West street
Mytton Miss, dressmaker, 32 West street
Nash Thomas William, dyer and cleaner, 48 Etnam street
NATIONAL PROVINCIAL BANK OF ENGLAND (BRANCH OF), draw on the head offices of the National Provincial Bank of England, Bishopsgate street, corner of Threadneedle street; London, E.C.; bank hours 10 till 3, on market and fair days 10 till 4, on Saturdays 10 till 1; Valentine Webb Holmes, Esq., Manager, 13 Broad street
NEAL WILLIAM, cabinet maker, upholsterer, and general house furnisher; licensed to let horses and carriages for hire; hay and straw merchant, dealer in game, and wholesale manufacturer of wrought-iron nails, pattens, &a; 16 South street and 2 Westbury street; and boot and shoe dealer, 18 South street; res., 22 South street (see advertisement page 4)
NEWMAN & SON, wholesale and family grocers, tea dealers, and provision merchants, 14 Broad street
Newman Henry Stanley, honorary secretary to the Orphan homes and to the Orphans' printing press, also to the Leominster tract association, 14 Broad st.
Nicholls Rd. Crowe, watchma., South st.
Nicholls William, refreshment house and beer retailer, 15 High street
Norgrove Chas., farmer, The Firs, Bargates
Nutt Miss M., dressmaker, 130 South st.
Oliver Thomas, boot & shoe maker, Mill st.
ORPHANS' PRINTING PRESS, 10 and 12 Broad street; printing,bookselling, and stationery warehouse; depot of the British and Foreign bible society, and of the Leominster tract association; Henry Stanley Newman, Hon. Sec.; Geo. Blacklock, Manager
Ovens Mrs. Charlotte, Bell Inn, Etnam st.
Owen Mrs. Eliza, laundress, 6 The Priory
OWENS JOHN, coach builder, 26 West street (see advertisement page 10)
Page Henry, saddler, &c., 12 Corn street
PAGE JAMES & SON, builders and contrcs., 114 South st. (see advt. p.14)
Page James, sen. (firm of Page & Son), South bank, 3 Hereford road
Page James, jun. (firm of Page & Son), 114 South street
Page Richard, dairyman, 35 West street
Page & Son, painters, &c., 21 West st.
PALMER HENRY PHILLIPS, practical watch & clock maker, jeweller &c., 18 Drapers' lane (see advt. p.21)
Palmer John, fruit dlr., &c., 18 West st.
Parker Mrs., tailor & draper, 33 High st.
Parsons Henry, manager of gas works, Broad street
Pearce William, tailor, 26 Etnam street
Pember James, farmer, Widgeon hill
Pentland Henry Thomas de Montarville, L.R.C.P., L.R.C.S., L.M., surgeon; medical officer of health to the urban sanitary authority; surgeon to Leominster union house, and to No. 1 district; public vaccinator; 32 Etnam st.
Perry John, fruiterer, 11 New street
Perry William, farmer, St. Oswald's farm, Cholstrey (Thomas Drew, bailiff); and at Monkland
PHILLIPS WILLIAM, wholesale and retail dealer in London, Birmingham, Sheffield, and foreign goods, haberdashery, stationery, boots, shoes, &c., 4 West street; res., 44 Ryelands road (see advertisement page 10)
PHILLIPS JOHN CARTER, house and sign decorator, painter, glazier, and paperhanger, 30 West street (see advertisement page 16)
Philpotts Wm., blacksmith, Stretfordbury
Poole William, coal, coke, lime, timber, and building material merchant, and agent for artificial manures, depot at Railway sta.; office, 89 Etnam st. (John Buckley, Agent); and at 22 Widemarsh st., Hereford (see Hereford advts. p.53)
Poulton Joseph S., shoema., 20 Burgess st.
Poulton Wm., shoemaker, 19 Burgess st.
POULTON WILLIAM, painter,glazier, gilder, and paperhanger, 21 Drapers' lane (see advertisement p.13)
Poulton Mrs. William, china, glass, and earthenware warehouse, 21 Drapers' lane (see advertisement page 13)
Powell John, mlnr. and hatter, 19 High st.
Pratt Mrs. H., boot & shoe dlr., 37 High st.
Preece George, shopkeeper, 63 Etnam st.
Preece Jane, shopkeeper, 16 Burgess st.
Preece Mrs. M.A., upholsteress, New st.
Preece Thomas, machinist, agricultural implement manufacturer and dealer, 43 West street
PRICE SAMUEL, linen and woollen draper, silk mercer, hatter, &c., 34 High street
Price Mrs., dressmaker, South street
Price Mrs. Sarah, lndrss., 23 Hereford rd.
Pritchard James, Bull's Head, 48 West st.
Pritchard Jas., pig jobber, 35 Dishley st.
Pritchard John, cot. farmer, Baron's cross
Pritchard Samuel, agent for the London and North-Western railway company, 30 Etnam street
Pritchard Thos., Elephant and Castle Inn, and farmer, 6 West street
Prosser Oliver, White Horse, 39 West st.
Prosser Francis, painter, &c., 55 Etnam st.
Prosser Samuel, Radnorshire Arms, and haulier, 85 Bargates
Prosser Walter, Crown and Sceptre, and dairyman, 22 Bridge street
PROSSER WILLIAM, baker, confectioner, &c., 49 Etnam street
Prosser William, shopkeeper and plumber, 47 Bridge street
Prothero Thomas, dairyman and farmer, Vine cottage, Bridge street
Protheroe William, farmer, Lower house, Ivington
Proudman J.C., farmer and steward for Mr. John Cooke, Upper Wintercott, Ivington
Pugh George, boot & shoe maker, High st.
Pugh George, son., boot and shoe maker, 33 Etnam street
Pugh Henry, stone mason, Bargates
Purcell Thomas, cattle dealer, South st.
Quintin Henry Jas., artist, 112 South st.
Radnor Thos., butcher and dlr., 3 Corn st.
Ravenhill Thomas, butcher, 51 Bridge st.
Reynolds Charles, White Swan, Etnam st.
Reynolds Mrs. Mary, farmer, Hyde Ash
Ricketts James, shopkeeper, 114 Bridge st.
Ridley John Valentine, baker, 48 South st.
Roberts George, cottage farmer, Ebnal
ROBERTS & MAPP, carriage manufacturers, South st. (see advt. page 14)
Roberts John (Roberts & Mapp), 72 South street
Robinson George Thomas, solicitor; registrar and high bailiff of the county court; clerk to the urban sanitary authority; perpetual commissioner for taking acknowledgments of married women; commissioner to administer oaths in the supreme court of judicature; agent for the Conservative registration association for Leominster district; agent for the Liverpool and London and Globe fire and life insurance co., 9 Church street
Robinson Henry, shopkeeper, 27 Bridge street
Roebotham Jas., sta. master, Ford statn.
ROGERS JOHN, brick, tile, and drainpipe manufacturer; dealer in all kinds of sanitary pipes, blue bricks, Broseley tiles, &c., and coal merchant, Lower Buckfield; res., 2 Grange cottages
ROSS HENRY, boot and shoe manufacturer, 26 Drapers' lane; res., New street (see advertisement page 15)
Ross Wm., accountant, collector of poor rates for the borough of Leominster, and agent to the Reliance life assurance society, 9 New street
Sale & Son, solicitors, The Forbury
Sale Thomas (firm of Sale & Son), solicitor; town clerk; clerk to the trustees of Leominster and Ledbury, and Presteigne turnpike roads; perpetual com. for taking acknowledgments of married women; com. to administer oaths in the supreme court of judicature, The Forbury, Church street
Sale William Thomas (firm of Sale& Son), solicitor, The Forbury
SAMPSON SAMUEL, auctioneer, valuer, estate, house, insurance, and emigration agent, 4 Corn square; and 69 Newmarket street, Hereford (see advertisement page 13)
Sargeaut Mrs. Ann, King's Head, 4 South street
Savigar Mrs., dressmaker, 111 Etnam st.
Savigar William, foreman for Mr. W.. Bedford, brick manufacturer (Ebnoll), Dishley street
Savings Bank, Burgess street; Mr. George Weaver, Actuary
SAXBY CHARLES JAMES, book and music seller, printer, binder, stationer, newsagent, circulating library, and sub-distributor of stamps; agent for the South Wales Atlantic steam ship company, and for the Dominion steam ship company; Stamp office, 13 High street
Saxby John James & Sons, tea dealers and family grocers, 1 West street, corner of South street
Saxby Frederick George (firm of J.J. Saxby & Sons), 1 West street
Saxby Henry Lee (firm of J.J. Saxby & Sons), 40 Burgess street
Saxby John James, agent to the Sun fire and life insurance co., The Hawthorns
Scammell T., surgeon dentist, 19 Broad st.
Scandrett John, tailor, &c., 1 Corn street
Seaborn Francis, inspector of nuisances under the urban sanitary authority, 90 Bridge street
Seaborn Francis, carpenter, 90 Bridge st.
Seaborn John, Golden Cross, 49 West st.
SEAGER MRS. ELIZABETH, fishmonger,dealer ingame, poulterer, fruit, potato, and ice merchant, 31 High st., 28 Drapers' lane, and 25 and 27 Etnam street; and at 10 Bull ring, Ludlow (see advertisement page 21)
SEAGER HENRY, fish salesman, herring curer, fruit and potato merchant, 9 Drapers' lane
Seal John, farm bailiff, Colaba lodge
Shank Mrs. Jane, apartments, 40 Broad street
SHARP D.F. & CO., wool merchants, woolstaplers, and fellmongers, Ink mills and 92 South street
Sheen Mrs. Eliza, cottage farmer and cider retailer, Ivington
Shinn Walter, Pheasant Inn, and fruit dealer, 48 Bridge street
Shrewsbury General Hide, Skin, Fat, Wool, Hair, Rag, Metal, and Bone Stores, 115 Etnam street; Andrew Smith; broker, Bridge st., Shrewsbury
Shrewsbury and Shropshire Coal Company, coal and lime merchants, depot at Rlwy. sta.; Wm. Edwards, Salesman
Smith Alfred, hay merchant and licensed victualler, 75 Etnam street
Smith Benjamin, baker, 44 Bridge street
Smith Edmund, salesman for the Executor of the late E. George, timber merchant, &c. (of Hereford), 90 Etnam st.
Smith Mrs. E., shopkeeper, 9 School lane
Smith George, butcher and farmer, 17 Etnam street
Smith Henry, butcher, 20 Drapers' lane
SMITH THOMAS, family grocer, tea dealer, Italian warehouseman, and provision merchant, Assam tea warehouse, 25 High street (see advertisement)
Smith Thomas, shopkeeper, 35 Etnam st.
Smith William, mayor's beadle, town crier, and bill poster; superintendent of the fire brigade; keeper of the Townhall and Corn exchange, 68 South st.
Smith William C., butcher and dairyman, School lane
SOUTHALL JOHN TERTIUS, linen and woollen draper, silk mercer, funeral furnisher, and carpet warehouseman, 27 Drapers' lane, 1 Corn square, and 20 Corn exchange
SPENCER RICHARD, Royal Oak Family and Commercial Hotel, Posting House, and Inland Revenue Office, South street corner of Etnam street
Spragg Miss Elizabeth, wine and spirit vaults, 12 High street
Stafford William R., Pinsley vil., Grange
STALLARD THOMAS BRISTOW, importer and wholesale wine and spirit merchant; agent for J., W., & J.V. Stallard's Worcester ales, Allsopp & Sons', and other Burton ales, and Watkins & Co.'s Dublin stout, 26 Broad street
Stanway William, wine and spirit merchant, 11 South street
Stanton Edward, Baron's Cross Inn
Steele William, general smith, Ivington
Taylor Thomas John, jewel case maker, 97A Bridge street
TEW GEORGE, grocer and provision dealer; agent for Thorley's food for cattle, and for fire and life insurance, 16 High street
Thomas Chas., Bowling Green, 74 South st.Thomas Charles, butcher, 5 School lane
Thomas Harley Jas., frmr., Old Stagbatch
Thorns David, shopkeeper, 44 West st.
Tillam Mrs. Mary, dressma., 97 Bargates.
Timbury The Misses, boarding school for young gentlemen, 91 Etnam street
TOMBS MATTHEW, family and dispensing chemist, and dealer in agricultural seeds, &c., 21 High street
Tomkins Thomas, watch and clock maker, 7 West street
Toogood Thomas, agent for Proctor Ryland's artificial manures, Westgate house
Trumper Elizabeth, beer retailer, 30 Bridge street
TUNES ABRAHAM, contractor, brick, tile, and drain-pipe manufacturer, and beer retlr., Baron's cross
Turner William, assistant to Mr. J.T. Southall (draper), 34 West street
Urry Miss M.A., mistress of infant national school, Almsbury close
Vale William, farmer and hop grower, Buckfield farm; res., 35 South street
Vaughan George, New Inn, Burgess st.
Vaughan Richard, cattle dealer, Jenkins' buildings, Etnam street
Vernals B., carpenter and pump maker, 23 West street
Vevers Mrs. M., farmer, Ivington park
Wainwright Humphrey, farmer,; New Town cottage
WALL WILLIAM, atmospheric bell hanger, locksmith, gas and water fitter, cooking range manufacturer, plumber, &c., Providence works, 27 South street (see advertisement page 17)
Wanklin Edwin, agent for the Prudential assurance company, Mill street
Ward Richard, solicitor, 30 Burgess st.
WATKINS GEORGE, grocer, baker, corn, flour, and provision_ dealer, 23 Broad street
Weaver Charles, master at Union workhouse, The Priory
Weaver Francis, shopkeeper, 55 Mill st.
Weaver Mrs. F., straw bonnet maker, 25 West street
Weaver George (firm of Edwards & Weaver), secretary to gas company; secretary to corn exchange company; actuary of savings bank; agent for the Britannia fire and the Briton life insurance companies, Corn Exchange offices; res., 38 Broad street
WEAVER ISAAC, boot and shoe maker, 28 West street
Weaver John, baker, confectioner, and wine vaults (Bakers' Arms), 3 Church st.
WEAVER & SON, boot and shoe manufacturers, Market place and 1 Drapers' lane (see advt. page 8)
WEBB THOMAS, millinery, French flower, ribbon, baby linen, and ladies' outfitting warehouse, 5 Broad street
Wells Mrs. Jane, ladies' boarding and day school, Light house, 2 Bridge street
WELLS W.W., assistant district superintendent to the Prudential assurance company, 66 Etnam street
Welaby William, yeast dlr., 67 Bridge st.
WENT MRS. HARRIET, public library, printer, bookseller, stationer, general news, advertising, emigration, and insurance agent; depot of the Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge and of the National society; registry office for servants, 10 South street (see advertisement page 14)
Went Paris Francis, printer, South street; res., 83 Etnam street
Went Heath, sub-bailiff of the county court, 10 South street
WEST MISS ELIZA, Berlin wool and fancy repository, 2 Corn street
West Joseph Wm., chemist, 10 High st.
Weyman Miss Eliza, frmr., Stagbatch ho.
Whettall Henry, shopkeeper, 35 Broad st.
White Jno., haulier & coal dlr., 33 Broad st.
WHITE JOHN ARCHER, tailor, draper, and hatter, 23 High street
White Joseph, solicitor, office, 18 Corn square; res., Wye Vale villas, Hereford
Wilding Henry A., clothier, Corn square
Wilkes Jas., ironmonger, &c., 6 High st.
Wilkes Mrs. M.H., milliner, 6 High st.
Wilkes Joseph, salesman for Field's Mercantile company, limited, Bridge street
Williams Edwin Alfred, banker's clerk, Mount villa, Green lane
Williams Hy., manager at Working men's club and refreshment rooms, Burgess st.
Williams James, shopkeeper, Ivington
WILLIAMS JOHN, marine store, glass and earthenware, and general dealer, 19 Bridge street
Williams John H., compositor, 95 Bargates
Williams Wm., shoemaker, 14 School la.
Wilson Geo., chimney sweeper, 43 New st.
Winnall The Misses, ladies' boarding and day school, Clarendon house, 14 Church street
WITCOMB ALFRED, family grocer and Italian warehouseman; agent for W. & A. Gilbey's wines and spirits, for Allsopp & Sons' Burton ales, and for Guinness's Dublin stout, 28 High street; stores, South street (see advertisement page 12)
Wood Mrs. Sarah, lodging house, 45 Etnam street
WOOD WILLIAM FREDERICK, practical watch and clock maker, jeweller, and optician, 17 Drapers' lane (see advertisement page 13)
Woodhouse Joseph Carpenter, solicitor; steward of the manor of Huntington (Kington); agent for the Law Union fire and life insurance company; office, 17 West street; res., 13 South street
Woodhouse Robert Hayling, hop and seed merchant, South street; res., 38 Etnam street
Woolfall Richard, maltster, Etnam street; res., Bargates
WOOLLEY JOHN, postmaster, bookseller, stationer, printer, binder, newsagent, and dealer in paperhangings; registrar of births, deaths, and marriages for Leominster district; agent for the Standard life assurance company, Post and Telegraph office, 18 Broad street
Woolley Mrs. J., registry office, Broad st.
WORCESTER CITY AND COUNTY BANKING COMPANY, LIMITED (BRANCH OF), draw on the London Joint Stock Bank, 5 Princes street, London, E.C.; bank hours 10 till 3, on market and fair days 10 till 4, on Saturdays 10 till 1; William Daggs, Esq., Manager, Corn square
Wormington Mrs. Elizabeth, Golden Lion Inn, 69 Bridge street
Wrigglesworth Frederick, accountant, registry office, and dining rooms, 31 Broad street
Wynde George, shoemaker, 43 Bridge st.
Yapp Miss Beatrice, stationer and newsagent, 11 West street
Yapp Edward, butcher, &c., 3 South st.
Yates Joseph, accountant to J.H. Arkwright, Esq., Marlbrook
OCR/Transcription by Rosemary Lockie in June 2005.