BUCKTON AND COXALL comprises a township in Herefordshire, but
belonging to the parish of Bucknell, Salop. It is distant 7 miles E. of
Knighton, 27 N.W. of Hereford, and about 2 from Bucknell station on
the Central Wales railway; in Wigmore hundred, petty sessional division,
and polling district, Knighton union and county court district. The
population of the township in 1861 was 168; in 1871, 172; inhabited
houses, 33; families or separate occupiers, 33; area, 1,430 acres; annual
rateable value, £1,666. The soil is loamy; subsoil, sandy; chief produce,
wheat, barley, roots, &c. Coxall Knoll camp was the last post occupied
by the gallant Caractacus. Its form is irregular, but somewhat approaching
to the section of an ellipsis; within the works, and on the banks,
grow some fine old oaks. It is situated about 1 mile N. from Brampton
Brian park.