Buckton and Coxall, Herefordshire

Extract from Littlebury's Directory and Gazetteer of Herefordshire, 1876-7
with Private and Commercial Residents

Transcribed by Rosemary Lockie, © Copyright 2002

BUCKTON AND COXALL comprises a township in Herefordshire, but belonging to the parish of Bucknell, Salop. It is distant 7 miles E. of Knighton, 27 N.W. of Hereford, and about 2 from Bucknell station on the Central Wales railway; in Wigmore hundred, petty sessional division, and polling district, Knighton union and county court district. The population of the township in 1861 was 168; in 1871, 172; inhabited houses, 33; families or separate occupiers, 33; area, 1,430 acres; annual rateable value, £1,666. The soil is loamy; subsoil, sandy; chief produce, wheat, barley, roots, &c. Coxall Knoll camp was the last post occupied by the gallant Caractacus. Its form is irregular, but somewhat approaching to the section of an ellipsis; within the works, and on the banks, grow some fine old oaks. It is situated about 1 mile N. from Brampton Brian park.

POSTAL REGULATIONS.- Letters are received through Leintwardine, which is the nearest money order and telegraph office. Letters should be addressed - Buckton (or Coxall), Leintwardine, R.S.O., Herefordshire.
(None listed)
Davies John, farmer and timber dealer
Galliers Mrs., farmer, Buckton park
Longmore John, frmr., Lower ho., Buckton
Longmore Thomas J., farmer, Buckton
Rogers Thomas, farmer, Coxall

OCR/Transcription by Rosemary Lockie in September 2002.

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