Notes from a Peakland Parish

An Account of the Church and Parish of Hope in the County of Derby,
by William Smith Porter (1923)

Transcribed by Rosemary Lockie, © Copyright 1999-2000

Chapter VII.

As entered separately in the Churchwardens' Book from 1686 to 1722.

A BRIEF, generally called the King's Brief, was a writ (Breve) from the Privy Council, not from the Bishop, ordering collections to be made for specific objects such as building churches to replace those destroyed by fire, relieving suffering by fire, refugees, “suffering Protestants abroad” etc. The Brief was generally read in Church. The collection seems often to have been made from house to house. A considerable number were for losses by fire.

(After the first two entries the repetition of the introductory wording of the entries and of the names of the vicar and Churchwardens is avoided here. The lists of vicars and Churchwardens previously given supply the names of the latter under each successive year. The first three entries should be read 1685-86, in accordance with the division into Legal and Historical Year then existing).

  £ :s :d 
January 3. 1685. Collected in the Parish Church of Hope by virtue of a Letters Patent for Sicklinghall in ye West Riding in ye county of York ye sume of two shillings and sixpence026 
February 7. 1685. Collected in the parish Church of Hope by virtue of a Letters Patent for Kirk Santon & other villages in Cumberland the sume of three shillings by us: Will: Browne, vic: de Hope. Thomas Eyre, Churchwarden.030 

[Page 100]

  £ :s :d 
March 7th 1685. Collected etc... for Beaminster in ye County of Dorset the sume of four shillings & three pence, by us etc 043 
June 6th 1686. Collected etc... for the French Protestants the sume of four pounds seven shillings & two pence halfepenny by us etc...472½
October 29. 1686. Collected etc... for Hereford the sume of two shillings and sixpence by us etc...026 
1689 Collected etc... for reliefe of the Irish Protestants the sume of one pound seventeen shillings and three pence by us etc...1173 
1689 Collected etc... for Bungay in the County of Suffolk by us etc...0410 
April 24th 1690. Collected etc... for ye Irish Protestants by us etc...092 
April 30th 1690. Collected etc... for St. Ives by us etc...008 
May 8th 1690. Collected etc... for New Alresford by us008 
June 28th 1690. Collected etc... for Losse by fire in ye p'ish of St. George in Southwark by us0610 
June 29th 1690. Collected etc... for East Smithfield by us etc031 
Jul 13th 1690. Collected etc for Bishops Lavington by us etc...036 
Novemb 30th 1690. Collected etc... for James Brindle of Blackburn Lancashire by us etc...020 
April 19. 1691. Collected etc... for Teignmouth & Shaldon by us062½
May 31st 1691. Collected etc... for Morpeth by us etc.024 
Aug 21st 1691. Collected etc... for Thursk by us etc.026 
Mar 25th 1692. Collected etc... for Tinmouth by us etc...062½
April 16th 1692. Collected etc... for Oswestry by us etc...016 

[Page 101]

  £ :s :d 
April 16th 1692. Collected etc... for Casualties at sea by us etc...026 
Aug 4. 1692. Collected etc... for Mont Sorrel by us etc...010 
Septemb 11. 1692. Collected etc... for Chagford by us etc063 
Septemb 25. 1692. Collected etc... for Havant by us etc...020 
Octob 16. 1692. Collected etc... for Elsworth by us etc...023 
Octob 30. 1692. Collected etc... for Peter Ditchfield by us etc...021 
Jan 15. 1692/3. Collected etc... for Druridge by us etc015½
Mar. 12. 1692/3. Collected etc... for Leadbury by us etc... 016¾
July 2. 1693. Collected etc... for Losse by fire in Hedon. Concomitant wth. yt. for ye Redemption of captives by us etc...039¾
Jan 4th 1693. Collected etc.. for Losse by fire at Churchill in ye County of Oxon.021½
December 9th. 1694. Collected etc. for Losse by fire at Yalding in ye County of Kent.020 
February 3rd. 1694/5. Collected etc... for Wooler in ye County of Northumberland.020 
February 24th. 1694/5. Collected etc for Nether Haven & Middleton in Wiltshire026 
Octob 7th 1695. Delivered in Five Collected Briefes at ye Visitation then at Bakewell & ye money collected by vertue of ye said Briefes, viz:    
 A Briefe for the French Protestants056 
 A Briefe for York026 
 A Briefe for Grantester in Cambridgeshire020 
 A Briefe for Rockerdine in Shropshire016 
 A Briefe for Warwick0113¾

[Page 102]

  £ :s :d 
March 9th 98. Collected etc... for losse by fire at Litchfield in ye County of Stafford the sume of016 
April ye 16: 1699. Collected etc... the summ of, by us the day & year above sd., by vertue...093½
Septemb 1700. Collected etc...    
 for Berrels brief ye sum of013 
 for Barmondsey brief ye sum of017 
 for Eley brief ye sum of by us etc...0110 
Octob: 21: 1700. Pd. to ye brief for ye captives by us ye sum of0102½
Deliver'd in at ye Visitation at Bakewell April ye 22nd 1706 these following briefs & these following sums to wit:    
 8br 21st 1705. Beverly Church032 
 9br 4th 1705. Rich: Harrison & others, sufferers by fire at Merriden ye County of Warwick0010 
 9br 18th 1705. Bradmore loss by fire0010 
 Decembr. 2nd. 1705. Rich: Davies etc loss by fire010 
 Xbr. 6th. 1705. All Saints Church in Oxford, being much damnified by the fall of its steeple upon it053 
 Xbr. 16th 1705. Jon Bainton etc loss by fire008 
 Xbr 23rd 1705. Samuel Allen etc loss by fire009 
 March 19th 1705. At Iniskilling (loss by fire) in Ireland, this last not returned last time by us etc...049 
 In all     0173 

[Page 103]

  lb :s :d 
Delivered in at ye Visitation at Bakewell 8br ye 7th 1706 these following briefs & these following sums viz:    
 Darlington Church June 16: 1706.022½
 June 30th. 1706. Basford Church025 
 July 14th. 1706. Morgans Lane Southwark027 
 Aug 4th. 1706. Chatteris in ye Isle of Ely019 
 Aug 25th 1706. Great Torrington013 
 by us etc     In all     0102½


Recd. these Briefs as followeth, viz 1708. s :d 
 1. May ye 30th 1708 & Collected June 6th Lisburne in Ireland whose loss was 31770lb. & upwards ye sum of 32 
 & I delivered it wth ye moneys ye same day to Geo: Burrows, Churchwarden    
 2. Bewdly in ye County of Worcester loss by fire 1384lb: 4s. & upwards, recd. May 30th, collected June 13th & then read & returned to Geo: Burrows, Churchwarden ye sum of 41½
 3. June 27th. 1708. Wincanton in ye County of Somerset 2930lb loss by fire & upwards. Recd. June ye 20th. read & collected June 27th & yn returned to Geo: Burrows wth wt collected wch ws 40½
 4. Great Yarmouth in ye County of Norfolk loss by fire 1228lb. & upwards. recd. June ye 20th. read & collected July ye 11th 1708 & yn returned to Geo: Burrows wth. wt. ws. collected viz: 27½
 5. Alconbury cum Weston in ye County of Huntingdon loss by file 3318lb: 10s. recd. July

[Page 104]

  £ :s :d 
 ye 6th. read & collected July 25th 1708 & yn returned to Geo: Burrows wth. wt. ws. collected viz 31½
 6. Dursley Church in ye County of Gloucester damage 1995lb & upwards. recd. July 6th read & collected August ye 8th 1708 & yn returned to Geo: Burrows wth wt ws collected, to wit 26 
April ye 10th 1709. Then recd. these 2 briefs:    
 1st at ye head of ye Cannon-gate at Edinburgh in North Britain. recd. & collected April ye 17th 1709 returned April ye 22nd to Geo: Burows one of ye. Churchwardens, ye sum of: 18½
 The 2nd Strand loss by fire 1788lb. read, collected & returned to Geo: Burrows May ye 1st 1709 & recd. on it 36¾
June 19th 1709. Then recd. these briefs viz:    
 Llanvilling Church damage 1325lb & upwards. June 26th read & collected yn 29½
 H . . . market loss by fire 11258lb & upwards. read & collected July ye 10th ye sum of 211½
 Market Rayson etc: loss by fire file 1228lb & upwards. July 24th read & yn collected ye sum of 26 
July 24th 1709. Recd. then these briefs:    
 St. Mary Redcliffe Church in Bristoll damage 4410lb & upwards. read & collected Aug 7th 46 
 Harlow loss by fire 2035lb & upwards. Aug 28th yn read & collected 33 

“These five briefs wth ye money collected upon ym were delivered Octobr. 16th to Anthony Cleytone, one of ye Churchwardens for this year. ye Octobr. 20th delivered by him to the Collectors. Witness our hands etc...”

[Page 105]

“October 15th 1709. Collected of these several persons hearafter named these several sums following, upon a Brief for the Relief of ye poor distressed Palatines,[1] wch Brief was recd. 7br ye... 1709 & read the ... day of ye same month and collected on several days immediately after the reading of it, throughout the parish of Hope in the County of Derby”.

Richard Middletontwopence
Mr. Greavesfourpence
Sam: Bennittwopence
Geo: Wildtwopence
Tho: Rosesix pence
Rob: Balguytwo pence
Geo: Burleytwo pence
Rob: Burrowsthree pence
Geo: Burrowsthree pence
Wm: Bradwallsix pence
Edward Eyretwo pence
Isaac Mortentwo pence
Widow Hambletontwopence
Mr. Oldfieldfour pence
Martin Middletontwo pence
Richard Worslowone penny halfpenny 
Larance Marshallone penny
Tho: Middletonone penny
Mrs. Woodsix pence
Jon: Nowellone penny
Rob: Bramwallone penny
Geo: Tricketttwo pence
Ellis Burrowsthree pence
Geo: Meller one penny 
5s. 1½d. in all five shillings & one penny halfpenny 
Will:Bagshawfour pence
Godfrey Piersontwo pence
Jon: Piersonone penny
Tho: Overtonone penny
0s. 8d. in all eightpence. 
5s. 9½. Both which sums are five shillings & nine pence halfpenny. 
Rob: Yellotone penny
Nic: Hadfieldtwo pence
Tho: Darwenta half penny
Rob: Bockingthree pence
Godfrey Hallomtwo pence
Ant: Raworthfour pence
Wm. Darwenttwo pence
Tho: Wilsonone penny
Geo: Robinsontwo pence
Wm: Poyntonone penny
Geo: Grantone penny
Mart: Marshallone penny
Richd: Middletontwo pence
1s. 10½ in all one shilling ten pence halfpenny. 
Ellis Chapmanone penny
Edward Smithtwo pence
Jon: Priestly senr.two pence
Jon: Priestly junr.six pence
Barth: Cowpertwo pence
1s. 1d. in all one shilling & one penny. 
Alva Slinfour pence
Ellis Middletonfour pence
Rob: Middletontwo pence
Mr. Rich: Coaptwo shillings & six pence
Nat: Greavessix pence
Pet: Robinsontwo pence
4s. 0d. in all four shillings. 
Geo: Bennitsix pence
Mr. Wm. Millssix pence
Jon. Bagshawtwo pence
Edw: Bagshawfour pence
Tho: Newtontwo pence
Widow Solsbytwo pence
Will: Bamfordtwo pence
2s. 0d. in all two shillings. 
wch four sums make eight shillings and eleven pence half penny. 
So now collected 14s. 9d. in this page. 
J. Creswell vicar. 
Ant. Cleton 
Robt. Hunter Churchwardens 
Robt. Fanshaw 
Tho. Harrisonsix pence
Richard Grantone penny
Michael Slackone penny
Sarah Greytwo pence
Ellen Wilsontwo pence
Jon: Cottrelltwo pence
Mrs. Glossopthree pence
Jon: Kitchenone penny
Ann Yellotone penny
Fran: Ashmoretwo pence
Tho: Eyretwo pence
Jer. Andrewtwo pence
Ellis Eyreone penny
Will. Staleytwo pence
Jon. Greavestwo pence
Hen: Ashtonone penny
James Brownone penny
Rog: Keyfour pence
Ralph Bockingthree pence
Tho. Hallone penny
Tho. Mortenone penny
Chris: Bockingthree pence
Jon: Hadfieldone penny
Abraham Ibbutsonone penny
3s. 10d. in all three. shillings and ten pence. 
Tho: Gleadletwo pence
Wm: Greavessix pence
Hugh Buxtonsix pence
Mrs. Eyrethree pence
Edward Howtwo pence
Tho: Wilcocksontwo pence
Jon: Halltwo pence
Jon: Howtwo pence
Wm: Oldfieldtwo pence
Edw: Yellottwo pence
Gilbert Marshalltwo pence
Rob: Websterone penny
Mary Gleadleone penny
Wm: Mallisontwo pence
Jon: Webstertwo pence
Jos: Hargreavetwo pence
Rich: Middletontwo pence
3s. 5d. in all three shillings & five pence. 
Tho: Wraggone penny
Wm: Hibberttwo pence
Jon: Blackwellone penny
0s. 4d. in all four pence 
Mr. Donetwo shillings & six pence
Jos: Berlytwo pence
Rob. Onyona half a penny
Charles Furnistwo pence
Jos: Bagshawtwo pence
Rob: Bowmantwo pence
Jon. Nalltwo pence
Jon: Wilson one penny 
Rob. Bagshawtwo pence
Tho: Bagshawthree pence
Jos. Chapmantwo pence
Tho. Chapmanone penny
Michael Marshallfour pence
Jonathan Baggaleytwo pence
4s. 7½d. in all four shillings & seven pence half penny. 
Widow Hallone. penny
Widow Bagshawtwo pence
Jon: Howtwo pence
Geo. Bomfordtwo pence
Rob: Barkerthree pence
Will Bradwallfour pence
Rob. Middletonfour pence
1s. 6d. in all one shilling & sixpence. 
Jon. Paramorethree pence
Jon: Healdfour pence
0s. 7d. in all seven pence. 
[Page 108]

The above said last six sums make fourteen shillings & three pence halfpenny, wch, being added to fourteen shillings and nine pence make one pound nine shillings & one halfpenny bein wt ws collected in ye prsh of Hope by us

  14  9 
 in all   lb19  0½

 J. Creswell vicar. 
 Ant: Cleton 
 Robt: HunterChurchwardens.
 Robt: Fanshaw 

  lb :s :d 
Octobr. ye 20th 1709. Then recd. ye Brief for Stoak whose loss by fire ws 2463lb & upwards, and ye same ws read in ye prsh Church of Hope on ye 13th day of November when ws collected toward that loss the sum of three shillings, & eight pence halfpenny by us...    
Novembr. 20th 1709. Then recd ye Brief for ye Protestant Church in Mittau in Courland & ye same ws read in ye prsh church of Hope on ye eight of January following, wn ws collected yr on the sum of two shillings & nine pence halfepenny by us etc...    
These two briefs were delivered by me to Ant: Cleyton, one of ye Churchwardens, May ye 16th 1710    
June ye 2nd 1710. Recd. these Briefs: Northfleet & Durant Loss by fire 1613lb & upwards, read & collected June 11th 28½
[Page 109]

  lb :s :d 
 Rotherith wall. Loss by fire 1640lb. & upwards read & collected July 2nd 49 
 Chalfont St. Peters Church damage 1521lb & upwards read & collected July 23rd 21¼
July 4th 1710. Recd. these Briefs: the prsh church of Ashton Super Mercy. Damage 2710lb & upwards July 30th read & collected 211½
 Stockton Church charge 2580lb & upwards. Aug. 13th read & collected 55 
Wch 6 Briefs were delivered to ye Collectors 8br ye 11th 1710 at ye Visitation at Bakewell by us etc...    
8 br 11th 1710. Recd. these briefs, viz:    
 Haughley in Suffolk loss by fire 863 lb etc. 8br. 22nd yn read & collected 39½
 Twyford loss by fire. 1261lb etc. 8br 29th yn read & collected 27¾
 Cardigan Church charge 2240lb etc. 9br. 5th read & collected 45½
 Rotherhith Church charge 4361lb etc. 9br. 19th read & collected 40 
 Ensham in Oxon loss by fire 1474lb 11s. 6d. 9br. 26th read & collected 211 
All these Briefs were delivered in to ye Collectors at ye Visitation at Bakewell June 6th 1711 by us etc...    
June ye 6th 1711. then recd. these briefs, viz: A brief for ye prsh Church of St. Helens alias Edington in ye Isle of Wight, charge 1203lb. & upwards. wch brief ws read June 24th & yt ws yn collected for ye same, in ye prsh Church of Hope 50 
[Page 110]

  lb :s :d 
 A brief for St. Marie's Church in Colchester damage 6153lb. read July ye 1st & yn collected 43½
 A brief for Cockermouth Church charge 1331lb read July 29th. collected yn 44¼
 Recd. this brief July 29th viz: Edinburgh, loss by fire 3572lb & upwards. read Aug 5th & yn collected 29¼
All wch Briefs were delivered at ye Visitation at Bakewell 8br 17th 1711 by us etc...    
October 17th 1711. Then Recd. a Brief for Long Melford Church charge 1800lb & upwards, and a brief for Tradmore & Market Rayson, loss by fire 1169lb & upwards. the first was read Oct 28th & yr ws yn collected upon it 34 
 the other ws read 9br 11th & yr ws collected upon it yn 30½
December ye 10th 1711. Then recd. ye brief for Woolwich Church, charge 5069lb & upwards, wch ws read Jan 6th. & yr ws collected upon it in the weeke following as is to be seen from this paper ye sum of 186½
 by us etc...    
 and by Jon: Heald another of ye Churchwardens ye sum of 19½
 and by Tho: Morton ye 3rd Churchwarden nothing    
 in all lb104 

[Page 111]

  £ :s :d 
1712. Recd. read & collected these Briefs as followeth:    
 The Brief for Charles Empson, loss 2000lb & upwards. recd. May 7th & read & colld. June 8th 411¼
 for West Tilbury Church, damage 1117lb & upwards. recd read & colld July 13th 1712 46½
 for Little Brickhill etc, loss by fire 1270lb etc recd July 27th read & colld. Aug 3rd. 311½
 Adderley Church damage 800lb etc. recd Aug 17th read & colld. Aug 24th. 31 
 Thames Street. loss by fire 1111lb etc, recd. July 13th. read & colld. 7br 7th. 1712. 37½
 for Whitchurch Brief in Shropshire. collected at several times ye sum of1110½
 ye damage ws 5497lb & upwards.    
All these Briefs with ye moneys collected on ym were returned to Hen: Norman. Coll at ye Visitation at Bakewell 8br 20th 1712, by us etc...    

   s :d 
Collected and received these Briefs as followeth, 1712    
 Recd. Richard Salter 8br 26th ye same read & coll: 9br 2nd loss by fire 1720lb & upwards 26½
 St. Clement's Church at Hastings, damage 1550lb & upwards. recd. 9br. 23rd. read yn & colld. 29 
 Pensford Church. damage 2742lb & upwards Jan 18th recd. read & colld. yn 30 
Coleorton Church. damage 2412lb. recd. read & colld. Feb 15th. 1712 29½
 Battle Bridge in Southwark loss by fire 12254lb & upwards. recd & read March ye 29th 1713 &

[Page 112]

  lb :s :d 
 afterwards collected within ye parish of Hope ye sum of eleven shillings & eightpence halfe-penny by us etc... 118½
These Briefs with ye moneys collected upon ym now returned to Hen: Norman at ye Visitation held by ye worshipful Dr. Kimberley, Dean, & ye Chapter of Litchfield at ye prsh Church of Bakewell June 10th. 1713.    


June 1713. Rudgley loss by fire 1691lb & upwards. recd June 10th read 28th & yn collected 48½
 July 7th. 1713. Southwell Church. damage 3800lb & upwards. Aug. 2nd read & coll. 63¼
 Warmingham Church. damage 885lb & upwards Aug 16th read & coil 29¾
 Woodham-ferrys Church. damage 1425 lb & upwards 7br 6th read & coll 26½
7br 17th 1713. Church of Burton upon Trent. damage 3100lb & upwards. read 7br 20th & after coll 162 
 Brief for Wm. Adams. Loss by fire 1108lb & upwards 8br 18th read & coll yn 62½
These six briefs were delivered to ye Collector at Bakewell visitation on 8br 26th 1713, by us    
 J Cresswell vic: Rog: Key. Samll. Marple. Reginald Hollingsworth, Churchwardens; but Reginald Hollingsworth the Churchwarden for Woodland got nothing to ye Brief out of his hamlet for Burton on Trent.    
June 15th 1714. These Briefs were recd. last visitation by us Churchwardens of Hope in ye County of Derby & returned this Visitation at Bakewell ye day & year above-said:    

[Page 113]

   s :d 
 St. Margaret at Cliffe Church. damage 1384lb & upwards read & coll Jan 17th 1713 210 
 Leighton Church. damage 1516lb & upwards, Novembr ye 15th 1713 read & coll 41½
 Witheridge & Chilton loss by fire 1116lb & upwards Xbr 6th 1713 read & collected 29¾
 St. Mary Church. loss by fire 1392lb: 8s & upwards Xbr 20th 1713 read & collected 33¾
 Skipwath Church. damage 1155lb & upwards. Feb 1st 1713 read and collected 23½
 Quatford Church. damage 1366lb & upwards. March 7th 1713 read & collected 33 

   s :d 
June the 16th 1713. then ye Churchwardens received these briefs and they were read & collected as forthwith, viz:    
June 27th read Blanford-forum. damage 7880lb 13s. & upwards. collected 52¼
 July 18th Bottisham. loss by fire 3659lb & upwards. read & collected 411 
 Aug 15th Dorchester. loss by fire 2537lb & upwards read & collected 210 
 Septembr 19th Burslem Church. damage 1618lb etc. read & yn collected 52 
 8br ye 3rd St. John Baptist's Church in Southerer damage 1510lb 32 
October ye 7th these briefs were returned by us etclb 113¾

[Page 114]

October ye 7th 1714. then the Churchwardens received these Briefs & they were recd by me read & collected as followeth:    
 s :d 
 9br 21st 1714. Torksey Church damage 1182lb. & upwards, collected 211½
 Xbr 26th 1714. Warwick & Preston Baggot. loss by fire 1162lb etc. collected. 48 
 Jan 23rd 1714. New Shoreham Church in Sussex damage 2203lb etc collected 39¼
 Feb 6th 1714. Ruthin Church. damage 3128lb etc collected 310 
 April 17th 1715. William Bowyer, loss by fire 5146lb etc. collected 610½
 May 1st 1715. All Saints Church in Derby, damage 5252lb & upwards. collected 63 
June ye 1st 1715. These Briefs were returned by us & we pd. being wt ws collected on them, vizlb 184¼

   lb :s :d 
These Briefs were read & collected as followeth, viz:    
 June ye 19th 1715. St. Peters Church in Chester. damage 1509 lb & upwards 42 
 July ye 10th 1715. Kentford in Suffolk. Loss by fire 1057lb etc 63¾
 July 31st 1715. Drynton & Shinbridge. Loss by fire 1378lb etc. 42 
 Aug 21st 1715. Blymhill Church. damage 1485lb etc 37½

[Page 115]

 September 26th 1715. the Cow-Keepers brief. damage 24539lb 12s.These
from house
to house.
 8br 2nd 1715. St Mary's Church in Lichfield damage 4966lb etc 180½


These Briefes were returned & ye moneys collected on them October ye 8th 1715 at ye Visitation at Bakewell by us etc...    

   s :d 
These Briefs recd. read & collected is followeth, viz:    
 8br 23rd 1715. Walkerith & Wrexham. Loss by fire 1425lb etc 38 
 9br 13th 1715. Mitcham & Lythwood. Loss by fire 1442 lb etc 23½
 9br 27th 1715. New Church at Sunderland. charge 2800lb etc 49 
 Feb 19th 1715. Liverpool in com: Lancaster. Loss by fire 3005lb etc. 311 
 March 18th etc 1715. St. Gile's Church in Newcastle under Line. Damage 3115lb & upwards 140 


These Briefs were returned & ye moneys collected upon them May 14th 1716, at ye Visitation at Bakewell by us etc...    

   s :d 
October 13th 1716. These Briefs were received read & collected as followeth, viz:    
 June 3rd 1716. John Aron. loss by fire 1070lb etc 69 
 July 1st 1716. Thames Street loss by fire 7639lb etc 60 

[Page 116]

  lb :s :d 
 July 19th 1716. Upton & Tempsford. loss by fire 1940lb etc 48½
 August 26th 1716. Burton in com: Lancaster. loss by fire 8651lb etc 46½
 Septembr 22nd 1716. Spalding. loss by fire 20560lb149 
These Briefs were returned & ye moneys collected on them 8br 17th 1716 at ye Visitation at Bakewell by us etc...    

  lb :s :d 
These Briefs received read & collected as followeth, viz:    
 9br 11th 1716. Chelmarsh & Royston charge 2126lb etc 44½
 Xbr 2nd 1716. Ridgmont in com: Bedford. loss by fire 1578lb etc 36½
 Janry 6th 1716-17. recd. read & collected in ye week following ye Brief for ye Reformed Episcopal Churches in Great Poland & Polish Russia etc121 
 April 21st 1717. Ottery St. Mary in com: Devon. loss by fire 4466lb etc 5  8¾
 April 28th 1717. Houndsditch. loss by fire 5383lb etc 73½
 sum total230¼
These Briefs were returned & ye moneys collected on them May 22nd 1717 at ye Visitation at Bakewell by us etc...    

[Page 117]

   s :d 
These Briefs recd. read & collected as followeth, viz:    
 Oldbury Church in com: Gloucester. charge 1163lb etc June 2nd 1717 44¼
 June 30th 1717. Great Bedwin in com: Wilts: loss by fire 2485lb etc 4  6 
 July 21st 1717. Harstoft in com: Derb: loss by fire 1428lb etc 35¼
 7br 1st 1717. Benenden Church & Steeple. loss by fire 1552lb etc 310½
 7br 15th 1717. Hethwaite Hill etc: in ye West Riding of the County of York & Whittington in ye county of Stafford. loss by fire 1281lb 19s etc 54½
 The totallb116½
These Briefs were returned & ye moneys collected on ym at ye Visitation 8br 22nd 1717 by us etc...    

   s :d 
These Briefs received 8br 22nd 1717 & read & collected as followeth:    
 Arnold Church & Steeple. charge 1290lb etc. 8br 27th 1717 & yn collected 41 
 9br 10th 1717. Wensley Church & Steeple. charge 978lb etc yn collected 39 
 Xbr 1st 1717. Pulley & Jay loss by fire 1291lb etc then collected 36¾
 March 2nd 1717 Frampton in com: Dorset. loss by fire 1560lb etc yn collected 49 
 April 6th 1718. Ellingham & Wisbech. loss by fire 1611lb etc yn collected 47½
 collected in alllb109¼
These Briefs with ye moneys collected on ym were returned at ye Visitation at Bakewell May 26th 1718 by us etc...    

[Page 118]

  lb :s :d 
Recd. & Collected these Briefs as followeth & collected as followeth in ye year 1718 viz:    
 June ye 8th 1718. Penrith Church in com: Cumbrd. charge 1380lb etc & yn collected 39½
 June 29th 1718. St. Mary Newington in com: Surrey, charge 1926lb etc & yn collected 55½
 July 13th 1718. Cherrington in com: Warwick Loss by fire 1476lb & yn collected 54 
 Aug 3rd 1718. Ashberne & Mappleton Churches. charge 3016lb etc & yn collected135½
 7br 7th 1718. Newland & Chepping-Wickombe. Loss by fire 1020lb etc & yn collected 29½
 the totallb2010 
These Briefs etc etc (omitted)    

   s :d 
Recd. & Collected these Briefs as followeth, viz:    
 Jan 4th 1718. Grindon Church in com: Stafford. charge 1350lb etc 50½
 Novembr 9th 1718. Dolgelly Church in com: Merioneth. charge 1449lb etc 46 
 Novembr 10th 1718. Sheriff-Hales Church in com: Stafford charge 1339lb etc 50 
 Octobr 26th 1718. Little St. Andrews Barnwell in Cambridge. loss by fire 1842lb etc 65 
 Feb 8th 1718. Wilcot & Rusden in com: Salop. loss by fire 1717 lb etc 51 
 March 15th 1718. Arely Church in com: Stafford charge 1351lb etc 56 
The Briefs etc etc (omitted)    

[Page 119]

   s :d 
Recd. read & Collected these Briefs as followeth, viz:    
 June 7th 1719. Deeping St. James Church. charge 1102lb etc 45 
 June 28th 1719. Headington in com: Oxon. loss by fire 1983lb etc 53 
 July 12th 1719. Old Radnor & Habberley. loss by fire 1289lb etc 36¼
 Aug 16th 1719. Hinstock Church in com: Salop. charge 1295lb etc 49½
 Aug 30th 1719. Old Weston in com: Huntingdon loss by fire 1969lb etc 35¾
 7br 20th 1719. Bigleswade Church & Steeple. charge 1437lb etc 53¾
These Briefs etc etc (omitted)    

Recd. & collected these Briefs as followeth, viz:    
 9br 22nd 1719. Cheltenham & Letchlad in com: Gloucester; Thornton-Hough, Bickley, & Barnston in com: Chester. loss by fire 1307lb etc 41½
 Xbr 13th 1719. St. Jon. Baptist's Church in ye city of Chester. charge 3269lb etc 31 
 Jan 17th 1719. Hartlepool Church in com: Durham charge 1732lb etc 32½
 March 27th 1720. Thrapston in com: Northampton loss by fire 3748lb etc 36 
 May 8th 1720. Bedford-Row. loss by file 4178lb etc 39½
 the total 178½
These Briefs etc etc    

[Page 120]

  lb :s :d 
Read & Collected these Briefs as followeth viz.    
 July 31st 1720. Ingmanthorp & Norton under Cannock in com: Ebor & Stafford. loss by fire 1133lb etc 29 
 June 12th 1720. Paris Street in Exon. loss by fire 1067lb etc 36¼
 June 26th 1720. Kingswood Church in com: Wilts. charge 1000lb etc 55¾
 July 17th 1720. Oxted Church in com: Surrey. loss by lightening 1904lb etc 311¾
 Sep 4th 1720. Great Grimsby Church. damage 1757lb etc 39 
 Octobr 9th 1720. Sufferers by thunder, hail etc in com: Stafford. damage 4163lb etc1158½
 the total2152½
These Briefs etc etc    

Recd. read & collected these Briefs as followeth:    
 9br 27th 1720. St Olave's Church near York. charge 1039lb etc 37 
 Xbr ye 11th 1720. Burton Church in ye county of Chester. charge 1548lb etc 36½
 Jan 22nd 1720. Shraward Church & Parsonage House. charge 1609lb etc 33 
 Feb 12th 1720. Swavesey in com: Cantabr. loss by fire 1755lb etc 210½
 June ye 11th 1721. Meonstoke in com: Southampton. loss by fire 5173lb etc 80 
 the total sum is113 
These Briefs etc etc    

[Page 121]

  lb :s :d 
Read & collected these Briefs as followeth:    
 July ye 2nd 1721. Burcott & Wheatly in com: Oxon. by fire 1847lb etc 39½
 July ye 16th 1721. Amberley in com: Sussex. loss by fire 1280lb etc 32 
 July ye 30th 1721. Louth & Newport in com: Lincoln & Salop. loss by fire 1347lb etc 29½
 Aug 20th 1721. Kingston upon Hull. loss by fire 5840lb etc 155 
 Septembr ye 3rd 1721. Fitts Church in ye county of Salop. Charge 1509lb etc 33 
 Septembr ye 24th 1721. Tukesbury Church in com: Gloucester. charge 3929lb etc 75 
 the total11510 
These Briefs etc etc    

Octobr 2nd 1721 Collected on a Letter of Request for Mr. Tho: Clarke Rector of Fitts at ye request of ye Dean & Chapter of Lichfield & Octobr ye 5th pd. according to their order to Mr. Nat: Hincks ye sum oflb222½
These Briefs were read & collected as followeth, viz:    
 8br 22nd 1721. Usk Church in com: Monmouth. charge 2333lb etc 310 
 9br 26th 1721. Damerham-South in com: Wilts. loss by fire 1365lb etc 41¾
 Xbr 17th 1721. Kemberton & Disserth in com: Salop & Radnor. loss by fire 1054lb etc 28 
 Xbr 24th 1721. Welsh-poole in com: Montgomery loss by fire 1022lb etc 31 
 Jan 7th 1721. Jenkin Vingoc (sic). suffer by fire 1000lb etc at St Ives in com: Cornwall 28 
 the total 164¾
These Briefs etc etc    

[Page 122]

  lb :s :d 
These Briefs were read & collected as followeth, viz:    
 May 27th 1722. Addington, Bandisick, & Alderton in com: Surrey & Gloucester. loss by fire 1147lb : 10s etc 21¾
 June 10th 1722. Gratwood, Bilston, & Newent in com: Stafford & Gloucester. loss by fire 1184lb etc 26 
 June 24th 1722. St John Wapping etc: in com: Middlesex. loss by fire 1922lb etc 29½
 July 29th 1722. Upper Darwen Chapel in com: Lancaster. charge 1032lb etc 21½
 7br 2nd 1722. Bakewell Church & steeple in com: Derby. charge 1815lb etc 158 
 7br 16th 1722. Inundation in ye com: Lancaster. damage 101227lb etc 93 
 the total islb1145¾
These Briefs etc etc    

These Briefs were read & collected as followeth, viz:    
 8br 21st 1722. Abbots Bromley in com: Stafford. loss by fire 2437lb etc 46 

(The entry breaks off here, and no further entries of Briefs are found in the Churchwardens' Book.)

Notes on Chapter VII
[1] “Palatines”. The inhabitants of the Palatine States of Germany

OCR/Transcription by Rosemary Lockie in November 1999.

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