Notes from a Peakland Parish

An Account of the Church and Parish of Hope in the County of Derby,
by William Smith Porter (1923)

Transcribed by Rosemary Lockie, © Copyright 1999-2000

Chapter VI.


(Abbreviations used in the Accounts and Briefs.)

7 br = September.
8 br = October.
9 br = November.
X br = December.

wch = which ye = the
wn = when ym = them
ws = was yn = then
wt = what yr = there
wth = with yt = that

(Pasted into the cover of the Book is the following:)

“July ye 26th 1661.”

“A true and perfect copy of an Assessment of the Parishoners of Hope.”

“We whose names are hereunder Subscrib'd being by an Order of Sessions bearing date ye Sixteenth of July Instant Nominated and Appointed Assessors for the Relief of the poor of ye Parish of Hope. We do make ye single Lay or Penny score the Sum of ten pounds within ye said Parish of Hope, and to be collected and gather'd within the said several & respective Hambletts as follows:”

[Page 68]

 £s.d.   £s.d. 
"1st Hope156  Nether Padley 39 
Bradwall 180  Abney & Grange 88 
Thornhill 97½ Great Hucklow 100 
Aston 710½ Little Hucklow 40 
Brough 19  Grindlow 70 
Shattons 88  Wardlow 54 
Offerton 34  Haslebadge 150 
Woodland2100  Shawcross & Fearnylee 100 
Highloe 40   
Stoak 76  
£s.d. sum
sum  6163      

John Shalcross.   Thos. Brushfield.
Robt. Eyre. Assessors Edwd. Poynton.
Henry Balguy. A.D. Gervasse Hallam.
Thos. Balguy. 1661. Robt Eyre.
Willm Bagshaw   Martin Middleton.
Ralph Glossop.   John Ward.
Howard Brooke.   Thos Eyre.
Willm Wells.   Edwd Eyre.
Ralp Bocking.   Edwd Hague.
John Parramoor. Willm Sharshaw. Edwd Fournesse.
Robt Middleton.   Christopher James."

(The following has also been pasted into the Book,
opposite to the Assessment :)

“The following is the revised Church Rate, done by a Committee, appointed for the purpose by the Parish at a Vestry Meeting in the year of Our Lord 1845.”

[Page 69]

"Hope Woodlands1pennyrate200 
Hope ""156 
Bradwell "" 180 
Thornhill "" 78½
Aston "" 64 
Fernilee "" 100 
Brough and Shatton "" 105 
Offerton "" 34 
Highlow "" 40 
Stoke "" 76 
Nether Padley "" 39 
Abney and Grange "" 88 
Great Hucklow "" 100 
Little Hucklow "" 40 
Grindlow "" 57½
Wardlow "" 43½
Hazlebadge "" 100 

“Aprill 5th John Hadfield, Twitchill, Churchwarden.”



“The Generall Accounts of John Turner, Joseph Eyre, and William Bradwall, Churchwardens for the Parish of Hope for the year 1686, tendered at the Parish Church of Hope the 24th day of May in the third year of ye Reign of our Soveraign Lord King James the Second over England etc Anno Domini 1687 as followeth:”

  lb :s :d 
Received three penny Scores within the
parish of Hope
Received from the last Churchwardens 700 
Received from Shalcross and Fernilee  118 
 Sum Tot3618 

[Page 70]

     Disbursed of ye same as followeth:
lb :s :d 
April 13th 1686. Spent at ye visitation at Bakewell 100 
paid for a Book of Articles, a Book of prayer, & Court feese 60 
paid to the Ringers the 29th of May 50 
paid to Wm. Rowbotham for makeing a frame for ye marriage table 16 
spent in going to Lichfield with money collected for ye French Protestants 136 
spent in collecting the same in ye whole parish 40 
paid for takeing down and seting up the pillar[1] & other mason work & poynting.356 
for attending the work at the pillar 3 days 20 
paid to the ringers the 5th of Novemeber 50 
given to Mr. Browne (the Vicar) as a gratuity200 
paid far washing the surplice 100 
spent in tending the Communion at Easter 76 
spent in chuseing new officers 50 
paid for writing all our Assessments 60 
spent by ye Assessors in makeing the same in ye whole parish 58 
spent in collecting our Assessments in the whole parish 136 
paid to a Briefe 26 
paid for Tenn foxes & their heads3168 
paid for five fox cubbs118 
paid for seven Boson heads[2] 70 
paid for 25 Raven heads 84 
paid for 205 Urchin heads[3]1142 

[Page 71]

 lb :s :d 
given to ye Ringers the 6th of February
     (date of the accession of James II)
given the masons in ale at ye pillar 10 
spent with Mr. Creswick when he preached at Hope 10 

 lb :s :d 
The Receipts comes to3618 
The Disbursements are31199 
Remains due to ye parish4111 

May 24th 1687. These accounts were then seen and allowed by us:

Willm. Browne, vicar.John Slack
 Willm. Eyre.
John BockingRobert Hambleton.
Joseph ChampionHenry Ashton.
 Thomas Stephenson junr.
Thomas HallJohn Stephenson

(Subsequent entries are very much curtailed, and only a few selected items given in each year. The names of the Churchwardens, already given in the list, and others present at the Vestry meetings are suppressed in the following extracts; with the exception of certain special meetings.)

1687-88lb :s :d 
collected within the parish of Hope 3 penny scores28100 
Received from the last Churchwardens4111 
Recd. for Lay Stalls[4]1100

[Page 72]

Disbursed as followeth:lb :s :d 
spent at the first visitation of ourselves and our horses 76 
paid to ye Appartition and for Court fees and for our oaths 52 
paid for vicar's charges the same time 26 
spent of Mr. Caulton and his company when he preached at Hope 40 
spent with Mr. Flesher when he preached at Hope 40 
for moss for ye Schoolhouse and for mossing the same 66 
paid for a book and proclamation for ye 30th of January
(Execution of Charles I.)
paid for 154 urchin heads158 
paid for 19 Raven heads 64 
paid for 14 Boson heads 140 
paid for 3 foxes & 2 fox cubbs1118 
paid to Mr. Browne as a gratuity towards buying wine at Easter200 
spent in collecting moneys for the French Protestants 50 
spent in going with the perambulation
("beating the bounds" of the parish).
spent in going to Wirksworth with ye moneys collected for French Protestants 26 
for a book of prayers for a day of thanksgiving for ye Prince of Wales
(Son of James II, born 10th June, 1688)
for ringing the 29th of May and ye 1st July for the Prince of Wales. 80 
paid for a book of prayer for ye Prince of Wales and ye good prosperity of the King from his enemies 36 

[Page 73]

 lb :s :d 
given Mr. Browne as a gratuity towards having wine at Easter
(Note: This last item recurs each year, though there are also entries for wine for Communion).
spent in sending the Communion at Easter 5 days 100 
paid to several travellers with passes 20 

  lb :s :d 
sum totall 19120 
Abated out of these disbursements as unreasonable 300 
so that ye whole disbursement will be 16120 

June 10th 1691. Memorandid yt it is agreed upon at ye takeing ye Churchwarden's Accounts, yt John Stephenson of Hope ye Parish Clerk shall have yearly 2£ for tending ye Clock and for providing Ringers to ring on Sundaies to Church etc, and for finding Ringers to ring on Thanksgiving daies upon extraordinary occasions etc.

1689-90lb :s :d 
spent in collecting the Irish Protestant briefe 60 
pd. to John Slack mason for 21 daies at ye Church work180 
pd. to Wm. Nowell mason for 30 daies for loading & getting stone etc at ye Church200 
pd. to Franc: Low carpenter for 18 daies140 
pd. to Humphrey Low for 16 daies114 
pd. to Nichols. Low for 13 daies at 8d. a day 88 
Pd. to Michael Slack for smithy work1150 
spent at Rearing five Stoopes[5] and fetching ye same 30 
pd. to Mr. Sam Statham a chimney man for a certificate for takeing of ye poore 20 

[Page 74]

 lb :s :d 
pd. for a man and horse to Bakewell & Tideswell for wine against Christmas and there was none 16 
pd. for wine and fetching ye same at Sheffield & for bread 73 
pd. to John Slack & Win. Nowell for mossing & pointing ye School house 12 daies 160 
pd. to John Londen for getting moss & for serveing at Schoolhouse 2 dales 14 
pd. for 5 calves . . . . . to leather ye Bells 18 
spent of ye people yt went with the procession100 
pd. for two letters sending to London  6 
pd. for a prayer booke for a day of Thanksgiving and two other prayer bookes 66 
pd. for changing the Communion Dish 40 
pd. to a letter patent for losses by fire (a Brief) 26 
spent of Mr. Hollingshed when he preached at Hope  10 
Pd. for Ale and Bread in going with Procession, which is to be omitted for ye future till further order 93 
Pd. for 12 loads of Lime 80 
Pd. for 8 strike of Haire[6] (for plastering) 40 
pd. for 4 foxes by an agreement within ye parish at 6s. 8d. a piece168 
For a Board to stop a drop n ye Leads above Mr. Bagshaw's seat 10 
Pd. to John Stephenson for going to Dranfield for Mr. Balguy to come to ye last Accounts 16 
Received for buryinges in ye body of ye Church100 

[Page 75]

 lb :s :d 
Pd. to Thomas Kirkall for a new Clock6120 
Pd. to John Stephenson for tenting ye Clock and Ringing on Holy Daies200 
Pd. to Robert Kirke for mending ye old Clock 60 
Spent when the Bishop came to visit 30 
Pd. to Robert Pidcock for Church worke13510 
Spent in going to pay the same 10 
spent in going to see wt work was needful at ye Church  6 
spent at severall times in ye year about ye Town's business 54 
Pd. for leveling ye Church floors & mending ye biers and making two basses 70 
Pd. to Tho: Sanderson for paving ye Church Alles & making a door in ye Steeple & walling up a door & mending ye Churchyard Stiles114 
Pd. to Peter Sidebottom in part of ye 7lb. 10s. wch I ws to give him in money, besides ye old clock, wn I Articled with him for a new Clock1100 
Pd. for writing one part of ye Articles 26 
Spent & paid for Wine & Ale wn ye Dean ws here 120 
given to ye Dean's man by Mr. Browne's order 26 
given to Mr. Browne as a gratuity 2lb. & pd. his wife for washing ye Surplice 10s. in all2100 
Pd. Peter Sidebottom for ye Clock as by his bill will appear1147 
For meat and drink for himself & his man 3 weeks & 3 dayes 196 

[Page 76]

 lb :s :d 
For his his horse keeping 76 
Paid for ye Sequestration wn Mr. Browne was dead 5s. & for wine at Christ: 13s. 6d. 186 
Paid ye Charges of Parsons yt came to preach 9 Sundays at 4s. 6d. a time206 
spent wn ye Parishs went to view ye Steeple with ye Limer 50 
Paid for Bell ropes 10s. & to Hen: Furnis for Pet: Sidebottom's table wn he set up ye finger[7] and for his man's table they living there 3 weeks & 2 dayes1116 
Paid to Messengers to get Parsons to preach 46 
Expended wn ye Parish mett about parsons & other extraordinary things 150 
Paid to a blind man with a letter of request 2s. 6d. & pd. to ye Apparitor for bookes & spent on him 2s. 46 
given to a distressed Knight 3s. & pd. to ye Apparitor by ye Deans order 4s. 70 
Paid to Adam Thornhill for making Tho: Marshalls[8] clothes ye last year 16 
Paid to Jon: Eaton for making Tho: Marshalls clothes & ye cloth this year 130 
Paid for Cloth & necking ye Surplice 3s. & pd. to Wm. Greaves for Tho: Marshalls coat cloth 143 
Spent on ye parson & myselfe wn ye Bp came to Bakewell 50 

[Page 77]

 lb :s :d 
Spent on ye parson & myselfe & ye Clarke wn we went 3 dayes to give ye Sacrament to sick people 16 
Paid and spent on ourselves and ye parson at ye Deans visitation 156 
Paid to ye Clarke for his Wages 2lb. & to ye parson's wife for washing ye Surplice 10s. in all2100 
Given to ye Vic: as a poore acknowledgement of our thankfullness and his greater merit9100 
Paid for a pair of breeches for Tho: Marshall, for whipping ye doggs etc 3s. & for a lock 4d. in all 34 

(There was some irregularity in the Accounts this year. Two out of the three Wardens presented separate accounts, the third failed to present any account. The following note occurs at the foot of the Accounts :)
“Christ: James of Wardlow never made any account but is to pay what he has in his hands to Isaac Morten & Jos: Ibbutson wt they have over pd. and ye rest to ye parish as a gratuity to him and never more separate accounts to be allowed.”

1700-1lb :s :d 
For 10 strike of Hair & fetching 9s. 6d. for fetching ye Winglass & 4 Piggins[9] 6s. in all 156 
For nails etc to Franc: Low for his work 1s. 2d. for scaffolding at ye Top & repairing ye Winglass 5s. 62 
spent on Mr. Roe wn he preached 1s. paid W. Sanderson & Eyre for cramping ye Steeple 17s. 4d. 184 
Pd. the Clarke his wages 2lb. : pd him more for Ale drunk wn we went ye procession 13s.2130 

[Page 78]

 lb :s :d 
Pd. to Geo: Wright for . . . & for fetching them 11s. : for a tree. yt made ye bier & Lichgate & 2 little gates 16s.170 
Paid to Adam Barber for Ale drank there at ye procession 4s. & to Jos: Eyre of Thornhill for ye same 7s. 110 
For 9 gallons of wine at Easter & fetching 2 lb. 15s. : for visitation fees 14s. 6d.396 
For making Tho: Marshall's coat 2s. 6d. 26 
Pd. for a bell for Tho: Marshall 1s. Tho: Marshalls Clothes 10s. 110 
Given to Mr. Cresswell one penny score as a gratuity9100 
Pd. to Tho: Sanderson for walling ye Churchyard wall being upon a bargain370 
Pd. to Joseph Eyre for walling at ye Church 124 
For meat and drink when me agreed with ye masons & came to view the same 46 
For a Surplice and making 2lb. 6s. 2d. For meat and drink when we agreed with ye Plumbers and came to view the work 4s.2102 
Paid to the Ringers on the Coronation Day: (Queen Anne's Coronation) 30 
Spent when we came to adjust our accounts and to account with the workmen 30 
Paid to Mr. Cresswell as a gratuity for this year, which for ye future, upon ye complaints of some, he doth acquit.9100 
Paid for Tho: Marshall's coat and breeches 150 

[Page 79]

 lb :s :d 
Paid for making a canopy 1 lb. 14s. 6d. Paid to R. Hawley for 2 Clock Ropes 4s. 6d.1190 
Pd. for repairing the Christening Seat 1s. Pd. for a book for a fast day 2s. 6d. 36 
Spent in Ale and Meat when we came to bargain with ye men that came from Highlow 46 
Spent when we made ye bargain about the Bells with Warrist (new collar frames and new wheels) 40 
Spent when we Articled with Warrist 20 
Paid to Mr. Dearnely for Stamp paper and drawing the Articles 26 
Given to Samuel White for viewing the Bells 150 
Given to the Dean's man 1s. & for wine to treat ye Dean withal 3s. 8d. 48 
Paid to Enoch Warrist for making 2 new yates[10] 134 
Pd. to Humphrey Low for a new yate making and hanging ye other 90 
Pd. to John Balguy for iron work for ye 3 yates1120 
Pd. to Tho: Sanderson for mason work done att ye Church Stiles140 
Spent on ye Day of Thanksgiving on ye Parson of Edale & 3 men with him & given to ye Ringers ye same day 60 
Spent when going 3 severall times to look for money at Shallcross 30 
Paid to John Balguy for taking up ye third Bell & making a new Goodgeon[11] 60 

[Page 80]

 lb :s :d 
Paid to Michael Slack for mending ye Church yates & making Cotters[12] and Reathings for ye second Bell 50 
Paid to ye Ringers for 2 days of Thanksgiving & one time when the good news came 66 
pd. for several Briefs 17s. 9d. & a Letter of Account conerning ye Recusants 1s. in all 189 
pd. to two Letters of Request to two severall men 76 
Pd. for 2 casements for ye Vicarage 56 
Pd. to George Needham for work done att ye Pulpit, being 20 days at 1s. 2d. a day134 
Pd. to Chris: Greaves for Stubs & a pair of Gimmers[13] & other work 17 
Pd. for 2 Books 3s. pd. to ye Singing Master3182 
Given to ye same (i.e., the Ringers) when the news came that Lile was taken 16 
for a whip for Tho: Marshall (see previous note on on Thomas Marshall)  3 
for besoms and a penny worth of neals  7½
pd. at Litchfield to ye Dean & Chapters Register Mr. Nich : upon ye Accounts of Thornhill & Aston tythe2000 
Spent in going to Litchfield 13s. for ye Churchwardens Horse 4s. 170 
Pd. to Mr. Nichols upon ye tythe account att two severall times 2 00 

[Page 81]

 lb :s :d 
for our charges 10s. for Interest for ye twenty pounds haph a year 10s.100 
given to ye clark as a gratuity ye said sum yt is due1143 

“Recd. from John Balguy of Hope Esqre. & Mr. Jacob Creswell vic: ye. sum of £5 which ye recd. front John Shallcross of Shall- cross esqre. & give him a receipt for in full of all that was due for or towards ye repairing of ye parish Church of Hope from Shallcross & Fearneley.”

1711-12lb :s :d 
For Ingravening Letters on ye plate yt Madam Balguy give to ye Church 20 
For trees yt are set in ye Churchyard390 
Pd. to Rob: Ashton for hedging and Making them bands to gard ye trees 510 
For looking to ye trees on May Day  8 
Spent more with ye man yt sett ye trees 1s. for besoms 6d. 16 
Given to a Letter of Request 4s. for Will Eyre close & making 14s. 8d. 188 
Pd. to Jos: Eyre & Tho: Sanderson for laying 23 yards of Pavors 78 
given to Bakewell singers in meat and drink 66 
to Bamford Singers 2s. 6d. & to Castleton Singers 3s. 56 
For a new Weather Cock2150 
for sett ye Cock up 26 
for a rope to draw ye chair up 140 
for sending for wine when ye Dean was here 26 
To ye Ringers of Coronation Day (Coronation of George I) 2s. 6d. & on ye day of Thanksgiving 5s. 76 

[Page 82]

 lb :s :d 
spent at ye same dayes 5s. 6d. for Will: Eyre close 16s.116 
for a Silver flaggon, of which money there was 13lb. 18s. 3d. of ye offering money in ye vicar's hands wch he paid to Mr. Balguy19100 
for Pavors for ye Church 13s. 4d. for Load them being Sixty Horse Load 2lb. 5s.2184 

“Mem: It is agreed on by us that ye said sum of 17lb. 3s. 2d. be paid to ye Dean & Chapter of Lichfield towards ye sum of Twenty pounds wch is to be paid as a fine for ye tythes of Thornhill & Aston.”

1717-18lb :s :d 
Pd. to Mr. Hinks Regester 2lb. Pd to Pariter[14] 2s. 6d.226 
For laying Pavors 2lb. 4s. 4d. Pd. for stone & leading it 15s.2194 
Spent when we measured Pavors 8d. & pd. for glassing 17s. 10d. 186 
given to two travilers[15] 6d. Spent with chusing new Officers 3s. 36 
Pd. for a box to lay ye plate in 4s. 6d. Pd. for Lathes 4s. 86 
For killing an Otter 1s. for poynting ye windows & other work 1s. 2d. 22 
For washing ye Church windows several times 30 
Pd. to Travelers 1s. 6d. for fox 1lb. 16s. 8d. to four seamen 1s.1192 

[Page 83]

 lb :s :d 
Pd. Will: Eyre for sweeping church 11s. 3d. John Stafford towards a new coat 163 
For mending a Kitt[16] yt ye broke att School  6 
For seacurring [sic] ye trees and stakes 5s. John Stafford new coate 16s. 8d.118 
For two piggins for ye Limers 6d. & given Jos. Gillott 1s. 16 
"This 8lb. 6s. 7d. with ye 10lb. mentioned in ye last years accounts is to be to Chris: Bocking for Mr. Creswell's use, before if Mr. Creswell surrender his lease in part of 20lb. so in our hands is1867 
It is also agreed yt ye Parish is to Lay out upon ye Church 40lb, which will arise out of ye tythes of Aston & Thornhill wch is all ye Parish is to receive out of those tythes."    
spent at ye last Accounts 10s. & two new Yates & new Ladder 1lb. 16s. 6d.266 
For Iron work done at ye Church Yates 56 
For making a hasp & stable for ye Church Yates  4 
For besom 6d. given to a poor woman 2s. given to another poor woman 6d. 30 
For a fox head 1s. John Kitchin for oyle for Clock & Bells & wiskitt (Basket) 2s. 2d. 32 
Spent when some of ye Parish meet to consider about going to Lichfield 26 
For a napkin for ye Communion Table 20 
Pd. ye man yt brought ye sequestration 4s. 2d. spent on him 6d. 48 

[Page 84]

 lb :s :d 
For loosing a Letter concerning ye County Money  3 
Spent when we Recd. ye Plate & other thinks belonging to ye Church  8 
Charges with going to Lichfield, being 4 days away, to acquaint them with Mr. Creswell's death & horse hire 155 
For copying out ye Regester 10s. for Parchment for ye same 3s. 4d. 134 
For cloth to make a neck for ye Surplies & making itt 20 
Pd. to 2 Briefes 10s. to 4 travelers by ye Parsons orders 4s. 6d. 146 
For ye charge of ye loft12152 
Pd. upon a meeting to consult well way ye 10lb. must be dispos'd on 10 
For a new Bible & a new Common Prayers Book4190 
For matts for ye Communion Rails 16 
For nails & cropping ye trees 1s. 1ld. to travelers by Mr. Balguy's order 2s. 6d. 45 
Pd. to 2 Letters of Request 3s. 6d. to a travelar that was dum 6d. 40 
1727-28-29-30 (accounts for three years in one entry)    
For 2 Setts of Bell Ropes 1lb. for Ale upon ye Coronation 10s. (Coronation of George II.) 110 
For alteration of Prayers 3s. A Brief by House Row 4s. 6d. 76 
Pd. to a person directed to all Ministers & Churchwardens 46 
Pd. for Christening Seat & ye Seats tor ye Poor at Lower end of Church2700 

[Page 85]

 lb :s :d 
"July 1730. An Account of ye charges & expenses of ye seating of Hope Church:"    
Boards and Rails from Bawtry4240 
Pd. for ye carriage of them9150 
Wood from Bakewell & carriage1400 
Wood from Baslow15189 
Joysts from Castleton, 248 yards at 4½d. per yard580 
ditto from Woodland, one hundred250 
one hundred of Boards from Castleton500 
one Powl from Castleton 120 
two Powls from Bradfield for "Syles" (sic)120 
wood from Sheffield of Mr. Savage3170 
Pd. ye Carpinter for Squaring and Sawing100 
Pd. for bring in to Hallom100 
bringing to Hope300 
Mr. Butcher 46 149 
Jos: Staveley bill 10lb. 4s. 9d. Jos: Eyre bill 6lb. 7s. 16 119 
Will: Naul bill for Hinges111811 
for nailes 6lb. 7s. 5d. Chris: Greaves for Smith's work 2lb. 1s. 7d.890 
for Stone getting & Leading for pillars1100 
old wainscots     3000 
Totall is22032 
The Seatts as valued comes208010 

[Page 86]

 lb :s :d 
"Recd. the further sums of Thirty Pounds, wch is disburst as followeth:"lb :s :d 
wanting to discharge the other side1224 
Pd. for ye Vicar seat3100 
Pd. for Clark Seat1130 
for ye Churchwarden's seat2610 
ye deduction of 6 seats on ye account of ye pillers400 
wanting on his Common Accts. for ye years 1727, 1728, 17299169½
due to My. Balguy, Ellis Needham, & ye other Churchwardens3811½
Washing ye Surplies 10s. ten Gallons and halph of wine436 
when we came to see what repairs was needful 26 
when Hugh came to view to ye Limer 20 
Spent when we made ye bargain with Mr. Rutter 20 
for what we Barging for770 
Will: Butcher bill 1lb. 6s. a new Table Cloth 1lb. 11s. 6d. 2 176 
At ye setting up ye Pickters[17] 1s. 6d. one fox & one cub 10s. 116 
for carrying ye Dial Board to Derby & Bring them & other things 30 
1731-32-33 (accounts for two years in one entry).    
Pd. for Mr. Wormwald, Mr. Bradley, Mr. Balguy, & Mr. Wroe, at a meeting to consult about ye Bells 20 

[Page 87]

 lb :s :d 
for a new Surplies and makeing3188 
"Now in hand 3lb. 2s. 0d. wch is allowed for a seat for ye Vicarage & School    
"Collected a twelve penny Lay, being 120lb. 0s. 0d.    
Pd. Mr. Hawksworth for ye 1 tells and front Bells and from us45195 
Pd. Will: Butcher for making ye frame2600 
Pd. for ye Bell Clapers at Bawtrey456 
Pd. for waying ye old Bells in money & ale 79 
for 3 days my horse & my self 6s. & spent at ye same time 910 
Pd. Mr. Eddearley for coming to sine ye Last Article110 
My charges 4 days & what I paid for Mr. Parsons & both Horses when we went to way ye new Bells & tune them at Bawtrey 132 
gave to Mr. Ederly to help to Load ye Bells & ye workmen 310 
for four days my horse rind my self going to Bawtrey 80 
spent with Mr. Hawksworth as we went to Sheffield 10 
Pd. Will: Butcher when he went to Bawtrey 80 
Spent in taking down ye old Bells & helping up ye new Bells & all charges about em & spent upon ye Ringers & all Vestry meetings in Nathan's bill41810 
Pd. Geo: White for Carriage of ye Bells & going to his house710 
Pd. to a passenger with some Justice's hands at it 10 
to James Syddall & Will: Gellott for ale 1010 
spent of ye Bell founder at several times 100 
ye Lawyer's bill for Drawing ye Articles330 
Pd. for Letters come from ye Bell founder 26 
ollowed Mr. Balguy's scores for ye Bells 180 

[Page 88]

 lb :s :d 
spent at making these Accounts 100 
"Instead of this Accounts being 122lb. 4s. 6d. It is 122lb. 17s. 10½."    
Allowed Mr. Balguy's score 114½
Pd. Latter halph of ye Bell money45135¼
Pd. Mr. Hawksworth for over Mettle1796 
Spent at ye confirmation 10s. Mr. Haxby for a new Regester 3lb. 7s. 6d.3176 
Christ: Greaves for Malt to ye Steeple 1lb. 2s. Shepley for wine 4lb. 4s.560 
Nicholas Didsbury poynting Steeple 10lb. Ralph Bocking bill 1lb. 0s. 4d.1104 
Didsbury more for Lyming140 
halph a hundred of slate to ye School 30 
Shepley bill for wine 13 Gallons & ½ at 7s. per Gall4146 
Pd. for alterning ye prayer for ye Prince of Wales 20 
ye Sexton's wages 16s. to ye Ringers 1lb. 6s.228 
for catching catching 3 Otters 3s. Pd. for mending ye clock 3s. 60 
Pd. for 2 mens wage coming to view ye Church 26 
spent when meeting about repairing ye Church 80 
Spent in setting up a prop & takeing down 20 
a Ladder Pole 3s. fetching it from Wharncliffe 2s. 6d. 56 
Pd. Will: Gellott for cleaning tyth Barn 10 
2 Stooks of Hair 8d. 4 loads of Coals 4s. 48 
for carrying ye Ladder into ye Chancel 10 

[Page 89]

 lb :s :d 
Loading dirt out of ye Churchyard 16 
Zacc: Middleton a stone 6d. Spent in hoisting ye Great Beam 1s. 16 
For ye Burying Cloth in all1189 
Pd. Tho: Shepley for a paire of Shears 3  6 

“Memorandum that at the passing these Accounts it was agreed by all parties for ye Ballance money to be paid to Joshua Barnsley upon ye Account of ye Lose of yt money which should have been paid to him by Tho: Bagshaw of Offerton.”

1746-47lb :s :d 
Pd. for a pair of Hinges for ye Singing Board  6 
Pd. Mr. Bennett for a Napkin for ye Communion 40 
Pd. for three Raven Heads 10 
Pd. for three Church Wans (? wands) 16 
Ringers when Warren gott ye Victory (the taking of Louisberg by Vice-Admiral Warren) 50 
Pd. to ye Court about horned cattle 2  6 
April 29th 1748 Pd. for Beast orders & a fast Book 5  0 
April 19th 1749 Pd. for a Book of Thanksgiving 26 
Do. Pd. for a prayer for ye Distemper in Cattle 1  0 
Pd. for Killing Vermin. Pd. by John Sykes thro' ignorance tho' not to be allow'd for ye future 10 
Given to the Forest Singers 60 
for removing ye Garlands to make ye Church lighter 16 
“Allowed the Ringers for Ringing 9 months on Sundays morning and evening, which is designed to be continued with ye Parishioners approbation and

[Page 90]

 lb :s :d 
so to make ye whole years Sallary for the Ringers to be ten shillings and Rope. The other Ringing Days to be included in that sum” 184 

“Memorandum this Sixteenth Day of June 1750. It is agreed by a Vestry Meeting at the Parish Church of Hope by us who were present, being all or the major part of the persons that then met, (Notice being given for a meeting ye Sunday before), that ten shillings a Bell shall be allow'd to the Ringers for Ringing a Decent Peal every Lord's Day morning & evening & the said money to be paid by the Churchwardens & allow'd in their Accounts.”

1751-52 “Memorandum this 30th day of May 1752. It is agreed by us who are present at the passing these Accounts that the money taken from ye Ringers is to be allowed out of ye Overplus money, provided the Ringers will agree to Ring a decent peal every Sunday morning & evening before service.”

1752-53lb :s :d 
The Lymers 3 men 5 days at 16d. per day100 
four loads of Lime at 8½d. per load 210 
two stroke of Hair at 12d. per stroke 20 
4 days at 1s. 4d. per day for mossing the Schoolhouse 54 
For Liquor to put to the Lyme & spent when rearing the Ladders 60 
Pd. for 2 Load of Lime and fetching of it and for slecking of it, and fetching sap latts[18] from Castleton 26 
for 2 stroke of Hair, 200 of latts, 1000 of nails 48 
Pd. Willm. Marshall's Bill for Leading Gravel & Stone into the Churchyard 9 days at 4s. 6d. per day206 

[Page 91]

 lb :s :d 
Paid Thos: Shepley for Digging Gravel for the Churchyard 10 days at 14d. per day 118 
Paid for Willm. Marshall and Thos: Shopley each of them a pint of Ale per day 32 
Paid Jeremiah Ward's Bill for leading Feath[19] & Gravel for the Churchyard 4 days at 3s. per day 120 
Pd. do. for himself 4 days labour 48 
gave him each day a pint of Ale  8 
gave the singers 50 
gave the Ringers when news came that Hawke had gotten the victory 50 
gave the Singers 4 lb. of candles 23 

May 16th 1759. The undermentioned inhabitants of the Parish of Hope met in Vestry this day have agreed to pay and allow unto the Singers of the Parish Church of Hope the sum of sixteen shillings & sixpence towards paying for a Bassoon & Hautbois to be used in the Parish Church of Hope, which money is by the Present Vestry directed to be paid by Elias Marshall one of the present Churchwardens in consideration that the said Bassoon & Hautbois shall be and remain the property of the Parish of Hope & continue in the Parish Church of Hope for the use of the Singers in the said Parish Church of Hope.”

T. Wormald vicar. Isaa Morton, Robt. Needham, Jos: Baggaley, Sam: Bagshaw, Ed: Furnes, Win: Fuesdale, Joseph Hadfield, Jos: Raworth, Robert Hodkinson, his mark, John Fanshaw, Chris: Greaves, Isaa Hall, M. Hall, Joseph Staveley, Joseph Iberson, John Bagshaw, Richd. White Joshua Needham, John Heald.

[Page 92]

“We Thomas Fox & Edmund Ashmore who purchased the above Bassoon & Hautbois do hereby promise & agree that the said Instruments shall be & remain the property of the Parish of Hope.”     Thos: Fox.
     Edmund Ashmore.

1758-59£ :s :d 
Pd. to the Ringers300 
Gave to the Ringers at the taking of Louisberg & a Victory of the King of Prussia's over the Russians 60 
Pd. for a fox 68 
Pd. for half a fox 34 
May 2nd gave the Ringers when Guadaloupe was taken 30 
July 5th gave the Ringers when Adml. Rodney bombarded Havre de Gr. 10 
July 25th gave the Ringers when Genl. Johnson took Fort Niagara in North America 10 
do 28th gave the Ringers when Genl. Amherst took Ticonderoga in North America 10 
Aug. 1st gave the Ringers when when Prince Ferdinand of Brunswick beat the French at Minden 4  6 
Aug. 4th gave the Ringers when Genl. Amherst took Crown Point 30 
Aug. 10th gave the Ringers when the Prussians under Genl. Wunsch[20] defeated the Army. 10 
Aug. 18th gave the Ringers when Adml: Boscawen defeated la Clue in the Mediterranean 26 
Sept. 18th gave the Ringers when Quebec was taken 40 
do. 20th gave the Ringers when Ferdinand to Munster in Germany 16 
Pd. towards a Bassoon and Hautboy 166 

[Page 93]

 lb :s :d 
Pd. Willm: Jeffrey's Bill for Reeds 7s. 6d. for a Box for the Reeds 2s. Oil for the Bassoon 2s. 6d. and for Sunday Dinners 5s. 170 
Nov. 20th give the Ringers when Adml: Hawke defeated Mr. Conflaus in the Bay (Quiberon) 40 
Feb. 28th gave the Ringers when Mr. Thurot was taken 20 
Paid the Ringers for a victory 30 
Paid the Ringers their wages300 
Paid Clark wages200 
When the King of Prussia beat Daun[21] 26 
Paid for Jeffrey's Dinners 88 
Spent on ye Coronation of King George ye 3d. 150 
Robt. Rathmeal for Natts & Basses[22] 20 
Collected upon the Brief for the Propogation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts in the year 1752 the sum of4144 
Collected for the Colleges in America in the year 1763.196½
July 24th to Ale for the Singers 26 
Nov. 6th 7th 8th. To going to Lichfield when Mr. Wormald died100 
This is not to be continued. To Dinners & Liquor for Mr. Barber the Curate, the Clark and ourselves at Easter 98 
To William Jeffrey Dinners and Ale100 
To Ale at 3 different tones for the Masons, Glaziers and Limers 60 

[Page 94]

 lb :s :d 
To Ale for the Ringers 40 
(The entries for Ale are very numerous at this period, and continue for some time)    
To William Jeffrey's Dinners160 
To Ale for Thomas Shepley on the Sacrament days 20 
To Stone and leading to repair the pillar of steeple100 
To William Jeffrey for playing the Bassoon160 
Paid to Denton Singers220 
To a prayer for the Queen's safe Deliverance 20 
To a prayer for the Queen's safe Deliverance 20 
Paid for Bass Viol1100 
To candles for Bradwall Singers 39 
Gave to the Forest Singers when at Hope 150 
Clock Dresser's Bill100 
To Thomas Siddall for Malt to make Liquor to mix with mortar to point the steeple 166 
To the Ringers when New York was taken 20 
To George Fox for boring an Hole in the Steeple and a Tinpipe 50 
Paid for a collection of Anthems by Hall of Sheffield[23] 60 

[Page 95]

 lb :s :d 
Collected for the Relief of the distressed Clergymen in America, in the year 1779, the sum of2112 
To William Marshall for removing snow and cleaning Hearse House[24] 34 
Spent when we met to consult about buying an Hearse 10 
To Ale, when the timber was laid on the Hearse House 16 
To Robt. Ibbotson for Harness for the Hearse400 
gave to the Ringers when St. Eustatia was taken 60 
To Ringers for the Christening Seat Door  11 
gave to the Ringers when Admiral Rodney defeated Mr. De Grasse. 56 
To Nathan Woodroofe Parish Clark700 
To Dinners & Ale for Joseph Rose on Sacrament Days 40 
To Dinners and Ale for William Jeffrey in the Winter Season. 100 
To a new coat for Joseph Rose 185½
To Ellis Pedley for Instructing young men to sing550 
gave to the Chimers 79½
To an Umbrella 170 
gave to the Ringers at the late Revolution Day 150 
Painter's Bill for painting Font, Pulpit, Chancel Rails, Pictures, Churchyard Gates etc396 
To painting front of the Loft220 
To John Longdin's Bill for a Constable Staff 76 

[Page 96]

1799-1800lb :s :d 
To Ale at putting new Bell Ropes to the Bells. 10 
To Clark's Bill for Churchwarden's Dinners Ale etc395 
Robert Barber's Bill for instructing Singers 12 months15180 
To paid Chapel Clock maker for his journey to Hope 20 
To spent at meeting concerning Church Clock etc 56 
To do James Hibbs Bill for work done at Church Clock in 1800 96 
Liquor at Settling Steeple pointing 150 
Paid for Steeple pointing23126 
for Liquor at fixing weathercock etc 130 
for Brazing and Gilding do100 
Paid Mr. Drewry for advertizing Steeple 116 
For Ale at repairing Leads etc 30 
To the Clark for washg. & mendg. Surplice & Communion Linen100 
To Mr. Jas. Harrison's Bill for Rehangg. the Bells, Repairg. Ch Clock etc7070 
To Wm. Eyre's Bill for Oak, Timber, Sawing, Carriage & making of the Bell Frame5153 
To the Clark's Bill of Churchwarden's Dinners & Solidly otr. things705½
To Daniel Rose for a Dial Plate314 
To the Clark's wages1000 
To the Ringer's wages400 
To the Singers' do.1100 
To given to the Ringers upon news of defeating the French fleet (?Trafalgar) 60 

[Page 97]

1809-10lb :s :d 
To gave Ringers 5s. & Singers 5s. on the Jubilee Day 100 
To paid David Pearson fox playing Organ[25]5160 
To paid Plant for dressing Church Clock 80 
Will. Burgon for playing the Organ to Easter 18111000 
for blowing the Organ 110 
Paid Wm. Ibbotson for fire Range, Oven, & Boiler, to continue in the School house2126 
do Joseph Hill and Micah Holme for stone leading & walling School Garden Wall190 
Thomas Siddall for the use of his house while the chool House was repaired110 
To 3 yards of Green Cloth for Communion Table140 
To Daniel Rose bill for repairing Sun Dial 126 
To Benjm. Gleadhill for pricking tunes[26] 50 
(There was apparently no bell ringing or indications of feasting for the victory of Waterloo in 1815)    
Nov. 19th for ringing a Dumb peal for the funeral of Princess Charlotte 510 
David Pearson for tuning the Organ130 
Victuals & drink for David & Boy 4 days 120½
Mr. Marshall for instructing the Organist to play660 
Paid for Black Cloth to put the Pulpit, Desk etc into mourning (George III died 1820)603 
Paid for putting Black Cloth on etc 46 
Paid Mr. Marshall for playing Organ at the Feast (Hope Feast) 106 

[Page 98]

1821-22lb :s :d 
Gave the Singers & Organist at Hope Feast2126  
Gave Singers Liquor when consulting about ye Wakes performance 80  
spent on the King's Coronation Day (George IV crowned July 19th 1821)180  
Ten thraves of straw to thatch Schoolhouse Shippon[27] 100  
To John Hallam for instructing some young people in music360  
To spent on his Majesty's Coronation Day Sept 8th 1831 (William IV)180  
(There is no entry of any rejoicings or celebration of the Coronation of Queen Victoria).     

After 1868 the Accounts become common place and merit no special notice. In 1873 extensive repairs to the fabric of the Church were carried out. In 1882 the old Chancel was pulled down and rebuilt by public subscription. in 1887-88 the Nave was thoroughly repaired, Mr. Edward Firth of Birchfield contributing £2050. A new clock was given by by Captain A.P. Arkwright, R.N., M.P. for North Derbyshire.

Notes on Chapter VI
[1] "the pillar". In 1764-5 called "the pillar of the steeple", a term not known at the present day.
[2] "Boson" or Bowson - The Badger. Occurs in the Parish Accounts of Wortley, near Sheffield. (vide: "Hallamshire Glossary".)
[3] "Urchins". Hedgehogs.
[4] "Lay Stalls". A burial place. Also a "midden", "a place where refuse is disposed of", see New English Dictionary. Used in this connexion for a burial place within the Church.
[5] "Stoopes" or posts, probably gate posts.
[6] "Strike". A Strike was 9 Bushels or 1 vat.
[7] "ye finger". This probably refers to the Sun-dial. Peter Sidebotham was then engaged upon the new clock.
[8] Thomas Marshall was clothed each year at the expense of the parish. He appears from other entries in the Accounts to have been Bellman and Dog Whipper, as well as Sexton.
[9] "Piggin" was "a small wooden vessel made in the manner of a half-barrel." - Halliwell's Dict. of Archaic Words.
[10] "Yates". Corruption for Gates, used in Derbyshire and the North. Yate also used to signify a road.
[11] "Gudgeon". "That part of a horizontal shaft or axle which turns in the collar." - Imperial Dictionary.
[12] ""Cottar". "A pin, key, wedge, or bolt which fits into a hook or fastens something in its place." New English Dictionary
[13] "Gimmers". "Hinges or joints" New English Dictionary (Murray)
[14] "Regester". The Registrar at Lichfield.
"Pariter". The Apparitor, "an officer who serves the process of a Spiritual Court.". - Imperial Dictionary
[15] "Travellers". A term which repeatedly occurs in these accounts, is equivalent to "Tramps" in modern parlance.
[16] "Kitt" or Kit. A small fiddle, generally used by Dancing Masters.
[17] "Picters". Probably refers to the three oil paintings in the Church (Muses, Aaron and Time and Death) which have been pronounced to be of 18th century date. The name of the artist is not known.
[18] "Sap latts" or "Saplaths" (Harrison's 'Description of England', 1577) The small laths used in ceilings to ensure the stability of the plastering.
[19] "Feath". A local name, still in use, for the spar refuse from the lead mines, used in making footpaths.
[20] "General Wunsch". Prussian General. Surrendered to the Austrians 21st Nov. 1759. (Carlysle. "Frederick the Great" Vol VI)
[21] ""Daun". Austrian Genereal defeated at Torgau 3rd Nov. 1760.
[22] "Natts & Basses". Evidently misspelling of Matts. Basses were straw hassocks for kneeling on in Church.
[23] "John Hall" of the Park, Sheffield produced an Oratorio called "The Ressurection", 5th April 1790. In the "Sheffield Register" in 1791 he announces that he is engaged upon an Oratorio to be called "The Creation". He died in poverty in 1794.
[24] "Hearse House". The first one built. It stood in the corner of the Churchyard.
[25] This is the first mention of an Organ. The organist's salary begins to figure in the accounts.
[26] "pricking tunes" or "pricking music" was a term in use until quite lately for copying music.
[27] "Shippon" (old English Seypen), cattle shed or cow shed. New English Dictionary (Murray.)

OCR/Transcription by Rosemary Lockie in November 1999.

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