The Annals of Bristol in the Eighteenth Century
By John Latimer
Author of ‘Annals of Bristol in the Nineteenth Century’.
Transcriptions by Rosemary Lockie, © Copyright 2013
The Common Council, in June, 1771, resolved to set about
the construction of the street (Union Street) from Dolphin
Lane to Broadmead. Owing to the costliness of the
undertaking, it was determined to reduce the proposed width of
the thoroughfare from 40 to 30 feet. The butcher market
at the Exchange being overcrowded, it was resolved to erect
a market on the eastern side of the new street The
undertaking presented considerable difficulties, many thousand
396 | THE ANNALS OF BRISTOL | [1771. |
tons of earth having to be carted to the spot, and a lofty
bridge constructed over the Froom. St. James's Market
was opened on the 1st May, 1776. The outlay of the
Corporation far exceeded the original estimate of about £4,000.
In 1776, the Chamber ordered that £2,600, in addition to £6,000
already borrowed, be raised by means of life annuities, “for
defraying the expence of making Union Street and the
market there”.
The growing inconvenience to traffic caused by Redcliff
Gate at length overcame the conservative instincts of the
Corporation. On the 8th June, 1771, the Chamber
unanimously ordered that the obstruction should be forthwith taken
down. As already stated (p. 175), the gate had been rebuilt
so recently as 1731. Redcliff Parade, on a site previously
known as Adderclift, belonging to the dean and chapter, but
held under lease by Mr. Sydenham Teast, was under
construction at this time. In 1776 the capitular lease was
renewed on payment of a fine of £650.
A great public improvement was determined upon in the
autumn. The impetus came from London, where the
corporation had just introduced flagged footways for pedestrians.
The Common Council of Bristol resolved, on the 28th
September, that a paved way, seven feet wide, should be made
before the Exchange, to which it was also determined to
remove the four brass pillars that had long stood before the
Council House. This resolution must have been come to in
view of the action taken in reference to footways by the
paving authorities; for a writer in Felix Farley's Journal of
October 26th, referring to various local improvements,
applauds “the paved foot passages so commend ably begun in
several of the streets”. In the following June a letter
appeared in the Bristol Journal, in which “the Ladies of
Bristol return thanks to the magistrates for encouraging the
accommodation of their feet with smooth paved streets”;
but complain that “four wheeled carriages called trucks”
were allowed to be driven along the footways.
The removal of the brass pillars, just recorded, put an end
to a singular annual ceremony, described by a London
observer as follows:- “On the 5th November the eldest scholar
of the city grammar school, standing on a brass pillar in the
street, at the Tolzey, commemorates the deliverance in a
Latin oration to the mayor, who attends to him at the
Council-house door; and when the declaimer dismounts,
rewards him with a piece or pieces of gold, as Mr. Mayor
thinks proper; but the throng is always so great that very
1771-72.] | IN THE EIGHTEENTH CENTURY. | 397 |
little is heard”. The oration was afterwards delivered in
the Council House, but was discontinued in 1780, and was
only at intervals revived.
On the 7th November, John Shoals was tried at the
Admiralty Court, London, for the murder of one M'Coy on
board the Bristol ship Black Prince, in January, 1769.
Shortly after the ship left Bristol on a slaving voyage, the
sailors resolved to seize the vessel and become pirates. The
captain and nine officers were accordingly forced into a boat,
which soon after sank. M'Coy, who acted as cook, having
incurred the displeasure of the crew, was tried by a mock
court-martial, of which Shoals was a member, and, having
been sentenced to be hanged, was suspended to the yard
arm; but the rope broke, and the poor fellow fell into the
sea and perished. The prisoner was acquitted of the murder,
but was sentenced to death for piracy, and subsequently
executed. The Black Prince was eventually stranded on
the coast of Hispaniola.
On the 2nd January, 1772, the famous John Wilkes,
having been invited by Sir William Codrington, Bart., Mr.
Samuel Peach, Mr. Henry Cruger, and other influential
citizens to pay a visit to Bristol, arrived at the White Lion
inn, Broad Street, amidst the cheers of a vast crowd of
admirers. The bells of St. Stephen's and St. Maryleport were
rung in his honour; but many of the clergy, according to
the Bristol Journal, prevented the ringing of a peal. Wilkes
was entertained to dinner in Tailors' Hall, where about
eighty gentlemen sat down, and 24 toasts were afterwards
drunk, that of “the legal representative of Middlesex”
being received with enthusiasm. Sarah Farley was
venturesome enough to publish in her newspaper the speech of
the gentleman who welcomed Wilkes's arrival; but his name,
as well as the demagogue's after-dinner oration, was carefully
Handel's oratorio of “Judas Maccabaeus” was performed
on the 25th March in the theatre in King Street, to which
the admission was five shillings. Master Linley, then a
musical prodigy, was “first violin” in the orchestra.
An advertisement dated April 8th, 1772, appeared in the
Bristol Journal, announcing that “Robert and Thomas
Southey, linen drapers, mercers, and lace-men, have this day
opened shop, next door to the Plume of Feathers, in Wine
Street”. Tne premises were distinguished by “the sign of
the Hare”. The senior partner, in the following September,
married a Miss Hill, of Bedminster, daughter of Edward
398 | THE ANNALS OF BRISTOL | [1772. |
Hill, attorney, deceased, and from this union was born, over
the Wine Street shop, on the 12th August, 1774, Robert
Southey, many years poet laureate, but better known as the
biographer of Nelson and the author of “The Doctor”.
The draper brothers dissolved partnership about 1778,
Thomas migrating to Corn Street; but both became
bankrupt in 1791. At the latter date the shop in Wine Street,
since divided into two, was let for £44 a year.
On the 15th May, 1772, a man named Jonathan Britain
was hanged at St. Michael's Hill for forging a bill of
exchange for the sum of £10. The case excited much public
attention. Britain had been an usher in the school kept by
Mr. Donn in the City Library in King Street, and had also
been a frequent contributor to an anti-ministerial paper
called the Whisperer, In July, 1771, whilst at Reading, he
attempted to obtain cash for four bills of exchange to the
total value of £45; but doubts as to their genuineness
having been aroused, he was arrested, and ultimately
committed for trial on suspicion of forgery. Apparently in
dread of the result, Britain soon afterwards declared that he
was one of the persons concerned in setting fire to
Portsmouth dockyard a short time previously, and that it was his
intention to avail himself of the royal pardon promised in
the London Gazette to any one making a full discovery of
that crime. He followed up this statement by publishing
in the Whisperer virulent attacks on members of the
Government, and on the king's favourite, Lord Bute. These articles,
which were continued for several months, and insinuated
criminal charges against many prominent personages, excited
attention all over the country. In the meantime, a Bristol
firm acquainted the prosecutors at Reading that Britain had
absconded from this city, after obtaining payment of three
forged bills, amounting together to £35. This fact came to
the knowledge of the Rev. William Talbot, vicar of St.
Giles's, Reading, who had taken an inexplicable antipathy
to Britain from the outset, and who, as he afterwards
avowed, had resolved to rid the world of “an execrable
villain”. It was foreseen that the charge of forgery at
Reading could not be sustained, the prosecutors having
neglected to retain the evidence of the fraud. It appeared also
that the injured persons in Bristol had no intention of
prosecuting the prisoner. Mr. Talbot therefore determined to
prosecute the Bristol cases at his own expense, and made
several journeys to the city to engage legal assistance and
collect evidence, having stooped, it was alleged, to gross
dissimulation for the purpose of extracting information from
Britain's friends. Two or three journeys were also made to
London with the object of strengthening the case. Finally,
on the Berkshire grand jury rejecting the Reading
indictments, Britain, at Mr. Talbot's instance, was arrested by
officers from Bristol, where he was brought up for trial on
the 2nd May, 1772, on one of the three indictments laid
against him. The prisoner had practically no defence, and
his claim to be entitled to pardon under the Gazette notice
referred to above was, of course, set aside. After conviction,
Britain confessed that he really knew nothing about the
Portsmouth fire, and that his articles on the subject were a
tissue of falsehoods. The man was undoubtedly a vicious
and heartless scoundrel; but the extraordinary manner in
which he was dragged to the scaffold by a clergyman gave
great offence, and Mr. Talbot's solemn assurances that his
time and money had been lavished solely in the service of
the public were received with general incredulity.
A letter in the Bristol Journal of the 13th June, addressed
to the mayor by “a great number of the citizens liable to
serve as jurors”, throws light on the accommodation
provided for the due administration of justice. The writers
suggested that seats should be placed in the Crown Court at
the Guildhall for the use of the jurors, who, being obliged
to stand throughout the trial of a prisoner, sometimes lasting
for three or four hours, were often so much fatigued as to be
unable to perform their functions. The appeal was unnoticed.
A great improvement near St. Stephen's Church was
proposed during the summer, namely, the demolition of a
number of old hovels which blocked up the approach to the
church from the newly-constructed Clare Street. The
Corporation subscribed £200 towards the fund raised for clearing
the ground. Subsequently the vestry extended the design,
and in 1774 an Act of Parliament was obtained to remove
old buildings, including the former rectory, to widen the
narrow streets in the neighbourhood, and to extend the
churchyard. A witness deposed before the House of
Commons that, owing to the confined area of the cemetery and
the number of burials, the ground had become raised five
feet above the natural level. Considerable alterations were
also made in the church itself, though they are scarcely
referred to by Mr. Barrett, whose indifference to the freaks of
contemporary churchwardendom showed his lack of good
taste, and caused marked defects in his history. In
November, 1776, the vestry resolved on the immediate erection of
400 | THE ANNALS OF BRISTOL | [1772. |
a new vestry room at the east end of the church, and this
building caused the destruction of the east window of the
south aisle. In the following May, it was resolved that “the
foundation of the north aisle be built and brought up
window high, so as to make it of an equal length with the south
aisle”. It is probable that much of the old tracery of the
windows was replaced about this time by work of a debased
character. The cost of carrying out the improvements far
exceeded the estimates, and, as will be seen hereafter, the
parochial authorities were saved from insolvency only by
the help of the Corporation.
Felix Farley's Journal of June 20th, 1772, acquainted the
public that Thomas Boyce had completely fitted up “three
large and elegant lodging houses on Clifton Hill”, which
appear to have been built by himself at a cost of about
£8,000, and received the name of Boyce's Buildings.
Attached to the houses were a pleasure garden, three
summerhouses, ten coach-houses, and stabling for 34 horses. The
projector became bankrupt in the following November.
A coach to Leicester - an unprecedented enterprise -
started in June, the owners undertaking to make the
journey bi-weekly in two days. By intercepting the London
coaches to Liverpool and Lancaster at Coventry, Bristolians
were offered greatly increased facilities for reaching that
part of the kingdom.
On the 4th September, Elizabeth Inchbald, who had not
then completed her nineteenth year, appeared at the King
Street theatre in the part of Cordelia; a play-bill of the
evening, preserved in R. Smith's MSS., adds “being her
first appearance on any stage”. The performance was for
the benefit of her husband, an actor and painter, whom she
had married a few weeks before. Mrs. Inchbald afterwards
acquired a lasting reputation and a handsome competence
by her dramas and novels. In the summer of 1774 the
leading female performer on the local stage was Mrs.
Canning (née Costello), widow of George Canning, an Irishman
claiming descent from the renowned Canynges of Bristol,
and mother of a four year old boy of the same name,
destined to become Prime Minister. Mrs. Canning, who was
much admired for her beauty, married an actor of repute,
named Reddish, then manager of Bristol theatre, and
frequently acted during three seasons. Reddish dying, his
widow married one Hunn, who, according to Mr. Smith,
was a liquor dealer in Tucker Street, but by another
account was a draper at Plymouth, whom she also outlived.
The lady continued on the stage till 1801, when her son,
who had been adopted by a banker uncle (father of Lord
Stratford de Redcliffe), and had then been Under-Secretary
of State for four years, arranged to have his pension of
£500 a-year settled on his mother and sisters.
“Mr. Astley, performer of horsemanship, from London”,
a man destined to attain fame as a circus proprietor, but
who at this period picked up a precarious living as a
showman at Bristol and other fairs, gave several equestrian
entertainments on Durdham Down during the month of
October, depending for his reward upon the liberality of the
spectators. The chief attractions were the performances of
his son, five years old, and of his wife, upon two
bare-backed horses. The first local equestrian performance
indoors seems to have taken place in June, 1786, when a troupe
of Astley's company occupied the “new riding school in the
Borough Walls, leading from Thomas Street to Temple
The bakers of the city were greatly irritated about this
time by the proceedings of an interloper in the trade, named
Jenkins, who persisted in selling bread at a lower price than
that agreed upon by the Bakers' Company, and thereby
gained great popular support. The publication of violent
attacks on his character having proved ineffectual, the
Company, in October, resolved to prosecute him under the law
of Elizabeth, forbidding any one from pursuing a trade to
which he had not served seven years' apprenticeship; but
the grand jury ignored the indictment, and Jenkins
triumphantly opened a shop in Wine Street, started a mill at St.
Anne's to defeat a combination of millers, and sold more
bread than ever. His family, who succeeded him, eventually
acquired a fortune. This appears to have been the last
attempt to enforce the old Act by which trade monopolies
had been so long defended.
The local theatrical season had been hitherto limited to
the summer months, during which the Hot Well was
attended by fashionable and pleasure-seeking visitors. In
November, 1772, an attempt was made by a band of
comedians to supply a series of winter entertainments, and
the Coopers' Hall was engaged for that purpose. The Act
of 1737, branding players as rogues and vagabonds, being
still in force, the company were reduced to the usual
expedient for evading the law. The Bristol Journal of
November 21st cautiously announced:- “We hear that the first
theatrical concert at the Coopers' Hall will be on Wednesday
402 | THE ANNALS OF BRISTOL | [l772. |
next”. No opposition having been offered, the following
week's Journal says:- “We hear the next theatrical
concert (between the parts of which will be introduced, gratis,
Othello and the Lying Valet) will be on Monday next”
Growing bolder, the next number announced that three
“concerts” a week would be given, and similar
advertisements were continued in later issues. The proceedings
were doubtless very aggravating to the proprietors of the
neighbouring theatre, but their hands were tied by the fact
that the performances in their own house were as illegal as
those at the hall. A correspondent of the Journal joyfully
announced in January that the magistrates had at length
put the law in operation against the intruders, and a few
days afterwards four of the principal performers were fined
£50 each; but the “concerts” nevertheless continued until
the 3rd April. In the following winter, to the wrath of the
theatre owners, the interlopers reappeared, the “concerts”
being resumed on the 17th November, 1773. Three weeks
later, however, the Council resolved to crush them, and on
the 18th December the managers, Messrs. Booth and
Kennedy (both either in hiding or in prison), announced their
benefits, hoping that “their present situation”, which
prevented them from personally waiting on their friends, would
not deprive them of public support. A promise was added
that the hall would be reopened after Christmas; but the
luckless players were unable to fulfil the pledge.
In addition to the annual gift of wine to the two members
for the city, the Council, in December, 1772, made a similar
present to Mr. James Laroche, one of the Common Council,
and M.P. for Bodmyn, “for his services in Parliament”.
The gift was repeated in the five following years, the
recipient having in the meantime been created a baronet for
his zealous support of the King's American policy; and,
though the present was withheld in 1778, it was resumed in
1779. Owing to commercial misfortunes, Sir James then
retired from Parliament.
At a meeting of the Council in December, a pension of
£30 a year was granted to William Stevens, an insolvent
linen draper. The only claim for sympathy put forward on
his behalf was that he had married a daughter of “John
Bartlett, Esq., late a member of this House”. “When Stevens
died, in 1780, his widow was granted a pension of the same
amount. In 1790 a pension of £20 was proposed to be
conferred on the widow of Bartlett's son. The motion was
negatived; but the daughter of the widow forthwith
petitioned again, alleging that her mother had not sufficiently
described her distressed state, and the House thereupon
granted £30 a year to the daughter, for life!
On the 15th December, 1772, at a meeting of a few leading
citizens, it was resolved to form an association under the
title of the Bristol Library Society, having for its purpose
the promotion of literature in the city. The original
promoters of the movement were John Peach, John Ford,
Joseph Harford, Samuel Farr, M.D., John Pryor Estlin,
Richard Champion, Mark Harford, William BuUer, Abraham
Ludlow, M.D., and Joseph Smith. Bishop Newton accepted
the office of president. The subscription was fixed at a
guinea, with an entrance fee of the same amount. (The
latter was afterwards largely increased.) The society from
the outset coveted the acquisition of the ”Library House“
erected by the Corporation in 1740 for the free use of the
citizens, and private negotiations to attain that end soon
took place, for in January, 1773, at the annual election of
civic officials, Mr. Donn, the schoolmaster, who had been
librarian for some years, was not reappointed. At the
Council meeting in the following March, the Rev. Thomas
Johnes petitioned for the vacant office of library keeper, and
a memorial was presented from the society ”for increasing
the library and rendering the same more useful to the
publick“, begging for the free use of the building, and for
Mr. Johnes' appointment. Both requests were granted (Mr.
Johnes's salary was soon after raised to 12 guineas with
rent-free apartments), and Mr. Donn was directed to quit
the premises at Midsummer. The sum of £162 was next
paid by the Chamber for renovating the premises and
repairing the books. These preparations completed, the
library was opened on the 1st July, 1773, the books
belonging to the city, though kept apart from those of the
society, being, of course, available to the members. Although
the house was built for a free library, no reservation of the
citizens' rights was made by the civic body, and the entrance
of a non-subscriber into the building was soon treated by Mr.
Johnes as an impertinent intrusion. In 1775 the Common
Council rendered a further service to the new institution.
In 1728 the Corporation had permitted Ezekial Longman,
ancestor of the great London publishers, to erect a stable
and coach-house in King Street, in front of the library, on
his paying a rent of 20s. These constructions, with others
added by the tenant, being found inconvenient, the Chamber
purchased the whole for £392, and had them demolished
404 | THE ANNALS OF BRISTOL | [1773. |
”to lay open the library house and widen the public way“,
the Merchant Venturers contributing £100 towards the
improvement. The Society was well supported, and being
helped by various donations (the Society of Arts subscribed
10 guineas annually for upwards of half a century), its
literary treasures rapidly increased. In 1786 it applied to
the Common Council for a piece of void ground adjoining
the library, upon which to build an additional wing. The
land was granted at a rent of 2s. 5d., and a subscription of
£100 was voted towards the intended building. The addition
was completed in 1789. The restoration of the Library
House to its original purpose was not effected until half a
century later. See ”Annals of the Nineteenth Century“,
If travelling was slow during the eighteenth century, it
was at least comparatively cheap. An advertisement in the
Bristol Journal of the 13th February, 1773, intimates that a
post chaise and pair of horses to Bath or Sodbury could be
hired for 9s., or to Wells, 15s. These charges were about
fifty per cent. higher than had been usual a few years
earlier. In 1760 the price to Wells was half a guinea, and
the average rate on level roads was then sixpence a mile in
summer. The ordinary rate of travelling by post chaises
was thirty miles per day.
At a meeting of the Council on the 27th March, 1773, a
petition was read from owners of property on Kingsdown
and St. MichaePs Hill, representing that they had within a
few years built many new houses there, but were discouraged
from making further improvements owing to the great
damage done to their property by the populace during the
execution of criminals, and praying that the gallows be
removed to Brandon Hill. On the margin of the minute
book is written:- ”Nothing done herein“.
A strike of tailors took place in April. The workmen,
alleging that their weekly earnings averaged only 8s.,
demanded that the rate for the summer months, 12s., should
be raised to 14s. The dispute was maintained for four
months, and seems to have ended in the success of the men,
for in 1777 there was another strike, caused by the
employers reducing the rate from 14s. to 12s. In 1781, and
again in 1790, the masters advertised for journeymen,
offering 14s., their hands having demanded 15s. On both the
latter occasions the workmen were defeated.
The weakness of rich Bristolians in reference to turtle
was a theme for much sarcasm down to the first quarter of
the present century. Mr. Nugent has been shown describing
the civic dignitaries as ”full of turtle“, and from his
time to that of Byron, who said much the same thing,
many jokes were cracked at the expense of the citizens.
Of late years, thanks to Mr. Punch, the stream of banter has
been diverted upon the Corporation of London, and the
witticisms upon Bristol turtle eaters have been almost
forgotten. The trade appears to have attained its highest
point at the period now under review. The Bristol Journal
of July 17th, 1773, announces:- ”Just imported, several
large and small turtle from 2 to 120 lb., and from 1s. to 2s.
per lb. To be sold at the Old Turtle Warehouse, next door
to All Saints' Conduit, Corn Street“ - a convenient locality
for the dignitaries at the opposite Council House. At this
time a famous victualler, John ”Weeks, had just become
tenant of the Bush tavern, fronting the Exchange, where
he dressed turtle with such remarkable success that his soup
became celebrated throughout the country, large quantities
being prepared for distant consumption. In July, 1776, he
advertised “turtle ordinaries every Tuesday, Thursday, and
Saturday during the turtle season”, at 5s. a head. Weeks's
renown as a caterer extended over thirty years, and he is
said to have enjoyed the patronage of the Prince of Wales
(George IV.). In 1781 the Corporation accounts contain the
following item:- “Paid for a small turtle sent to the
Recorder (Dunning) as a present, £6 16s. 4d”. In 1796
the proprietors of the Bush, White Lion, Talbot, and
Montague hotels announced that fresh turtle was dressed by
them every day during the season.
At a meeting of the Council in December, 1773, the
master of Queen Elizabeth's Hospital and the mistress of
the Red Maids' School were voted an extra sum of £42 each
(£1 per scholar) on account of the high price of provisions.
The children in the two charities were “farmed” by their
teachers, the master of the Hospital being allowed at this
time £10 per boy for clothing, food, and instruction, whilst
the mistress of the girls received £7 per head, together with
the profits derived from the needlework at which the
children were almost constantly employed - their school lessons
being confined to reading.
The Council, at the same meeting, ordered that a
hogs-head of wine should be forwarded to the recorder, as an
acknowledgment “for his advice”. The fee of the recorders
from the time of Sir Michael Foster had been £60 for each
gaol delivery. It was now probably thought that this
406 | THE ANNALS OF BRISTOL | [1774 |
honorarium was insufficient. At all events, the gift of wine
was renewed annually, and continued until the reform of
the Corporation.
In the session of 1774 a Bill was promoted by the Bristol
turnpike trustees for a renewal of their powers, then about
to expire, and for the inclusion in the trust of Gallows Acre
Lane, of the road from the top of Park Street to the bottom
of Clifton Hill, of the lane from Stoke's Croft to the
Blackbirds Inn Gate, Stapleton Boad, and of the road from
Gallows Acre Lane to Whiteladies' Road. The two last-named
proposals excited much local agitation, and petitions
against them were adopted by the poor law guardians and
by a public meeting of the citizens, on the ground that the
large traffic between the Hot Well and Bath, as well as
that between Wales and the South of England, then passing
through Bristol, would be diverted, to the great loss of the
inhabitants. The opposition was successful in forcing the
trustees to modify their scheme. Power to make a turnpike
road from the top of Stokers Croft to Stapleton Road was,
however, obtained a few years later, and Ashley Road was
opened in 1786.
On the 22nd February, 1774, the philanthropic John
Howard paid his first visit to Bristol in the course of his
remarkable exertions for the promotion of prison reform.
It is difficult for later generations to render full justice to
Howard's dauntless labours, inasmuch as the horrors he had
to encounter have long passed away. That he ran no
trifling risk is attested by the facts relating to Somerset
prison recorded at page 172, and by the circumstance that a
lord mayor, an alderman, two judges, and the greater part
of a London jury perished from gaol fever caught in court
in 1760. These and many other warnings had produced no
effect on the authorities when Howard began his mission.
The Castle prison at Gloucester, which he had visited before
reaching Bristol, was found in a wretched condition. The
floor of the main ward was so ruinous that it could not be
washed; the male and female felons were herded together
in a single day-room; a large dunghill lay against the steps
leading to the dormitories; and the gaoler, having no salary,
made his living out of the profits of the liquor sold to the
prisoners, and by taxing the debtors brought under his
charge. “Many prisoners”, Howard noted, “died there in
the course of the year”. Newgate prison, in Bristol, was
overcrowded with inmates, but was in a better sanitary
state than that of Gloucester, though the “dungeon”, or
night room for male felons, often densely crowded, was
eighteen steps underground, and only 17 feet in diameter.
“No bedding, nor straw”. In the yard the criminals of all
ages and both sexes mingled with the insolvent debtors,
even the poorest of the latter class paying the gaoler, who
had no salary, 10½d. a week for the lodgings in which they
were incarcerated by their creditors. There were 38 felons
and 68 debtors in Newgate at the time of Howard's
inspection. Bridewell was in a worse state than the gaol, the
rooms being very dirty, and the air offensive from open
sewers. There was no bedding, no employment, insufficient
water, and the only food was two pennyworth of bread per
head daily. At Lawford's Gate Bridewell there was “a
dark room, the dungeon, about 12 feet by 7, in which the
felons slept, except those who could afford to pay for beds.
The rooms were without chimneys, and yet the inmates
were never allowed to leave them. A prisoner had no
allowance for food, except he was very poor, when he had
twopence a day”. Howard paid repeated visits to Bristol,
where he generally stayed for some time at the Hot Well.
He noted in December, 1776, that he had released a woman
from Bridewell, who had been acquitted at the quarter
sessions, but was detained for nonpayment of fees, 3s. 6d.
Some improvements were effected in Newgate after the
publication of Howard's reports; but he describes it in 1787
as “white without and foul within; the dungeon and several
rooms very dirty. The allowance still to felons only a penny
loaf before trial, and a twopenny loaf (1½lb.) after
conviction”. At his last inspection, May, 1788, the gaol was
found “much cleaner”, and Bridewell “perfectly clean”.
The improvement, however, was of brief duration (See
“Annals of the Nineteenth Century”, p.66).
A musical festival took place in the Cathedral on the 31st
March, 1774, for the benefit of the Infirmary. During the
morning service, to which the admission was free, the
performances consisted of “the grand Dettingen Te Deum, a
manuscript Anthem, and the Coronation Anthem, all
composed by the late Mr. Handel”. In the evening “The
Messiah” was given, “between the parts of which Master
Charles Wesley performed a concerto on the organ”. The
vocalists and instrumentalists were ninety-one in number.
“Tickets, 5s. 3d. each”; and the committee promised that
the Cathedral should be “well-aired” for the occasion. The
festival realised a profit of £100.
The progress of the quarrel between the American
408 | THE ANNALS OF BRISTOL | [1774. |
colonies and the mother country suspended the white slave
trade, so long carried on under the name of emigration, to
which repeated reference has been made. The latest record
of the traffic has been found in the New York Gazette of May
10th, 1774, an advertisement notifying that a number of
“servants” had just arrived, and were then for sale on
board the Commerce, “amongst whom are a number of
weavers, taylors, blacksmiths, masons, joiners, . . . and
spinsters from 14 to 36 years of age. Apply to . . . the
master, on board”. A letter in the Bristol Journal about a
fortnight earlier quotes the price of these imports at New
York and Philadelphia at about £16 currency per head.
The trade revived after the colonies had gained their
independence. In November, 1800, William Cobbett, in his
Porcupine, stated that he had personally seen a cargo of
emigrants put up for sale at Wilmington, and treated as
mere cattle, in 1793; adding that an Irishman offered him
a little girl, seven years of age, for six guineas, her servitude
to last until she reached twenty-one years. The child, with
her sisters, was to be sold to pay for the passage of her sick,
and therefore valueless, mother.
At a meeting of the Council on the 13th August, 1774, an
order was made for the demolition of Froom Gate, Christmas
Street, “in order to make the way there more commodious”.
A committee also reported that the removal of Small Street
Gate would greatly improve the locality, and that certain
inhabitants had offered to undertake the work, as well as to
demolish some projecting tenements adjoining the barrier.
On the recommendation of the committee, the Chamber
voted £300 towards the estimated outlay of £600. (A
further subscription of £60 was made in 1776.) Another
street improvement was ordered three weeks later. A
committee reported that Blind Steps, between Nicholas and
Baldwin Streets, were very narrow, dark, and dangerous,
and that it was desirable to make a better thoroughfare, by
removing some old hovels and lofts, the property of the
Corporation. The report was adopted, and orders were
given for carrying out the work.
On the 29th August the rector and churchwardens of St.
Michael's published a circular stating that the fabric of the
church had been condemned by Mr. Thomas Patey, architect,
as being in a ruinous condition. As it provided
accommodation for only 660 persons out of an estimated
population of 2,000, it was deemed inadvisable to repair the
old structure, and Mr. Patey having reported that a “roomy,
elegant, and commodious new church” could be erected for
£1,800 or £2,000, the authorities solicited subscriptions to
carry his suggestion into effect. The parishioners responded
liberally to this appeal; the Corporation contributed £300
and the Merchants' Society £160; and, the fund soon
amounting to £2,400, the old church, with the exception of
the tower, was demolished in the spring of 1776. In the
following July the foundation stone was laid of the new
edifice, and the building - a striking specimen of the bad
taste of the age - was finished at an outlay of £3,100. The
church was reopened on the 22nd June, 1777.
The dissolution of Parliament in the autumn of 1774
brought about the most interesting election that ever took
place in Bristol. Lord Clare and Mr. Brickdale offered
themselves for re-election; but the Whig party was much
discontented with the conduct of the former, who was charged
with having become an obsequious supporter of the King's
American policy; and Mr. Henry Cruger, by birth an
American, and an advocate of conciliatory measures towards
the colonies, came forward in opposition to the once popular
peer. A meeting of Whigs was held on the 6th October,
when Mr. Cruger's action was unanimously approved. Some
of the more zealous opponents of American taxation being
desirous that both the seats should be claimed, the name of
Edmund Burke was brought forward by two influential
Quakers, Joseph Harford and Richard Champion, but the
proposal was disapproved by Mr. Cruger's friends, and was
not pressed to a vote. Burke was then at Bath, awaiting
the decision of the party. Upon learning the result, he
proceeded to Malton, where he was returned without
opposition. The formal nomination of candidates for Bristol took
place on the 7th October, when Lord Clare, Mr. Brickdale,
and Mr. Cruger presented themselves; and after about a
dozen votes had been recorded for each, the proceedings were
adjourned. Lord Clare, mortified by the discovery that his
popularity was at an end, and that many of his former
supporters were working zealously for Cruger, left the city in
the evening, after intimating that he should not continue
the contest. His retreat revived the hopes of Burke's
friends, who held a hurried meeting in the middle of the
night, drew up a letter to the great orator pressing him to
return, and despatched a messenger with it to Malton.
Polling on the 8th was practically suspended owing to the
announcement of Lord Clare's determination and to the
excitement caused by the prospect of another candidate,
410 | THE ANNALS OF BRISTOL | [1774. |
only twenty votes being tendered during the day. On the
10th (Monday) Burke was proposed by Richard Champion,
in the midst of vehement protests by the friends of
Brickdale, and the contest now fairly set in, the poll of the day
being:- Cruger, 95; Burke, 71; Brickdale, 46. Mr. Burke
reached Bristol from Malton in the afternoon of the 13th,
after what was regarded as a break-neck journey of 270
miles in 44½ hours. Upon his arrival he proceeded to the
Guildhall, and was cordially received upon offering his
services. He subsequently, for several successive days,
addressed numerous meetings of the electors, until he lost his
voice through hoarseness. Hannah More, hearing of his
mishap, sent him a wreath of flowers with the following
couplet attached, conveying her mediocre esteem of her
fellow citizens:-
Great Edmund's hoarse, they say; the reason's clear.
Could Attic lungs respire Boetian air? |
The poll remained open 23 days, although the number of
voters during the last week did not average much more than
a hundred daily. At the close of the contest on the 2nd
November, the numbers were:- for Mr. Cruger, 3,566; Mr.
Burke, 2,707; Mr. Brickdale, 2,466; Lord Clare, 283. The
formal declaration of the result was made on the 3rd; after
which, says a local journal, “the members were carried
through the principal streets in chairs richly ornamented,
amidst an incredible number of people, whose acclamations
were beyond everything of the kind that was ever seen or
heard in this city”. The bells were, however, silent, by
express order of the clergy. A series of private entertainments
followed. Burke, writing to his wife on the 8th November,
said:- “I begin to breathe, but my visits are not half over.
... The dinners would never end. But we close the poll
of engagements next Saturday ”- (the 12th). Peculiar ideas
as to freedom of election were then prevalent. Cruger's
committee publicly thanked the mayor (C. Hotchkin) “for
his great liberality in permitting the publicans in his ward
to vote as they thought proper”. The aldermen of six other
wards voted for Brickdale; it is significant that no similar
compliment was offered to them. Only two aldermen
supported Burke and Cruger. Not a single beneficed clergyman
in the city supported Burke, and only one did not vote
against him. Upwards of 400 freemen were brought from
London; one came from Guernsey, two from Ireland, and
one is recorded as “John Lloyd, merchant, Charlestown,
South Carolina”. In addition to these, an immense number
of men (nearly 2,100) were placed on the freemen's roll, the
fees being paid by the committees of the rival candidates.
The right of no small portion of these persons was derived
from their having sumilarily married the daughters of
freemen for the mere purpose of obtaining a vote, the newly-united
couples often separating for ever on leaving the
church. (One of the devices for divorce imagined by such
couples was to stand on each side of a grave in the
churchyard, and to separate after repeating the words “Death us
do part”.) The fees of these weddings were of course
defrayed by the election agents. As the constituency was also
copiously regaled throughout the contest, the gross outlay of
the contending parties must have been enormous. Burke,
in a letter to his wife's sister, stated that he had been
returned at no expense to himself; but six years later, in a
letter to Joseph Harford, he referred with “horror” to the
burden he had entailed on his friends. Mr. Brickdale
petitioned against the return, contending that the nomination
of Burke after the poll had been opened was illegal, that
great numbers had been allowed to vote whose freedoms had
been granted after the issue of the writ, and that his defeat
had been due to corruption. The last charge was withdrawn;
the committee of the Commons decided that the post-
nomination was valid; and as the petitioner's agents admitted
that 772 of Brickdale's voters had been admitted freemen
during the contest, the sitting members were declared duly
elected. After the dismissal of the petition, Burke was
requested to return to Bristol to take part in a triumphal
procession, but he declined to neglect his “duty for such a
foolish piece of pageantry”. Cruger accepted the invitation,
and on the 27th February, 1776, he was met at Keynsham
by about a thousand citizens on horseback and fifty private
carriages, and escorted amidst cheering crowds to his house
in Great George Street, a gay triumphal arch being reared
in the newly-opened Clare Street. The story that Mr.
Cruger was so incapable of public speaking as to be forced
to cry at the declaration of the poll, “I say ditto to Mr.
Burke”, is a silly fiction. Cruger, as senior member, was
the first to return thanks, and made an appropriate address.
He subsequently spoke so ably in the House of Commons on
American affairs as to be complimented by his party leaders.
Shortly after the election, a satire was published entitled
“The Consultation, A Mock Heroick Poem”, written by
James Thistlethwaite, who had served an apprenticeship to
a stationer in Corn Street, and claimed to be a friend of
412 | THE ANNALS OF BRISTOL | [1774. |
Chatterton. The author appears to have been utterly
destitute of principle, but he was a not unskilful imitator of the
style of Churchill, and excelled that master of invective in
the vulgarity of his abuse. There are strong reasons for
asserting that Thistlethwaite, after printing the book, in
which upwards of a hundred Tory citizens were libelled,
endeavoured to wring money out of his victims by offering
to suppress it if he were compensated for his trouble. This
trick meeting with slender success, the satire was published,
and as personalities are always agreeable to certain minds,
it had a rapid sale; and the slanderer jubilantly produced a
second edition, with additional vituperation. A copy of the
original pamphlet, annotated by Mr. Richard Smith, of
gossipping fame, is in the Jefferies Collection. Some of the
notes are amusing. Thus, in a reference to Sir Abraham
Isaac Elton, the town clerk, Mr. Smith alleges that it was
said the corporate functionary was all jaw and no law, while
one Vernon, a contemporary local barrister, was described as
all law and no jaw, and Rowles Scudamore, judge of the
sheriff's court, neither law nor jaw. Speaking of Daniel
Harson, collector of Customs, Smith says he was “formerly a
dissenting minister”; while John Powell, who succeeded
Harson, was “formerly a medical man on board a slave ship”.
As to Henry Burgum, the pewterer, to whom Thistlethwaite
dedicated the satire in vilifying terms, the note-maker states
that twenty men whom Burgum brought up to vote for
Cruger and Burke were decorated by him with pewter hats.
Thistlethwaite, who walked about “with the butt ends of
two horse pistols peeping out of his coat pockets”, produced
another lampoon in 1775, styled “The Tories in the Dumps”,
savagely commenting on the failure of the election petition.
The author afterwards removed to London, where he was
for some years a hack to booksellers and law stationers.
A more agreeable literary souvenir of the election is to be
found in Thompson's Life of Hannah More. During the
contest a party of Cruger's friends halted before the house of
the Mores in Park Street (next door to Cruger's) and gave
“three cheers for Sappho” - whom some of the assisting mob
imagined to be a new candidate. Burke was a frequent
visitor at the house, and, when his success was assured, the
Misses More sent him a cockade, adorned with myrtle, bay
and laurel, and enriched with silver tassels, which Burke
wore on being “chaired”.
During the four weeks that Burke remained in Bristol,
he was entertained by Mr. Joseph Smith, a merchant
residing at 19, Queen Square, but paid occasional visits to Blaize
Castle, then belonging to Mr. Thomas Farr, and to the house
at Henbury to which Richard Champion had shortly before
removed. Grateful for the kindness of the Smith family,
the new member requested Champion to exert his utmost
skill in the manufacture of a china tea-service for
presentation to his host's wife. Champion was preparing a still more
exquisite specimen of his art in the shape of a service destined
for Mrs. Burke. The result was the production of works
which, for the purity of the material and the splendour of
the ornamentation, have never been surpassed. For an
adequate description of the services the reader must be referred
to Mr. Owen's “Ceramic Art in Bristol”, pp. 95-98. The
tea-pot of the Burke service was sold by auction in 1876 for
£215 5s., a cup and saucer at the same time bringing £91 -
more than thrice the value of their weight in gold. The
cream jug was sold for 115 guineas some years previously.
The teapot of the Smith set was sold in 1876 for £74 10s.,
and a cup and saucer have realised £55.
A special meeting of the Council was held in November,
for the purpose of passing a vote of thanks to Lord Clare
for his lengthy services to the city, and for conferring the
freedom upon Mr. Burke. Lord Clare, in responding to the
compliment, boasted of his “dutiful attachment” to the
king, and of his “inflexible resolution to co-operate in
maintaining the sovereign authority of the legislature over
the colonies”. His lordship's devotion to the king and his
policy was rewarded in 1776 by a further elevation in the
peerage, the earldom of Nugent being bestowed upon him.
The Corporation, in December, voted a grant of £80 “to
assist the inhabitants of Queen Square in removing the
middle row of trees on each side of the square, and throwing
the double walks there into one”. At the same meeting, the
Council resolved to give £20 yearly to a chaplain to the
Infirmary, and the Rev. Thomas Johnes, the newly-elected
city librarian, was nominated to this post also.
In 1774 the Jamaica legislature passed two Acts to
restrict the trade in slaves. But the Bristol and Liverpool
merchants petitioned the Government not to sanction the
measures, and their appeal was successful. The colonists
remonstrated, but the President of the Board of Trade
replied that “we cannot allow the colonists to check or
discourage in any degree a traffic so beneficial to the
nation”. In a History of Jamaica published in 1774, the
author estimates that the yearly number of fresh slaves
414 | THE ANNALS OF BRISTOL | [1775. |
required to keep up the stock in the British plantations was
6,000, which at the prices of that day involved an outlay of
£360,000. The value of negroes had doubled in the previous
16 years. It was the practice, he adds, of speculators to
buy slaves, for the purpose of hiring them to poor or
thriftless planters, who not only paid from £8 to £12 a year for
them, but made good losses by death, the proprietors thus
earning a profit of about 16 per cent.
According to calculations made in 1775, when the first
blood was spilt in the war with the revolted colonies in
America, the yearly value of the produce imported into
England from the thirteen settlements before the struggle
began was upwards of three millions, while that of the
home manufactures taken by the colonists sufficed to
balance the account. Of this great trade Bristol possessed
a very considerable share, and the effects of the quarrel,
long before the actual outbreak of hostilities, was painfully
felt in many branches of business. From casual notices in
the newspapers, it appears that a single firm in the city
employed 400 hands in making serges for America, and that
the manufacture came wholly to an end. Another house
was accustomed to purchase every spring, for export across
the Atlantic, 3,000 pieces of stuff made at Wiveliscombe,
but the quantity fell in 1774 to 200 pieces, and afterwards to
nothing. Until the quarrel arose, the tobacco-pipe makers
of Bristol - a numerous body - each sent 600 or 600 boxes of
pipes yearly to the colonies, but the exports ceased after
1774. These facts, though not very important in
themselves, indicate the depression caused in many industries by
the disruption. In January, 1775, before the last fatal
measures of the Government had been taken, a meeting of
merchants trading with America at all the chief ports was
held in London, to remonstrate against the proceedings of
the Ministry, and to petition for a repeal of the Acts
prohibiting trade with the colonies. Petitions to a similar
effect were forwarded by the Merchants' Society and a
numerous body of Bristol citizens. The appeals,
however, fell upon deaf ears; and within a few weeks 8,000
tons of shipping had to return from America unloaded, the
blockade preventing them from landing their cargoes. The
Bristol West India merchants joined with their brethren of
Liverpool and London in holding another meeting in the
metropolis, and a strong remonstrance was again adopted
with practical unanimity. It was stated at this gathering
that the amount of English capital invested in the West
Indies was 60 millions sterling; that 20,000 hogsheads of
sugar were taken by the American settlements, besides
10,000 hogsheads of refined sugar from England; and that
the West Indies were dependent on the revolted States for
food and timber. No effect was produced on the Cabinet,
or rather on the Crown, which persisted in its attempt to
trample down the “rebels” and to realise the merchants'
predictions of wide-spread commercial disaster. Mr. Baines,
in his History of Liverpool, states that the condition of
that town so greatly deteriorated during the war that “not
less than 10,000 out of the 40,000 inhabitants became
dependent on charity for their daily support”. In Bristol the
poor rates increased about 160 per cent., and great distress
prevailed. The general depression, however, did not abate
the determination of the influential local supporters of the
Government to defend its policy. On the 18th September a
memorial was addressed to the mayor by Thomas Tyndall,
Michael Miller, John Vaughan, Slade Baker, and other
leading Tories, asking him to summon the Council to
address the King in support of the Ministerial policy. A
meeting was accordingly convened for the 21st, but a
quorum did not attend. The agitators then asked the
mayor for the Guildhall to hold a public meeting, which
took place on the 28th, when an address, expressing
abhorrence of the rebellion and a wish for its forcible
suppression, was adopted. Some opposition was manifested by
American merchants and others, but a reporter notes that
“numbers prevailed, and they were silenced”. The address,
which was signed by nearly all the local clergy and many
merchants, was “very graciously” received by the king.
An address praying for conciliatory measures was, however,
drawn up by John Fisher Weare, Richard Champion, and
others, and was numerously signed. A few weeks later
Mr. Burke attempted to introduce a Bill into the Lower
House to lay the grounds for reconciliation, but was
defeated by an immense majority. During the autumn the
Americans began to fit out privateers, which were soon
preying upon English merchantmen in all parts of the
Atlantic, and even on our own coasts. The step provoked
measures of retaliation, and the energies of the two nations
were vigorously devoted to the destruction of commerce
through the remaining years of the war. The foreign trade
of Bristol rapidly declined, until it sank to a small fraction
of its previous dimensions. In 1776 the number of ships
paying mayor's dues was 629; in 1781 it shrank to 191.
416 | THE ANNALS OF BRISTOL | [1775. |
(This, however, was partially due to the refusals to pay the
dues about to be recorded.) The African trade was virtually
suspended, and the ships laid up. Even the number of
privateers was insignificant as compared with the ships sent
out in previous wars. In January, 1778, it was stated in the
House of Lords that the number of British ships destroyed
or taken by the enemy was 559, of a computed value of
£1,800,000; that of the vessels thus lost (many of which
belonged to Bristol), 247 were engaged in the West India
trade; and that all imports from America had risen
enormously in price - tobacco from 7½d. to 2s. 6d. per lb., and
other articles in proportion.
The extent of the Bristol postal establishment at this
date is accidentally brought to light by a paragraph in the
Liverpool Advertiser of February 17th, 1776. A memorial
had been sent to the Postmasters General, complaining that
there was only one letter-carrier for the delivery of all the
letters received in Liverpool. The answer of the authorities
was that only one letter-carrier was maintained in any
provincial town, and that they did not think themselves
justified in incurring for Liverpool the expense of another.
An additional Bristol postman was, however, appointed
previous to January, 1778.
A melancholy accident occurred on the 17th March to
the Rev. Thomas Newnham, one of the minor canons of the
Cathedral. The reverend gentleman, who was about 25
years of age, had gone with his sister and two friends to
visit a singular cavern near Brentry, known as Pen Park
Hole. Endeavouring to ascertain the depth of the cave,
Mr. Newnham hung over the opening for the purpose of
throwing down a line, when the small branch of an ash
tree to which he was clinging suddenly broke, and he was
precipitated to the bottom - nearly 200 feet - into a deep
pool of water. Although repeated efforts were made to
recover the body, it was not rescued until the 25th April.
A number of the inhabitants of St. Augustine's parish
having offered to carry out the clauses of the Improvement
Act of 1766 in reference to the removal of old houses
standing on the Butts, or Quay, from opposite the end of
Denmark Street to the end of Trinity Street, and to
supplement this work by widening the narrow and dangerous
road from St. Augustine's Back to College Green, the
Common Council, on the 1st April, acceded to the proposal. The
expense was estimated at £2,400, one third of which had
been promised by the Merchant Venturers' Society; and
the Corporation contributed the same amount. The
improvement was completed in 1776.
At a meeting of the Council in April, 1775, a committee
recommended the prosecution of all persons, “particularly
members of this House” who had refused to pay the town
dues, that is the local tax on goods imported and exported,
payable to the Corporation. The report was confirmed, and
actions were soon after commenced against Mr. William
Miles and Mr. Henry Cruger, two leading merchants, who
contended that the dues were illegal, and who both served
the office of mayor whilst the matter at issue remained
unsettled. In January, 1778, the defendants published an
appeal to their fellow merchants in Felix Farley's Journal.
“The fee in dispute”, they wrote, “has within 5O years
advanced more than treble, and still the body corporate are
not satisfied, which growing evil necessarily alarms us, and
is of such a nature that, if established, must put a stop in
a great degree to the trade of the city”. The writers
requested the citizens to attend a meeting in the Guildhall
during the following week, “to consider of a proper mode
to resist this attack”. No report of the gathering is to be
found in the local journals, beyond the fact that Mr. Cruger
presided and that Mr. Miles made a vigorous speech against
the obnoxious burden. What pecuniary support they
obtained from other merchants is unknown; but the civic
records show that many firms refused to pay the dues. The
Corporation seems to have been lethargic in pursuing the
litigation, the actions not being brought to trial for more
than twelve years. The matter excited much bitterness of
feeling. A writer in Felix Farley's Journal of November
5th, 1785, asked, if Strafford was punished, “what
punishment ought to fall on a Whig C____ in exercising a
despotism under the pretence of prescription?”
The miserable condition of the unhappy people
incarcerated in Newgate for non-payment of their debts led to the
establishment of a local society for the relief of insolvent
prisoners, a meeting of which was held on the 11th April
The report stated that during the previous year 72 debtors
had been released from gaol on payment by the society of
£132 10s. - of which sum £32 12s. were demanded by the
gaoler for fees. Many people were flung into prison for
non-payment of only a few shillings, and, as they were
compelled to provide their own food, some would have
perished from hunger but for relief obtained from the
charitable. The box provided for this purpose at the door
418 | THE ANNALS OF BRISTOL | [1775. |
of the gaol was, in seasons of extremity, carried about the
city. On at least one occasion, this was turned to account
by heartless knaves, complaint being made in the
newspapers that through the hawking of “false boxes” the
debtors had been defrauded of many donations. The “true
gaol box” afterwards bore the name of the governor as a
security against imposition.
The coaching enterprise of John Weeks, the landlord of
the Bush inn, excited much attention at this period. In
April, 1775, he advertised that “the original Bristol
Diligence, or Flying Post Chaise”, would thenceforth make the
journey to London in sixteen hours - a feat which plunged
old-fashioned travellers in equal astonishment and terror.
The fare was 3d. a mile, and luggage was limited to 101b. a
head. The coaches carried only four passengers each. Soon
afterwards, Weeks started a fast coach to Birmingham,
setting off early in the morning and completing the journey
in the evening. The owners of the two-days coach tried to
beat their rival off the road by reducing their fares, but
Weeks lowered his rates also, and gave his passengers a
dinner, with wine, into the bargain. One-day coaches to
Exeter and Oxford followed, and the Bush soon attained the
first rank amongst local coaching houses.
Amongst the curiosities of English taxation, the duty
levied in the last century upon starch is entitled to a place.
In July, 1775, the excise officers discovered an illicit starch
factory in St. James's Back, and brought the owner before
the magistrates, who fined him £500 for breaking the law.
The custom of powdering the hair with starch was universal
amongst the upper and middle classes at this period, causing
a great consumption.
A now very scarce work, in two volumes, styled “The
Philosopher in Bristol”, was published in July by George
Routh, “printer, in the Maiden Tavern, Baldwin Street”.
The book, which is a collection of desultory essays, was from
the pen of a singularly prolific writer, William Combe, born
in this city in 1741, and supposed to have been the
illegitimate son of a wealthy merchant. Educated at Eton and
Oxford, with a handsome person and engaging manners.
Combe studied with a view to becoming a barrister, but
soon floated into fashionable society, and rapidly spent all
his means. Falling into complete destitution, he was by
turns a common soldier, a waiter at a Swansea inn, a cook
at Douai College, and a private in the French army. In
1772 he was again in England, and, probably through the
receipt of some legacy, he soon after mingled with the
fashionable company at the Hot Well, amazing the public
by his profuse mode of living, his couple of chariots, and his
grand retinue of servants; from which he was commonly
known as Count Combe. “The Philosopher in Bristol”, one
of his earliest works, must have been written during this
blaze of magnificence. A comedy called “The Flattering
Milliner”, of which he was also the author, was played at
the Bristol theatre on the 11th September, 1776. Having
returned to London almost as poor as ever, he sought to gain
a precarious living by literary labour, and produced a
number of versified satires and other fugitive essays, which
like all his works were published anonymously. In the
eventful year 1789, when political discussions became a
mania, he started as a party pamphleteer, and is alleged to
have had no scruples in serving either camp. He gained,
however, the favour of Mr. Pitt, and enjoyed a pension of
£200 until the resignation of his patron. Later on he
became one of the chief conductors of the Times. But
although he was one of the few men of his age who totally
abstained from intoxicants, his taste for extravagance was
inveterate, and for the last forty years of his life he was
compelled to live within the “rules” of King's Bench
prison. His chief literary work was the “Tour of Dr. Syntax
in Search of the Picturesque”, which originally appeared in
Ackermann's Poetical Magazine, and won its author both
reputation and profit. Combe also wrote histories of
Westminster Abbey, Oxford, and Cambridge, finely illustrated.
The list of his works in the “Dictionary of Biography”
enumerates eighty-six publications, besides which he is
known to have written over two hundred biographical
sketches, seventy-three sermons, and an immense
quantity of fugitive articles. Mr. Combe, whose private life
seems to have been far from creditable in despite of
his religious professions, died at Lambeth on the 19th
June, 1823, in his 82nd year, leaving no legitimate
An enterprising local shopkeeper, dealing in tea, china
and glass, announced in a local paper of August 19th, 1776,
that a stock of “silk and other umbrellas” was also on sale.
An umbrella was then a great novelty. Southey's mother,
born in 1762, stated that when she was a child, a person
displaying one in Bristol would have been hooted by the
populace. (So late as 1778, a footman who had brought one
from Paris was followed by jeering crowds in the streets of
420 | THE ANNALS OF BRISTOL | [1775. |
London.) £1 14s. was paid in 1785 for an umbrella “for the
use of the Council House”.
The old Assembly Room at St. Augustine's Back, having
been taken on lease by Selina, Countess of Huntingdon, and
fitted up at her expense as a chapel, was opened for divine
service in August. Although the building was not
consecrated, the Common Prayer Book was adopted, and the
pulpit was supplied for several years by clergymen of the
Church of England. The attendance was generally large,
and many distinguished families, during their visits to the
Hot Well, were accustomed to attend. Subsequently, a
chapel at Clifton was thought desirable, and the building
known as Hope Chapel, erected at the joint expense of Lady
Henrietta Hope and Lady Glenorchy (neither of whom lived
to see it completed), was opened on the 31st of August, 1788,
“under the patronage of Lady Maxwell”. The patroness
seems to have been a lady of “exclusive” ideas, for a local
journal of August 7th, 1790, eulogises “the Rev. Mr. Collins,
for asserting so nobly the rights of the public” on the
previous Sunday, by “ordering admission for the multitude,
who are excluded from that place of worship, now devoted
to mercenary purposes”.
The Common Council, in December, granted a pension of
£20 a year to the widow of Henry Casamajor, she being a
daughter of Anthony Whitehead, a former member of the
Chamber. A chaplain for Newgate was appointed at a
salary of £35 a year. A subscription of 100 guineas was
voted to the local movement for the relief of the troops
engaged in America (the amount raised by the anti-American
party for this purpose was about £2,000); and to
denote more strongly the political views of the majority,
the freedom of the city was conferred upon Lord North,
the head of the Government responsible for driving the
Americans into revolt. A similar compliment was paid to
the Earl of Berkeley, lord lieutenant, and to the Duke of
The first Bristol Directory was published about the end
of the year by James Sketchley, printer and auctioneer, 27,
Small Street; who, it is said, not merely collected the names
of all the upper class and commercial residents, but also
numbered their dwellings throughout the city, and placed
the figures on their doors for the consideration of one
shilling per house. Copies of his book are so rare that it has
escaped the attention of local historians. The commercial
directory extends over 110 pages, and contains the names of
about 4,400 citizens. A list of 167 merchants, filling six
pages, is appended to facilitate reference to that class. The
list of the Corporation is interesting as showing the localities
still in good repute. Alderman Morgan Smith resided at 78,
Lewin's Mead, and had as next door neighbour Alderman
William Barnes. Alderman Jeremiah Ames lived in Maudlin
Street, and Alderman Mugleworth in Orchard Street. Two
others dwelt in Prince's Street, two in St. James's Square,
one in Park Street, one at Clifton, and two were
non-resident. Of the Common Council, one gentleman resided
in the Old Market, one in Nicholas Street, one in Back
Lane, St. Philip's, two in Maudlin Street, one in Dove
Street, six in Queen Square, four in College Green, one at
Clifton, and the rest in various localities. Sir Abraham
Elton, Bart., town clerk, lived in St. James's Barton. Dr.
Tucker, Dean of Gloucester, lived in Trenchard Lane, and
other beneficed clergymen in Wilder and Culver Streets.
One of the striking features of the directory is the number
- nearly a hundred - of “ship captains” recorded as
householders. The textile industries common at the beginning
of the century had nearly disappeared, but the city was
well supplied with gunsmiths and pewterers, a great many
tobacco-pipe makers, four buckle makers, as many patten
makers, two workers in horn, and scores of peruke makers.
Two “limners” and a miniature painter were the only
representatives of art, with the exception of a china painter.
One tradesman described himself as a harpsichord and
spinnet maker, another as organ builder, and a third as
organ builder and harpsichord maker. There were two old
book shops on St. James's Back. Only one commercial
traveller, described as a “rider and bookkeeper”, appears in
the list. Some men cumulated trades: one was a gardener
and schoolmaster, another a breeches and glue maker; a
music-seller kept an alehouse in the Pithay, a ship captain
relieved the tedium of life on shore by retailing beer and
spirits, and John Cole, victualler and apothecary, invited
patronage at the Pestle and Mortar, Prince Eugene Street.
The most old-world tradesman in the Directory was Thomas
Bennett, hour-glass maker. Wilder Street. About twenty
distinctively French names, such as Daltera, Bonbonous,
Laroche, and Peloquin, mark the Huguenot element in the
population. Sketchley included Clifton in his work, but
only 36 houses were numbered “on the hill” (Mr. Goldney's
house being “No. 2”), and the number of merchants residing
there was no more than four. In some notes descriptive of
422 | THE ANNALS OF BRISTOL | [1775-76. |
Bristol the author states that a survey of the city, Clifton,
and Bedminster had shown the total number of houses to
be 6,570 (exclusive of 348 unoccupied), with a population of
35,440. Similar surveys, he adds, had credited Birmingham
with a population of 30,804, and Liverpool with 34,407. It
is certain, however, that the population of Bristol was
greatly underrated in this return. The next Bristol
Directory - printed at Birmingham - was published in 1783,
and was followed by local works dated 1785, 1787, and
An Act of Parliament was passed in 1776, “to remove the
danger of fire amongst the ships in the port of Bristol”, and
for other purposes. The preamble recited that owing to the
large importations of timber and other inflammable articles,
the quays were often encumbered with such goods, and the
danger of fire was much dreaded; that the Merchants'
Company, to provide a remedy, had purchased certain
(Champion's) docks at Clifton, and that it was desirable to
enlarge these docks and erect warehouses for storing
dangerous materials. The Act empowered the Company to carry
out the works, prohibited timber, tar, etc., from being landed
at the public quays, and permitted the customary dues to be
collected at the docks. It being desirable that the property
should be under civic jurisdiction, it was enacted that all
that part of Clifton lying to the south of Hotwell Road
(between “a little brook anciently called Woodwell Lake,
but now a sluice carried under ground near a place where a
lime-kiln stood... and a certain ferry called Rownham
Passage”), should be separated from the county of Gloucester
and become part of the city and county of Bristol; except
as regarded local taxes and freeholders' votes at county
In consequence of the complaints made by the
parishioners of St. Nicholas of the inconvenience caused by the
open markets on the Back, the Council, in April, 1776, gave
orders for the erection (at a cost not exceeding £340) of a
market house there, “for the sale of poultry, fruit, and other
provisions brought from Wales”.
On the 29th April, Dr. Johnson, whilst sojourning with
the Thrales at Bath, paid a visit to Bristol, accompanied by
his faithful companion and biographer, for the purpose of
inquiring into the authenticity of the so-called Rowley
Manuscripts produced by Chatterton, over which a fierce
battle was then raging in the literary world. Johnson had
never doubted that the boy poet was the author of the
works, and only marvelled how the “young whelp” could
have written them. The visitors were met at their inn by
the steadfast Bowleian, George Catcott, who predicted to
Boswell that he would make a convert of the doctor, but
was doomed to disappointment. “We called”, adds the
biographer, “on Mr. Barrett, the surgeon, and saw some of
the originals, as they were called, but... we were quite
satisfied of the imposture”. The enthusiastic Catcott, however,
urged Dr. Johnson to visit St. Mary Redcliff, and inspect
“with his own eyes the chest in which the manuscripts
were found”. In spite of his asthma, the lexicographer
good-humouredly toiled up to the old chamber over the north
porch; but to the immense mortification of his guide, he
remained as sceptical as before. Boswell's account of the
Bristol visit is scanty and incomplete. The explanation is
that he had a “tiff” with Hannah More whilst preparing
his great work, and that he shabbily cancelled his account
of the visit which Dr. Johnson paid to the Misses More.
The visitors were much dissatisfied with the (unnamed) inn
at which they stayed; Johnson jocularly describing it as so
bad that Boswell wished himself in Scotland.
The open-air entertainments given during the summer
season at “New Vauxhall”, near the Hot Well, have been
already noticed. In 1761 the garden was offered for sale in
building sites, and visitors had thenceforth to content
themselves with the in-door amusements offered in the evening
at the two assembly rooms near Dowry Square. At length,
on the 23rd May, 1776, a few enterprising persons opened
another Vauxhall on an estate “formerly called the Red
Cliff”, and promised, in return for a moderate subscription,
to give a grand concert every Monday and Thursday
evening during the summer season. “Admission to non-subscribers,
one shilling”. Handel's “Acis and Galatea” was
performed in the following August, when there was “a
transparency on the bowling green”. The place was
extensively patronised at the outset, and occasioned the
publication of a satirical poem entitled “A Trip to Vauxhall”,
professedly written by a Bristolian “lately returned from
Madeira” to a friend in that island. The author begins by
lamenting the degeneracy of the citizens. Scarcely a trace
of the downright honest trading class, he says, remains;
Folly has taken possession of all, and the modest
shopkeepers that formerly contented themselves with decent
bob-wigs now parade about with tails down their backs,
like monkeys, while their wives, starched out in silk and
424 | THE ANNALS OF BRISTOL | [1776. |
lace, rattle along in fine coaches. As if a playhouse in the
middle of the city did not offer sufficient scope for
dissipation, a Vauxhall was opened by the limpid waters of the
They have here furnished up an old family seat,
And built a saloon, in length seventy-five feet.
The gardens were luckily laid out before,
So some lamps stuck about there now needed no more.
Six days out of seven in business begun
Is ended in jollity, feasting, and fun. |
On Sundays, he continues, the vanity-stricken throng to
College Green to display their fine dresses. The nights are
given up to fine suppers, upon which tradesmen squander
all their profits. After this denunciatory exordium, the
author proceeds to describe his visit to Vauxhall, where he
beholds a breeches maker defending his fair cheeks from the
sun with a pink silk umbrella, and another shopkeeper,
renowned for his drinking, mirth and song, swaggering
With a large oaken stick, a slouch'd hat, and black stock,
Cropt hair, leather breeches, and jockey-cut frock. |
A drunken parson, a gouty alderman dubbed Turtle, and
other personages receive similar irreverent treatment; the
illuminations are ridiculed; and the voices of the singers are
said to have been drowned by the uproar made by “the
Bucks” in the neighbouring bowling-green. The satire can
have had little effect on the fortunes of Vauxhall. The
site, however, was inconvenient, as the garden could be
reached from Clifton only by crossing the Avon (Vauxhall
ferry still exists), and although the subscription concerts
were continued in 1777, the speculation was soon after
abandoned as unprofitable.
In the course of 1776 the rector of Christ Church, whose
fixed income was only £25 or £30 a year, besought the
vestry of the parish to contribute, out of the revenue derived
from church lands, the sum of £100, which, with a similar
subscription expected from the Corporation, would entitle
him to a benefaction of £400 from Queen Anne's Bounty,
and thus secure an increased rectorial income of £30 a year.
The application having been refused, the rector was induced
to enquire into his right to the meagre stipend granted him
as a boon; and as his claim to a larger share of the estate
seemed conclusive, and the vestry haughtily rejected his
offers of accommodation, he filed a bill in Chancery in
October, 1776. The cause was not heard until May, 1780,
when judgment was given in the rector's favour. Finally,
in June, 1782, to the great irritation of the parochial
authorities, whose fund for feasting was much curtailed, the
amount to be paid to the incumbent out of the church
estate was fixed at £80 a year, the court also awarding him
ten years' arrears. The suit cost the vestry £1,400 in law
The Common Council, in December, granted a lease of
upwards of an acre of ground, “part of Brandon Hill”, to
one Joseph Farrell, then building a house in Great George
Street. The appropriation of this slice of public property
excited no remark. In December, 1786, another lease of
“part of Brandon Hill” was granted to Lowbridge Bright,
then living in Great George Street. It is possible, however,
that the two leases dealt with the same plot of ground.
In the year 1776, a woman, described as extremely young,
of prepossessing appearance and graceful manners, but
obviously of disordered intellect, entered a house at Flax
Bourton, and asked for a little milk. After obtaining
refreshment, she wandered about the fields, and finally took
shelter under a haystack, where she remained three or four
days. Some ladies in the vicinity having become
acquainted with her condition, she was supplied with food,
but neither solicitations nor threats induced her to sleep in
a house, and as her mental derangement increased she was
removed to St. Peter's Hospital in Bristol. How long she
was detained there is unknown, but she regained her liberty
in 1777 or 1778, and immediately returned to the stackyard
at Bourton, where, strange to say, she remained nearly four
years, receiving food from the neighbouring gentry, but
obstinately refusing the protection of a roof, even in winter.
Throughout this period, “Louisa”, or “the Maid of the
Haystack”, as she was called, declined to give any account
of her birthplace, parentage, or past life, though from casual
remarks it was inferred that her family was of high
distinction. A peculiar accent led observers to suppose that she
was a foreigner, but there is no trustworthy evidence that
she either spoke or understood any language except English.
In 1781, the condition of the poor woman excited the
interest of Miss Hannah More, who, with the assistance of
friends, had her removed to a private lunatic asylum at
Hanham; while the mystery of her antecedents was sought
to be cleared up by the publication of “A Tale of Keal
Woe” in a London newspaper. Although no pains were
spared to elicit information by publishing translations of
this story in the chief towns of France and Germany, the
results for some years were wholly negative. But in 1785
426 | THE ANNALS OF BRISTOL | [1776-77. |
[Ed: part of the following page is obscured, so the first few lines are incomplete.]
... French but probably
... .ce under the title of
... According to the writer,
... attentions paid her by the
... personages, was believed to be
... Emperor Francis I., had lived in a
... at Bordeaux from 1765 to 1769; she had
... at the instance of the Empress, carried
... and eventually conducted to a coast near
... where £50 was put in her hands, and she was
... to her wretched destiny". The purpose of the
pamphleteer, who did not produce a vestige of evidence in
support of his story, was to identify the Bristol “Maid of
the Haystack” with the alleged half-sister of the Queen of
France. And in spite of the improbabilities surrounding
his assumptions (Louisa, for example, could not have been
ten years old when she was supposed to have set up a
princely establishment at Bordeaux) Miss More and others
appear to have firmly believed in the bare assertions of a
masked libeller of the house of Austria, whose work was
translated into English, and went through three editions.
In the meantime the alienation of Louisa degenerated into
helpless idiocy, and she was removed to a lunatic house
connected with Guy's Hospital, London, where she died in
December, 1800. Miss More continued to the last to
contribute towards her maintenance, and paid the expenses of
her funeral. The mystery surrounding the lunatic was
never cleared up. The most probable supposition is that
Louisa was of gipsy parentage, and had either escaped or
been driven from her tribe.
A villainous scheme for destroying the shipping in the
harbour was attempted on the morning of the 16th January,
1777. A vessel named the Savannah La Mar, loading for
Jamaica, had been daubed during the night with pitch and
other combustibles, and had finally been set on fire; but
assistance being speedily at hand, the flames were
extinguished before much damage was done. The Fame
privateer and the ship Hibernia, lying at about an equal distance
above and below the Savannah, had been also visited by the
incendiary, but the fire he had lighted in each of them failed
to communicate in the woodwork. The attempt was made
at low water, when all the ships in port were aground, so
that the devastation would have, been immense had not the
flames been suppressed at the outset. A few hours later,
whilst the excitement caused by the affair was at its height,
it was discovered that a warehouse occupied by Mr. James
Morgan, druggist, Corn Street, had narrowly escaped
destruction. The incendiary, after forcing an entrance into
the building, had filled a large box with tow moistened with
spirits of turpentine, and after placing it against some casks
of oil, had applied a light to the materials. Through the
dampness of the box, however, the match had failed in its
purpose. Three days later (Sunday) a more successful
attempt caused a general panic. Shortly before daybreak the
warehouses of Messrs. Lewsley and Co., in Bell Lane, stored
with Spanish wool, grain, etc., burst into flames, and in spite
of vigorous exertions six buildings were destroyed in two or
three hours. The premises had been fired by large torches,
one of which, surrounded with inflammable material, was
found when the firemen entered. Similar torches were
picked up during the day in different parts of the city; and
the sugar house of Alderman Barnes in Lewin's Mead was
twice attempted to be destroyed by them. The inhabitants,
now thoroughly alarmed, organised patrols in each parish, a
rigorous watch being maintained day and night. “The
town”, as Champion wrote to Burke, “had the appearance
of a siege, and people in general were frightened out of their
senses”. It is lamentable to add that political capital was
sought to be made out of the matter by party fanatics.
Tories, forgetting that some of the principal merchants were
Americans, and that an American was the chief sufferer by
the fire, taunted the Whigs with having instigated the
outrages; while the latter as foolishly retorted that the whole
affair was a factious manoeuvre of the Ministerialists.
Walpole alleges, moreover, that the Government was much less
alarmed by the fires than ready to turn them into matter of
clamour against the “rebels”. A reward of 600 guineas, to
which the king added £1,000, and Mr. Burke £50, was
offered for the discovery of the incendiary, but for some
weeks the mystery remained impenetrable. Suspicion was
at length directed to a Scotchman who had lodged at various
houses in the Pithay, but had suddenly disappeared; and a
description of him having been circulated, he was arrested
in Lancashire, where he had just committed a burglary.
(The expenses of his apprehension, £128, were paid by the
Corporation and the Merchants' Society.) On being taken
to London, proofs were obtained (and in fact he ultimately
confessed) that he was the man named James Aitken, alias
Jack the Painter, who had set fire to the rope-house at
Portsmouth dockyard in December, 1776. Being convicted
428 | THE ANNALS OF BRISTOL | [1777. |
of that crime at Hampshire assizes, he was hanged at
Portsmouth on a gallows 67 feet high. In his confession Aitken
stated that the Bristol fires were devised solely by himself,
and that he had made several other attempts, but had been
thwarted by the vigilance of the patrols. Although only
25 years of age, he acknowledged having committed many
burglaries, robberies, and outrages. (An extraordinary
popular delusion in reference to this criminal's head shows
that legends can arise from malefactors as well as from
saints. At the time of Aitken's execution, a warehouse was
being erected in Quay Street by a mason named Rosser,
who, having purchased part of the ruins of Keynsham
Abbey, stuck a corbel thus obtained into the front of the
new building. For some inexplicable reason, many people
firmly believed that the ornament in question was the
veritable skull of Jack the Painter. The error was not confined
to the lower classes. On the illumination of the city on the
king's recovery in 1789, Sarah Farley's Journal recorded as
a “good thought” that “a light was affixed on the head of
John the Painter”, in Quay Street. The warehouse has
since been rebuilt, and the fate of the corbel is unknown.)
On the 18th January, 1777, whilst the city was still panic
stricken by the outrages, the Common Council resolved to
present a congratulatory address to George III. on the
success of his arms in America, expressing a hope that
“the seeds of rebellion would speedily be eradicated”. The
Chamber was nearly equally divided on the American
question. Previous attempts to forward a “loyal” address
had been defeated by the inability of its promoters to
obtain a quorum. On this occasion, according to a letter of
Champion to Burke, two weak-kneed Whigs went over to
the Ministerialists, and the address was voted by a House
of 22 members, 20 being absent. The majority, which
succeeded after a warm debate in carrying a similar address
in Merchants' Hall, did not content itself with paper
sympathy. The Council offered bounties to sailors volunteering
into the Navy, and although the Corporation was
embarrassed by a heavy and increasing debt, £592 were thus
distributed in less than a year. In August, moreover, the
freedom of the city was conferred on the Earls of Suffolk
and Sandwich, two Ministers notorious for their rancorous
hostility towards the colonists. This compliment was voted
just after the Newfoundland trade had been lost to local
merchants, and several ships had been captured in the
English Channel by American privateers. Burke, in a
letter to Champion, wrote:- “To choose the very moment
of our scandalous situation as a season of compliment to
Ministers seems to me the most surprising instance of
insanity that ever was shewn out of the college [madhouse]
of Moorfields”.
The Bristol newspapers were much too timid to criticise,
or even to record, the amusements of the fashionable
company that assembled every summer at the Hot Well, but
contented themselves with publishing a list of the
aristocratic arrivals. In May, 1777, however, Felix Farley's
Journal, prompted by some sarcastic visitor, startled its
readers by publishing “Bon Ton Intelligence” from the
healing fountain. One paragraph says:- “We are informed
from the Hotwells that it is there the prevailing ton for
gentlemen to go and drink the waters at the Pump-room
with their nightcaps on; and that this innovation of the
head-dress somewhat alarms the ladies”. A fortnight later,
under the same heading, appeared the following:- “We are
informed that no considerable alteration in dress has taken
place since the Revolution of the Nightcap, except the
seemingly extravagant appendage of an extraordinary
watch; as the gentlemen of the true ton wear one in each
fob”. (The wearing of two watches by young men of
fashion was often noticed by contemporary caricaturists.)
Another paragraph refers to some passing folly of the fair
sex:- “The season at the Hotwells is now truly brilliant, but
no considerable alteration in polite amusements has taken
place, except that the ladies and gentlemen have formed a
resolution of going to the balls undressed”. This was the
last quip of the Journal's “polite” contributor prior to his
departure, and unfortunately he never reappeared.
Statistics showing the precise effects of the American war
on local commerce are unfortunately unobtainable. That
the decline in the shipping trade was very great is, however,
beyond question. At a meeting of the Council, on the 16th
August, a resolution was passed to the effect that, as the
amount of the mayor's dues (40s. per vessel above 60 tons)
had considerably fallen off during the previous year, as the
expense of discharging the office of chief magistrate was
considerable, and as the dignity of the Corporation was
concerned in that office being duly supported, it was desirable
that the mayor's income should not fall below £1,000. The
chamberlain was accordingly ordered to pay Mr. Farr
(mayor in 1775-6) such a sum as would raise his receipts
from dues and fees to that amount. As the product of the
430 | THE ANNALS OF BRISTOL | [1777. |
dues was expected to fall off still more seriously in the
current civic year, a similar order was made in favour of
Mr. Pope, and also of future mayors. By another resolution,
Messrs. Edward Brice and John Noble were ordered to be
paid such sum, not exceeding £1,000, as the mayor and
aldermen should consider proper, for having served as
sheriffs a second time in 1775-6; and the allowance of each
future sheriff was fixed at £420.
A carrier named Somerton surprised the city in October
by announcing that his “flying wagons”, carrying
passengers and goods to London three times a week, would
thenceforth accomplish the journey in forty-eight hours. Large
bets were laid that the conditions would not be fulfilled, and
there was much astonishment when Somerton carried out
his pledge.
On the 30th October, during a gale, a windmill for
grinding snuff on Clifton Down (on the site of the present
Observatory) took fire, owing to the rapidity with which it was
set in motion by the storm, and the building was gutted.
No attempt was made to reconstruct the mill, which had
been in existence only a few years.
Owing to the severe distress which prevailed amongst the
poor at this time, highway robberies were extremely
frequent. One evening during the autumn, the Birmingham
coach was stopped within a hundred yards of Stoke's Croft
by two footpads armed with blunderbusses, who robbed the
passengers of about £5. The carriage of Mr. and Mrs.
Trevelyan was attacked in Park Street, probably by the
same thieves, and the inmates were stripped of their money
and a gold watch. Highwaymen swarmed on all the great
roads. A man eventually identified as John Caldwell, who
kept the Ship tavern in Milk Street, and a companion
robber named Edward Boulter, were so successful in their
daring raids as to become for a time the terror of the
western counties. Boulter had been previously sentenced
to death for robbery, but pardoned on condition of entering
the army. He soon deserted from his regiment, and
concealed himself in the cellar of Caldwell's house, from whence
he and his host, after having stolen two valuable horses near
the city, sallied at intervals to prey upon travellers. Several
marauding excursions, extending from Cheshire to
Dorsetshire, were successful, and the plunder thus acquired was
concealed in a deep hole made in Caldwell's cellar. Early
in 1778 they were arrested in Birmingham, whilst trying to
convert some of their spoil into cash, and were sent to
1777-78.] | IN THE EIGHTEENTH CENTURY. | 431 |
London for identification. Boulter, however, escaped from
Clerkenwell prison, and had the audacity to return to
Bristol, where he was soon after recaptured. At the
summer assizes at Winchester, the two men were convicted of a
robbery in Hampshire, for which they were executed at
Winchester. Owing to confessions made by them before
death, the police authorities in Bristol made a descent upon
the Milk Street tavern, still occupied by Caldwell's wife.
The hiding place must have been difficult to find, for the
“sundry expenses” of the search, paid by the Corporation,
amounted to £4. At length the hoard was brought to light,
and several persons recovered their stolen watches and
The dean and chapter, in December, 1777, granted leave
to the Corporation “to erect a portico at the front door of
the Mayor's Chapel”, on payment of an acknowledgment of
2s. 6d. annually. A sham Gothic structure was accordingly
erected by order of the Corporation in 1778, at a cost of
£92 10s. 6d. The abortion was removed in 1888.
The respect of the capitular body for pluralism on the
part of their servants is exemplified in a minute which
follows the foregoing. It being reported that one of the
singing men was parish clerk of St. Stephen's, whilst
another held the same office in All Saints', the chapter
ordered that one shilling weekly should be allowed to each
of them, “to get a clerk to officiate for them every Sunday
On the 19th January, 1778, a meeting of citizens
approving of the Ministerial policy towards America was held in
the Guildhall, the mayor (John Durbin) presiding, when a
subscription was started “to strengthen the hands of the
Government”. Thirty-nine gentlemen subscribed £200 each,
and the fund eventually amounted to upwards of £21,000. A
meeting of the opposite party had been held a few days
previously, Mr. Joseph Harford in the chair, to raise money
for the relief of the numerous distressed Americans detained
as prisoners of war; but the total sum subscribed amounted
to under £363. The mayor's zeal on behalf of the king's
coercive policy was promptly recognised, the honour of
knighthood being conferred upon him before the end of the
month. Burke, writing to Champion in April, asserted that
the local subscription in support of the war had “made
America abhor the name of Bristol”. The promoters, after
all their professions, were by no means so zealous as they
wished the country to believe. According to an account
432 | THE ANNALS OF BRISTOL | [1778. |
published by their committee in May, 1779, only £4,668 of
the fund had been expended (in obtaining 1,146 recruits for
the army), and £768 were said to remain on hand. The
residue of the subscription, £16,500, was not accounted for,
and was in fact never paid up.
A cock-fight on the largest scale took place at the Ostrich
inn, Durdham Down, in February, 1778, and was attended
by great numbers of West country squires, the match
having been arranged between the gentry of Somerset and
Devon. Fifty-one birds contended on each side, for prizes
amounting to about 350 guineas.
At a meeting of the Council in March, the freedom of the
city was ordered to be forwarded to the Earl of Sussex, “he
being entitled to the same by having married the daughter
of a free burgess”. The Bristol lady thus referred to was
Mary, daughter of John Vaughan, goldsmith and banker.
Lady Sussex died childless.
The mode in which ecclesiastical patronage was
administered is illustrated by another minute made at the above
meeting. The Bishop of Bristol had just conferred the
vicarage of Almondsbury and also the rectory of Filton upon
the Rev. John Davie, vicar of St. John's, and the recipient
petitioned the Corporation to be permitted to retain his city
incumbency, to which the Chamber at once consented. Mr.
Davie, however, resigned it in the following year, on being
presented to Henbury.
Early in April, Earl Nugent, the rejected representative
of Bristol, gave notice in the House of Commons on behalf
of the Govornmont of a motion for considering the laws
regulating the trade and commerce of Ireland. His views
as to the impolicy of existing restrictions were immediately
applauded by Mr. Burke. A few days later, Lord Nugent
brought forward resolutions dealing with the subject, his chief
proposals being that all goods produced in Ireland (woollens
excepted) should be allowed to be exported to the colonies,
and that colonial products (indigo and tobacco excepted)
should be permitted to enter Ireland direct. Under
regulations then in force Irish imports and exports had to
be first landed in England. Permission to export Irish
glass to foreign countries, and to import Irish cotton
yarn into England were minor features of the scheme, to
which Burke added a proposal that Irish sailcloth and
cordage should be permitted to enter England. Although
the resolutions were received with approval on both sides of
the House, they excited a tempest of indignation amongst
merchants and traders, and nowhere did the storm blow
more fiercely than in Bristol, where the panic was as great
as during the outrages of Jack the Painter. Lord Nugent's
action in the matter was ascribed to a diabolical spite
against the city on account of his rejection in 1774, whilst
Burke was charged with a design to promote the interests
of his native country by injuring those of England. The
Corporation, the Society of Merchants, and the trading classes
hastened to forward petitions to Parliament declaring that
the proposed concessions to the Irish would have ruinous
consequences to local commerce. The Common Council
deputed two of its members to organise opposition against
the scheme in the lobby of the House of Commons. No
feature of the resolutions excited more passionate predictions
of injury than did Burke's proposal to admit Irish sailcloth
and ropes into England, although, as it was afterwards
discovered, the prohibition of these imports had been
abolished many years before. Every leading merchant who
had supported Burke, with the exception of Richard
Champion, seems to have been offended by his conduct, and
some electors sent him positive orders to vote against the
scheme in its future stages, whatever might be his private
opinions. His replies to the Merchants' Company and to
some personal friends may be found in his correspondence.
In spite of the clamour, he was more energetic in support of
the measure than were the Ministers themselves. Indeed Lord
North, quailing before the wrath of the Tory boroughs,
gradually withdrew all the important provisions, until little
was left of the original scheme save the clauses favouring
Irish linens. In the spring of 1779, a Bill introduced to
allow Ireland to import her own sugars excited renewed
irritation in Bristol, whence a deputation was again sent by
the Common Council, and Lord North delighted local
merchants by procuring the rejection of the measure. In a
few months, however, the scene changed. The islands of
St. Vincent and Grenada were captured by the French,
whose navy held the mastery of the English Channel;
American privateers threatened Hull and Edinburgh; whilst
the Irish, invited to prepare for defence against invasion,
had raised an army of volunteers, and threatened to follow
the example of the Americans unless their grievances were
redressed. Covered with humiliation. Lord North, on the
13th December, offered to concede to Ireland full liberty to
trade with all the colonies, to remove the restrictions on her
glass trade, and, hardest sacrifice of all, to permit the export
434 | THE ANNALS OF BRISTOL | [1778. |
of her woollen manufactures. A Bill giving effect to this
capitulation passed rapidly through Parliament, the
opposition of Bristol and other ports becoming lukewarm when
the measure was urged forward by the “king's friends”.
Burke's advocacy of free trade was not, however, forgotten
by his constituents, and his dismissal at the next election
was already practically certain.
A writ of inquiry was opened at Gloucester on the 9th
April, 1778, to assess damages in an action brought by David
Lewis, a Bristol merchant, against the mayor and
Corporation. It appeared that the water bailiff had demanded
illegal fees of the plaintiff, and that, on his refusal to pay
them, his goods had been seized and sold by order of the
Corporation. A verdict, with £50 damages and costs, was
given for the complainant. About eighteen months later an
action was tried at Gloucester assizes, Lewis being again the
plaintiff, whilst the defendants were Sir John Durbin and
other commissioners of the Court of Conscience. The ground
of the action was the assault and imprisonment of Lewis
after an illegal judgment delivered against him. For some
inscrutable reason, the Corporation paid the damages and
costs (£116) in this case also.
A frigate of 32 guns, the Medea, was launched from
Hilhouse's dock on the 28th April. Ship-building for the navy
had been so long suspended in Bristol that the Journal very
erroneously asserted that this was “the first king's frigate
ever built in this port”. Four other frigates were then
building in local yards.
After a slumber of forty years the question of establishing
a Mansion-house was revived at a meeting of the Council on
the 13th June. It was unanimously resolved that a
committee of the whole Chamber should be appointed to consider
“of the taking some convenient house to be constantly
occupied and used as a Mayoralty House”. On the 22nd
August the committee advised that a mansion should be
provided forthwith, and suggested that the house of Sir
Abraham Isaac Elton, in St. James's Barton, together with
the adjoining dwelling, would be most eligible for the
purpose. Sir A. Elton had made an offer of his house for
£1,500, and the committee recommended its acceptance,
provided he would sell the other house for £500. The report
was confirmed. For some unexplained reason, however, the
Chamber abandoned its intention, and in December it voted
£300 to Sir A. Elton, as compensation for breaking the
agreement with him.
Mary Ann Peloquin, sister of David Peloquin (mayor
1751), and last survivor of one of the Huguenot families that
took refuge in Bristol in the previous century, died on the
23rd July, 1778. By her will, the sum of £19,000, lent by
her some years before to the Corporation, was devised to that
body, in trust to pay the interest, at 3 per cent., in yearly
doles to 156 poor men and women - chiefly to decayed
freemen or their widows, not paupers, or keeping alehouses.
The testatrix left to the rector of St. Stephen's for the
time being the sum of £5 per annum, and her residence in
Queen Square, to be used as a parsonage. Dr. Tucker, dean
of Gloucester, then incumbent of St. Stephen's, forthwith
removed from his house in Trenchard Street. Neither the
rector nor the Corporation felt so much gratitude to the
benefactress as to inscribe even her name upon the Peloquin
monument in her parish church. (The omission was
repaired by the churchwardens of St. Stephen's in 1892.)
Owing to commercial disasters caused by the quarrel with
America, the picturesque estate of Blaize Castle came into
the market in August, 1778. The property, about 110 acres
in extent, had been purchased about sixteen years previously
from Sir Jarrit Smith by Mr. Thomas Farr, merchant (mayor
1775-6), one of Burke's most zealous supporters. Mr. Farr
spent several thousand pounds in laying out drives and
walks, affording access to striking points of view, and in
erecting a castellated building on an eminence commanding
the Bristol Channel. The estate also comprised a windmill
(the ruins of which still exist) held of the trustees of
Henbury School, subject to the yearly payment “of £4, two
turkeys, and a chine”. The property was purchased by a
gentleman named Skeate, who disposed of it a few years
afterwards to Mr. John Scandrett Harford, by whom the
mansion was rebuilt.
Mr. John Bull was elected mayor on the 15th September,
but declined the office owing to illness, and the fine for refusal
was remitted. This is said to have been the first time that a
person elected mayor of Bristol repudiated the honour. Mr.
Bull's action was anticipated, for the recorder's opinion had
been previously taken as to the course to be pursued, several of
the gentlemen who stood below Mr. Bull on the roll having
positively declined to act until a Mansion-house was
provided. It was pointed out that the charter of Anne required
that a new mayor should be sworn-in by his predecessor, but
supposing, as was probable, that the existing mayor could
be induced to serve again, he obviously could not swear-in
himself. The recorder eluded the difficulty by advising that,
if Mr. Bull refused to serve, the Council should not proceed
to a new election, but allow Sir John Durbin to continue in
the performance of his functions. This course was adopted,
Sir John retaining office for another twelvemonth.
The Bristol Journal of September 26th, 1778, contains the
following list of privateers belonging to the port. The
number of those vessels had largely increased during the
year, in consequence of the alliance concluded by France
with the Americans. The contrast presented by the list
with the roll of 1756 (see p.320) is highly significant.
| Guns. | Men. | | Guns. | Men. |
Lyon | 32 | 180 | Jackall | 14 | 50 |
Vigilant | 30 | 180 | Hero | 12 | 70 |
Lord Cardiff | 20 | 150 | True Briton | 10 | 50 |
Old England | 20 | 120 | LETTERS OF MARQUE |
Cato | 18 | 120 | Hercules | 30 | 150 |
Rover | 18 | 100 | Levant | 28 | 150 |
Ranger | 18 | 100 | Saville | 20 | 80 |
Revenge | 18 | 100 | Chambers | 20 | 80 |
Tartar | 16 | 120 | Britannia | 18 | 60 |
Alexander | 16 | 120 | Ann | 18 | 100 |
Valiant | 16 | 50 | Albion | 16 | 70 |
With but two or three exceptions, the owners of the
above vessels sustained disastrous losses. Only one important
prize, in fact, was captured - a richly laden French East
Indiaman, brought into Kingroad in September, 1778, by
the Tartar and Alexander, and which, according to the
Bristol Journal, had been insured by London underwriters
for £100,000. Great difficulty being encountered in
reinforcing the troops in America, an Act was passed in 1779,
by which able-bodied men who could not prove themselves
to be exercising a lawful industry were liable to be impressed,
and compelled to serve in the army for five years. The
Government offered a bounty of three guineas a man for
volunteers, to which the Corporation added a guinea to men
joining in Bristol.
A minute of the proceedings of the Common Council on
the 9th December affords testimony as to the family
relations which existed between many members of the Chamber.
A pension of £40 a year was voted to Rachel Hilhouse,
widow of the late swordbearer, and grand-daughter of
Alderman Barnes, deceased, “and being otherwise related
to several other late as well as present members of this
corporation”. This remark appears to have been objected to as
more true than felicitous, and the phrase was struck through
with a pen. In August, 1780, a daughter of Alderman Barnes
was also voted a pension of £40 a year.
1778-79.] | IN THE EIGHTEENTH CENTURY. | 437 |
The Bristol Gazette of December 24th reported that a
journeyman shoemaker had just been publicly whipped in
the market, having been convicted of substituting inferior
leather for that given out to him by his employer.
In 1778, William Fry, a distiller in Redcliff Street, and
several years churchwarden of the parish, erected an
Almshouse, which he styled “The Mercy House”, on Colston's
Parade, for the reception of eight aged widows or spinsters.
He subsequently endowed the institution with a yearly sum
of about £60.
In February, 1779, during one of his visits to the city,
John Howard inspected the French prisoners of war,
detained in “a place which had been a pottery” (probably at
Knowle). He found the arrangements better than those at
Plymouth, the men, 151 in number, being at work. In
March, 1782, Howard noted that a new prison had been
built (at Fishponds). There was no chimney in the wards,
which were very dirty, being never washed. The inmates
consisted of 774 Spaniards and 13 Dutchmen. “Here was
painted on a board that an open market is allowed from 10
to 3”.
An Act of Parliament was passed in 1779 authorising the
enclosure of that part of Kingswood situated within the
parish of Stapleton - in other words the modern parish of
Fishponds. The locality of the New Pools, as it was called
in the Kingswood map of 1610, was inhabited chiefly by
colliers and quarrymen, living in cottages built by
themselves. The landowners, with a liberality unusual at the
time, allotted half an acre of land to each of these squatters,
who were thus encouraged to convert their mud huts into
comfortable stone dwellings.
For many years after steam-engines had come into
extensive use for mining purposes, their manufacturers were
unable to devise any method of producing a circular motion
in machinery except by pumping water on the floats of a
water-wheel. On the 10th March, 1779, however, a patent
was granted to Matthew Wasbrough, brass-founder. Narrow
Wine Street (the place of his birth), for converting a
reciprocal into a rotary motion by a combination of pulleys
and wheels, one of the objects being to adopt the principle
“for moving in a direct position any ship or vessel”. The
inventor had not brought his design into practical operation
when, in August, 1780, another patent was obtained by one
Pickard, who proposed to attain the same end by means of
a crank; and Wasbrough, by an arrangement with the
438 | THE ANNALS OF BRISTOL | [1779. |
inventor, adopted the improvement. The famous engineer,
James Watt, who disliked his Bristol rival in trade,
vehemently asserted at the time that Pickard had stolen an idea
which he was himself about to carry into execution; but at
a later period he admitted that the real inventor of the
crank was the man who, in the infancy of civilisation,
contrived the potter's wheel. The engines made down to this
period had served only for pumping. By Pickard's
ingenuity the steam-engine became capable of employment in
a hundred other directions. In 1781 Wasbrough received
an order from the Government to erect one of his engines
for grinding flour at Deptford. Subsequently, however, the
Navy Board asked the celebrated Smeaton for his advice as
to the best engine for a flour mill, and upon his reporting
that no rotary motion could ever produce such excellent
results as those derived “from the regular efflux of water
in turning a water wheel”, the order to Wasbrough was
countermanded. The distress caused by this
disappointment, aggravated by bodily indisposition, and anxiety
arising from pecuniary losses, threw the unfortunate
mechanician into a fever, of which he died on the 21st October
in the same year, aged 28. Previous to this unhappy
termination of what had promised to be a brilliant career,
Wasbrough had used one of the new engines for the purpose
of driving the lathes in his manufactory; a second was set
up in Birmingham, to the intense irritation of Watt; and a
third was made for the flour mill of Messrs Young and Co.,
in Lewin's Mead. In all of these he had introduced a “
flywheel”, in conformity with the specification of his patent of
1779. And although this important feature of an engine
had been previously suggested by other projectors,
Wasbrough is undoubtedly entitled to the merit of having been
the first to bring it into practical use.
As two aldermen were noted in Sketchley's Directory as
inhabiting Lewin's Mead in 1775, the fact that a high class
boarding school for boys and girls was established in that
thoroughfare can cause little surprise. The proprietor, a
Quaker named Charles Sawyer, announced the reopening of
the school after the (Easter) recess in Sarah Farley's Journal
of April 3rd, 1779. The fee for boarders - who were taught
the classical tongues, Hebrew, Spanish, French, and Italian
- was 14 guineas per annum. Day boys and girls were
instructed in the ordinary elements, with Latin or French,
for 10s. a quarter, and they might have three months'
dinners for 25s. a head. A superior school for “young
gentlemen” was established about this date in Back
A vacancy having occurred in the lesseeship of the
theatre, a proposal was made to the proprietors by Mr. John
Palmer, the manager of the Bath house, who will soon
present himself as the great reformer of the postal system of
his time. Palmer having undertaken to make important
alterations in the building, the proprietors, in April, granted
him a lease for twenty years, at £200 per annum, and gave
up the first three years' rent as a contribution towards his
intended outlay. “The future plan”, says Felix Farley's
Journal, “is to play once a week in the winter, three times
a week part of the summer, and to have oratorios in Lent”.
The chief feature of the alterations was the erection over the
centre of the dress circle of a second tier of boxes. The
theatre was reopened in October, 1779, but Palmer's name
does not re-appear, as he had confided the property to Messrs.
Dimond and Keasberry, who held the management for
several years. Six oratorios were produced during Lent,
1780, a guinea being charged for admission to the series.
Two oratorios were also given in 1781 and 1782. From 1779
to 1781 Mrs. Siddons and her husband were members of the
theatrical company throughout each season, and the gifted
actress on one occasion performed the part of “Hamlet”
with great success. Her salary is said to have been £3 a
The dearth of entertainments during the summer
encouraged a roving company to open the old “hut at Jacob's
Wells” for a short season. Dreading the law against
“rogues and vagabonds”, the conductors offered the
traditional “concert” for the price of admission, adding a
“Pantomime”, rope-dancing, etc., gratis. Bristol
pantomimes up to this date had always been given during the
summer, and some of them were received with favour for
three and even four successive years. The above
performances closed the history of the Jacob's Wells house.
At a meeting of the Merchants' Society, June 26th, 1779,
an address to the King was adopted, offering “the utmost
assistance and support” to his Government in its policy
towards America, and a subscription of £1,000 was voted to
encourage enlistments in the forces. An amendment,
introduced by Mr. Joseph Harford and Mr. Richard Bright,
praying the king for a change of Ministry, was negatived
by a majority of three. The Common Council was convened
on the same day, in the hope that it would adopt similar
440 | THE ANNALS OF BRISTOL | [1779. |
resolutions, but a sympathetic quorum could not be obtained.
At another gathering, a week later, when much dread
prevailed of an invasion by the French, then masters of the
Channel, Mr. G. Daubeny moved that the Chamber should
subscribe £2,000 for the purpose of raising soldiers; but he
was vigorously opposed by the Whigs, especially by Mr.
Cruger, M.P., who asserted that the supporters of the war
were convinced of its hopelessness. The motion was
withdrawn by the friends of the Government to avoid the
discredit of a defeat. On the 28th August, a public meeting
was held to promote the formation of a volunteer corps.
The movement met with slender support, but about the
same time the anti-American committee reported that they
had raised 1,306 men for the service of the Government, A
new subscription was started to obtain 1,000 more infantry
and marines, and about £2,000 were contributed. The local
bounty paid to every able seaman entering the navy was 12
Sailors, nevertheless, shunned the fleet, and the press-gangs
were constantly on the alert to snap up victims. An
impudent outrage occurred on the 12th July, in the Exchange,
at the hour when merchants were accustomed to assemble;
a press-gang entering the building and seizing Mr. James
Caton, a retired ship captain and the owner of several
vessels. The magistrates being set at defiance by the
commander of the gang, application was made for a habeas
corpus, which was granted, while Mr. Burke made
remonstrances to the Admiralty. Mr. Caton, who was released in
a few days, sued the officers of the press-gang for damages,
and obtained a verdict for £160.
The sanitary advantages of sea-bathing appear to have
been first urged by a London physician named Richard
Russell, about 1760. For some years his converts were
chiefly drawn from fashionable circles, but the pleasures
and advantages of a change of air began to be recognised
by all well-to-do people as soon as Weymouth was honoured
by the patronage of George III. As that village was the
nearest spot at which wealthy Bristolians could meet with
clear water, it had been, even before the king's first visit,
their favourite resort. At length an advertisement in Felix
Farley's Journal announced that “the new Bristol and
Weymouth Diligence, in one day”, would begin to run twice a
week on the 9th August, 1779. The service was of course
suspended on the approach of winter. It was not until
twenty years later that citizens thought of bathing in the
1779-80.] | IN THE EIGHTEENTH CENTURY. | 441 |
troubled waters of the Bristol Channel. In April, 1797, an
advertisement announced that Jane Biss and Son had fitted
up two commodious houses at Uphill for the reception of
families or single persons “for health or sea bathing”.
Weston-super-Mare was then a scanty hamlet of labourers'
hovels. Minehead next attempted to attract visitors, a
lodging-house being first announced there in 1800.
Coffee-houses lost their early popularity about this date.
The once famous Foster's Coffee-house, the site of which is
absorbed in the corporate buildings in Corn Street, ceased
to be a place of entertainment in 1779, and was purchased
by the Corporation in 1782 for £660. The London Coffee-house,
in Corn Street, and probably others, disappeared
about the same time, leaving no record in the newspapers.
A victualler announced in August that he had taken the
West India Coffee-house, fitted up commodious drinking
rooms, and provided himself with an ample stock of liquors.
The newspapers of November, 1779, announced the arrival
of “the surprising Irish Giant, only 19 years of age, yet
measuring 8 feet high. To be seen at Mr. Safford's,
watchmaker, Clare Street”. O'Brien, the phenomenon in question,
who attained a height of 8 feet 3 inches, visited the city
annually at fair time, and eventually died at the Hotwells
in September, 1806. His body was buried in the lobby of
the Romanist chapel in Trenchard Street, in a grave cut 12
feet deep in the rock, and secured by iron bars, these
precautions being taken to defeat the acquisitive intentions of
certain local anatomists.
The price of tar having greatly increased owing to the
American war, ingenuity was taxed to discover a substitute
for an article indispensable to shipping. In Sarah Farley's
Journal of April 29th, 1780, “the family of a person deceased”
offer for sale his invention of a method of making English
tar, information respecting which was to be obtained of Mr.
William Champion. Works were shortly afterwards
established in the city for extracting tar from coal.
The financial condition of the Corporation for some years
previous to this date had been one of increasing
embarrassment. Permanent loans being not always obtainable, a
custom grew up of borrowing on promissory notes; and in
1778 and 1779, to meet liabilities, some civic property was
sold. In February, 1779, a loan of £1,600 was obtained from
Alderman Pope. Repayment being called for in 1780, a
number of ground rents and plots of building land were
disposed of for £6,100, but little more than half the amount
442 | THE ANNALS OF BRISTOL | [1780. |
was applied to the liquidation of debt. Similar transactions
took place in several subsequent years, yet the civic
liabilities largely increased, in spite of the alienations of
property. The increased receipts from town dues, towards
the end of the century, at length arrested the Corporation in
its downward course.
The No Popery riots which took place in London in June,
1780, produced some popular effervescence in Bristol. Great
alarm was caused by an outbreak at Bath, where the
Romanist chapel and five adjoining houses were burnt; and
on the 10th June, on intelligence that a Bath mob was
preparing to march westward, the Duke of Beaufort took the
command of the Monmouthshire militia, then stationed here.
The chapel in St. James's Back being threatened, a number
of volunteers and constables were placed on guard until the
danger had passed away, the magistrates sitting for several
nights at the Council House. F. Farley's Journal of the
17th stated that “the proprietor of the Romish chapel in
this city has taken part of it down in order to convert the
building to another use, and also to remove any pretence
of evil-disposed persons to destroy the same”. The
Corporation voted £105 for distribution amongst the militia men;
and “sundry expenses on account of a threatened and
expected riot ”amounted to £85 12s. 5d.
The Common Council was convoked on the 15th August
in consequence of the death of the mayor, Michael Miller,
jun. Mr. John Bull was elected to fill the office for the few
weeks that remained of the civic year.
At a meeting of the Council on the 23rd August, Mr.
Joseph Smith, merchant (the host of Burke in 1774), was
admitted a freeman on payment of a fine of £10. He was
on the same day appointed a common councilman, and three
weeks later he was elected sheriff. This method of
“pitch-forking” members subsequently became common.
At the above meeting Alderman Thomas Harris artfully
introduced a scheme destined to make his name memorable.
When pressed by financial difficulties, the Corporation had
often found it convenient to borrow money from the
revenues of Queen Elizabeth's Hospital, of which it was
trustee. At this time £4,716 had been so appropriated,
and £2,400 were due for interest on the bonds - some of them
outstanding for 36 years - given for the loans. Mr. Harris's
proposal, which was adopted, was that a committee should
be appointed to examine as to whether any and what sum
of money was due to the charity by the Chamber. The
cause of what appeared to be an extraordinary motion was
shortly after explained by the alderman. He had discovered
that, soon after the death of John Carr, the founder of the
school, the Corporation, in order to hasten its establishment,
made advances of money, amounting to about £8,000, for the
purpose of clearing off debts and legacies forming a prior
charge on the estate. These advances, he alleged, had never
been repaid, and by charging interest on the principal at
rates varying from £10 to £3 per cent, per annum, the debt
of the hospital to the Corporation was asserted to be £27,160.
Mr. Harris did not mention that the Corporation, after
speaking of those advances in the school charter, obtained
from Queen Elizabeth, as money bestowed for charitable
purposes, had, in 1600 and 1601, sold a large parcel of the
hospital estates, for the purpose, as the minute books state,
of paying off “all” the debts to which they were liable.
The further fact that the Council had from time to time
increased the number of scholars as the hospital income
improved, and thus practically admitted that the charity was
unencumbered, was also conveniently ignored. Mr. Harris's
committee, accepting his statements and calculations,
reported that the hospital was indebted to the Chamber in
the large sum just mentioned, that the £4,715 drawn from
the funds of the school should have been treated as
instalments of debt repaid, and not as loans, and that consequently
no interest was due upon the bonds. They further
recommended a reduction in the number of boys in the school, so
that its liabilities might be more speedily reduced. The
report (signed by Wm. Miles, mayor, Thomas Harris, Nat.
Foy, and others) was confirmed by the Council on the 4th
August, 1781; when the bonds were ordered to be cancelled,
and the number of scholars reduced to 36. The latter
change was a practical violation of a pledge made by the
Chamber to Edward Colston, in 1698, when the
philanthropist endowed the hospital with an estate sufficient to educate
six boys, upon the Corporation undertaking that not less than
36 scholars should in future be maintained. Subsequent to the
donation of Colston, bequests had been made for the
education of seven additional boys, so that either the pledge to
him was broken or the later endowments were
misappropriated. The pecuniary results of Mr. Harris's financial
legerdemain were very agreeable to the Corporation. Instead
of interest being paid on the £4,715 borrowed from the
charity, £14,044 of the hospital income were appropriated
between 1781 and 1820; at which latter date an account
444 | THE ANNALS OF BRISTOL | [1780, |
was presented to the Charity Commissioners, claiming £46,499
as still due from the school estate! The final explosion of
this impudent claim is related in the Annals of the present
century (p.238).
A dissolution of Parliament took place in September, 1780,
when Mr. Henry Cruger and Mr. Burke solicited reelection.
An intention to oppose them had been announced in the
previous spring by two staunch supporters of the king's
American policy - Mr. Richard Combe, the candidate of
1768, who had just been appointed Treasurer of the Ordnance,
and Mr. Matthew Brickdale, who sought to avenge his
defeat in 1774. A contribution of £1,000 towards the
election expenses of the Tory candidates was made, as will
presently be shown, by George III. The issue of the contest,
as regarded Burke, was foreseen by many of his friends.
Lord Clare, during his long membership, paid court to the
city during every recess, and made himself welcome to the
lower class of voters by copious entertainments. Burke had
been absent for four years, and his means did not permit
him to treat the poor freemen. In despite of the
indignation of the inhabitants, moreover, he had supported the
repeal of the laws which crushed Irish commerce and
manufactures to the profit of English shipowners and
clothiers, and had assisted in passing the free trade measures
of 1779. He had given offence to local shopkeepers, again,
by ignoring their disapproval of a Bill affording some relief
to the wretched people confined in prison for debt, and by
speaking in its favour after they had petitioned against the
measure. And Protestant feeling had been irritated by his
avowed hostility to the political disqualifications imposed on
Roman Catholics. The friends of Mr. Cruger consequently
refused to coalesce with those of Burke, and maintained an
attitude which indicated hostility rather than sympathy. It
must be added that many of Burke's influential supporters
in 1774 had been ruined by the suicidal rupture with
America. In the face of these menacing circumstances,
Burke on the 6th September met his supporters in the
Guildhall, and uttered a vindicatory address, styled by one of his
biographers the greatest speech ever delivered on an English
hustings, in which he boldly challenged the approbation of
the citizens for the very conduct they had disapproved.
On the 8th, fixed for the formal nomination of candidates,
Mr. Combe died suddenly at the house of a friend in College
Green. His partisans thereupon nominated Sir Henry
Lippincott, Bart., who, in right of his wife, represented the
old Bristol families of Cann and Jefferis. On the following
morning, Mr. Burke, in a brief speech, announced his
withdrawal from the contest, having become convinced of its
hopelessness. (His action was doubtless largely inspired by
a desire to save his friends from the enormous expense of a
contest.) The death of Mr. Combe was characteristically
seized by the orator to point a lesson on the vanity of human
passions. The fate of the lamented gentleman, he said,
snatched away “while his desires were as warm and his
hopes as eager as ours, has feelingly told us what shadows
we are and what shadows we pursue”. The poll continued
open for nine days, although the issue was never in doubt.
The sinister conduct of Mr. Cruger's committee was resented
by many Whigs, more than a thousand of whom refused to
record their votes, and Mr. Cruger withdrew on the 19th
September, alleging that the majority against him was due
to bribery and undue influence. At the declaration of the
poll, on the 20th, the numbers were given as follows:- Mr.
Brickdale, 2771; Sir H. Lippincott, 2518; Mr. Cruger, 1271;
Mr. Samuel Peach, 788, Mr. Burke, 18. Mr. Peach, a wealthy
linen-draper in Maryleport Street, had been nominated in
the interest of his son-in-law, Cruger. Some of the ignorant
freeman objecting to “plump” for that gentleman, Mr.
Peach was set up to receive their second votes. The
scurrilous Thistlethwaite seized the occasion to produce another
local satire, entitled “Corruption, a Mock Heroick”, but the
work, although as virulent as its forerunners, was treated
with deserved neglect. A placard was issued by the
Crugerites soon after the election, professing to be a playbill of
performances “for the benefit of a weak Administration”.
The assumed players in “All in the Wrong: or The
Tories Distracted”, include “Dupe, by Sir H. L - p - tt;
Orator Mum, by Mr. B - k - le; Sir George Woodbe, by Mr.
Da - b - ny (Daubeny); Counsellor Clodpate, by Mr.
H - b - se (Hobhouse); and Judas Iscariott, by Mr. F - y
(Foy)”. “End of the Second Act, an Interlude, intitled
The Poll Books, or a new method of securing a Majority.
The part of Close 'em by Sir Henry Laughing Stock, from
the Theatre at Gloucester. This is reckoned the first
exhibition of the kind, and for his peculiar excellence
therein the Performer was rewarded with a Title”.
Lippincott was sheriff of Gloucestershire in 1776-7, during
a fierce bye-election, in which he was charged with
partiality. He was created a baronet in 1778, and as his
only known merit lay in his adherence to the “king's
446 | THE ANNALS OF BRISTOL | [1780-81. |
friends”, the sarcasm of the Crugerites was not without
plausible foundation.
At a meeting of the Council in October, an offer was
made, on behalf of the vestry of All Saints' parish, to take
down the Merchants' Tolzey, opposite the Council House,
and to rebuild “the late London Coffee-house”, at the east
angle of the Exchange, in a style similar to that of the Post
Office at the western corner (by which improvement Corn
Street would be widened by 5½feet), provided the Corporation
would subscribe £400 towards the outlay, and grant a lease
of certain rooms, “formerly the Exchange Tavern”, at a
rent of £100. The Chamber consented to both conditions.
The plan involved the removal of the cistern of All Saints'
Conduit, which was to be placed on the first floor of the
new house, while the fountain itself was removed from Corn
Street into All Saints' Lane.
Sir Henry Lippincott, Bart, M.P., whose election has just
been recorded, died on the 1st January, 1781. On the
following day, the Union (Whig) club addressed a letter to the
Constitutional club of their opponents, proposing that an
agreement should be made for dividing the representation between
the two parties, and so restoring “peace and good
neighbourhood”; but the Tories, assured of pecuniary assistance from
the Crown, and counting upon continued discord in their
enemies' camp, declined to comply. Their foresight was
justified by events. The friends of Burke, although he had
been elected for Malton, were anxious to reinstate him in
his former seat; but the chief supporters of Cruger declared
that unless that gentleman was promised the representation
of Malton, they would bring another candidate forward for
Bristol, and spare neither money nor labour to defeat Mr.
Burke. A few days later, Mr. Cruger took the field, while
Mr. George Daubeny was selected by the Ministerial party,
an obtained, as will presently be seen, the approval of
George III. The contest was of a virulent character, the
Tories expatiating on the fact that Mr. Cruger was a
“foreigner” (he was a native of New York) whose
sympathies were wholly with the “rebels”; whilst it was
alleged by the other camp that Mr. Daubeny and some of
his prominent friends had openly avowed sympathy with
the Jacobites during the rebellion of 1745. Both parties
squandered large sums in “entertaining” the electors. One
of Daubeny's handbills invited “all true Britons” to a dinner
at the Full Moon inn, Stoke's Croft, “to try the
difference between American bull beef and the roast beef of Old
England”, and “to drink a health to the Friend of the
King and the Constitution”. In retort the Crugerites
assured the freemen that “without Cruger we should have
had no beef nor ale”, their placard concluding with “A
large loaf, a full pot, and Cruger for ever”. Many collisions
occurred in the streets between the hired mobs of the two
parties, and it was alleged by the Crugerites that the
pressgang was under the orders, if not in the pay, of their
antagonists. The election, which began, on the 31st January,
was not concluded until the 24th February, when the poll
was declared to be: for Mr. Daubeny, 3143; for Mr. Cruger,
2771. A deadly affray marked the close of the contest. A
party of Crugerites, passing along the quays, took offence
at some flags displayed by a Swansea vessel, and ordered
the crew to lower them. The demand being accompanied
by some stone-throwing, the sailors fired several swivel guns
upon the crowd, killing two men instantly, and wounding
many other persons, including three children. The verdict
of the coroner's jury on the bodies of the victims was
“justifiable homicide”; but there is in Temple churchyard
an inscription to their memory, alleging that they were
“inhumanly murdered” by three men, whose names appear
on the tombstone. Mr. Cruger petitioned against the
return, but his case was ultimately withdrawn.
A singular proof of the manner in which employers
considered themselves entitled to deal with their workmen at
election times is unconsciously revealed in an abusive letter
addressed to Mr. Cruger by an opponent, in one of the Tory
journals. The writer says:- “At the election in 1774 you
ruined so many of the labouring freemen by inveigling them
to vote in opposition to their masters, and you were so
constantly teased with the cries of their wives and children,
that you removed from Park Street to Weston, near Bath,
to prevent their craving solicitations from reaching your
ears. You are now again spiriting up the journeymen
freemen to disoblige their masters, and thereby to reduce them
and their families to the same miserable situation”. The
writer's inability to perceive the discredit he was heaping
upon his friends is both amusing and edifying. Party
spirit raged at this period with almost unexampled
virulence. Mr. R. Smith states that many men regarded their
political opponents as personal enemies, and that candidates
or vacancies in the Infirmary staff had no chance of success
unless they had the approval of the Tory club at the White
Lion (Smith MSS.).
448 | THE ANNALS OF BRISTOL | [1781. |
The assistance rendered by George III. to Mr. Daubeny,
as a supporter of his American policy, was first brought to
light by the publication of the king's letters to Lord North.
Additional evidence has been produced by the Historical
MSS. Commission (10th Report). The king, it appears, had
an election manager in the person of Mr. John Robinson,
Secretary to the Treasury, for whom he reserved £20,000
yearly to aid suitable candidates. The Premier, Lord
North, in a letter to Robinson, dated April 13th, 1781, says:
- “I suppose we must comply with the requests of Lord
Sheffield [then contesting Coventry] and Mr. Daubeny . . .
I suppose the following sums will do. Lord S. £2000, Mr.
D. £1600, being £600 more than he asked for at first. But
perhaps Mr. D. will not be satisfied, and it will be necessary
to give him more. The demands on this occasion are
exorbitant beyond the example of any former time”. As it
turned out, Mr. Daubeny was so far from being satisfied
with £1,600 that he applied for £6,000 from the royal
bounty, and actually got them. Lord North, in sending the
king an account of election charges just paid (in addition to
the above they included £2,000 for Gloucestershire), pleaded
that “only £1000” had been sent to Bristol at the general
election, and that the Tory merchants, having contributed
largely on that occasion, “as well as to many loyal
subscriptions”, had thought it not improper to ask for help in
the second contest. Lord North's letter shows that the
king's outlay for the promotion of electoral corruption had
reached in a few months to about £63,000, exclusive of two
pensions amounting to £1,600 a year.
The Arethusa, a 44 gun frigate, one of five war vessels
then being built on the Avon, was launched on the 10th
April, 1781. The Arethusa for many years enjoyed a special
popularity amongst Bristolians.
On the death, in April, 1781, of the Rev. Carew Reynell,
minister of Redland Chapel, an unexpected dispute arose
respecting the patronage attached to the building. Mr.
Cossins, who built and endowed the chapel, and added a
handsome house for the chaplain, appointed the first
incumbent, and subsequent vacancies had been filled by his
representatives, one of whom, Mr. John Innys, his brother-in-law,
devised the chapel and advowson to Mr. Jeremy Baker, who
appointed Reynell, and now proposed to select his successor.
The chapel, however, had never been consecrated, and the
Hon. Henry Fane, the patron of Westbury, in which parish
it was situated, in conjunction with the Rev. John
Whetham, incumbent of the parish, refused to permit Baker's
nominee to officiate. The chapel was accordingly closed,
and the yearly income was transferred to the Infirmary, in
accordance with Mr. Cossins's foundation deeds. Several
years elapsed before further steps were taken. At length,
Mr. Samuel Edwards, of Cotham Lodge, a friend of Baker's,
purchased the advowson of Westbury, and Whetham was
induced, no doubt for a satisfactory consideration, to resign
the living. The new patron then nominated his nephew,
the Rev. Wm. Embury Edwards, to the incumbency, and
Mr. Baker presented the same person to Redland. And
as it was clear that the incumbent of Westbury could at
any future time prevent a minister from officiating in the
latter building, it was agreed between the two patrons that
the advowson of the chapel should be annexed to that of the
parish, and that the nomination to both should be exercised
alternately by themselves and their heirs, trustees being
appointed to carry out the compact. Manuscripts narrating the
above facts are preserved in the Consistory Court. Petition
was next made to the Bishop for the consecration of the
chapel and burial ground, and the ceremony took place on
the 12th November, 1790. [The account of this dispute by
the author of the Chronological History is a pure fiction.]
Whetham, through the influence of the Fane family, was
appointed Dean of Lismore in 1791.
At the Gloucestershire summer assizes in 1781, an action
brought at the instance of the Society of Merchants against
the lessee of the Hot Well, who had imposed a charge upon
Bristolians taking water from the spring, contrary to the
conditions of his lease, came on for trial, and resulted in a
verdict for the plaintiff. It will afterwards be shown,
however, that upon the lease being renewed at a greatly
increased rent, the occupier was allowed to resume exactions
on the local public, and raised at the same time the charges
imposed on visitors, with disastrous effects on the popularity
of the Well.
The long pending design of establishing a civic Mansion
House was definitively approved at a corporate gathering on
the 4th August, 1781. The Chamber, which had that day
adopted Alderman Harris's scheme for despoiling Queen
Elizabeth's Hospital, resolved, “unanimously, that a
messuage in Queen Square in the occupation of Mr. James Harford
be forthwith purchased at the price of £1,360, in order that
the same may be used as a Mayoralty House”. The house
in question - standing at the eastern end of the north row -
450 | THE ANNALS OF BRISTOL | [1781. |
belonged to Miss Susanna Calwell, by whom it was let at
£105 per annum. It was originally built by Alderman
Shuter (mayor, 1711). A committee was appointed to
conclude the purchase, and to arrange for the suitable
furnishing of the house. Possession, however, was not obtained
until March, 1783, and the alterations were conducted with
extreme deliberation, £800 being spent in 1784 and £1,600
in 1786. The work of furnishing followed. The Council
was at first in an economical mood, and restricted the
furnishing committee to an outlay of £800. An additional sum of
£360 was voted to supply the great room with chandeliers,
etc.; and in August, 1786, the chamberlain was ordered to
pay further charges incurred by the reckless committee,
amounting to £3,400 (including £20 8s. 8d. for “crown glass
for the windows in the Great Room”, £1 16s. for an umbrella,
and £4 for a “large turtle tubb”). Whilst this outlay was
going on, the Corporation was compelled to sell property to
the value of £3,600, and to increase the city debt by nearly
£6,300, in order to meet its expenditure. The Mansion
House was occupied in the spring of 1786, when the
scavenging authorities, desirous of getting a little profit out
of the institution, raised the assessed value of the house
from £70 to £400. On appeal, however, the rating was
reduced to £90.
A maltster, named Joseph George Pedley. was the subject
of much local objurgation about this period. According to
his creditors, he raised about £10,000 by means of fraudulent
representations, secreted a large portion of the money, and
sought to conceal his knavery by setting fire to his premises
in Little King Street, the books and papers in which were
destroyed. Being declared a bankrupt, and suspected of
arson, he was committed to Newgate, from which he escaped,
but was again captured at Newcastle. A second attempt to
break out of Newgate was detected and foiled. On a third
occasion he filed through heavy fetters, and broke through
the floor of his cell, but was unable to escape from the room
below. At length he confessed that he had concealed upwards
of £2,600 of his plunder in the western suburbs, and Felix
Farley's Journal of the 24th Sept., 1781, announced that £1,000
in notes were found buried near “Tinkers' place”, Tyndall's
Park, and 600 or 700 guineas near Gallows Acre Lane. The
prisoner, who guided the searchers to the latter hoard,
alleged that a third had been rifled. In April, 1782, Pedley
was found guilty of destroying his house; but on the
indictment being laid before the judges they declared that
1781-82.] | IN THE EIGHTEENTH CENTURY. | 451 |
the law did not prohibit the lessee of a dwelling from setting
fire to it. The rogue was then committed for burning the
adjoining houses. After lying in prison for more than a
year, he was acquitted of this charge in May, 1783. His
liberation as an insolvent did not take place until June,
1785. He was then immured for defalcations under the
excise laws; and Mr. B. Smith saw him in the King's
Bench prison in 1794, keeping a coal-shed. He was released
only by death.
Sarah Farley's Journal of February 2nd, 1782, contains an
advertisement offering the “Enterprise of the Bristol Water
Works Company to be sold or let”. No adventurer coming
forward to continue the undertaking, the service of water
was soon after discontinued.
The wasteful system under which the Customs
department was administered is illustrated by a letter from George
III. to Lord North, dated February 11th. The king
requests the Prime Minister to nominate Mr. Barnard, the
royal librarian, to a sinecure employment of either
comptroller or collector of the Custom-house at Bristol, held for
above forty years by a Mr. Bowman, just dead at Egham.
His Majesty habitually relieved the Civil List from pensions
to dependents by throwing them in this manner on the
ordinary revenue. Owing to the destruction of the Custom-house
archives in 1831, the result of the king's letter cannot
be discovered.
The killing of a refractory Spaniard by a sentinel in
March, 1782, occasions the first mention in the local press of
the Government buildings at Fishponds for the safe custody
of prisoners of war. The place became so extensive that an
engraved view of it was published in the Gentleman's
Magazine (vol. 84). Belies of the prison - converted into a
workhouse for the Bristol Union in 1833 - may still be seen.
By this time the country had become weary of the
inglorious war against the revolted Americans which the Prime
Minister was waging, against his own judgment, in deference
to George III. Early in 1782, the Corporation of Bristol,
repudiating its former sympathy with the Government,
unanimously addressed a petition to the House of Commons
against the further continuance of the contest, and prayed
the House “to advise the King to a total change of the
unhappy system which has involved the nation in such
complicated misfortunes”. A similar petition was adopted at a
public meeting of the citizens in the Guildhall. On the
27th February, on the motion of General Conway, an
452 | THE ANNALS OF BRISTOL | [1782. |
Address, in which the above sentiments were practically
embodied, was carried in the House of Commons, and three
weeks later the Ministry resigned. At a meeting of the
Common Council in April (17 members being absent), it was
resolved to present the freedom of the city to General
Conway for his exertions to hasten peace, and a similar
compliment was paid to eight members of the new Rockingham
Ministry. A vote of thanks was also passed to Burke for his
great scheme of economical reform. A deputation of five
gentlemen set off for London to convey these compliments,
and were paid £92 for the expenses of their journey. About
the same time, the war with France was marked with a
naval triumph that flung Bristol into transports of joy. Five
of the English plantations in the West Indies had been
captured by the French, and as a commanding fleet under
De Grasse was cruising in the neighbourhood, awaiting the
junction of a Spanish flotilla, the loss of Jamaica was deemed
only too probable. At this critical moment Admiral Rodney
challenged the French navy to combat, and on the 12th
April a desperate battle resulted in a decisive English
victory. Intelligence of this great event arrived in Bristol on
the 18th May, and as the fortunes of many wealthy citizens
were involved in the fate of Jamaica, the demonstrations of
joy were universal. In September, Rodney, who had won
a peerage by his success, disembarked at Kingroad, and, on
the invitation of Mr. Tyndall, spent a night at the Royal
Fort. The only token of rejoicing that could be improvised
was a torchlight procession of several hundred citizens, in
which a prominent figure was John Weeks, of the Bush inn,
who kept open house in honour of the occasion, and
distributed liquor gratuitously to the assembled populace. Lord
Rodney, in thanking the citizens for the demonstration,
promised to return; and when he did so, on the 15th
November, he met with a reception never before accorded to a
subject. On reaching Totterdown he was welcomed by the
sheriffs in a laudatory address, to which he briefly replied.
An imposing procession was then organised. Equestrians
and private carriages, forming a long line, were headed by
a figure of Britannia, “supported by four javelin men”,
seated in a car drawn by six horses, the drivers in the dress
of sailors. Representatives of Mars and Minerva followed in
similar state, together with three boats placed upon wheels,
accommodating bands of music embowered in laurels, while
from a ship of 40 tons burden, also on a carriage drawn by
horses, the crew fired at intervals salutes from swivel guns.
Flags, insignia, and trophies of every kind added additional
variety to the scene. The cavalcade passed through the
principal streets to the Merchants' Hall, where the
distinguished guest, before sitting down to a grand dinner, was
presented with the freedom of the company. The day
concluded with a general illumination. John Weeks, who was
the leading spirit in preparing the manifestations, afterwards
boasted that they had cost him £447. On this account,
perhaps. Weeks “claimed the honour” of becoming one of Lord
Rodney's postboys, on his departure next morning for Bath.
This was the last local incident of note in connection with
the war. The formal proclamation of peace took place on
the 13th October, 1783, with the usual formalities.
An advertisement in Felix Farley's Journal of May 25th,
1782, affords a final glimpse of the famous Bristol China
works of Richard Champion:- “Now selling, by hand, at
the late manufactory in Castle Green, the remaining stock
of Enamel Blue and White, and White Bristol China. The
manufactory being removed into the north”.
At a meeting of the Common Council in May, a proposal
of the St. Stephen's Improvement trustees was produced,
offering to widen the thoroughfare on the Quay, near the
church, from twenty-four to forty-four feet, provided the
Corporation surrendered the site of the Fish-market. The
Chamber accepted the terms; and gave orders for the
removal of the market to a site between Nicholas and Baldwin
Streets. The purchase of the required land, however, was
not effected until 1786, and the retail dealers in fish long
resorted to St. James's market.
At another meeting, in December, the Council resolved to
present the freedom of the city to Lord Rodney for “his
glorious and decisive victory, which saved Jamaica from an
attack, and protected in an eminent degree the commercial
interests of this city”. It seems strange that the Chamber
did not discover this when Lord Rodney was in Bristol. The
freedom was also voted to Lord Howe for his gallant relief
of Gibraltar, and a similar compliment was paid in 1783 to
Lord Hood “for his important services”.
In December, 1782, a patent was granted to a Bristol
plumber named William Watts, for his newly invented
process for the manufacture of shot. The invention (said to
have been inspired by a dream) consisted in causing the
liquid lead to fall from a considerable height, the metal
assuming a spherical form in the air. Watts constructed a
“shot-tower” on Redcliff Hill, and his products soon
454 | THE ANNALS OF BRISTOL | [1782-83. |
acquired celebrity. A local journal of December, 1786,
announced that the inventor was about to extend his works by
building a new Gothic tower, which, with the old one, was
expected to remind a spectator of “the prospect of
Westminster Abbey”. In a few years Watts amassed about £10,000,
which he invested in an unlucky building speculation at
Clifton - the construction of Windsor Terrace. Owing to a
peculiarity of the strata, the whole of the owner's capital
was sunk in securing the foundation of the house
overlooking the Avon, and in October, 1792, the building was
advertised for sale in an unfinished state. In February, 1794,
Watts was declared a bankrupt, and lost his interest in a
discovery by which others made ample fortunes. In
September, 1794, it was announced that the manufactory on
Redcliff Hill would thenceforth be carried on by “Philip
George and Patent Shot Company”. No later reference to
Watts has been found. The statement made in some local
works that he became a hosier in High Street is incorrect.
The civic accounts for March, 1783, record the payment of
£3 17s. 11d. to a messenger despatched into Herefordshire to
obtain the signature of Alderman Durbin to a number of
corporate leases. A similar item occurs in 1784. The
alderman, repudiating the duties of his office, which included a
daily supervision of the constables of his ward, had taken up
his residence near Hereford, and refused to resign his gown.
His example was followed by other aldermen, nearly all of
whom had ceased to reside in the city in the later days of
the unreformed Corporation.
The spring of 1783 was a period of great distress amongst
the poor owing to the high price of food. One of its
consequences was a series of disorders, extending over three days,
amongst the sailors of the port, who complained that their
families could not subsist upon their earnings. The mayor
at length allayed the discontent by promising to recommend
the shipowners to pay 30s. a month to each man when at
sea, and half that sum when in Kingroad. A few days
later, the felons confined in Newgate prayed for relief
through the newspapers, stating that they had nothing to
live upon saving twopence a day. Untried prisoners
received only a penny daily, and many must have starved but
for the relief offered by the public. The misery caused by
the dearth led to a frightful increase of crime, especially of
burglaries and highway robberies. No protection being
afforded to the new suburb of Kingsdown, the inhabitants,
in April, advertised for “a few able-bodied young men, to
be employed as a nightly patrole” in that locality. This
watch was continued, at intervals, for several years. The
inhabitants of College Green were also compelled to take
special measures against footpads and burglars, and in March,
1790, the dean and chapter gave them permission to erect a
watch-box in the middle of the green “for their safety and
The Common Council, in May, presented the freedom of
the city to the Earl of Surrey, son and eventually successor
to the tenth Duke of Norfolk. His lordship took much
interest in West Country affairs, and was thrice mayor of
Gloucester. For the honour conferred upon him in Bristol
he was indebted to his Whig politics, and to his fame as a
The Council, at the above meeting, admitted Mr. Thomas
Daniel, jun., as a freeman on the payment of a fine of 12
guineas. Mr. Daniel was in 1786 elected a common
councillor, was chosen mayor in 1796, and eventually became the
famous alderman who, from his complete omnipotence in
corporate affairs, was sometimes called King of Bristol.
A subscription on the tontine principle was started in July
for completing a range of warehouses near St. Stephen's
church, which the parochial trustees had begun, but were
unable to finish. The number of subscribers was 196, and
the estate was to be divided amongst the last survivors.
(The final division did not take place until about 1860.) In
March, 1784, an attempt was made to form a tontine for the
building of houses in Great George Street, near Brandon
Hill, but the scheme was unsuccessful.
The curious brass pillars in front of the Exchange once
formed only a part of a numerous collection. The city
chamberlain, in September, 1783, debits himself with £12 17s.
6d., “received for the metal tops of the ancient pillars
removed from All Saints' Penthouse, and the Bridgwater slip
on the Back”. Immediately afterwards, 17s. 6d. is obtained
“for the top of a small pillar” removed from the former
place. In 1784, there was a receipt of £8 6s. “for a pot
metal pillar and cap, taken down under the Tolsey”; and
£8 13s. 4d. was obtained in 1796 “for the cap or top of an
old pillar supposed formerly to stand at the Bridgwater
Slip, and which for many years last past lay useless in the
Council House cellars. Weight, 2 cwt. 3 qr. 121b. of pot
brass at 6½d. per lb”.
On the 10th December, 1783, the Council appointed Mr.
Richard Burke, brother of the great orator, to the
456 | THE ANNALS OF BRISTOL | [1783-84. |
recordership of the city, in the place of Lord Ashburton, deceased.
Unable to foresee the imminence of events destined to
transform the Burkes into ultra conservatives, the Tory
councillors voted against the appointment.
The hackney carriages maintained in the city were still
kept in the stable yards of their proprietors. On the 26th
December, 1783, however, a coach took its stand near the
Exchange, and it was styled “No. 1” by the civic officials.
The adventure meeting with favour, “No. 2” coach made
its appearance three months later, and also stood at the
Exchange. The charge made to any place within the limits
of the city was a shilling, and for half a mile beyond the
boundaries 1s. 6d. By the summer of 1786 the coaches had
increased to 18; but the Corporation had imposed no
regulations in reference to fares, and there were loud complaints
of imposition. The Chamber at length drew up a table of
rates in September, 1787, when 20 vehicles were permitted
to ply.
The local journals of March, 1784, announced that the
extensive gardens appertaining to the Red Lodge were to be
disposed of in building sites. Part of the ground was
devoted to laying out a street, originally styled Red Lodge
Street, connecting Park Row with Trenchard Street.
A dissolution of Parliament in the spring of 1784 gave rise
to the longest and closest contest ever known in Bristol. Mr.
Cruger's resolve to attempt a reversal of the decision of 1781
was well known, and although he was in America when the
Houses were dismissed, his claims were strenuously
championed by his father-in-law, Mr. Peach, and his brother,
Colonel Cruger. The late members, Mr. Brickdale and Mr.
Daubeny, jointly solicited re-election. It was the custom of
that age for the voters to be brought up in “tallies”, or
batches, by the agents of the respective candidates. In
order to prevent Cruger's opponents from bringing up two
tallies for one, and so giving them a large majority in the
early days of the struggle, Mr. Peach was also nominated as
a candidate. Cruger being absent, the opportunity was
seized to publish a copious store of calumnies against him.
A charge that he had torn down and trampled upon the
English flag in New York was especially pressed, in spite of
clear evidence as to its falsehood. The polling commenced
on the 3rd April, and was continued until the 8th May - a
period of five weeks and a day. For more than a month the
competition between the friends of Daubeny and Cruger was
so close as to leave the issue in doubt. Nearly a thousand
persons were admitted as freemen during the contest. The
ultimate result was as follows:- Mr. Brickdale, 3458; Mr.
Cruger, 3052; Mr. Daubeny, 2982; Mr. Peach, 373.
Brickdale refused to be “chaired”, to the great wrath of the lower
class of freemen, who were bountifully treated on such
occasions. At the chairing of Colonel Cruger many gentlemen
appeared “in blue coats, with pink capes, being the party
colour”. In the evening, the White Lion inn - the Tory
headquarters - was sacked by a Crugerite mob, after a battle
with a Tory mob assembled in Broad Street. Mr. Daubeny
petitioned against his opponent's return, alleging that Mr.
Cruger had ceased to be an English subject, but the House
of Commons affirmed the election.
One of the favourite relaxations of the trading class at this
period was a Sunday excursion to one or other of the
neighbouring villages, where the innkeepers provided a two o'clock
“ordinary” for the entertainment of visitors. Almondsbury,
Henbury, Shirehampton, and Brislington enjoyed especial
popularity in this way. Owing to the number of
excursionists, a Sunday coach to Shirehampton, viâ Henbury, was
started in July, 1784.
The changing customs of city life during the century are
illustrated by the fact that the Common Council, which
assembled at nine o'clock in the morning in 1701, fixed the
hour of meeting at noon in June, 1784. Perhaps an equally
significant symptom of the later time is that the old fine of
one shilling for non-attendance was increased to half a
guinea. A week or two later, the fines for refusing the
offices of mayor, sheriff, and councillor were again fixed at
£400, £300, and £200 respectively, though, as will be seen
afterwards, with no practical effect. In June, 1798, the
hour of meeting was further postponed until one o'clock.
The Corporation announced in July that hay and straw
would be permitted to be brought by carts into Broadmead
for sale every Monday, Tuesday, and Friday. The old
haymarket there, which had become obsolete, was formally
revived in the following September.
Down to July, 1784, the conveyance of letters between
the principal English centres was generally effected in
conformity with the system established in the reign of Charles
II.; namely, by means of “post-boys” (generally sleepy old
men), who travelled on wretched horses at an average rate
of under four miles an hour. On the London and Bristol
road, it had been found necessary to provide the post-boys
with light carts for carrying the mail bags, but the
458 | THE ANNALS OF BRISTOL | [1784. |
arrangement effected no acceleration in the time of transit - from
thirty to forty hours, according to the state of the roads. An
important reform in the service was at length accomplished
at the instance of John Palmer, already mentioned in
connection with the Bristol Theatre. In submitting his proposal
in 1783 to Mr. Pitt, the Prime Minister, Palmer pointed out
that the post, instead of being the quickest, was almost the
slowest conveyance in the country, that robberies were
frequent, that the mails were generally entrusted to idle “boys”
without character, mounted on worn-out hacks, and that
these men, so far from attempting defence or flight if
attacked by a highwayman, were more likely to be in league
with him. A letter despatched from Bristol or Bath on
Monday was not delivered in London until Wednesday
morning. On the other hand, a letter confided to the fast
coach of Monday reached its destination on Tuesday
morning, and the consequence was that Bristol traders and others
sent letters of value or urgency by the coach, although the
proprietors charged 2s. for each missive, or six times the
ordinary postage. Palmer therefore urged the Government
to establish mail coaches, protected by well-armed guards,
the working cost of which would be defrayed by travellers
desirous of increased speed and security, while the post office
revenue would benefit by the recovery of the business that
had fallen into private hands. Although his scheme was
vehemently condemned by the leading officials of the Post
Office, who alleged that it would prove not only costly but
impracticable, and that robberies would greatly increase if
the transit of letters took place daily at fixed hours, the
Premier gave orders that it should be tried, as an
experiment, on the road from London to Bristol. The coaches
started on the 2nd August, 1784, the vehicles being timed to
perform the journey in sixteen hours. Only four passengers
were carried by each two horse “machine”, and the fare was
£1 8s. The immediate effect was to accelerate the delivery
of letters by a day. Palmer was installed in the London
office to superintend the working of his scheme, and had to
fight single-handed against the staff, which eagerly strove
to expel the intruder and thwart his reforms. One of
Palmer's proposals was that all the mails out of London
should be despatched at the same hour. This the clerks
protested against as impossible, and their mutinous
behaviour threatened to bring the establishment to a deadlock,
when new blood was imported into the office in the person of
Francis Freeling, son of a journeyman sugar-baker on
Redcliff Hill, who, after being educated at Colston's School, had
displayed unusual capacity as a subordinate member of the
Bristol postal staff. Freeling soon succeeded in
accomplishing the “impossible”, and was eventually rewarded by being
raised to the head of the department. In the meantime the
old-fashioned officials continued to conspire against Palmer's
plan, and must have been nearly successful at one moment,
for in February, 1785, the Bristol Common Council, the
Society of Mercnants, and the trading community addressed
memorials to the Treasury, representing the great benefits
derived from the new system, and praying for its
continuance and extension. The financial results of the reform
were soon so satisfactory as to secure its general adoption.
In July, 1787, the mails from Bristol to Birmingham and
the north, previously three per week, were ordered to run
daily. A mail coach started about the same time from
London to Edinburgh, being only three nights and two days
upon the road (see p.309). Lord Campbell, who made his
first visit to the capital by this conveyance, states in his
Diary that the speed of the journey was regarded as
extremely dangerous, and that he was strongly advised to stay
a day at York, “as several passengers who had gone through
without stopping had died of apoplexy from the rapidity of
the motion”. Palmer was ultimately driven out of office
by his implacable enemies, and although the Ministry had
promised him a commission of 2½ per cent, on the increased
revenue that might be produced by his reform, it broke its
engagement, and awarded him a fixed pension of £3,000 a
year, being only a small fraction of his rights. After
frequently claiming redress from the House of Commons, a
grant of £60,000 was voted to him in 1813, about five years
before his death.
The manufacture of lime was at this period a not
unimportant local industry. A correspondent of F. Farley's
Journal, commenting in August, 1784, upon a case tried at
the assizes, remarked:- “There have been in this
neighbourhood for upwards of 26 years past upwards of 28
lime-kilns, and they may on a fair calculation have been reckoned
to draw on an average 240 bushels a week each”, making the
yearly output nearly 360,000 bushels. About one third of
the total was exported to the West Indies.
Although large sums had been expended from time to time
in repairing old Christ Church, the edifice was condemned
in 1784 as hopelessly ruinous. The vestry, which had to
face the task of raising funds for a complete reconstruction,
460 | THE ANNALS OF BRISTOL | [1784. |
showed considerable tact in easing the shoulders of those
chiefly concerned, by claiming general help towards carrying
out an important public improvement. Their appeal for
assistance opened as follows:- “Many accidents having
happened, and great inconveniences being daily experienced
from the narrowness of the upper parts of Broad Street and
Wine Street, the latter of which is only 17 feet in breadth”,
etc. The south and west walls of the church, in fact, were
covered with excrescences in the shape of houses and sheds;
and the vestry offered to surrender some of the projections
on being liberally compensated for the loss. In December
the Common Council promised to contribute £1,600 towards
rebuilding the church, provided the parish undertook to
widen the two streets in the manner proposed. The Society
of Merchants subscribed £600 and the Tailors' Company
£100 on the same condition. The old church was a
commonplace building, and possessed no exterior feature of interest
save two figures placed near the clock, which struck the
quarter hours upon a bell. An Act authorising its
rebuilding, at an estimated cost of £4,200, of which about one half
was to be raised by church-rates, was obtained in 1785; and
the edifice was soon after removed. Southey, whose
dwelling was close to the church, stated long afterwards that
“sad things were said of the indecencies that occurred in
removing the coffins, for the new foundations to be laid”.
Some of the old monuments, however, were preserved. The
foundation stone of the new church was laid on the 30th
October, 1786, when Southey (then 12 years old), whose
father was a churchwarden, deposited a few copper coins,
amidst the indulgent smiles of the civic dignitaries. Barrett,
whose history was being prepared for the press whilst the
building was in hand, extolled the preposterous spire as
“beautiful”, and described the whole edifice as “a great
ornament to the city”.
A movement for the promotion of Sunday schools became
general in 1784, and found warm patrons in Bristol. At a
meeting held on the 17th November, Henry Hobhouse
presiding, it was resolved to divide the city and suburbs into
ten districts, local committees being desired to superintend
the work. A few weeks later it was reported that the vestry
of St. Nicholas refused to co-operate. Four parochial schools
were, however, soon after established, and their success led
to the general adoption of the system.
A glimpse of the costume of youthful citizens is afforded
by a censorious writer in Felix Farley's Journal of the 20th
November. He states that he remembers when apprentices
and attorneys' clerks were accustomed to dress in plain
clothes. “But now, gold laced waistcoats, ruffled shirts, and
silk stockings are become the ordinary wear of every shop-boy
in the city”. The critic is silent respecting juvenile
wigs; but no doubt he compounded for his own weaknesses
by condemning those of others.
The Common Council gave orders in December, 1784, that
the mayor's and sheriffs' sergeants, the sheriffs' yeomen, and
the mayor's marshals (fourteen in all) should thenceforth
provide themselves yearly with new uniforms. The
Corporation undertook to furnish them with silver-laced hats.
In 1789 the garments were ordered to be paid for by the
chamberlain. But in 1790 it was again determined that the
officers should provide their own clothes (blue coat, red
waistcoat, and black velvet breeches), an allowance of £2
being granted to each.
During the year 1784 some local interest was excited by
the poetic effusions of a woman named Anne Yearsley, who
earned a scanty living by retailing milk. One of her poems
having been brought under the notice of Hannah More, that
lady made inquiries, the results of which were communicated
on the 20th October in a letter to Mrs. Montagu. Anne
Yearsley, she said, was 28 years old, the daughter of an old
milkwoman, and had herself followed that calling from
childhood; she had never received any schooling, but her brother
had taught her to read. Having been married very young
to a labourer, she had six children, and had been reduced to
extreme distress in consequence of repeated misfortunes. In
fact, the family were on the point of starvation, for they had
concealed their misery, when a gentleman accidentally heard
of their destitution, and afforded them relief. Miss More was
struck with the simplicity of manners and good taste of the
poor woman; and, in concert with Mrs. Montagu and her
extensive literary circle, she resolved to “bring to light a
genius buried in obscurity” by publishing by subscription a
quarto volume of the milkwoman's poems. Through the
exertions of Miss More, who afterwards declared that she had
written a thousand pages of letters on the subject, upwards
of £500 were obtained for the authoress, part of which sum
was applied to paying off debts and restoring comfort to the
family, while the remainder was invested by Miss More and
Mrs. Montagu, who were constituted trustees, with power of
control over the interest. One of Hannah More's biographers
asserts that upon Anne Yearsley being made acquainted with
462 | THE ANNALS OF BRISTOL | [1784-85. |
this arrangement, she charged her benefactress with envy
and covetousness, and flung a sum of ten guineas, the balance
of the fund, at that lady's head. The latter assertion was
warmly contradicted by the accused in a later edition of her
works, in which she reflected bitterly on her patroness. She
refused, in short, to be kept in the tutelage which the
trustees sought to impose upon her; and, with many
exclamations on her ingratitude, they paid her the amount placed in
their hands. With this money Mrs. Yearsley set up a
circulating library at the Colonnade, near the Hot Well, where she
published a second volume of poems in 1787. In 1789, her
“historical play, Earl Goodwin”, was performed for four
nights at the theatre, the proceeds of one evening being paid
to the author. A novel, “The Man in the Iron Mask”,
brought her in a further sum of £200. Being unsuccessful
in business, she removed to Melksham, where she died,
insane, in 1806.
Undeterred by the failure of their predecessors in 1712,
the clergy of the city parishes, in January, 1785, determined
on making a fresh application to Parliament for power to
increase their incomes by imposing a rate upon the inhabitants.
The intention of the promoters was to keep the project a
secret whilst their Bill was being pressed forward at
Westminster; but Dean Tucker, rector of St. Stephen's, was
opposed to the scheme, and covered his colleagues with
confusion by divulging their tactics. The indignation excited
by the discovery led to the immediate retreat of the clergy;
but a public meeting was held in the Guildhall on the 24th
February “to perpetuate the feeling of the city”.
In Bonner's Bristol Journal of January 8th, 1786, is a
communication from an old Bristolian professing to specify
the fortunes left by eminent local merchants and traders
deceased “within these fifty years, who had but small
beginnings, but died rich”. Although the figures were
probably founded only on the gossip of the Exchange, they
clearly denote a remarkable period of prosperity. William
Miller, grocer and banker, is entitled to the first place on
the golden roll, his estate being valued at £190,000. Next
follow John Brickdale and Zachary Bayley, with £100,000
each, John Andrews, with £90,000, and David Peloquin.
with £80,000. Joseph Percival, Henry Hobhouse, Michael
Atkins, Jeremiah Ames, and Gough and Burgess, drapers,
are credited with £70,000 each; Henry Combe, Henry
Tonge, John Lidderdale, and Henry Bright, with £60,000
each; John Turner, Thomas Foord, James Reed, James
Calwell, Stephen Nash, Thomas Evans, L. Richard, and
R. Chamberlayne, £40,000 each; John Curtis and John
Collet, £35,030 each; and William Matthews, James
Hilhouse, Walter Loghan, William Jefferis, Wm. Gordon,
Rich. Meyler, Joseph Loscombe, Manassah Whitehead,
Sydenham Teast, R. Frampton, P. Wilder, and Richard
Blake, £30,000 each.
The repugnance of the Puritans to ecclesiastical fasts and
festivals affected national customs long after Puritanism
itself was repudiated. Down to about 1780, Good Friday
appears to have been as little regarded by the trading classes
as Ascension Day is by the present generation. A
movement, however, sprang up in London to promote the
religious observance of the great fast, and the Bristol Journal
of March 19th, 1785, shows that the agitation had spread
westward:- “It is humbly requested that every shop and
warehouse will be closed on Good Friday next. It has been
too generally observed that the inhabitants of this city are
more regardless of that day than in any other part of
England. However, it is never too late to reform”. The
revived custom gradually became general, Quakers alone
refusing to recognise it. In 1798, Bristolians are recorded
to have observed the day with “great and rather unusual
solemnity”, while in 1800, says Felix Farley's Journal,
“business appeared to be more universally suspended than
we recollect it ever to have been on this occasion”.
Advertisements announcing that a new lessee was wanted
for the Hot Well and the New Hot Well had appeared during
the closing months of 1784, but without success. On the
6th March, 1785, the Merchants' Society issued a fresh
notice, intimating that they proposed to let both the springs
for a term of from 40 to 60 years, the precise period to
depend on the amount which the lessee would undertake to
ay out in improvements. The Society required £1,000 to
be spent in rearing a quay wall, and £600 in fencing the
old spring from the tide; and they further desired that the
pump-room should be made more commodious for visitors.
This proposal falling still-born, the springs were again
fruitlessly offered to be let by auction. At length, on the 1st
June, Thomas Perkins was appointed by the Society as
caretaker for five years, and extensive repairs and
improvements were soon after commenced at the Old Well. To
insure the genuineness of the water, which was exported in
large quantities, the Society had a seal engraved, bearing
their arms and the words “Bristol Hot Well”, and this was
464 | THE ANNALS OF BRISTOL | [1785. |
impressed upon every bottle. The New Well was abandoned
(see p.265).
The success of the two Frenchmen named Montgolfier in
constructing balloons caused a prodigious excitement in
England. In January, 1784, a small balloon, similar to the
toys of the present day, was launched at Bath, and to the
astonishment of the public it travelled a distance of nearly
ten miles, descending at a spot in Kingswood which still
bears the name of Air Balloon Hill. The first ascent of an
aeronaut in this country took place in September, 1784, in
London. A few months later a Mr. Decker announced his
intention to ascend at Bristol, provided tickets were taken
to the amount of £160, the cost of hydrogen gas, etc., and his
feat was eventually performed on the 19th April, 1786, from
a field in St. Philip's. A correspondent of a London
periodical stated that “the county of Somerset and all the parts
adjacent seemed to be emptied of their inhabitants into this
city, which perhaps never exhibited so incredible a
concourse of people. [Another writer says that some persons
travelled sixty miles to witness the sight.] Two guineas for
a horse and three for a chaise were offered at Bath for 12
miles conveyance; and the best of the joke was that the
thousands who marched hither from Bath marched back
again with like rapidity, as the balloon bent its way to
Lansdown”. The balloon descended near Chippenham, the
journey being completed in what was thought the
marvellously short space of 67 minutes. On the aeronaut returning
to Bristol, his carriage was dragged through the streets by
the enthusiastic populace. For some time after balloons
were the rage of the day; they were figured on crockery,
glasses, handkerchiefs, fans, head dresses, clock-faces, and
copper tokens; and John Weeks, of the Bush, started a
“balloon coach” to London.
The local newspapers of the 30th April, 1785, contain a
notification by the poor law guardians, complaining that
many “housekeepers” lodged and entertained strangers,
who ultimately claimed relief as paupers, and giving notice
that no strangers would be permitted to lodge for the future
unless their places of settlement were first communicated to
the authorities. The penalty for refusing compliance with
this warning was 40s. From an explanatory note appended
to the document, it appears that the “amazing increase of
the poor rate” had roused the board into action. The charge
for the poor had grown from £6,842 in 1763 to £16,548 in
1783, and unless strangers were prevented from renting
houses, and so securing settlements, it was alleged that the
evil could not be remedied. Country overseers, it was added,
frequently bribed poor families to enter Bristol, and
sometimes rented houses for them in the city, in order to secure
a settlement. The notice having failed to answer its
purpose, a more peremptory advertisement was published in
September, in which a reward of five shillings was offered
to any one giving information respecting those who
harboured strangers. The guardians next resorted to corporal
punishment. On the 30th November, eight men and six
women, chiefly from the suburban parishes (one from the
out-parish of St. Philip), “were flogged, and sent home by a
pass”; five other men were “flogged, seen out of the city,
and ordered never to return”, and five women and two men,
who had gained settlements, were “flogged and discharged”.
A woman from St. Philip's out-district, on promising never
to enter the city again, was dismissed, as were several who
pleaded illness. These high-handed proceedings were
continued weekly for some time.
During the session of 1785 a duty on female servants and
a tax on shops were proposed in the Budget, and received
assent in despite of the petitions of the trading classes. The
impost on shops (10 per cent, on rentals of £25 and upwards)
came into operation on the 6th July, on which day nearly
every shopkeeper in Bristol closed his place of business, and
surrounded its doors and windows with emblems of
mourning. Many inscriptions were also exhibited condemning the
conduct of Mr. Pitt (whose effigy, in many towns, was
hanged and burnt). The bells of the various parish churches
rang muffled peals throughout the day. As an illustration
of the fiscal system then in favour, a local newspaper stated
that a village shopkeeper, whose returns did not exceed 40s.
per week, paid a license duty to deal in hats, a second for
retailing tea, a third for selling patent medicines, a fourth
for keeping a horse, and a fifth for a cart; “his little hut is
now assessed to the shop tax”. The tax was reduced in the
following year. In 1787 the product of the burden was only
£108,000, of which London paid £42,000, Bristol and Bath
£1,000, and the entire kingdom of Scotland £800. The duty
was abolished in 1789.
At a meeting of the mayor and aldermen in August, 1786,
the county of Gloucester was granted a piece of land in
Wells Close, near Lawford's Gate, for the site of a new
county house of correction, in consideration of the surrender
of the old Bridewell (see p.112). Powers for constructing
466 | THE ANNALS OF BRISTOL | [1785-86. |
the new prison had been comprised in the Gloucester Gaol
Act of 1784. Howard noted in 1787 that the architect of
the new building was “the ingenious Mr. Blackburn”. It
was finished and opened in 1790. A writer in Felix Farley's
Journal of Dec. 2nd, 1826, describes it as “a vile doghole,
without light or air”. It was destroyed in 1831 (see Annals,
The Nassau frigate, pierced for 64 guns, one of the largest
vessels ever built on the Avon, was launched from Mr.
Hilhouse's yard on the 20th September, 1786. Amongst the
crowds gathered to witness the ceremony were great
numbers of “peasants, with red cloaks” - then very popular
in the rural districts. “Three Irish bishops” - visitors at
the Hot Well - were also present at the launch.
In the session of 1786, the Bristol Bridge trustees, in
despite of the opposition of a number of citizens, obtained
an Act for making a new street from Bridge Parade to the
bottom of Temple Street, at a cost not exceeding £12,000.
The new thoroughfare (Bath Street) ran for the most part
over the site of the ancient Tucker Street - one fragment of
which still remains to attest its narrow and sinuous
character. Tucker Street Chapel was swept away under the
powers of this Act, which also enabled the trustees to
demolish Temple Cross, and to remove from the centre of
Temple Street to another site the figure of Neptune and the
fountain on which it was placed. The last named change
took place in December, 1787, when the fountain and figure
were erected at the corner of Bear Lane. The site, now
occupied by an extension of Dr. White's almshouse, cost
the trustees £46. The Cross, which had been used as a
preaching cross by the vicar of Temple down to the close
of the previous century, and perhaps later (Tucker's MS.),
but had been in 1775 converted into a “commodious
watchbox”, was suffered to remain for some years; but in January,
1794, the trustees ordered that it should be taken down.
Private expostulation was probably the cause of delay in
carrying out this destruction. The Cross - the last of many
Bristol Crosses - was eventually removed in a quasi-
surreptitious manner during the night of the 13th August
following. The above statute repealed the clause in the Bridge
Act requiring the trustees to build a bridge over the Avon,
to connect Dolphin Lane with Temple Street.
The condition of the streets, described as “ruinous and
dangerous” by two local journals in November, 1786, at
length forced itself on the attention of the corporate body.
At a meeting of the Council in February, 1786, a committee
that had been previously appointed to consider the defects
in the paving and lighting regulations reported that the
existing laws were feeble and inadequate, and that it was
desirable to obtain legislative powers for confiding the
maintenance and lighting of the streets to a body of
commissioners. Statutory powers were also alleged to be
necessary for the removal of houses obstructing the streets,
for preventing losses through fire by means of party walls,
for erecting proper offices for public business, and for
regulating hackney coaches. Measures were thereupon taken
for obtaining an Act. The Corporation proposed that the
commissioners should consist of the whole of the aldermen
and councillors, with an equal number (43) of persons elected
by such of the citizens as were rated at or above £20 a year.
The elected commissioners were each to be owners of
property to the value of £300 per annum. The oligarchic
character of the scheme excited disapproval, and delegates
were appointed by the ratepayers in the various parishes to
press for modifications. Some trifling concessions were
thereupon offered; but the request of the delegates that
the number of corporate commissioners should be reduced
one third was rejected, and the Bill was postponed for a
year. In 1787 the controversy was renewed, the inhabitants
manifesting great want of confidence in the self-elected
corporators, while the latter haughtily refused to abate
their pretensions. The request of a public meeting that the
elected commissioners should be increased to 60 having been
rejected by the Council, the inhabitants resolved to lay their
case before Parliament. The Corporation thereupon
withdrew the Bill a second time. At length, in 1788, when the
opposition of the citizens to the measure was again displayed,
the Chamber abandoned its proposals in reference to paving
and lighting. Its schemes dealing with encroachments,
licensing public carriages, regulating party walls, widening
Broad Street, and enlarging the Council House and
Guildhall were embodied in throe Bills, which passed into law
without opposition. (The Corporation had spent nearly
£1,600 in its Parliamentary campaign.) The police of the
streets thus remained unimproved.
For reasons explained at page 181, many of the
incorporated trading companies silently disappeared during the
closing years of the century. The Coopers' Hall was offered
for sale by auction in February, 1786. In January, 1786,
a similar rate befell the extensive premises - part of the old
468 | THE ANNALS OF BRISTOL | [1786. |
Dominican Friary - belonging to the Smiths' Company.
The estate consisted of “a very large new-built warehouse,
with two lofts, three stables, an accounting house, a large
yard, 100 feet by 80 feet, and the erection called the Smiths'
Hall, a spacious building”, the whole being held for 999
years at a rental of £3. The hall, a medieval building
supposed to have been the dormitory of the friars, was
purchased in 1846 by the Society of Friends, and has been
carefully preserved. The Bakers' Hall was also in the
Black Friars, the company having been granted a portion of
the cloisters. It now forms part of the Friends' premises.
On the 1st February, 1786, a banking house, styled the
New Bank, was opened at No. 16, Corn Street, by Messrs.
Levi Ames, John Cave, Joseph Harford, George Daubeny,
and Richard Bright, the first and last-named of whom had
been previously partners in the “Bristol Bank” of Deane,
Whitehead, and Company, Small Street. A few years later,
the partners in the New Bank were Messrs. Ames, Bright,
Cave, and Daniel. At length, in June, 1826, the “Old
Bank” coalesced with the junior institution.
A letter in Felix Farley's Journal of February 18th, 1786,
contains some instructive facts concerning the spiritual
condition of several of the Somerset parishes in this
neighbourhood. The writer, the Rev. W. Baddily, ex-curate of
Clevedon, stated that he had frequently but vainly
represented to the Bishop (Dr. Moss) the state of many of the
adjacent parishes. Mr. Goddard, of Long Ashton, held two
livings, yet drove a “scandalous trade by preaching at
Wraxall, Bourton, and Barrow, at the same time living
among none of them”. The poor inhabitants of Nailsea
were “obliged to go eight or nine miles through rain, frost,
or snow, to a curate at Chew Stoke to bury their dead. The
incumbent, one Simpkinson, never comes near the parish
but once a year, to receive the farmers' money”. Bishop
Moss had dismissed the writer from his curacy for exposing
these abuses. The condition of the above parishes was by
no means exceptional. Hannah More, writing to a friend
from Cowslip Green in 1789, says:- “We have in this
neighbourhood thirteen adjoining parishes, without so much
as even a resident curate”. Again, “Mr. G. (incumbent of
Axbridge) is intoxicated about six times a week, and very
frequently is prevented from preaching by two black eyes,
honestly earned by fighting”. As the labouring population
of Bristol was largely recruited from the neglected districts,
the above facts can scarcely be regarded as out of place.
The criminal law at this period well deserved the title of
draconian. After the spring assizes of 1786 no less than
nineteen criminals were executed in Gloucestershire and
Somerset. There was no conviction for murder in either
county, but many for highway robberies, some of which
occurred in the neighbourhood of Bristol. Two of the
Gloucestershire convicts, named Fry and Ward, lived in
that portion of Kingswood included in the parish of Bitton,
and raised to ten the number of criminals from that district
executed within three years. The gang to which they
belonged, said the Bristol Gazette of April 23rd, kept the
neighbourhood in such dread that the inhabitants consented
to pay a yearly fee to save themselves from being robbed.
The blackmail varied from 5s. to half a guinea, according to
the position of the victims, and was regularly and openly
collected at Lansdown fair.
One of the greatest cock-fighting tournaments ever held
in Bristol took place at the Angel inn cockpit, Redcliff, in
April, 1786. The contest was waged between the gentry of
Gloucestershire and those of Dorset. The stakes were £350,
and the betting was proportionably heavy. Another
“main”, between Devon and Gloucestershire, took place at
Temple Back, in July, 1794, there being 30 battles at 4
guineas each, and a final one for 60 guineas.
The freedom was presented, in May, to the Hon. George
C. Berkeley for “his great attention to the Act lately passed
for regulating the Newfoundland fishery, in which the
commercial interest of this city is materially concerned”.
In deference to the suggestions of the fashionable visitors
to the Hot Well, who were inconvenienced by the want of a
covered promenade in inclement weather, the erection of a
“Colonnade” near the pump-room was commenced in the
spring of 1786, and the double row of trees along the bank
of the Avon was considerably lengthened. A protected
walk of some kind had existed previously. A tradesman, in
May, 1760, advertised that his warehouse was “under the
Piazzas, near the Pump Room”.
Great difficulties arose after the loss of the American
colonies in reference to the transportation of condemned
felons. In October, 1786, the mayor and aldermen, taking
into consideration that two women had been immured in
Newgate since April, 1783, from want of opportunity to
carry out their sentences (seven years' transportation),
resolved to recommend the Crown to pardon them. The
first deportation of local felons to Botany Bay took place in
470 | THE ANNALS OF BRISTOL | [1786. |
the spring of 1787. One of the convicts had been sentenced
to death for robbery a few years before, but had been
pardoned on volunteering to serve in the army. Having
forthwith deserted, he was known to have committed forty-two
burglaries in and near the parish of St. James before he
was captured and tried for a similar crime in
Gloucestershire. The new transportation system was more costly than
its predecessor. In the civic accounts is the following item:
- 1789, June 27th, “Paid Daniel Burges, what he advanced
in London to pay the passage of 9 female convicts to
New South Wales, and his law charges thereon, £83 1s. 6d.”
Four days later is the extraordinary entry:- “Paid for
conveying a convict on board a ship in Kingroad bound to
Ireland, 15s. 6d”.
A congratulatory address to the King, on his escape from
the knife of a lunatic, was voted by the Corporation in
August, 1786. A small deputation proceeded to London to
present the document, and was paid £79 18s. 8d. for its
expenses. Mr. Stephen Nash, one of the sheriffs, was
knighted on this occasion. Mr. Nash was a woollen draper,
but had been educated at Oxford, and was probably the
only dignitary of the Corporation ever honoured with the
degree of LL.D.
The Weavers' Company in 1786 had become so diminished
in numbers that they ceased to maintain a hall. The
building was transferred to the Jews, who decorated it in
what Mr. Barrett terms “a neat expensive manner”, and
opened it on the 16th September as a synagogue.
The Council House erected in 1704 (see p. 69) had been
condemned some years before this date owing to the
scantiness of its accommodation, but the authorities were long
unwilling to face the main difficulty attending the work of
reconstruction. The church of St. Ewen, of which the
south aisle had been already absorbed in the civic buildings,
stood immediately behind them; and no satisfactory
extension could be effected unless the edifice were swept away.
In 1784 the aldermanic body had treated with the rector for
the union of his parish with that of Christ Church; but the
incumbent seems to have refused his assent. In November,
1786, the living became vacant, whereupon it was
determined that it should be united to Christ Church, and clauses
legalising the junction, and permitting the demolition of St.
Ewen's, were introduced into one of the Acts obtained in
1788. The Council House scheme was soon afterwards
shelved, and beyond the purchase in 1795, for £1,337, of two
1786-87.] | IN THE EIGHTEENTH CENTURY. | 471 |
adjoining houses in Broad Street, belonging to the vestry of
St. Ewen's, nothing more was done for nearly thirty years.
The Council, in November, 1786, empowered the city
surveyors to remove “the gateway near the gaol of
Newgate” for the greater convenience of traffic. About the
same date, the salary of the gaoler was increased from £100
to £200, in compensation for the loss he had incurred from
a new Act of Parliament forbidding the sale of intoxicating
liquors within prisons. The gaoler's lost profits denote the
dissipation that had prevailed.
A new item in the chamberlain's accounts makes its
appearance about this time. As usually worded, it reads:-
“Paid sundry coachmen belonging to the gentlemen of the
corporation for attending with their masters' carriages on
public days”. The amount varied considerably. For the
six months ending September, 1786, the charge was £17 12s.,
while in a similar period in 1789 the outlay was £41 7s.
The wide difference in the eyes of the Chamber between
dignity and utility is brought out by another item.
Highway robberies were then of constant occurrence. After
having handsomely “tipped” the coachmen, the
chamberlain paid two guineas each to two men “for parading the
roads round Bristol to prevent robberies”. How long the
paraders were on duty does not appear. They received no
further reward.
After the death of the Earl of Hardwicke in 1764, the
office of Lord High Steward of Bristol had remained vacant.
On the 29th November, 1786, it was conferred upon the Duke
of Portland. Soon afterwards his grace was made a freeman
of the city, and was requested to pay it a visit. Accordingly,
on the 11th April, 1787, the Duke made an entry in great
parade, and was received at the Mansion House (being its
first distinguished visitor) by the mayor, Mr. Daubeny. A
grand banquet and a ball took place at the civic mansion,
and £350 were afterwards voted to the mayor for the extra
expenditure incurred.
The laying out of Berkeley Square, in 1786, gave evidence
that some wealthy Bristolians at length appreciated the
advantages of the western suburb. The square, however,
like the adjoining Charlotte Street, commenced soon
afterwards, remained long unfinished, several half-built houses
being offered for sale in August, 1799.
The corn market between Wine and Maryleport Streets
having been long deserted, the Council resolved to convert
the ground floor into a cheese market, and it was opened for
472 | THE ANNALS OF BRISTOL | [1787. |
that purpose on the 3rd January, 1787. Cheese tasting
being provocative of thirst, the Chamber permitted the
landlord of the Raven alehouse, in Maryleport Street, to
open a passage from his house into the market. The latter
was never successful, the receipts being generally insufficient
to meet the cost of collection and repairs. The upper room
of the building, was opened as a school in July, 1793.
The extent of the burial ground attached to Clifton
Church was originally proportionate to the scanty
population of the parish. As the residents increased, however,
the insufficiency of the area became painfully manifest, and
in 1779 the vestry applied to the Society of Merchants for
the grant of “a piece of ground at the foot of Honey Pen
Hill”, adding the interesting topographical fact that the site
in question was on “the ancient road to Clifton before the
present road was laid out”. The application was then
unsuccessful, but the demand for enlarged accommodation
continued to be urged by the inhabitants, who alleged that the
state of the cemetery was dangerous to public health. (The
number of burials in 1783 was 55, indicating a resident
population of about 1,400.) The Merchants' Company at
length conceded the above-mentioned plot of ground - part
of the site of an extensive quarry - and in 1787 the vestry
took measures to have it covered with earth, properly fenced,
and consecrated.
In March, 1787, the Bristol Gazette published an
interesting communication from an aged citizen, giving an
account of the West India trade of the port in the first half
of the century, from the recollections of the writer and of
friends still older than himself. The letter states that many
of the leading merchants had resided in the plantations, for
the purpose of gaining experience, before commencing
business in Bristol. About 1726, for example, Harington
Gibbs, after making acquaintance in Jamaica with the
great planters, “Beckford, Dawkins, Pennant (now Lord
Penryn), Morant and others”, returned home and became
their Bristol agent for the sale of sugar. This house was
subsequently carried on by Mr. Atkins, and then by his
nephew, John Curtis, both of whom had resided in Jamaica.
About 1726, Mr. William Gordon returned from the same
island, and opened the house “which was afterwards carried
on by his nephew, the late alderman, and supported by the
family, all of whom have been there”. Mr. Davis came
from Jamaica in 1740, and set up the firm “still conducted
by his son”. The principal tobacco importers about 1730 or
1740 were “Alderman King, Mr. Innys, Mr. Chamberlayne,
and Mr. Farrell, all having resided in Virginia; ”they were
succeeded by Lidderdale, Farmer, and others, “who had
also resided there”. “The principal traders to Carolina
were Alderman Jefferis and others who had resided there”.
“About 1750, Mr. Bright, who had resided in St. Kitts and
Jamaica, returned from the latter, and opened the channel
which is continued by his family, one of whom also resided
in Jamaica. About 1760, Mr. Miles returned from Jamaica,
the extent of whose intercourse is well known. The imports
from Barbadoes are principally carried on by Mr. Daniel and
his son, who have resided there”. From the writer's
remarks he apparently attributed the declining prosperity of
the trade to the unwillingness of young men to follow the
example of their forerunners. How rapidly this branch of
commerce fell off will be shown at a later date. Attention
must for the present be directed to incidents destined to
inspire the commercial classes of the port with mingled
astonishment and fury.
One evening in June, 1787, the Rev. Thomas Clarkson,
who had resolved to devote his life to the work of destroying
the slave trade, rode into Bristol for the purpose of
investigating the evils of the traffic. On coming within sight of
the city, just as the curfew was sounding, he says (History
of the Abolition, p. 293), “I began to tremble at the arduous
task I had undertaken of attempting to subvert one of the
branches of the commerce of the great place which was then
before me”; but his despondency subsided, and he entered
the streets “with an undaunted spirit”. He first introduced
himself to Mr. Harry Goady, who had been engaged in the
slave trade, but had repented, and become a Quaker. The
visitor next became acquainted with James Harford, John
Lury, Matthew Wright, Philip Debell Tuckett, Thomas
Bonville, and John Waring, all zealous sympathisers. He
subsequently obtained warm assistance from Dean Tucker -
who in a pamphlet issued in 1785 declared that the number
of murders committed under the slave trade “almost
exceeded the power of numbers to ascertain” - and also from
the Rev. Dr. Camplin; but some other clergymen were
indifferent, if not hostile. (It is a remarkable fact that the
Society for the Propagation of the Gospel, having had two
plantations in Barbadoes bequeathed to it in 1710 by
Governor Codrington, a Gloucestershire man, not only
maintained the system of slavery upon the estates, but,
down to 1793, purchased yearly a certain number of fresh
474 | THE ANNALS OF BRISTOL | [1787. |
negroes from the importers to keep up the original stock of
300. Edwards' West Indies, ii. 36.) In conversing about
the human traffic with the citizens generally, “everybody
seemed to execrate it, but no one thought of its abolition”.
It was admitted on all hands that the captains and officers
of the slave ships were noted for their brutality, and that
crews could be obtained only with extreme difficulty. In
respect to the ship Brothers, then lying in Kingroad,
unable to get seamen, Clarkson ascertained that the sailors
had been so dreadfully ill-treated during the previous voyage
that thirty-two of them had died. As to one of the
survivors, a negro, it was found that for a trifling circumstance
the captain “had fastened him to the deck, poured hot pitch
upon his back, and made incisions in it with hot tongs”.
This story was confirmed by Mr. Sydenham Teast, one of
the principal shipbuilders of the port. It was next
discovered that similar barbarities had been practised by the
officers of the slaver Alfred, which had just returned to
Bristol, and Clarkson obtained shocking testimony from
some of the crew as to the cruelty of the captain, who had
been previously tried for murdering a sailor at Barbadoes,
but had escaped justice by bribing the principal witness to
abscond - an act of which he delighted to boast. In two of
the Alfred cases, the captain's brutality had caused the
death of his victims, and Clarkson, with a view to a
prosecution, communicated with Mr. Burges, then deputy town
clerk, who had privately expressed his sympathy. “I say
privately” adds Clarkson, “because, knowing the
sentiments of many of the corporate body, he was fearful of
coming forward in an open manner”. Mr. Burges's advice
was that no prosecution should be attempted. The
witnesses, he said, could not afford to stay on shore; it would
be necessary to maintain them for some months pending
the trial; in the meanwhile the merchants would inveigle
them away by offering to ship them as petty officers, and
when the hearing came on they would have disappeared.
It would be an endless task, moreover, to deal with all the
charges of cruelty that were reported, for Mr. Burges “only
knew of one captain from the port in the slave trade who
did not deserve long ago to be hanged”. As regards the
sentiments of the shipowners, it is enough to say that the
captains of the Brothers and of the Alfred were maintained
in the command of those vessels in spite of atrocities that
were the common talk of the city. Yielding to Mr. Burges's
advice, Clarkson pursued his inquiry in a new direction -
the manner in which sailors were seduced to enter into the
trade; and as three or four slavers were then preparing for
the African coast, information was easily obtained. By the
help of a respectable innkeeper, Clarkson paid numerous
visits, between midnight and two o'clock in the morning, to
drinking dens frequented by seamen. “These houses were
in Marsh Street, and most of them were kept by Irishmen.
The scenes witnessed were truly distressing. Music,
dancing, rioting, and drunkenness were kept up from night to
night”. The mates of the slavers allured the young sailor
by offering high wages and various other temptations, and
enticed him to the boats kept waiting to carry recruits to
Hungroad. If he could not be caught in this way, he was
often drugged with liquor until impotent to offer resistance,
when a bargain was made between the landlord and the
mate. Sailors, again, often lodged in these sties, where they
were encouraged to run into debt, and then offered the
alternative of a slaving voyage or a gaol. They were never
permitted to read the articles they signed on entering a
ship, and by the insertion in those documents of iniquitous
clauses, empowering payments in colonial currency, etc.,
wages in the slave trade (30s. per month), though nominally
higher, were actually lower than in other trades. Clarkson
found, moreover, on examining the slavers' muster rolls,
that more persons died “in three slave vessels in a given
time than in all the other Bristol vessels put together,
numerous as they were”. As to the conditions of the
voyage from Africa, an idea of its horror may be formed
from Clarkson's description of two little sloops then being
fitted out in the Avon. One of them, of the burden of only
25 tons, was to carry seventy human beings. The other, of
11 tons burden, “was said to be destined to carry thirty
slaves”. The sloops, on reaching the West Indies, were to
be sold as yachts, the smaller one having been originally
built as a pleasure boat, for the accommodation of six
persons. In both, the space allotted to each slave was so
contracted that a captive could not have stretched at full
length throughout the voyage. Personal testimony
respecting the working of the traffic was sought for; but the
retired slaving captains avoided Clarkson “as if I had been
a mad dog”, while those engaged in the commerce were
silent from self-interest. At length, evidence was
forthcoming against the mate of the ship Thomas, who had
killed one of the crew by brutal ill-usage. When the
offender was brought up for examination, “one or two slave
476 | THE ANNALS OF BRISTOL | [1787. |
merchants were on the bench”, and one of the owners of the
Brothers and the Alfred insolently addressed the mayor
before the evidence was taken, declaring that the “
incredible” charge had been “hatched up by vagabonds”.
The evidence as to the murder was, however, clear, and the
prisoner was committed for trial before the Admiralty Court.
But before the day of hearing, Mr. Burges's warning proved
to be well grounded; for two of the witnesses had been
bribed and sent to sea. Two others, who had resisted
temptation, were working in a Welsh colliery to support
themselves until the trial, and Clarkson, going in search of them,
nearly lost his life in crossing the Severn in an open boat
during a storm. The witnesses were found at Neath and
despatched to London, but the guilty mate had been brought
up a few hours before their arrival, and acquitted through
want of evidence. The true character of the traffic now
began to affect public opinion, and in 1788 a Bill was
brought before Parliament to mitigate the sufferings of the
negroes during their passage to the colonies by the
prevention of overcrowding. The measure was vehemently
opposed by the African merchants in London, Bristol, and
Liverpool, who were heard by counsel and witnesses in both
Houses. A Liverpool trader declared that he had invested
£30,000 in the traffic, and would be ruined if the Bill became
law. (Sir James Picton, in his history of Liverpool,
estimated that the town was then making £300,000 a year by
the slave trade.) Another witness, a ship captain, admitted
that he had lost by disease, in a single voyage, 16 seamen
out of 40, and 120 out of 360 slaves. It was proved that
the space allotted to each slave during the voyage across
the Atlantic did not generally exceed 5½ feet in length by
16 inches in breadth! Mr. Brickdale, M.P. for Bristol,
seconded the motion for rejecting the Bill, but the opposition
was ineffectual, and the measure became law. The
protracted debates on this scheme, provoked by the merchants,
intensified the public horror, it having been proved that
74,000 unhappy Africans were yearly torn from their
country; and an agitation was started for the complete
abolition of the trade. The first provincial committee
formed to further this result was instituted at Bristol, Mr.
Joseph Harford being chairman, and Mr. Peter Lunell
secretary. Indignant at this movement, the local West
India planters and merchants held a meeting at Merchants'
Hall in April, 1789, Mr. William Miles presiding, when an
influential committee was appointed to defend a traffic “on
which the welfare of the West India islands and the
commerce and revenue of the kingdom so essentially depend”.
Amongst the members of this committee, comprising a
majority of the Corporation, were Aldermen Miles, Harris,
Daubeny, Anderson, and Brice, Sir James Laroche, Thomas
Daniel, Evan Baillie, John and William Gordon, Lowbridge
and Richard Bright, John Fisher Weare, Robert Claxton,
John Pinney, James Tobin, Philip Protheroe, Richard
Vaughan, John Cave, James Morgan, James Harvey, Samuel
Span, and Henry and Robert Bush. (Alderman Anderson
had been for some years the captain of a slaving ship.)
About the same time Mr. Wilberforce moved resolutions
pointing to abolition in the House of Commons; when
petitions against the proposals were presented by Mr.
Cruger on behalf of the Corporation and of the principal
merchants and traders of Bristol. Mr. Cruger urged that
the trade should be regulated and gradually abolished; but
if repression were determined upon, he contended that the
injured interests should receive compensation, estimated at
from 60 to 70 millions sterling. The resolutions were
withdrawn, but the Act of the previous year was amended and
renewed. From that time the number of Bristol slaving
ships steadily declined, though the slave interest remained
very powerful. During a debate in 1791, Lord Sheffield,
one of the local members, declared that the arguments of
the abolitionists were “downright phrensy”, and even
denied the right of Parliament to suppress the traffic. The
majority in favour of his views was 163 against 88. In the
same year an extraordinary affair occurred on the African
coast. The captains of six English ships, of which three,
the Thomas, the Wasp, and the Recovery, belonged to
Bristol, thinking that the native dealers asked too much for
their slaves, sent a notice to the town of Calabar that they
would open fire upon the place if the price were not reduced.
No answer being received, the guns of the six vessels were
brought to bear upon the defenceless town, and the
bombardment was continued for several hours, until the natives
submitted. In denouncing this transaction in the House of
Commons, Mr. Wilberforce said that twenty negroes had
been killed and many cruelly wounded in order that some
Bristol and Liverpool merchants might make several
hundred pounds additional profit. The facts, he added,
were no secret in the two towns, where the conduct of the
captains was considered so meritorious that they had been
furnished with new appointments! At this period,
478 | THE ANNALS OF BRISTOL | [1787. |
according to Edwards's History of Jamaica, the price of slaves in
that island was about £50 for able-bodied adults, and from
£40 to £47 for boys and girls. The price paid on the
African coast being under £22 per head, the profit on a
voyage was immense, and it is scarcely surprising to learn
from Clarkson's biographer that the bells of the Bristol
churches rang merry peals on the news being received of
the rejection of one of Wilberforce's motions. About the
same time, the Reverend Raymond Harris, of Liverpool,
produced his “Scriptural Researches on the licitness of the
slave trade, showing its conformity with the Sacred writings
of the Word of God”; and the work was liberally patronised.
Allowance must, of course, be made for sentiments and
customs that had long been common to the whole
commercial community, and had been applauded by eminent
statesmen. It cannot be doubted, however, that there was
a latent consciousness that the trade was inconsistent with
reason, religion, and humanity; and that the suppression
of right principles for the sake of profit lowered, to a certain
extent, the tone of society in Bristol during the later years
of the century.
“The Jacob's Wells Water Works”, held under a lease
from the dean and chapter, were offered for sale in the local
journals of April 7th, 1787. The water supplied the houses
of the capitular body, and a few dwellings in or near
College Green. The lease expired in 1800, when the owners
granted a new demise of the spring and pipes, “together
with the house in the Cloisters in which the cisterns are
situate”, to George Rogers, chapter clerk, in trust for the
dean and chapter.
The refusal of two leading merchants to pay the dues on
imports demanded by the Corporation was recorded under
1776. At a meeting of the Council on the 30th June, 1787,
it was reported that the actions against Messrs. Cruger and
Miles had been heard in the Court of Exchequer, where the
legality of the dues had been affirmed, and the defendants
had been ordered to pay the amounts demanded from them,
with costs. Nothing more was recorded respecting the
matter until December, 1789, when the Council ordered that
Elton, Miles and Co., Coghlan, Peach and Co., Bush, Elton
and Bush, Jer. Hill and Sons, Ames, Hellicar and Son, and
other leading firms that had also refused to pay the dues,
should be forthwith prosecuted for arrears, Messrs. Miles
and Cruger having submitted to the judgment delivered
against them. The threatened firms at once surrendered.
The effect of the judgment was to put an end to the
financial embarrassment under which the Corporation had
been long labouring. In 1785 the dues produced only £291.
In 1790 they brought in (exclusive of arrears) i;2,4-18, in
1791, £2,973, while in 1800 the receipts were no less than
£3,861. The impost, however, being very burdensome,
afterwards crippled the commerce of the port, and diverted much
traffic to Liverpool and other rivals.
The creation of a new suburb around Brunswick Square
having aroused an agitation in St. James's parish for a new
church, the Common Council approved of the division of
the parish, subscribed £400 towards the endowment of a
new incumbency (of which it claimed the patronage), and
undertook to pay the cost of the needful Act of Parliament.
The Chamber subsequently voted £1,000 towards the
building fund. At a meeting of the parishioners, in June, 1787,
it was resolved to build the new church “in the gardens
behind the new tontine buildings in Brunswick Square” -
where the square named after the Duke of Portland was
already in contemplation. In the autumn, Mr. James Allen,
architect, produced a design in the Greek style, which the
parochial committee accepted; but in December, in
consequence of some occult manoeuvring, Mr. Allen was dismissed,
and a plan of a so-called Gothic church, produced by Daniel
Hague, an “eminent mason”, was definitively approved.
The secret of this intrigue has never been clearly explained;
but the belief of contemporaries seems to have been that
the Rev. Joseph Atwell Small, D.D., the incumbent of St.
James's, was the real inventor of the semi-Chinese tower
that the mason fathered and carried out. The foundation
stone of St. Paul's was laid by the mayor on the 23rd April,
1789. The church, which was as costly as it was ugly, and
burthened the parish with a rate of 1s. 8d. in the pound for
twenty years, was consecrated on the 22nd September, 1794,
and opened for service on the 26th January following.
The original Infirmary building had been condemned,
for some years previous to this time, as inconvenient and
inadequate. In 1782, the medical staff strongly urged that
the institution should be removed to the Red Lodge, but
through the energetic opposition of Mr. T. Tyndall, who
objected to the hospital being placed so near his park, the
subscribers finally resolved to retain the old site (R. Smith's
MSS.). After a long delay occasioned by want of funds,
the foundation stone of the east wing was laid in June,
1784, and the work was completed in May, 1786. On the
480 | THE ANNALS OF BRISTOL | [1787. |
24th June, 1788, the foundation stone was laid of the central
building, the cost being chiefly defrayed out of invested
capital. In December, 1792, it was determined to complete
the house by adding another wing, at an estimated expense
of £7,000, but the work was delayed for several years from
lack of funds. For some inexplicable reason, the walls of
the whole building were coated with black plaster, which
gave it an extremely lugubrious appearance.
Henry Burgum, the pewterer, whose vanity and ignorance
during prosperity were so artfully duped by Chatterton,
suffered from painful reverses of fortune in the decline of
life. In 1786, when he had lost the use of his limbs from
gout, he was lodged as an insolvent debtor in a London
prison, but was rescued by the subscriptions of
sympathising friends. Having returned to Bristol, he arranged for
a performance of the oratorio of “Judas Maccabaeus” in
September, 1787, from which he netted a handsome profit.
The ticket of admission to this performance (price five
shillings) was beautifully engraved by Bartolozzi, and is
now a great rarity. Another oratorio, “The Messiah”, was
given in April, 1788, also for the benefit of Burgum, who
died in the following year. Handel's greatest work was
again performed in St. James's church in April, 1791.
A loose sheet of paper, containing a detailed account of
the expenses incurred by Mr. Thomas Daniel in serving the
office of sheriff in the year ending Michaelmas, 1787, has
been preserved in one of the account books of the
Corporation. Amongst the items are:- Sheriffs' dinner, £269 16s. 1d.
A chariot, £149 2s. Trumpeters, £9 1s. 4d. French wines,
£51 3s. Half of cost of plate given to the mayor, £38 12s.
11d. Ribbons for the Judge, £7 12s. 4d. Servants' hats,
£15 8s. A variety of other items raises the total to £992
15s. 9d.; while the net allowance for serving the office is set
down at £408 3s., showing that Mr. Daniel was nearly £600
out of pocket. His fellow-sheriff, Mr. Baillie, was a sufferer
to the same extent. The preservation of the account in the
corporate archives indicates that Mr. Daniel had complained
of the inadequacy of the allowance, but the Chamber took
no action in the matter.
After an interval of twenty years, the question of
improving the accommodation offered to shipping frequenting
the port again excited public attention. In September, the
Merchants' Company instructed Mr. Joseph Nickalls, a
London engineer, to make a survey, and that gentleman, on
the 22nd November, produced a lengthy report narrating
the results of his inspection. A copy of this paper is in the
Jefferies' Collection, and after its perusal it seems impossible
to doubt that if Mr. Nickalls' advice had been followed the
subsequent commercial history of Bristol would have been
changed to an extent now hardly conceivable. The engineer
pointed out the fatal defect of any scheme for a dock
constructed at or above Rownham, namely the impossibility of
the larger class of vessels entering it except at spring tides,
owing to the rise of about ten feet in the bed of the Avon
near St. Vincent's Rocks. He was therefore of opinion that
the most desirable place for erecting locks for a floating
harbour was near the foot of the Black Rock, by which an
additional depth of several feet of water would be gained,
and the navigation of the narrow and tortuous portion of
the Avon would be rendered easy. The river bottom, at the
point in question, being of rock, the task of construction
would be inexpensive, while owing to the increased breadth
of the stream the arrangements for dealing with land floods
by hatches and “cascades” would be greatly facilitated.
Ships of the greatest draught could ascend to Black Rock
at the lowest tides, the depth there being nearly 40 feet;
and thus, if a lock were constructed, instead of a large
vessel being detained at Kingroad for nearly a fortnight, as
often happened, it could at once proceed to Bristol even
at neaps; and a similar saving of time would be secured on
departures. The scheme possessed the additional advantage
that no purchases of land would be necessary. Bridewell
mill would be rendered useless, but its value was
inconsiderable, and Mr. Nickalls suggested the erection of mills of
vastly greater power at the proposed locks. In the following
May another proposal was made by Mr. Jessop, the engineer
who in the result so unhappily gained the confidence of the
citizens. He proposed the building of a dam near Mardyke,
with a cut for carrying off flood water through Rownnam
Meads, at an estimated outlay of £32,300; observing in his
report:- “On the head of expence I have no conception that
Mr. Nickalls' dam at the Black Rock can be executed for
less than £30,000”. Trifling as was the amount even by
the admission of a rival, selfish interests and sluggishness
stood obstinately in the way, and the question of port
improvement was once more indefinitely postponed.
Compulsory church-going was in favour amongst Clifton
vestrymen in 1787. On the 10th October the vestry
resolved that, “As the poor of the parish do not frequent the
service of the church, but loiter in idleness and are most
482 | THE ANNALS OF BRISTOL | [1787-88. |
probable guilty of offences during the time of such service”,
the able-bodied paupers should thenceforth be required to
attend prayers every Friday before receiving relief, “and
in default of attending shall not receive the usual pay for
that week”. It was further determined to build a gallery
in the church for the use of the paupers, so that they should
be compelled to attend twice every Sunday, under pain of
forfeiting their allowances. The vestry, two years later,
passed a new order, requiring the overseer to withhold the
parochial pittance from such of the poor as did not attend
divine service twice every Sunday preceding the usual
payday. A few days later, a Sunday School was established
for the youthful poor of the parish.
In December, 1787, the local society for the relief of poor
insolvent debtors secured the release from Newgate of a
Frenchman calling himself F.C.M.G. Maratt Amiatt, who
had practised in various English towns as a teacher and
quack doctor, and had finally been incarcerated for petty
debts in Bristol. The man forthwith disappeared, and it
was not until some years later that he was identified in the
person of the fanatical democrat, Jean Paul Marat, who was
accustomed to howl in the French Convention for the heads
of 100,000 nobles, and whose infamous career was cut short
in 1793 by the knife of Charlotte Corday.
An advertisement in a local journal of January 26th, 1788,
offers the cotton mill, “opposite the Hotwell”, to be sold or
let, the proprietors being about to remove their manufactory
to Keynsham. The mill, sometimes called the Red Mill,
was afterwards used for grinding logwood.
John Wesley made one of his periodical visits to the city
in March, 1788, and preached on the 6th upon the burning
question of the slave trade. His sermon was interrupted by
what he deemed a supernatural occurrence. “A vehement
noise arose, and shot like lightning through the whole
congregation. The terror and confusion were inexpressible.
The benches were broken in pieces, and nine-tenths of the
congregation appeared to be struck with the same panic.
In about six minutes the storm ceased. None can account
for it without supposing some preternatural influence.
Satan fought lest his kingdom should be delivered up”.
Ten days later Wesley preached at the Mayor's Chapel, and
afterwards dined at the Mansion House. The indefatigable
missionary paid his last visit to Bristol in July and August,
1790, when he was in his 87th year. At his chapel one
morning, he records, he was without assistance, “so I was
obliged to shorten the service within the compass of three
hours”. He preached during the afternoon of the same day
near King's Square, Wesley preached at Temple Church
as usual during his stay, and incidentally noted the energy
of the Rev. Joseph Easterbrook, the vicar, who “had
preached in every house in his parish”.
The Presbyterian (Unitarian) chapel in Lewin's Mead,
having become insufficient for the accommodation of its
supporters, was removed in the spring of 1788. Some
adjoining property, belonging to the Bartholomew Hospital
estate, was acquired, and a large chapel in a semi-classical
style was opened on the 4th September, 1791. The
congregation was then the wealthiest in the city, many of the
aldermen and common councillors being members. Owing
to the number of suburban families that drove to the chapel
in coaches, a mews was built in the chapel yard for
sheltering their horses.
A remarkable illustration of the slow gestation of some
public questions in the corporate body is afforded by a
minute of the Common Council, dated the 12th April, 1788.
“A proposal” was then laid before the Chamber - it is not
said by whom - for the conversion of the Drawbridge into a
stone bridge. The project was “unanimously negatived”,
and was not heard of again for nearly a century. The
Corporation, shortly before the above date, forbade all carts
to cross the Drawbridge, and the bridge was ordered to be
drawn up for two days every year.
The lengthened popularity of the feast of the 29th May,
in honour of the restoration of Charles II., can only be
accounted for by the fact that the holiday was peculiarly
cherished by the Jacobites, and served as a cloak for
seditious manifestations. So late as 1788, there were
influential Bristolians who dressed the front of their dwellings
with oak boughs, and huge branches were brought into
the city to meet the demand. A writer in Sarah Farley's
Journal of the 24th May complains warmly of the injury
done in the suburbs by persons who mutilated oak trees to
supply decorations, and recommends the mayor to stop the
practice. The outbreak of the French Revolution gave a
new turn to popular demonstrations.
On the 13th June, 1788, the Rev. Joseph Easterbrook,
vicar of Temple, assisted by six Wesleyan preachers and
eight “serious persons”, held an extraordinary service in
Temple Church, for the professed purpose of delivering a
man named George Lukins, a tailor, of Yatton, from a
484 | THE ANNALS OF BRISTOL | [1788. |
demoniacal possession. According to the account
authenticated by Mr. Easterbrook, Lukins was violently convulsed
upon the exorcists singing a hymn, and the voices of various
invisible agents proceeded from his mouth uttering horrible
blasphemies - a “Te Deum to the Devil” being sung by the
demons in different voices whilst the ministers engaged in
prayer. However, when the vicar formally ordered the evil
spirits to depart, they obeyed with howlings, and the patient
was delivered after a two hours' struggle. This account of
the proceedings appeared in Sarah Farley's Journal of the
21st June, and gave rise to a vehement controversy. The
exorcists were covered with ridicule by Mr. Norman, a
surgeon, of Yatton, who stated that Lukins, who was a clever
ventriloquist, had begun his imposture in 1770 by alleging,
in the course of fits of howling and leaping, that he was
bewitched, and had from time to time renewed his
exhibitions of pretended torture, causing several infirm old people
to be cruelly persecuted for bewitching him. Lukins's
latest and most impudent fraud was attributed to a natural
fondness for mystification, stimulated by the simplicity of
his dupes.
The journey of George III. to Cheltenham in the summer
of 1788, being the first royal visit to the West since the
reign of Queen Anne, caused much excitement in the
district. At a meeting of the Council, on the 26th July, a
deputation was appointed to invite his Majesty to Bristol,
and in the following month the mayor, recorder, and other
dignitaries proceeded to Cheltenham in great pomp, to
present an address. The king (whose mental infirmity a few
weeks later has been attributed to his inordinate
consumption of the aperient waters) was unable to respond to the
invitation, but promised to visit Bristol at some future
The fame for good cheer of John Weeks, the landlord of
the Bush hotel, reached its climax in September, when a
complaisant London journal held up his hostelry to the
admiration of the kingdom. “Any person who calls for
three-penny worth of liquor”, says the writer, “has the run
of the larder, and may eat as much as he pleases for nothing.
Last Christmas Dny he sold 3000 single glasses of punch
before dinner”. The usual Christmas bill of fare at the
Bush, indeed, would have done honour to the table of
Gargantua. For casual visitors - such as the 3,000 punch
drinkers- there was a mighty baron of cold beef, weighing
about 3501b., flanked by correspondingly liberal supplies of
1788-89.] | IN THE EIGHTEENTH CENTURY. | 485 |
mutton, ham, etc. For orthodox diners, the larder was
piled with gastronomical dainties, the list of which occupied
half a column in the newspapers.
With the year 1788 commenced a series of bad harvests
and a long period of distress. With a view to reducing the
price of meat, the Corporation offered bounties upon fish
brought into the port. Upwards of £250 were spent in this
way during the month of November, 1788, and £309 in the
corresponding period of 1789. The bounty was continued
until 1791. The increase of pauperism provoked a cry for
relief from some of the central parishes, which were still
contributing the share of the charge fixed by the first local
poor Act of 1695, when the new suburban districts were
mere fields. The matter was brought before the Court of
King's Bench, which directed the local authorities to make
a new assessment; and in the result the central parishes,
previously paying nearly two-thirds of the poor rate, were
charged little more than one half; the difference being
thrown chiefly upon St. James's, St. Augustine's and
The building ground in Wine Street adjoining the
reconstructed Christ Church was sold by auction on the 2nd
March, 1789, when the ardour of purchasers excited
astonishment. The four lots were of a total length of 101
feet, with a very shallow depth. For the whole a perpetual
ground-rent was obtained of £221 4s. 10½., being about
£2 5s. per running foot, equivalent to a fee-simple value of
about £170 per yard frontage.
The king's recovery from mental alienation was celebrated
early in March by a general holiday. The rejoicings cost
the civic purse about £150. The Council deputed six
gentlemen to present an address at St. James's, and the
expenses of the deputation amounted to £189. The Merchants'
Society not only forwarded an address, but presented the
freedom of the company to Lord Thurlow, Lord Camden,
and Mr. Pitt, the leading members of the Government.
The fact is of historical significance, as it denotes that the
predominance which the Whigs long possessed in the society
had been wrested from them by their political opponents.
The Common Council, in March, increased the yearly
payment made to the master of Queen Elizabeth's Hospital
for feeding, clothing, and educating the boys from the
modest sum of £10 to £12 per head. At a later meeting,
the Chamber arranged the dietary of the scholars. Dinner
was to consist of meat for five days, and of milk pottage for
486 | THE ANNALS OF BRISTOL | [1789. |
two days weekly. Breakfast all the year round was limited
to bread and table beer; for supper the provision was bread
and cheese, with beer. Malt liquor figured at all the meals.
The boys were to rise at 6 o'clock in summer and 7 in
winter, and go to bed at 8 every evening.
A visitor to the Hot Well addressed a letter to a local
journal in June, suggesting that a few stands for hackney
coaches should be established in Clifton. As there was “no
proper footpath” in the road to Bristol, strangers, he said,
suffered much inconvenience. About the same time, a
quarrel broke out between the lessees of the New Long Room
and the Old Long Room, and as most of the visitors
supported one or the other of the disputants the place was
unusually animated. The question at issue was as to the
days on which breakfasts and promenades should be held at
the respective rooms. It was at length resolved that there
should be a public breakfast and dance every Monday, a ball
every Tuesday, and a promenade with dancing every
Thursday, alternately at the two rooms. Admission to the
breakfasts and promenades cost 1s. 6d. per head. For the
balls a gentleman paid a guinea at each room for the season,
and could introduce two ladies. The Bristol residents in
Clifton received a vote of thanks from the visitors for having
allowed the dispute to be arranged by the latter.
Owing to an augmentation of the stamp-duty on
newspapers, the price of the local journals was advanced in July
to 3½d. and shortly afterwards to 4d. The duty on
advertisements, however short, was fixed at 2s. 6d. (increased in
1797 to 3s. 6d.). A clause in the Act imposing those
burdens inflicted a penalty of £10 on any person lending a
newspaper for hire. The tax on newspapers was repeatedly
increased, and about the close of the century the price of
each tiny journal was advanced to sixpence.
Little information has been preserved respecting the
numerous glass manufactories carried on in the city during
the century. In a local journal of August 22nd, 1789,
Messrs. Wadham, Ricketts and Co. announced that they
had entered upon “the Phoenix flint-glass works, without
Temple Gate (late the Phoenix inn)”, a place which was
subsequently converted into a bottle manufactory. Fourteen
glass works were in operation in 1797, to some of which
strangers and sight-seers were admitted twice a week.
In the autumn of 1789 the Misses More retired from the
prosperous boarding-school conducted by them for upwards
of thirty years. The sisters removed to Cowslip Green,
1789-90.] | IN THE EIGHTEENTH CENTURY. | 487 |
Somerset, where they had built a commodious retreat, and
applied themselves with exemplary devotion to establishing
Sunday schools in the benighted parishes around them.
The boarding-school was continued by Selina Mills (who
had been a teacher in the establishment), assisted by her
sisters, one of whom married Mr. Zachary Macaulay, and
became the mother of the historian. Lord Macaulay. Miss
Mills's charge for boarders in 1789 was only 20 guineas a
year per head.
The outbreak of the French Revolution this year seems
to have inspired the corporate body with a desire to
celebrate the centenary of a more wisely conducted incident in
English history. The 4th November “being the
anniversary of the Glorious Revolution”, was commemorated with
unexampled rejoicing, £177 11s. 8d. being expended by the
chamberlain, chiefly for liquor, to render fitting honour to
William III. Animated, probably, by the same motive, the
Common Council, in December, requested the Duke of
Portland, the descendant of the Dutch King's favourite, to
sit for his portrait. His Grace having assented, the
commission was entrusted to Thomas Lawrence, the Bristol-born
artist then fast rising into celebrity, who received 100
guineas for the picture and £44 for the frame.
Shiercliffe's Guide to Bristol, published in 1789, contains
some information in reference to the winter balls held at the
Assembly Rooms. Those reunions took place on alternate
Thursdays, when “menuets” commenced at half-past six,
and gave place at 8 o'clock to country dances. “No ladies
to be admitted in hats. No children admitted to dance
menuets in frocks”. The ladies were to draw for places in
country dances, or to go to the bottom. No citizen was
admitted unless he became a subscriber of two guineas,
which freed himself and two ladies. Non-residents paid 5s.
each evening, the fund arising from visitors being devoted
to a cotillon ball at the end of the season. The master of
the ceremonies, James Russell, Esq., had orders to close the
balls at 11 O'clock precisely.
An Act of Parliament was obtained in 1790 for rebuilding
the church of St. Thomas, then in a ruinous condition.
The cost of reconstruction was estimated at £5,000. The
Act empowered the trustees to appropriate a fund of £1,470
belonging to the parish, to borrow £700 on the parochial
estates, including the tolls of St. Thomas's market, and to
raise £3,600 on security of a church-rate. The original
intention was to destroy the tower as well as the church,
488 | THE ANNALS OF BRISTOL | [1790. |
but the former by some means escaped. Of the church,
said to have been one of the finest in the city, not a fragment
was preserved. On the 21st December the foundation stone
was laid of the present edifice, which was opened for service
precisely three years later.
Dr. Hallam, dean of Bristol, and other influential
inhabitants, addressed a memorial to the Corporation early in
1790, pointing out the defects of the city gaol, and urging
the adoption of Mr. Howard's suggestions for the better
management of felons and other prisoners. The Council, in
February, resolved to apply for powers to build a new gaol,
and a Bill for that purpose was soon after laid before the
House of Commons; but its provisions were no sooner
discovered by the citizens than they raised a storm of indignant
protests. Newgate, just a century old, had been built at
the expense of the inhabitants, by means of a rate, yet the
Bill declared it to be the sole property of the civic body.
The Corporation had hitherto borne the expense of
maintaining the gaol and bridewell, and this charge represented
almost the only benefit which the inhabitants derived from
the property of the municipality; but the Bill proposed to
relieve the corporate estates from the burden (save a grant
of £150 yearly), and to lay it upon the citizens in the shape
of a county rate. The aldermen, as justices, were to have
uncontrolled power in fixing the amount of the rate, while
the Common Council was to be left equally unrestricted in
its administration of the proceeds. Against these
propositions, as well as against various details - notably the site
of the new prison, which it was proposed to build in the
crowded Castle Precincts - a formidable opposition was
organised, and the Corporation withdrew the Bill. The
scheme was revived in 1791, only to be again hotly opposed
and to be again withdrawn - as it was supposed, definitively.
The civic body, however, resorted to a manoeuvre. In 1792
the Bill, with all its unpopular features, was hurriedly
passed through the House of Commons, and had been read a
first time in the Upper House before its existence became
known to the citizens. Petitions with 4,000 signatures were
forthwith presented, and the objections of the opponents
were heard by the Lords' committee; but after a brief delay
the measure became law. The discontent of the citizens
was intensified by the sharp practice of the Corporation.
The mayor and several prominent civic personages were
insulted in the streets, riots were threatened, and the
parishes raised a fund of nearly £4,000 to prevent the Act
being put in operation. The attitude of the inhabitants at
length alarmed the Corporation, and some leading members
of the Council privately gave an assurance that the powers
of the Act should be allowed to expire by afflux of time
(seven years). The expenses of the delegates nominated to
oppose the Bill, £680, were defrayed by subscription. The
scandals of Newgate remained unreformed for another
quarter of a century.
Stoke's Croft still retained a semi-rural character. At a
meeting of the Council in March, 1790, a committee
recommended that the local surveyors should view the trees and
the Cross, or centre posts, in Stoke's Croft, and report on
their condition. At the suggestion of the surveyors, the
Council, in November, ordered the trees and posts in the
Croft and North Street to be removed. The task was thrown
upon the inhabitants, who displayed no zeal in undertaking
it, for in the following year the Chamber issued a fresh
order, requiring the tenants to remove the trees as
“nuisances”. Double rows of trees ornamented King
Square at this time, and St. James's Square, St. James's
churchyard. Wilder Street, and part of Broadmead, were
luxuriantly leafy in the summer months.
Mr. Henry Cruger, M.P., for many years one of the most
influential of local politicians, sailed on the 8th April, to
spend the remainder of his life in his native city of New
York. He had previously issued a retiring address, in
which he significantly referred to the commercial reverses
caused by the disruption with America. He also surrendered
his aldermanic gown, but continued a member of the
Council until his death, thirty-seven years later. By his
first wife, Miss Peach, Mr. Cruger had an only son, who
assumed his mother's surname on succeeding to the estate
of her father, Mr. Samuel Peach, of Bristol and Toekington.
The local newspapers of the 8th May contain an
announcement that Mr. Samuel Powell had entered into occupation
of “the Hotwells”. The terms of his lease from the
Merchants' Society are unknown, but it is certain that the
owners, wishing to profit from the outlay they had incurred
for improvements, greatly increased the former rent. The
tenant, in consequence, resorted to expedients for raising
the receipts which not only defeated themselves, but
brought about the complete loss of the spring's reputation.
The fee for drinking the water was increased from a
nominal sum to 26s. per month for each individual. Many
upper-class families that had flocked to the pump-room in
490 | THE ANNALS OF BRISTOL | [1790. |
the pursuit of pleasure rather than of health declined to pay
the enhanced charge, and betook themselves to other
watering places, and their example soon became contagious.
Down to 1789 the Hot Well was crowded during the season
by the aristocracy and gentry. Between noon and two
o'clock the pump-room was generally so thronged that it
was difficult to reach the drinking tables. In the afternoon
the Downs were alive with carriages and equestrians.
Three large hotels were fully occupied; two assembly rooms
were kept open (a third, on Clifton Hill, was added in
August, 1790); while lodging-house keepers (although
charging only 5s. per room weekly in winter and 10s. in
summer) frequently retired from business with comfortable
fortunes. In a few years the place was deserted except by a
slender band of invalids; the fashionable company had
disappeared; one of the hotels and two of the assembly rooms
were closed by the bankruptcy of the occupiers; many of
the lodging-house keepers became insolvent; and the value
of houses near the well greatly decreased. Short-sighted
rapacity, in fact, had been emphatically punished. Powell's
exactions, it must be added, were not confined to strangers.
Soon after he entered upon the premises, the right of
Bristolians to visit the well was denied, the pump previously
reserved for them was shut up, and a charge of 3d. per bottle
was demanded for the water. In spite of complaints, the
Merchants' Company tolerated the proceedings of their
tenant, and it was not until March, 1793, that the Common
Council resolved to vindicate the public rights.
Procrastination was successful in defeating those rights for a
considerable further period, but in September, 1795, the Merchants'
Company recognised the privilege of the inhabitants to
drink the water at the “back pump”, and to carry it away
in bottles if marked with their owners names.
The Ostrich inn, Durdham Down, was occupied in the
summer of 1790 by an enterprising landlord, who turned the
advantages of the house to good account. Breakfasts were
provided for visitors from the Hot Well, many of whom rode
over to play on the bowling green; dinners, with turtle soup,
could be had at short notice, and on Sunday there was an
ordinary at 2 o'clock (at one shilling per head) for
excursionists from Bristol. The house became so popular a resort that
Evans, the tenant, erected lamps on the Down, and
undertook to light them nightly during the winter. In 1793
Evans removed to the York House hotel, Gloucester Place,
Clifton (originally opened in August, 1790, by one John
Dalton), and the popularity of the rural inn declined with
that of the Hot Well.
A general election took place in June, 1790. The sitting
members, Messrs. Cruger and Brickdale, having retired, the
local party leaders, to avoid the expense of a contest, had
come to an understanding, the Tories bringing forward the
Marquis of Worcester, while the Whigs selected Lord
Sheffield. The latter, as has been already shown, was one
of the persons who received a grant from the king's secret
election fund in 1781. He was, in fact, a Tory in all but the
name, but had made himself acceptable to the West India
interest by his advocacy of the slave trade. He is now
chiefly remembered as the literary executor of Gibbon. The
party truce was distasteful to the lower class of freemen,
who Avere deprived of a month's saturnalia, and their griefs
were espoused by a clique of extreme Tories, led by a Rev.
Dr. Barry, who were opposed to a compromise with the
Whigs. Instigated, probably, by this coterie, Mr. David
Lewis, an eccentric Welsh tradesman, came forward as a
candidate. Unhappily, Mr. Lewis, as one of his friends put
the matter, “laboured under a little disadvantage respecting
the English language”. He was, in fact, grossly illiterate,
and his attempts at oratory excited general ridicule. The
official candidates were received by imposing processions,
Lord Sheffield being met at Keynsham and Lord Worcester
on Durdham Down by their respective partisans. The
polling opened on the 19th June, and the result of the first
day's voting was so emphatic that Mr. Lewis at once
withdrew, charging the freemen with having falsified their
promises and bartered their liberty for liquor. The numbers
polled were as follows:- Lord Worcester, 544; Lord
Sheffield, 537; Mr. Lewis, 12; Wm. Cunninghame (nominated
without his consent), 5. The freedom of the city was soon
afterwards presented to the new members.
A useful improvement was determined upon by the
Council on the 9th June, when the aldermen of the various
wards were directed to see that the name of each street and
lane was set up in a conspicuous place. From some doggrel
lines in a local journal, the work seems to have been
completed in the spring of 1791. The writer notes that out of
the numerous thoroughfares dedicated to saints, the only
one complimented with its full name was St. John Street,
which had then been recently opened.
A chapel in Trenchard Street dedicated to St. Joseph, the
first building erected in the city since the Reformation for
492 | THE ANNALS OF BRISTOL | [1790-91. |
Roman Catholic worship, was opened by Father Robert
Plowden on the 27th June, 1790. Mr. Plowden was a
Jesuit, and the chapel had been built under the directions
of the Order, who had undertaken to serve the “Bristol
mission”. The house on St. James's Back, previously used
as a chapel, was disposed of, and was for a short time
occupied by a few Swedenborgians.
In despite of public disapproval, and of the emphatic
judgment of Lord Mansfield in the Somerset case, the practice of
keeping negroes as domestic slaves was still not uncommon.
In a letter to Horace Walpole, dated July, 1790, Hannah
More wrote:- “I cannot forbear telling you that at my city
of Bristol, during church-time, the congregations were
surprised last Sunday with the bell of the public crier in the
streets. It was so unusual a sound on that day that the
people were alarmed in the churches. They found that the
bellman was crying the reward of a guinea to any one who
would produce a poor negro girl who had run away because
she would not return to one of those trafficking islands,
whither her master was resolved to send her. To my great
grief and indignation, the poor trembling wretch was
dragged out from a hole in the top of a house where she
had hid herself, and forced on board ship”. Bonner's Bristol
Journal of December 8th, 1792, stated that a citizen had
recently sold his negro servant girl, who had been many
years in his service, for £80 Jamaica currency, and that she
had been shipped for that island. “A byestander who saw
her put on board the boat at Lamplighter's Hall says, 'her
tears flowed down her face like a shower of rain'”.
An “Equestrian Theatre”, or in modern parlance a circus,
was erected in 1791, in Limekiln Lane, for the accommodation
of the travelling companies that usually visited the city once
a year. The eastern part of the building, which is described
as of large dimensions, was fitted up as an amphitheatre for
the spectators.
Much unwillingness having been shown by various
members of the Common Council to serve the office of sheriff, an
edifying by-law was enacted in March, 1791. The fine for
non-acceptance of the dignity was fixed at £300. If all the
members of the Corporation had served the office, an election
was to be made out of the councillors by seniority, excepting
those who had already served a second time, and also
excepting any “gentleman who hath become bankrupt or hath
compounded with his creditors, and not afterwards paid
twenty shillings in the pound”. There is reason to believe
that persons entitled to the second exemption were by no
means rare. Mr. J.B. Kington, the author of numerous
letters signed “A Burgess”, published in the Bristol Mercury
in 1833-4, asserted that “at one time a sixth part of the
Council” consisted of insolvents, “each paying about 5s. in
the pound, except one, who left the country without paying
On the 19th March the gossip mongers of the city were
entertained by the romantic elopement of one of the pupils
confided to the care of Miss Mills, of Park Street. The girl
in question, Clementina Clerke, was under 16 years of age,
and was the heiress of an uncle named Ogilvie, who had
made a fortune of £6,000 a year in Jamaica. Her wealth
having come to the knowledge of a dissipated but handsome
apothecary named Richard V. Perry, he furtively sought her
attention whilst she and her companions made their daily
promenades. The precocious heiress offering tokens of
affection, Perry one day slipped a note into her hand
proposing that she should go off with him to be married at
Gretna Green, and the evasion was facilitated by the
bribing of a servant. The lovers had never spoken to each
other when the girl joined Perry in the post-chaise which
hurried them to Scotland, in company with an attorney
named Baynton. Miss Clerke's schoolmistress followed the
couple to Belgium and elsewhere, but without success. On
returning to England, Perry was arrested on a charge of
abduction, preferred by Mr. W. Gordon, the guardian of his
child wife, but the latter, at the trial in April, 1794, swore
that she had eloped of her own accord, and the prisoner was
acquitted. Baynton, who disappeared for many months,
was not prosecuted. He afterwards informed Mr. Richard
Smith that he had lost £3,000 by the affair, but was never
able to extract a guinea from his client, who had promised
him £3,600. Mrs. Perry separated from her husband, and
died in poverty at Bath about 1812. Her husband
transported himself to Jamaica, where he took the name of
Ogilvie, lived in magnificent style, and was a candidate for
the House of Assembly in 1816 (R. Smith's MSS.).
The building trade of the city was possessed at this period
with a speculative mania destined to end in widespread and
prolonged disaster. The “rage for building” was first
noticed by the local press in November, 1786, but was then
chiefly confined to Clifton, where Sion Row was being
constructed. In May, 1788, a letter in Sarah Farley's Journal
stated that houses were rising fast near Brandon Hill and in
494 | THE ANNALS OF BRISTOL | [1791. |
Great George Street, Park Street, and College Street, while
preparations for others were being made in Lodge Street,
various parts of Kingsdown, Portland Square, Milk Street,
Bath Street, and elsewhere. Shortly after, the erection was
noticed of houses in Berkeley Square and Rodney Place. In
April, 1791, Felix Farley's Journal observed:- “So great is
the spirit of building in this city and its environs that we
hear ground is actually taken for more than 3000 houses,
which will require some hundreds more artificers than are
already employed”. Amongst the designs then proposed
was the construction of the two imposing lines of dwellings
afterwards known as Royal York and Cornwallis Crescents.
In October Bonner's Journal announced that the Royal Fort
and its parks (about 68 acres in area), late the property of
Mr. Thomas Tyndall, who had died in the previous April,
had been purchased (it was said for £40,000) by a party of
gentlemen, who intended to convert the whole into building
sites. A plan for a gigantic terrace in the park was soon
afterwards designed by Wyatt, the fashionable London
architect, but operations were suspended for a time in order
that an Act might be obtained to empower the dean and
chapter to grant a lease for 1,000 years of that portion of the
land held under a capitular lease. The Act passed in 1792,
when preparations were made for the erection of the terrace.
At the same period, Mr. Samuel Worrall, who had a large
estate adjoining Clifton Down, produced plans for the
construction of a stately line of mansions, and urged the
superiority of the site over that of Tyndall's Park. A
terrace of 60 houses, to cost £60,000, was proposed to be
built near Ashley Down about the same time. The mania
had scarcely burst into full bloom before it evinced signs of
coming decay. In December, 1792, an attempt was made to
complete the erection of York Crescent, on which £20,000
had been spent, by the creation of a tontine, with a capital
of £70,000 in £100 shares. A similar association, with a
capital of £14,000, was proposed to finish King's Parade,
where £8,000 had been laid out by the builder. Both these
schemes proved abortive. On the breaking out of the
French war, in 1793, there was a financial panic throughout
the kingdom, and the failure of Messrs. Lockier, McAulay,
and Co., the most extensive of the local speculators, heralded
the ruin of a crowd of minor firms. More than 600 houses
in course of construction were left unfinished, and the
appearance of the suburbs, for many years after this collapse,
reminded strangers of a place that had undergone
bombardment. The shells of thirty-four roofless houses stood in
York Crescent, dominating similar ruins in Cornwallis
Crescent, the Mall, Saville Place, Belle Vue, Richmond
Place, York Place, and other localities. Kingsdown and St.
Michael's Hill presented many mournful wrecks; Portland
Square and the neighbouring streets were in the same
condition; and Great George Street and its environs were in no
better plight. Mr. T.G. Vaughan, the chief promoter of
the Tyndall's Park scheme, became bankrupt before much
progress had been made with the proposed terrace, the
foundations of which were levelled when the estate returned
into the hands of the Tyndall family in 1798. Many years
elapsed before other traces of this calamitous mania
disappeared. Mr. Malcolm, the historian of London, in a work
published in 1807, described the “silent and falling” houses
in Clifton and the tottering ruins in Portland Square as the
most melancholy spectacle within his recollection.
Mr. Matthew Brickdale, ex-M.P. for the city, and a
common councillor, had been repeatedly pressed to take the
office of mayor, but had hitherto succeeded in evading the
dignity. On the 16th September, 1791, he sent in a
resignation of his office, but the Council, refusing to accept it,
elected him chief magistrate. He, however, declined either
to be sworn or to pay the fine. John Noble was thereupon
elected mayor, and an action was commenced against
Brickdale, who was eventually compelled to pay the penalty of
£400 and the Corporation's costs.
Mr. Noble had a high sense of the dignity of his office,
and availed himself of an ancient privilege to astonish the
judges of the Court of Admiralty. On the 7th June, 1792,
while the court was trying prisoners at the Old Bailey,
London, the mayor of Bristol, in his state robes, proceeded
to the bench, and claimed a seat with the other
commissioners. An explanation being demanded, his worship
showed that by an ancient charter the successive mayors
and recorders of Bristol were constituted judges of the
court. The claim having been admitted, Mr. Noble stated
that his object was merely to assert a right, and, after
saluting the judges, he withdrew. The mayor, who appears
to have travelled to London expressly tor this purpose,
notified the result a few days later to the Common Council,
who passed a vote of thanks to him for his conduct, and the
matter was registered in the civic minutes. (Mr. Nicholls
recorded this incident as having taken place in 1762.)
The powers obtained in 1766 for widening the narrow
496 | THE ANNALS OF BRISTOL | [1791. |
alleys connecting Christmas Street and Broad Street with
Broadmead remained in suspension until September, 1791,
when the Council resolved to obtain estimates for the work;
but the authorities proceeded languidly in obtaining
possession of the old hovels in Halliers' Lane and Duck Lane. In
February, 1796, it was reported that property had been
purchased at a cost of £8,860, and that the remaining houses
required could have been had for £7,600 if the cash had been
in hand; but the owners now demanded more, owing to a
rise in the value of money. About the same time, a bridge
over the Froom, known as Needless Bridge, connecting
Broadmead and Duck Lane, was replaced by a more
convenient structure. After some additional outlay, the street,
one of the ugliest in the city, was opened in 1799, when the
Chamber, in honour of the great naval hero of the age,
ordered it to be styled Nelson Street.
On the recovery of the corporate finances after the revival
of the town dues, the state of the accounts of Whitson's
charities seems to have shamed the authorities into action.
The sum of £4,000 had been borrowed for civic purposes from
the charity funds on bonds, one of which had been
outstanding for 31 years, another for 28, and six from 16 to 20
years, while interest had never been paid on any of them.
The sum of £1,938 was now transferred to the charity, as
interest on the loans.
The question of harbour improvement was temporarily
resuscitated in October, the Council holding a special
meeting to discuss a project “for floating the ships at the Quay”.
A committee was appointed to report, and did so in
December. After stating that the future prosperity of the port
largely depended on the creation of improved facilities for
commerce, so as to place the city on fairer terms with its
rivals, and avoid the heavy losses to shipping caused by
existing defects, they recommended the design of Messrs.
Smeaton and Jessop for damming the Avon at Red Clift,
and cutting a canal through Rownham Meads. The subject
was soon after allowed to go to sleep again, notwithstanding
the frequent occurrence of disasters in the harbour.
The mayor informed the Council in December that
possession had been taken of St. Ewen's church on behalf
of the Corporation, in whom the property was vested by
the Act of 1788. The woodwork, bell, etc., were sold soon
afterwards. The upper part of the tower (a mean
structure built in the reign of Charles I.) was taken down in
1796, when some of the vaults and graves were “arched
over”: but the rest of the fabric remained standing until
about 1820.
Down to this period, the aldermanic body claimed the
right of filling up vacancies in its own number, independent
of the Common Council. A death having occurred early in
1792, Jeremy Baker was elected an alderman in the
customary manner, but for the first time in the history of the
Corporation the dignity was rejected. A “case” having
been sent to the recorder for his opinion, the learned
gentleman replied in September that elections of aldermen ought
to take place in the Common Council, though the mayor and
aldermen were alone entitled to vote. This course was
thenceforth adopted.
The embarrassments of the St. Stephen's improvement
trustees have been already noticed. To assist in discharging their
debts, the Common Council, in March, 1792, offered a
subscription of £500, provided the parish would reconvey to the
Corporation, for the sum of £1,000, the cemetery at the south
end of Prince's Street. (This burial ground was granted to
the parish by the civic body in 1676, at a fee farm rent of
3s. 4d. yearly.) The trustees made no response to this
proposal for two years and a half. At length, in September,
1794, at a meeting of the landowners and inhabitants of the
parish, when the debt of the trustees amounted to upwards
of £3,000, it was resolved to assent to the offer, the meeting
being moved thereto by the fact that “the said churchyard,
owing to the numerous interments there, will in a short time
be rendered of no use to the parish, and has long been
considered and indicted as a nuisance”. The site of the
cemetery is now partially covered by warehouses.
A letter in a local newspaper of April, 1792, reporting a
carriage accident in Hotwell Road, sarcastically compliments
the Society of Merchants upon the manner in which the
highway was maintained. So long as the mud remains,
says the writer, coaches will fall on a soft surface, “
consequently nothing but smothering remains to be dreaded”.
Owing to the great activity in the local building trades,
disputes as to wages were numerous about this time. At
the summer assizes at Gloucester, two brickmakers, of St.
Philip's parish, were each sentenced to two years'
imprisonment, for having combined, with others, to demand an
advance of wages. Strikes were nevertheless common, and
in some eases successful. It is worth observing that whilst
the employers denounced workmen's combinations, and put
the law against them in operation when they could, they
498 | THE ANNALS OF BRISTOL | [1792. |
published advertisements announcing that they had
themselves combined to maintain the old rates of wages, and to
refuse work to strikers.
The population in the northern suburbs having become
numerous, the Wesleyans were encouraged to build a chapel
in Portland Street, Kingsdown, which was opened on the
19th August. The chief promoter was Thomas Webb, a
lieutenant in the army, who frequently preached in his
uniform to large congregations.
Bonner's Journal of November 10th announced that “a
society is now forming in this city for promoting the
happiness of blind children by instructing them in some useful
employment, and the meeting-house in Callowhill Street is
fitting up for their reception”. The building was a disused
chapel belonging to the Friends, who were the most zealous
promoters of the infant Blind Asylum.
The “canal mania” of 1792, though productive of less
important results than the railway mama of 1845, was in
many respects a counterpart of that memorable delirium.
On the 20th November a meeting to promote the
construction of a canal from Bristol to Gloucester was held in the
Guildhall, when the scheme was enthusiastically supported
by influential persons, and a very large sum was subscribed
by those present, who struggled violently with each other
in their rush to the subscription book. A few days later, a
Somerset paper announced that a meeting would be held at
Wells to promote a canal from Bristol to Taunton. The
design had been formed in this city, but the promoters
strove to keep it a secret, and bought up all the newspapers
containing the advertisement. The news nevertheless
leaked out on the evening before the intended gathering,
and a host of speculators set off to secure shares in the
undertaking, some arriving only to find that the
subscription list was full. The third meeting was at Devizes, on
the 12th December. Only one day's notice was given of
this movement, which was to promote a canal from Bristol to
Southampton and London, but the news rapidly spread, and
thousands of intending subscribers rushed to the little town,
where the proposed capital was offered several times over.
The “race to Devizes” on the part of Bristolians, who had
hired or bought up at absurd prices all the old hacks that
could be found, and plunged along the miry roads through a
long wintry night, was attended with many comic incidents.
A legion of schemes followed, Bristol being the proposed
terminus of canals to all parts of the country, and some of
1792-93.] | IN THE EIGHTEENTH CENTURY. | 499 |
the projected water-ways running in close proximity to
each other. A pamphlet published in 1795, narrating the
story of the mania, states that the passion for speculation
spread like an epidemical disease through the city, every
man believing that he would gain thousands by his
adventures. The shares which were at 60 premium to-day were
expected to rise to 60 to-morrow and to 100 in a week.
Unfortunately for these dreams, the financial panic to be
noticed presently caused a general collapse; and the only
local proposal carried out was the comparatively
insignificant scheme for uniting the Kennet with the Avon.
The closing weeks of 1792 were marked by an outburst of
loyal enthusiasm, provoked by the insolent threats of the
French revolutionary leaders and the frothy talk of a
handful of Republican enthusiasts in London. At a city meeting
in the Guildhall a declaration of attachment to the
Constitution was cordially approved, and was subsequently signed
by many thousands. Effigies of Tom Paine were burnt by
the populace in every parish, and for several days the bells
rang loyal peals.
A correspondent of a local journal of January 12th, 1793,
complained that there were no public warm baths in the
city, notwithstanding its wealth and population. A hot
bath at Baptist Mills is, however, casually mentioned in a
newspaper of the previous April.
War with France was declared in February, a few days
after the execution of Louis XVI. Placing faith in the
predictions of Burke as to the effects of the revolution, a vast
majority of politicians believed that the defeat of the
Anarchists would be speedily effected. It is remarkable, however,
that the ardour for privateering manifested by Bristolians
in previous wars was on this occasion entirely lacking. The
newspapers do not record the fitting out of even a single
cruiser. The heavy losses incurred during the American
struggle may have contributed to this inaction, but it was
doubtless chiefly due to commercial disasters unprecedented
in local history. As has been shown, the years preceding
the war had been marked in Bristol, in common with other
mercantile centres, by excessive speculation, encouraged by
the numerous banks, which prodigiously increased their
issues of paper money. At the moment when credit was
dangerously strained, the French Government declared war,
and a violent financial revulsion at once took place all over
this country. About one hundred provincial banks stopped
payment, two of them in Bath, and for a few days crowds
500 | THE ANNALS OF BRISTOL | [1793. |
of Bristolians possessing bank-notes rushed to the issuers to
demand payment in cash. The banks met every claim, and
confidence in them soon revived, but the sudden restriction
of credits necessitated by the state of the country brought
about an extent of misery and insolvency till then unknown
in Bristol. Nearly fifty considerable local bankruptcies
occurred within two or three months, and the aggregate
losses were enormous. The effects of the panic on the
building trade have been already noticed.
The Corporation manifested its zeal in supporting the
Government at this crisis by largely increasing the bounties
offered to sailors on joining the navy. Upwards of £700
were paid out of the civic purse in this manner at the
beginning of the war. An amusing incident occurred about this
time in the Common Council. Mr. Joseph Harford, for many
years an influential Quaker, had been noted for his advanced
Whig principles. His admiration of Burke, however, caused
him to secede from his party, as he had already done from
his sect, and he not only became an ardent champion of the
war, but displayed an eager desire to push a near relative
into the struggle. At a meeting of the Council on the 12th
June, he moved that the Corporation “do recommend Lieut.
John Harford, now on board H.M.S. St. George, to the
Lords of the Admiralty for promotion, and that Mr. Mayor
be requested to make such recommendation”. Although
many members must have stared at the impudence of the
proposal, it was carried without dissent. In December,
1794, no notice having been taken of the mayor's
application, the ex-Friend, who had just actively promoted the
embodiment of a local regiment, induced the Chamber to
direct that the mayor should write to the Duke of Portland
(to whom a butt of sherry was ordered to be sent at the
same meeting) pressing the interests of the young lieutenant
upon his attention. Probably to Mr. Harford's extreme
annoyance, the second supplication was as fruitless as the
A penny postal system for letters and small parcels was
established in July, 1793, for the accommodation of local
business. Several parishes around the city were included
in the arrangement, but the selection was capricious. In
some cases a four-ounce packet was transmitted eighteen
miles for a penny, while to other places within that distance
such a parcel incurred a postage of 6s. 8d.
The most tragical local incident of the century, the Bristol
Bridge riots, has been so fully narrated by Mr. Pryce and
others that it seems unnecessary to enter into lengthy details.
Although the popular rising cannot be justified, it is equally
clear that the conduct of the bridge trustees deserved severe
condemnation. Under the provisions of the Act of 1785, the
authorities were entitled to collect tolls on vehicles, horses,
etc., until the money borrowed had been paid off, and a
balance of £2,000 secured, the interest on which was to
be devoted to lighting and maintaining the bridge. In
September, 1792, when the debt had been reduced to £5,500,
the trustees had a sum of £4,400 to their credit, and the net
income of the following year was estimated at £3,000. The
auctioneer employed to let the tolls and the solicitor to the
trustees consequently informed the lessee that the tolls
would cease in September, 1793; and this statement, which
gave satisfaction to the citizens, was never contradicted.
Shortly before the close of the lease, however, the trustees
announced that the tolls would be let for another twelve-month.
As a matter of fact, the required balance of £2,000
had not been obtained, and the authorities, under a belief
that the interest of that sum would be insufficient to keep
the bridge in repair, wished to increase the capital fund, and
so avoid the expense of another Act. Had this been explained
to the city, the plan might have won a certain measure of
approval. But the acting trustees, most of whom were members
of the Common Council, had all the Corporation's contempt
for popular feeling, as well as its abhorrence of popular
control. Although administering revenues entirely drawn from
the pockets of the inhabitants, they had refused for 25 years
to produce their accounts. They now haughtily refused to
enlighten the city as to their purposes, and persisted in a step
exceeding their lawful powers. On the 21st September the
tolls were leased for another year, for £1,920, to Wintour
Harris, an underling of the Corporation. The proper method
of defeating the illegal proceeding would have been an appeal
to the law courts. Unfortunately a small body of citizens,
who had already taken action, resolved to meet usurpation
by stratagem. Believing that if the toll were once
suspended it could not be reimposed, they made a bargain
with the lessee of the previous year for a relinquishment of
his rights during the last nine days of the term; and on the
19th September the bridge was thrown open and traffic
passed toll-free amidst the clamorous joy of the assembled
populace, which made a bonfire of the gates and toll-boards
during the evening. The trustees, greatly exasperated,
offered a reward on the 20th for the discovery of the
502 | THE ANNALS OF BRISTOL | [1793. |
offenders, pointing out that the destruction of the toll-boards
was a capital crime; their placard further asserted
that the liabilities of the trust still amounted to £2,500,
which they did not offer to prove, and which was in
substance untrue. On the 28th workmen were employed to
erect new gates, to the great irritation of the lower classes,
who gathered in increasing numbers as the day advanced;
and at night, when a large mob had assembled, the new
barriers were set on fire and destroyed. The magistrates
now appeared on the scene, and warned the rabble as to the
consequences of further rioting; but the justices were roughly
hustled about, and their remonstrances were received with
derision. The Riot Act was consequently read, and a party
of the Herefordshire militia was sent for to keep order; but
as great crowds followed the troops in their march to the
spot, the tumult soon became greater than ever, and the
justices and soldiers were assailed with volleys of stones. At
length the militia received orders to fire, and one man was
killed and two or three others wounded by a volley, which
put an immediate end to the disorder. At noon on the 29th
(Sunday), when the old lease expired, and men were posted
on the bridge to collect tolls, assisted by the civil power,
the spot was for many hours a scene of uproar and
confusion, those who refused to pay the charge being seized by
the constables, and often incontinently rescued by crowds
of excited spectators. At length a few soldiers were brought
down to support the toll-takers, and further resistance was
abandoned. On Monday morning, however, the populace
gathered in great numbers, and the disorders of the previous
day were renewed with increased violence. Some of the
magistrates were early in attendance, and the Riot Act was
read three times, a warning being given at the third reading
that the populace must disperse within an hour. The notice
being disregarded, the militia were again summoned, and
the magistrates superintended the collection of the tolls
until about six o'clock, when, the mob having diminished
in number, they withdrew, accompanied by the troops and
constabulary, toll-collecting being abandoned for the night.
Their retreat was almost immediately signalised by renewed
rioting, one of the toll-houses being speedily sacked, and the
furniture burnt in the street; while a few militiamen sent
back to protect the building were driven off by volleys of
oyster shells. The attitude of the mob now became very
threatening, and when the magistrates, supported by the
troops, again repaired to the bridge, they encountered a
storm of missiles, accompanied with yells of defiance. The
justices, after commanding the populace to disperse, and
being answered by more stone-throwing, ordered the soldiers
to fire, the front rank discharging their muskets at their
assailants on the bridge, while the rear, changing front,
swept the crowd that was attacking them from High Street.
The effects of repeated volleys, followed by a bayonet
charge, were naturally tragical. Eleven persons were
killed or mortally wounded, and 46 others were injured;
and as is always the case in such calamities, several of the
sufferers were harmless lookers-on, two being respectable
tradesmen and one a visitor. The riot, however, was at an
end, the mob flying in every direction. Judging from the
opinions expressed by the coroners' juries on the following
day (October 1st), the conduct of the bridge trustees and the
magistrates was condemned by many citizens, verdicts of
wilful murder by persons unknown being delivered upon ten
of the bodies. Possibly excited by this decision, a large mob
assembled in the evening, and destroyed the windows of the
Council House and Guildhall. Further tumults were happily
obviated by the public spirit of a few leading citizens, amongst
whom Messrs. John Thomas, William Elton, Matthew Wright
and John Bally were most prominent. Those gentlemen,
raising the needful amount by private subscription, purchased
an assignment of Harris's lease, paying over three months'
rent to the trustees, who were thus enabled to purchase £2,230
in Consols after discharging all their liabilities. The tolls,
never collected after Monday's bloodshed, were thus
definitively abolished. The Corporation condemned this
arrangement as a dangerous concession to the populace, but its
opposition was ineffectual. The civic body, however,
successfully thwarted the efforts of Dr. Long Fox, an eminent
local physician, to bring the conduct of the trustees before
the bar of public opinion. His request that the Guildhall
might be granted for a meeting of the citizens was refused
by the court of aldermen, all of whom were themselves
trustees. Dr. Fox then obtained leave to use the Coopers'
Hall, but through corporate intimidation the permission was
withdrawn, and a similar result attended his engagement of
a large warehouse. The Corporation next successfully
exerted itself to prevent a public subscription for the families
of the victims, starting at the same time a fund to provide
shoes and stockings for the British troops in Holland. It
next commenced an action for libel against the printer of
a London newspaper called the Star, which had published
504 | THE ANNALS OF BRISTOL | [1793. |
a letter from Bristol accusing Alderman Daubeny of brutal
conduct during the disturbances; but the only apparent
result of this step was the expenditure of about £189 in law
costs. As will shortly be shown, the Chamber became so
unpopular in consequence of the riots that it was found
almost impossible for several years to induce respectable
inhabitants to accept civic honours.
The first and only reference to street watering throughout
the century occurs in the civic accounts for September, 1793,
when ten shillings were paid for two years' watering before
the Council House.
During the year 1793, Dr. Thomas Beddoes, who had
distinguished himself as Reader in Chemistry at the University
of Oxford from 1788 to 1792, but had found further residence
there impracticable owing to his sympathy with the French
Republicans, settled in Clifton, with a view to establishing a
Pneumatic Institute for the treatment of diseases by
inhalation. The reputation of the new comer as a vigorous and
original thinker was already considerable in cultivated
circles, and his fame amongst the visitors to Clifton -
amongst whom the Marquis of Lansdowne, Earl Stanhope,
and Mr. Lambton, father of the first Earl of Durham, were
then conspicuous - soon spread amongst the Whig
inhabitants. The apparatus for the intended experiment was
constructed by James Watt, £1,500 of the outlay being
contributed by Mr. Lambton, and £1,000 by Thomas Wedgwood,
who removed to Clifton to enjoy Beddoes's society. Southey
and Coleridge were also close friends of the doctor, whose
talents and philanthropy they warmly eulogised. The
institution was at length opened in Dowry Square in 1798,
and, though it failed in its professed object, it is memorable
for having fostered the genius of young Humphry Davy,
who was engaged as assistant, and who there discovered the
properties of nitrous-oxide gas in 1799, to Southey's
enthusiastic delight. Dr. Beddoes closed the institution in
1801, and died in December, 1808, at a moment, says Davy,
when his mind was purified for noble affections and great
works. “He had talents which would have raised him to
the highest pinnacle of philosophical eminence if they had
been applied with discretion”.
In a treatise entitled “Of the Hotwell Waters, near
Bristol”, by John Nott, M.D., published in 1793, the writer
briefly refers to “the newly discovered hot spring . . .
discovered some few years since on Clifton hill”. The water
of Sion Spring, as it was called, was obtained by driving a
1793-94.] | IN THE EIGHTEENTH CENTURY. | 505 |
shaft through the limestone to the depth of about 250 feet, at
a great expense to the adventurer, an attorney, named Morgan.
A copious store being, however, reached (the spring yielded
nearly 34,030 gallons daily), a steam engine was erected on
the premises, supply pipes were laid to many neighbouring
houses, and more distant customers were served by carts.
Clifton had been previously deficient in springs, and Mr.
Morgan proved a local benefactor. As the temperature of
the water was 70 degrees, or nearly as high as that of the
Hot Well, a pump-room was erected for visitors, and in June,
1798, Thomas Bird announced that he had fitted up the
premises at a great expense, and had also provided his
patrons with hot baths and a reading room. Although some
physicians had declared the Sion water to possess all the
healing properties of the lower well, and although the
spring was not disturbed, like its more famous rival, by the
spring tides of the Avon, the place was never successful in
attracting visitors. In 1803 the pump room, “calculated for
any genteel business”, was advertised to be let. The baths
were continued for some years. The proprietor, moreover,
obtained a considerable income from private dwellings,
over 300 being eventually furnished with a supply from his
A duel was fought on the 10th December, 1793, in a field
near the Montague inn, Kingsdown, between two officers of
the army. Three shots were fired on each side, and one of
the combatants nearly lost his life from a wound in the leg.
The newspaper report states that the encounter was witnessed
by a number of spectators.
Another attempt was made about this time to establish
cotton weaving as a branch of local industry. An
advertisement of the Bristol Cotton Manufactory, published in January,
1794, stated that the proprietors were offering for sale at their
warehouse, adjoining the factory in Temple Street, a large
stock of calicoes, bed ticks, etc. The concern employed about
250 persons, and seventy looms were at one time in
operation. A small factory for spinning cotton yarn then existed
at Keynsham. The Temple Street works were abandoned
in 1806.
Mr. Burke, the recorder, the “honest Richard” of
Goldsmith's “Retaliation”, having died in February, 1794, the
Common Council, in the following month, appointed Mr.
Vicary Gibbs to the vacant office. The new functionary,
who was knighted on becoming one of the law officers of
the Crown, and subsequently attained the chief justiceship
506 | THE ANNALS OF BRISTOL | [1794. |
of the Common Pleas, gained the name of “Sir Vinegar”
from the acridity of his temper and the sourness of his
language, which spared neither litigants, barristers nor
criminals. (The unfortunate Spencer Perceval asserted on one
occasion that Gibbs's nose would remove iron-moulds from
linen.) Soon after his election, the Common Council
raised the annual honorarium of the recordership from 60
to 100 guineas.
On the 29th April, when much alarm prevailed owing to
the French threats of invasion, a meeting was held in the
Guildhall, to promote measures for increasing the security of
the country. A subscription was opened, which soon reached
nearly £5,000, and it was resolved to raise a regiment of
infantry, to be called the Loyal Bristol Regiment -
subsequently the 103rd of the Line. By offering a bounty of 6
guineas a head, 684 men were soon under the colours, and
the Government appointed Lord Charles Somerset
lieutenant-colonel. The accounts afterwards published showed the
following disbursements:- Bounty, £3,691: extra
accoutrements, 20s. per man, £684; colours and drums, £92; drink
to men on embarking at Pill, £30; flags and ribbons for
recruiting sergeants, £22.
Although the French revolutionists seemed irresistible on
land, they were no match for the English navy. During
the year, to the great joy of Bristolians, the principal West
India colonies of the enemy fell into British hands. About
the end of April the capture of Martinico was announced; a
few weeks later the bells rang a whole day in honour of the
conquest of Guadaloupe, and early in July there were similar
rejoicings at the fall of Port-au-Prince. But the crowning
naval event of the year was Lord Howe's famous victory
over the French fleet on the 1st June, intelligence of
which arrived on the 12th, and excited transports of
enthusiasm. John Weeks, of the Bush inn, in the costume of a
sailor, proposed loyal toasts through a speaking trumpet
from the balcony of his house, drinking innumerable
bumpers in their honour, while his servants distributed
liquor amongst the delighted populace below. In the
evening the city was illuminated.
The local journals of the 28th June announced that Mr.
T. Davis had fitted up a pump-room at the mineral spring
at the Tennis Court house, Hotwell Road. The medicinal
qualities of the spa, originally discovered about 1785, were
alleged to be superior to those of Cheltenham water, and
astonishing cures were said to have been effected. Hot and
cold baths were subsequently constructed - to the annoyance
of the renter of the neighbouring cold baths at Jacob's
Wells, who invited public attention to the superior
advantages of his establishment. In July, 1808, the spa, with its
“pleasant garden bordering on the river”, was advertised to
be let, and in January, 1810, the premises were converted
into “the Mineral Spa coal wharf”, by J. Poole, coal
wharfinger. The Jacob's Wells baths survived their rival
for half a century.
The Corporation account books record a loan, in July, 1794,
from a local bank of which no previous mention has been
found. The proprietors - all men of high standing - were
James Ireland, Philip Protheroe, Henry Bengough, Joseph
Haythorne, and Matthew Wright. The Bristol City Bank,
as it was called, was carried on at 46, High Street, until
1837, when the goodwill was purchased by the National
Provincial Bank, which opened a branch in the old premises.
Until the death of the Rev. John Wesley, the services at
the local Methodist chapels had been held at hours which
permitted the congregations to attend their parish churches
also. In the autumn of 1794, many Wesleyans,
disapproving of the arrangement, urged that the services should be
held simultaneously with those of the churches, while others
protested against any change in Mr. Wesley's system. The
denomination was also divided on another point - the
celebration of the Communion - which had hitherto been
conducted by clergymen who had received episcopal ordination,
though many young Wesleyans contended that the ordinary
ministers of the society were competent for its performance.
In the result, the more fervent followers of Wesley's
precepts continued to observe them at Broadmead and Guinea
Street chapels, whilst their opponents assembled at Portland
Chapel and other meeting houses. A dispute followed with
the trustees of the chapel in the Horsefair, which was
abandoned in 1795 for the newly erected Ebenezer in King
Street, and Wesley's first edifice was opened in December,
1800, for “preaching the Gospel in the Welsh language”.
The Common Council, in September, elected Mr. John
Fisher Weare to the office of mayor. On his refusal to
accept the dignity, Mr. Joseph Harford was appointed, but
also declined. Mr. Joseph Smith then consented to serve.
It is probably significant that during his term of office the
yearly allowance made to each mayor was raised from £1,000
to £1,200. In the course of a few months, three influential
citizens, George Gibbs, Stephen Cave, and Robert Bush, jun.,
508 | THE ANNALS OF BRISTOL | [1794. |
were severally elected councillors, but declined to enter the
Chamber. In September, 1796, Mr, William Weare was
elected mayor, but followed the example of his relative. Mr.
James Harvey was then induced to assume the dignity. So
great was the difficulty encountered in filling vacancies in
the Council that a committee was appointed early in 1796
to consider the matter, and in conformity with its suggestion
the fine for refusing office was increased to £300. The
reluctance of the citizens, however, was not overcome, for
Benjamin Baugh, Philip John Miles, James Brown, Henry
King, and John Pinney soon afterwards refused to serve as
councillors after being elected. A new embarrassment arose
about the same time, several councillors declining to vote
when questions were brought to a division. A case was laid
before the new recorder, to elicit his opinion as to how the
dumb might be made to speak, and the recalcitrants appear
to have submitted to Mr. Gibbs's implied rebuke. In
September, 1796, Mr. Richard Bright and Mr. Evan Baillie
respectively paid the fine of £400 rather than assume the
office of mayor, and Mr. Harvey remained in the civic chair
for another twelvemonth. A little later, Thomas Pierce,
Michael Castle, and Samuel Edwards refused to become
councillors. The unpopularity into which the Corporation
had fallen is sufficiently indicated by this imperfect
summary of its perplexities.
Early in 1794 a thin quarto pamphlet made its
appearance entitled, “Bristol, a Satire”. The anonymous author,
Robert Lovell, was a young Quaker of some talent, who
had married one of three ladies named Fricker, carrying on
business as milliners in Wine Street, his two sisters-in-law,
as will presently be seen, becoming the helpmates of poets
of more lasting fame. Lovell's satire is marked rather by
spleen than force. One of the chief complaints which he
formulated against
Bristol's matchless sons, |
In avarice Dutchmen, and in science Huns, |
was that when they assembled in places of business resort,
their conversation rolled exclusively upon business topics
and commercial news, which does not seem a striking proof
of unintelligence. He rates their stinginess, however, in
permitting the reconstruction of the Infirmary to linger on
from year to year; he mocks their stupidity in still
assembling on 'Change in Corn Street, regardless of the elegant
building raised close by for their accommodation; and he
sneers at the want of taste of a community that refused to
enliven its dulness by supporting winter concerts, though
six entertainments had been offered for a guinea a head.
Some scathing lines follow, denouncing the oppression
practised by the self-elected Corporation, which claimed by
chartered right the privilege of doing wrong. In 1795,
Lovell, in conjunction with his brother-in-law, Southey,
published another volume of “Poems”, now much prized
for its rarity.
The coinage in 1794 was in a state of utter disorganisation.
The silver currency having become worn down to mere slips
of metal, the manufacture of counterfeit coin became the
easiest of processes, and false shillings were sold wholesale
to knavish traders, waiters, etc., at the rate of 4s. 6d. for
twenty. The counterfeiting of halfpence had been going
on for some years, but received a new impulse from the
silver frauds. Unscrupulous employers, buying largely from
the coiners, paid away the worthless metal in wages to their
workmen, and similar iniquity was only too common amongst
low shopkeepers, turnpike men, and others. The evil
became so great that the Bristol newspaper proprietors
announced that halfpence would not be accepted by their
newsmen. Some local tradesmen adopted an opposite course,
offering to receive payments in any coin, but of course
protecting themselves from loss by an unavowed increase of
prices. Two shopkeepers, again, Mr. Niblock, draper, Bridge
Street, and Mr. Bird, tea-dealer, Wine Street, issued
halfpence bearing their respective names. Genuine silver coins
showing any trace of the royal effigy were hoarded, or sold
at a premium, until at length, in 1796, there was such a
scarcity of change as to impede ordinary business. The
production by forgers then became immense. On the 11th
March, 1796, a meeting was held in the Guildhall to take
measures to meet the evil. There being reason to believe
that some inhabitants had leagued themselves with the
coiners in order to plunder the public, it was resolved to
offer rewards for the discovery of the offenders. The device
was fruitless, and the frauds increased enormously during
the year, the London Times remarking in October that
scarce a waggon or coach left the capital that did not carry
boxes of base coin to the provincial towns, “insomuch that
the country is deluged with counterfeit money”. A large
supply of new copper coin was at length furnished in 1797.
In July or August, 1794, Samuel Taylor Coleridge, who
had just conceived a sublime scheme for the regeneration
of humanity, and had inoculated a few youthful associates
510 | THE ANNALS OF BRISTOL | [1794. |
with his own enthusiasm as to its success, visited Bristol
with some of his disciples, for the purpose of starting the
enterprise. It was proposed to establish a philosophical
and social colony, or Pantisocracy, on the banks of the
Susquehanna, in the United States, where a select body of
incorruptible and cultivated men and women would secure
felicity for themselves, whilst striving to regenerate an
effete civilisation by a revival of the communism of
primitive Christianity. (The choice of the locality, it is said, was
mainly due to the poetical beauty of the river's name.)
Amongst the propounder's most zealous supporters were the
Bristol-born Robert Southey, then an Oxford student
disgusted with the Toryism and orthodoxy of his university,
the young Bristol Quaker, Robert Lovell, already noticed,
and George Burnett, the son of a Somerset farmer. Other
converts were expected to arrive from the universities.
Coleridge, with Southey and Burnett, lodged in the
meantime at 48, College Street. [The numbering of the street has
been altered, but the house in question now bears a tablet
commemorating Coleridge's visit.] The dreams of the
youthful philosophers were soon roughly disturbed by an
encounter with the harsh realities of life. They had come
to Bristol to provide themselves with the needful equipage
for their proposed Elysium, the hire of a ship and the
outlay for stores being calmly estimated by Coleridge at about
£1,200. Their combined funds, however, were so limited
that, in order to pay a lodging bill for seven weeks, they
were compelled to ask for a loan of £5 from Joseph Cottle,
poet and bookseller, who then occupied an old house (
afterwards burnt down) at the corner of High Street and Corn
Street. Cottle's liberality to the enthusiasts will be
remembered long after his prosy poetry is forgotten. He not only
relieved their immediate distress, but, with a generosity
uncommon in his trade, offered to give Coleridge and
Southey - then unknown to the public - the sum of £30
each for two volumes of poems, following up this proposal
by promising Southey 100 guineas (in money and books) for
“Joan of Arc”, from which the author - a lifelong victim of
self-admiration - anticipated immortal fame. Coleridge and
Southey next proposed to improve their resources by
delivering lectures in Bristol, the former choosing political and
moral subjects, whilst his friend discoursed on history.
Coleridge's first two lectures were delivered at the Plume of
Feathers inn, Wine Street; others were given at the Cheese
Market, and in a room in Castle Green; and several at the
Assembly Boom Coffee-house, on the Quay. Southey's
twelve lectures (“tickets for the whole course 10s. 6d”.) were
delivered in the Assembly Room, and were, like the others,
well attended, in spite of the unpopular political and
religious opinions of the two orators. Although Coleridge
gladly availed himself of advances from Cottle, the
manuscript of his poems was not forthcoming for many months.
The dreamy philosopher, in fact, was in love, so far as was
compatible with his peculiar nature. Every Pantisocratist,
indeed, was to be married, for in the ideal society the
women were to busy themselves with material affairs, in
order to leave the men at leisure to philosophise and versify
at their ease. A sort of matrimonial epidemic accordingly
broke out in the family of Mrs. Fricker, a schoolmistress on
Redcliff Hill, who had five marriageable daughters. Lovell
had already married one of the young ladies, Southey was
engaged to another, an unnamed Pantisocratist had laid
siege to a third, who was too practical-minded to accept
him, and in October, 1796, Coleridge was married at St.
Mary Redcliff church to a fourth, named Sarah. A
cottage at the then secluded village of Clevedon had been
engaged for the young couple at a rent of £5 yearly, but
Coleridge treated the question of furnishing with
characteristic contempt, and two days after the marriage Cottle
received a hurried epistle requesting him to buy and
forward an assortment of domestic necessaries, including a
tea-kettle, a couple of candlesticks, a dust-pan, two tumblers,
two spoons, a cheese toaster, a pair of slippers, a keg of
porter, and some groceries. Even a bit of carpet would
have been wanting but for the thoughtfulness of a friend.
A Pantisocratic life was thus lived for the first time in
beautiful simplicity. But a residence twelve miles from
books and society was soon found untenable, and Coleridge
removed to Redcliff Hill in December. Robert Southey had
already followed the example of his companion, having
married Edith Fricker in November; but in this case the
couple separated at the door of Redcliff Church, and the
young husband - so poor as to be unable to buy a wedding
ring without Cottle's help - immediately sailed for Lisbon.
His desertion gave the finishing blow to the Pantisocratic
system, for Coleridge's promise of a book in defence of his
social reform - like many other similar promises - was never
fulfilled. He was temporarily diverted, indeed, from his
dreams by the action of the Ministry, who, by their own
admission, determined to revive the despotic legislation of
512 | THE ANNALS OF BRISTOL | [1794. |
the Tudors. Two Bills were brought into Parliament and
speedily passed, by one of which any person who, by speech
or writing, should incite “contempt” of the Government
or of the unreformed House of Uommons was rendered
liable to transportation for seven years; while by the other
the right of public meeting was practically set aside, and
the penalty of death was incurred by any twelve persons
who remained assembled, even in a peaceable manner, for
one hour after a magistrate had ordered them to disperse.
Against proposals which he deemed monstrous, Coleridge
was aroused to protest warmly. He delivered an address on
the 26th November “in the Great Room, at the Pelican inn,
Thomas Street; admission, one shilling”; and followed this
up by two pamphlets, “Conciones ad Populum”, and “The
Plot Discovered”, in which he emphatically denounced the
tyrannical policy of Mr. Pitt. (According to Mr. Fitzgerald,
the ablest authority on the subject, Coleridge was at this
period constantly “overshadowed” by one of the army of
spies maintained by the Government.) Various literary
projects were next contemplated, Coleridge eventually
resolving to publish a periodical miscellany, “to supply the
places of a review, newspaper and annual register”. About
370 subscribers were obtained in Bristol; the roll was
increased to 1,000 by a canvass made by the author himself
in the great manufacturing towns; and on the 1st
March, 1796, the first number was issued of The Watchman,
price four-pence, which was to appear every eighth day, in
order to avoid the heavy tax on newspapers. About half
the subscribers, however, were lost by the publication in the
second number of an article on public fasts, containing an
unlucky Scriptural quotation (“My bowels shall sound like
a harp”, Isaiah xvi.); the two next alienated the admirers
of the French Republic; and the tenth intimated that The
Watchman had run its course, as “the work did not pay its
expenses”. The loss entailed by the publication was chiefly
borne by Cottle. Coleridge, in the meantime, had removed
from Redcliff Hill to Kingsdown, where his son Hartley was
born. He was at this period an occasional preacher in
Unitarian chapels, and Cottle gives an account of two
characteristic performances in a Bath pulpit, where the
philosopher, attired in a blue coat and white waistcoat,
scared away the congregations by discoursing on the corn
laws and the new tax on hair powder. During the summer,
urged by his friend Mr. Thomas Poole, of Nether Stowey,
he removed to a cottage at that place, and his preaching
came to an end. In 1797, Cottle published a second edition
of Coleridge's poems, to which were added several pieces by
his young friends, Charles Lamb and Charles Lloyd. In the
same year, Coleridge published in a Bristol newspaper a
poem on the death of Burns, which resulted in a handsome
local contribution to the fund for the relief of the poet's
family. In 1798, Mr. Thomas Wedgwood, then residing
at Cote House, Durdham Down, determined, in conjunction
with his brother Josiah, to allow Coleridge £150 yearly for
life, and the munificent gift led to the recipient's departure
from the West of England. Before leaving for Germany
with Wordsworth, who had also been living near Stowey,
Coleridge induced Cottle to give 30 guineas for another
volume of poems, containing the Lyrical Ballads of his new
friend (Wordsworth's first work), and his own immortal
“Ancient Mariner”. The book fell almost still-born from
the press, and the enterprising publisher, who soon
afterwards retired from business, was informed by Messrs.
Longman that the copyright was valueless. The sufferer
presented it to Wordsworth, and afterwards consoled himself
for his loss by reminding the public that he, a Bristol
tradesman, had secured himself the fame - rejected by the
great London houses - of publishing the first works of four
of the most eminent writers of his generation.
An accident illustrating the dangers of the harbour
occurred on the 24th September, 1794. The Esther, a new
ship, which had just arrived from Barbadoes with a cargo
of 519 hhds. of sugar and other goods, fell on her beam ends
at ebb tide, and the whole of her contents, valued at many
thousand pounds, was practically destroyed. The captain
and crew had displayed remarkable gallantry a few days
before reaching Kingroad. The Esther, which had only 18
men and 3 boys, was attacked by a French privateer with
20 six-pounders and about 140 men, but after an
engagement lasting from 6 o'clock in the evening until 9 the
following morning, the determined resistance of the
Englishmen forced the enemy to sheer off.
A curiously shaped coach, running upon eight wheels, was
introduced into the district about this time. Two of the
vehicles were running daily between Bristol and Bath in
November, 1794, carrying outside passengers at 1s. and
inside at 2s. each, and performing the journey in 2½ hours.
Southey mentions a Bristol coach to Birmingham carrying
16 persons inside, which must have been constructed on the
same principle.
514 | THE ANNALS OF BRISTOL | [1794-95. |
The Incorporation of the Poor, in spite of former failures,
determined in 1794 to establish a manufactory at the
workhouse for the employment of the youthful inmates. The
making of flannels having been resolved upon, a building
for the purpose was erected at St. Peter's Hospital. In
1799 it was reported that raw material had been purchased
at a cost of £1,660, while the total sum obtained for the
manufactured goods was only £1,394. The factory was
thereupon closed, the premises being converted into wards
for the greatly increased number of paupers.
The refusal of sailors to enter the navy led to an unusual
stretch of power in February, 1795. By an Order in Council
an embargo was placed on the merchant shipping and trows
lying in the ports, and an Act was passed in the following
month, ordaining that no British vessel should be permitted
to clear outwards until the port at which it lay had
furnished the navy with the number of seamen prescribed
in the statute. The numbers fixed for the chief ports afford
only too striking evidence of the comparative decline of
Bristol shipping. London was required to find 5,704 men;
Liverpool, 1,711; Newcastle, 1,240; Hull, 731; the Clyde
ports, 683; Sunderland, 669; Bristol, 666. It may be
interesting to show the relative positions of the other local
ports. Gloucester was required to furnish 28 men; Chepstow
(of which Newport was a creek), 38; Cardiff, 14; Bridgwater,
26; Minehead, 18; Swansea, 86; and Ilfracombe, 49. To
quicken the recruiting, the Admiralty offered bounties of 26
guineas a head to able seamen, 20 guineas to ordinary
seamen, and 16 guineas to landsmen. The Bristol
contingent (half of the men being landsmen) was completed in
May, when the embargo was removed. By another Act,
passed in the same session, a further levy of men was made
upon the kingdom generally, Gloucestershire, including
Bristol, being required to produce 201. (The Corporation
was greatly offended at the city being included in the
shire, and refused to co-operate with the county authorities.)
The manner in which the demand was met is shown by the
minutes of the vestry of St. Stephen's parish, the clerk
being ordered on the 10th September to make a rate to raise
£60 13s. 6d, “to pay bounties to three seamen raised by the
parish for the use of his Majesty's Navy”. The recruitment
of the army presented similar difficulties. The Crown
debtors in Bristol and other gaols were offered their liberty
provided they would join a marching regiment, and in
October a number of felons awaiting transportation were
treated in the same manner. The unpopularity of the
forces was largely due to the abuses that prevailed. In
the course of the year the Duke of York, commander in
chief, issued a circular to the colonels of regiments,
demanding a return to be made of the number of captaincies held
by boys under 12 years of age - many commissions being in
fact sinecures enjoyed by lads at school.
The manufacture of cloth, once the most important of
local industries, rapidly declined during the later years of
the century, scarcely any attempt having been made to
compete with the Yorkshire clothiers in the production of
more popular fabrics. A Bristol cloth mill “at the One Mile
Stone, Stapleton Road”, was offered for sale in March, 1795,
and is the last mentioned in the newspapers.
The following amusing illustration of the lawlessness of
the Kingswood district has been found in the London Times
of April, 1795. “Monday last, two bailiffs' followers made
a seizure for rent at a house in Kingswood, near Bristol. An
alarm being given, they were surrounded by a number of
colliers, who conveyed them to a neighbouring coal-pit, and
let them down, where they were suffered to remain till about
2 the next morning, when they were had up, and, each
having a glass of gin and some gingerbread given him, were
immersed again in the dreary bowels of the earth, where
they were confined, in all, nearly 24 hours. On being
released they were made to pay a fine of 6s. 8d. each for their
lodging, and take an oath never to trouble, or molest, any of
them again”.
The use of starch or flour for “powdering” the hair was
long universal amongst the upper and middle classes of both
sexes. A duty of 3¼d. per lb. was imposed on starch in 1787,
and produced a considerable sum. In 1795, Mr. Pitt, fancying
that he could raise a still greater revenue out of hair powder,
placed a tax on those who adopted it; but merely hastened
a reform which was already imminent. Powdering having
been dropped in France at the Revolution, many youthful
Englishmen followed the example; and when a succession
of bad harvests raised flour to a famine price, the absurdity
of diminishing the food supply for the sake of disfiguring a
natural ornament was soon widely recognised. A
correspondent of Felix Farley's Journal of the 16th May estimated
the cost of powder to be at least 3 guineas per head yearly,
and suggested that the amount saved by giving it up should
be devoted to the relief of the distressed poor. Strangely
enough, the military authorities persisted for some years in
516 | THE ANNALS OF BRISTOL | [1795. |
requiring the infantry and militia to powder their heads, and
when volunteering became popular, in 1797, the Government
sought to encourage the movement by exempting citizen
soldiers from the tax on hair powder.
The distress caused by the dearth was exceeding great,
and every class was required to make sacrifices happily
unknown to a later age. The harvest of the year proved even
more deficient than that of 1794, and George III. gave
orders that the bread used in his household should be made
of mixed wheat and rye, an example extensively followed.
The families of small tradesmen and working men were
reduced to eat a bread composed of equal proportions of flour
and potatoes. But even food of this kind was above the
reach of the poor, who were occasionally driven to
desperation by hunger, and on June 6th the populace
attacked the butchers' shops in the High Street Market,
carried off a quantity of meat, and sacked a (baker's?) shop.
Riots also occurred in the eastern suburbs, and the
Kingswood colliers seized several cartloads of corn on the way to
market. But all these incidents were unreported in the
newspapers, from a foolish dread that publicity might tend
to increase the disorders. Our information on the subject is
chiefly derived from the civic minute books:- “June 26:
Expenses incurred during the late riots in the
neighbourhood of this city, £119 6s. 9d.”; “Sept. 5, Resolved that
an additional sum of £500 be paid to the mayor in
consideration of extra expenses by a military force being called in to
suppress the riots caused by the high price of provisions”.
In July a public meeting was held to take measures for
relieving the distress, at which it was announced that the
sheriffs would curtail the entertainments given at the assizes,
and contribute the cost of one banquet (£120) to the fund.
Large subscriptions were offered, and daily distributions of
rice and other grain at reduced prices were soon after
established. The Corporation ordered the purchase of several
cargoes of wheat and flour, which were sold to bakers at prime
cost, the loss incurred by these transactions being more than
covered by sales at market price to the distressed
inhabitants of the adjoining counties. In August the average price
of wheat rose to the unprecedented sum of 106s. 9d. per
quarter. The magistrates had already forbidden the manufacture
of bread made from fine flour, and for nearly two years more
(the harvest of 1796 being also a failure) wheat had to be
largely supplemented by barley, peas, rice, and potatoes.
One of the consequences of the dearth was a great advance
1795-96.] | IN THE EIGHTEENTH CENTURY. | 517 |
in the charges of boarding schools. In September, 1795, Mr.
George Pocock opened a boarding school on St. Michael's
Hill, where his fee for boys was 26 guineas each per annum.
Pocock was a man of great mechanical ingenuity. His kite
carriage is described in the Annals of the Nineteenth
Century. Southey states that he also invented a machine
for thrashing his scholars, which they called a “royal patent
self-acting ferule”.
The ill-fated marriage of George, Prince of Wales, seems
to have provoked little rejoicing. The corporate cash book,
however, records a payment of £124 6s. 10d. “expenses
attending the presentation of an address to the King, and
compliments to the Prince on the occasion”. The cost of
the civic deputations was mainly due to the mode in which
they travelled. Three post chaises, each with four horses,
were engaged for the aldermen, sheriffs, and chief officers,
and a mysterious chariot followed. The journey each way
occupied three days, and as turtle was carried in the chariot,
the aldermen could not trust the delicacy to the country
kitchen-maids, and the fish kettle was accompanied by a
skilful cook and all his implements.
The commerce of the country was still largely carried on
in vessels the dwarfishness of which would now excite
astonishment. Many of the Bristol ships that conveyed
emigrants to America did not exceed 100 tons registered burden.
Felix Farley's Journal of July 25th, 1795, reports the arrival
in Kingroad of a vessel “called the Jenny, of 75 tons, the
property of S. Teast, Esq., after making a voyage round the
world in one year and ten months”. The commerce of the
port diminished greatly during the early years of the war.
In 1792 the vessels paying mayor's dues numbered 480. In
1796 the total was only 304.
On the 27th November the Duke of York, after reviewing
two militia regiments on Durdham Down, paid a visit to
Bristol, and was presented with the freedom of the city. A
grand dinner followed at the Mansion House, for which the
mayor was voted an additional allowance of £212.
Mention was made at page 256 of the gunpowder
magazine at Tower Harritz, from which privateers and merchant
vessels obtained supplies of ammunition. In despite of its
perilous character, the magazine existed down to the close of
the century, and was so carelessly guarded that in April,
1796, its owners, Messrs. Elton, Ames and Co., offered a
reward for the discovery of thieves who had broken into the
premises and stolen four barrels of powder.
518 | THE ANNALS OF BRISTOL | [1796. |
A dissolution of Parliament took place in May, 1796, when
the Marquis of Worcester withdrew from Bristol to offer
himself for Gloucestershire. Mr. Charles Bragge came
forward in the Tory interest. Lord Sheffield solicited reelection,
but had lost the confidence of many Whigs owing to his
support of all the Government measures, especially those for
suspending the Habeas Corpus Act and restricting the liberty
of the press. The dissidents accordingly brought forward
Mr. Benjamin Hobhouse, a native of Bristol, and member of
the Merchants' Company. [Mr. Hobhouse's son, long
afterwards created Baron Broughton for distinguished political
services, was at this time being educated in the famous
school conducted by the Rev. Dr. Estlin on St. Michael's
Hill]. A coalition was immediately formed between the
Tory leaders and the friends of Lord Sheffield, who were
numerous in the Corporation. The nomination took place
on the 27th May, and the poll opened on the same day, when
Mr. Bragge received 364 votes. Lord Sheffield 340, and Mr.
Hobhouse 102. The last named gentleman withdrew the
same evening, but the eccentric David Lewis, for whom two
votes had been tendered, kept the poll open for several hours
on the following day. The final figures were - Mr. Bragge,
714; Lord Sheffield, 679; Mr. Hobhouse, 102; Mr Lewis, 4.
The freemen were afterwards feasted at the joint expense of
the new members. Lord Sheffield was unpopular amongst
the labouring classes, and, in consequence of the prominent
part taken on his behalf by the mayor and some of the
aldermen, a mob demolished the windows of the Mansion House,
of the Council House, and of the Bush hotel (Lord Sheffield's
Trinity Chapel, appertaining to Barstaple's Hospital in
Old Market Street, was rebuilt during the summer at a cost
of £454. The mean and ugly structure produced for this sum
has been since demolished in its turn.
An illustration of the ecclesiastical abuses of the time
occurs in the minutes of a Common Council meeting held on
the 3rd October. A memorial was presented by the Rev.
Joseph Atwell Small, D.D., incumbent of St. James's and
vicar of St. Paul's, representing that he had been offered
two vicarages in Monmouthshire, but that his acceptance of
them would not only cause him to vacate the rectory of
Burnsall, Yorkshire, but jeopardise his right to hold his two
livings in Bristol. He therefore prayed the Chamber to
guarantee him against this further deprivation, and the
Council complaisantly resolved that no advantage should be
1796-97.] | IN THE EIGHTEENTH CENTURY. | 519 |
taken of the possible avoidance of the two incumbencies.
Dr. Small, who also held a prebend at Gloucester, presented
another modest petition in June, 1799. It set forth that he
desired to exchange the living of St. James's for the
vicarage of Congresbury and chapelry of Wick St. Lawrence
(held by the Rev. T.T. Biddulph). If permission to do so
were granted, he undertook to exchange his two
Monmouthshire livings for the rectory of Whitestaunton, Somerset, and
he prayed the Chamber to permit him to remain in
possession of the vicarage of St. Paul's, Bristol. The Corporation
assented to all the requests of the reverend pluralist.
Moreover, when he subsequently died insolvent, his
“dilapidations” at Congresbury were defrayed out of the civic
The West India trade of the port fell off to a surprising
extent during the later years of the century. Out of a fleet
of a hundred Jamaica merchantmen convoyed by the Royal
Navy in 1796, only 7 vessels belonged to Bristol, 66 hailing
from London, and 28 from Liverpool. In the Leeward
Islands fleet of 97 ships in the same year, the Bristol vessels
numbered only 14. In 1797 the Jamaica fleet comprised 144
merchantmen, of which 17 were bound for Bristol, while in
1798 the Bristol ships numbered 16 out of 150. Owing to
the amazing decline in imports, the local sugar refineries
had to look for supplies in other markets. Felix Farley's
Journal of March 29th, 1800, records that “several cargoes
of West Indian and American produce have been recently
imported into this city from Liverpool”.
Previous to 1796, the difficulty of adequately lighting
churches and chapels with candles or smoky lamps rendered
evening services uncommon. The newly invented Argand
burner, however, reached England about this time, and
worked a little social revolution, brilliant lighting being
thenceforth only a question of expense. An evening
lectureship was soon after established at St. Werburgh's. Evening
services were nevertheless rare until a quarter of a century
The threats of the French Directory to spread republican
principles by fire and sword, and to crush English
opposition by a conquest of the island, were continuous
throughout 1796. An army was drawn up on the coast of Normandy,
where extensive preparations were made for the menaced
invasion. The English Government raised an additional
militia force of 60,000 to meet this peril, but the successes
of the French in Italy inspired apprehensions as to the
520 | THE ANNALS OF BRISTOL | [1797. |
national security, and a feeling gradually arose in favour of
a general armament of the country. Felix Farley's Journal
of February 18th, 1797, stated that a body of “provisional
cavalry” was being formed, and that a number of merchants
and tradesmen, who had entered into an association with a
view to guarding the prisoners of war at Stapleton in case
the militia should be called away for active service, would
hold a meeting that day to extend the movement. A
numerously attended gathering consequently took place in
the Guildhall, Evan Baillie, Esq., in the chair, when it was
resolved to establish a “Military Volunteer Association”.
The proposed corps was to be of infantry, 1,000 strong, and
to be called the Bristol Volunteers, commanded by two
lieutenant colonels, two majors, ten captains, ten lieutenants,
and ten ensigns, the whole force to serve without pay. (The
lieutenants were afterwards increased to twenty-two.)
The Government were expected to furnish muskets, field
pieces, ammunition, and drums; also the pay of an adjutant,
ten sergeants, and ten drummers; and it was stipulated
that in no exigency should the corps be removed above one
day's march from Bristol. The mayor for the time being
was nominated honorary colonel; Messrs. Evan Baillie (Park
Row) and William Gore (Brislington) were recommended to
the Crown as suitable lieutenant colonels, and Thomas
Kington (Rodney Place) and Thomas Haynes (Castle Green) were
designated majors. The opening of a subscription, to provide
uniforms for the less wealthy Volunteers, closed the
proceedings. The movement received a powerful stimulus by
the landing of 1,400 French troops, four days later, in
Pembrokeshire, for although the incapable commander
surrendered in a few hours, the incident showed that the navy
was an uncertain security against invasion. On the 2nd
March, when the Volunteers were still without arms, a lively
sensation was caused by a report that another French force
had landed in South Wales, and was advancing on Bristol.
The Bucks Militia and a few regular troops, quartered in
the city, received immediate orders to march to Pill, where
they embarked in pilot skiffs for Tenby. Many citizens
volunteered wagons and horses for the conveyance of the
baggage, others liberally regaled the soldiers, and to
provide them with comforts during the voyage nearly £100
were collected from the crowd assembled in College Green
to witness their departure. A few militiamen had been
reserved to guard the 2,000 French prisoners at Stapleton,
but the Volunteers prevailed upon Lord Buckingham to
despatch those men also, undertaking to perform the
necessary duty. (When the alarm was at its height, it was
proposed that the prisoners should be lowered into the
Kingswood collieries of the Duke of Beaufort and Lord
Middleton, and this would probably have been done if the
city had been seriously menaced.) In the evening, however,
the reported invasion proved a hoax, and the troops returned
to their quarters. The Government, through the Duke of
Portland, eulogised the patriotic zeal of the citizens, and the
ranks of the Volunteers rapidly increased. Mr. Evan Baillie
was afterwards gazetted as acting colonel, when Capt.
Thomas Tyndall was promoted to the vacant lieutenant
colonelcy. As the list of officers published in a local history
is exceedingly incorrect, it may be as well to give the names
of the gentlemen originally nominated by the corps and
appointed by the Crown as captains and lieutenants:- No. 1
Company; Ralph Montague (Montague Street) and Azariah
Pinney (Great George Street). No. 2 Comp.; Robert Claxton
(Park Street) and Ralph Montague, jun. (Park Street). No.
3 Comp.; John Lambert (Clifton) and Henry King (St.
Augustine's Back). No. 4 Comp.; John Span (Clifton) and
J.S. Riddle (Portland Square). No. 6 Comp.; Gabriel
Goldney (Clifton) and Thomas Corser (RedcliiF Street). No.
6 Comp.; Charles Payne (Queen's Parade) and Thomas Hill
(Orchard Street). No. 7 Comp.; Joseph Bisset (Clifton) and
George Gibbs (Park Street). No. 8 Comp.; Robert Bush
(College Green) and H. Tobin (Berkeley Square). No. 9
Comp.; Thomas Tyndall (Berkeley Square) and John
Gordon (Cleeve Hill). No. 10 Comp.; Philip John Miles
(Clifton) and John Foy Edgar (Park Row). Mr. Stephen
Cave (Brunswick Square) was quartermaster. Mr. W.B.
Elwyn (Berkeley Square) was captain of a cavalry corps,
called the Bristol Light Horse Volunteers, subsequently
formed into two troops under Richard Pearsall and Levi
Ames, John Vaughan and John Wedgwood being
lieutenants. Both corps were presented with colours by the
ladies of Bristol, and at their first review on Durdham
Down the steadiness of the citizen soldiers won general
applause. The corps at one time numbered nearly 1,600
effectives, exclusive of a Clifton corps of 132 and a Westbury
corps of 136 men. The dress of the Volunteers has been
preserved to posterity by two life-size marble figures
sculptured upon the monument in the Cathedral to the memory
of Lieutenant Colonel Gore. Many influential citizens
served in the ranks, and somewhat fabulous statements
522 | THE ANNALS OF BRISTOL | [1797. |
have been made as to the personal wealth represented by
some of the companies.
Southey states in his Common Place Book that during
the alarm of invasion the Rev. Samuel Seyer, the Bristol
historian, furnished the boys in his boarding school with
arms, and that the lads seriously thought of shooting their
master, whose fondness for excessive punishments was
abnormal even in those days. Their design was, however,
discovered, and the affair was hushed up.
The French landing in Wales, in spite of its ludicrous
failure, caused a financial convulsion throughout the country.
The hoarding of gold had become prevalent in the later
months of 1796, in consequence of the invasion alarms, and
when news arrived of an actual descent, a rush was made
on the banks for repayment of their notes. On Saturday,
the 25th February, the bullion in the Bank of England was
reduced to £1,272,000, with every prospect of being
exhausted on the following Monday. The Privy Council,
however, met on Sunday, and ordered the Bank to suspend
cash payments. As the step was calculated to increase the
panic and augment the demands on private bankers, a
meeting, hurriedly convened by the mayor at the suggestion
of the Government, was held at the Mansion House, Bristol,
on Monday morning, when about seventy leading citizens
(including many bankers) passed a resolution earnestly
recommending the citizens to receive local bank notes in
lieu of cash, and advising the banks to make no payments
in specie, and to demand none in discharge of bills. The
excitement afterwards gradually died away.
The Common Council, in March, 1797, presented the
freedom of the city to Sir John Jervis, afterwards Earl St.
Vincent, in honour of his brilliant victory over the French
and Spanish fleets. In September a similar compliment
was paid to Admiral Nelson, and in the following month to
Lord Duncan for his triumph at Camperdown.
General Kosciusko, the celebrated Polish patriot, arrived
in Bristol on the 13th June on his way to the United States,
and was received with enthusiastic tokens of sympathy.
The sheriffs tendered the congratulations of the civic body,
but he became the guest of the American Consul until his
embarkation. On the 17th, the general was presented by a
deputation of citizens with an address eulogising his
character and heroism, accompanied by a piece of plate, value 100
guineas. The exile sailed on the 19th amidst renewed
demonstrations of respect.
The newspapers of the 24th June announced that Edward
Bird, portrait, historical and landscape painter, had opened
an evening drawing-school for young gentlemen - the first,
so far as is known, attempted in the city. The academy
was situated in what would now be deemed a strange
locality, “Temple Back, near the Passing Slip” (a much
frequented ferry). Mr. Bird's terms were as humble as was
his residence. His fee for each pupil was one guinea a quarter
for three lessons a week “from 5 to 7 o'clock”. The talented
artist attained the rank of Royal Academician, but his merits
were ignored by the city of his adoption, and he died, as he
had lived, in poverty.
The ordnance officers charged with the first
trigonometrical survey of the kingdom (commenced in 1784) pitched
their tents on Dundry hill about the end of July, and
commenced their work in this district. Three weeks later the
camp - which caused great disquietude in the agricultural
community, to whom the supposed magical powers of the
surveying instruments suggested alarming intentions on the
part of the Government - was removed to Lansdown. The
local maps formed upon this survey were not published until
twenty years afterwards.
The Common Council, in October, granted permission to
the Rev. T. Broughton, rector of St. Peter's, to hold with
that living the incumbency of Westbury, the chapelry of
Redland and the chapelry of Shirehampton.
The defenceless state of the Bristol Channel naturally
created much uneasiness at a time when the French
Government was constantly threatening invasion. At a meeting
of the aldermanic body, in October, it was resolved to
address the Admiralty, drawing attention to the fact that
between Lundy Island and Kingroad there was not a single
fortified point of land, and praying that a gunboat be
stationed off Portishead and another in the Bristol Channel.
It was also resolved to make an appeal to the Duke of York
for the erection of signal posts to guard against a surprise,
and for the fortifying of certain points for the security of
the harbour. The authorities held a deaf ear to these
applications, apparently in the hope that the citizens would
protect themselves. In April, 1798, the Admiralty
recommended that all the serviceable long-boats in the port should
be armed with cannon for the purpose of being used as
gunboats at Kingroad, but neither men, arms nor ammunition
were offered by the Government. A Pill row-boat and a
ship's long-boat were shortly afterwards armed by a local
524 | THE ANNALS OF BRISTOL | [1797. |
committee. A battery at the mouth of the Avon appears to
have been constructed about the same time, and the old
works at Portishead were repaired and garrisoned.
The local newspapers of the 18th November announced
that two well-known surgeons, Mr. Francis C. Bowles and
Mr. Richard Smith, were about to deliver a course of
anatomical lectures at the Red Lodge. The movement was
initiated by Dr. Beddoes, who induced the Marquis of
Lansdowne, Earl Stanhope, and other friends then
sojourning at Clifton to guarantee the lecturers from loss. The
course, however, was so popular that, including £50
presented by the guarantors, a profit was made of about £140.
The two surgeons subsequently determined to found a
permanent School of Anatomy, and, having purchased a
house in Trinity Street, they built a theatre on the stables
behind it. But Mr. Bowles having died soon afterwards, the
premises were transferred to a Philosophical Society; on the
breaking up of which they were purchased by Dr. Kentish,
who fitted them up for hot baths - the first, apparently, in
the city. In 1806 Mr. Thomas Shute built an anatomical
theatre at the end of College Street, where he lectured for
nine years, thus practically founding the Bristol Medical
School. In 1813, Mr. Frank Gold opened a rival
establishment over part of the cloisters of the Cathedral. (The site
is identified in O'Neil's view of the cloisters, a skeleton
being depicted as looking out of the window of Gold's room.)
After Mr. Shute's death, in 1816, Dr. Wallis occupied his
theatre until 1822, when new rooms were built in the
Bishop's Park, behind College Street. In the meantime
Mr. Goodeve began lecturing over the cloisters in 1819, and
continued to do so until about 1827. The extraordinary
attachment of the professors for the Cathedral precincts
will he remarked throughout these changes. In 1826 Mr.
Clarke began to lecture in King Square. About 1830, a
new school was erected in Park Square, behind College
Street. Finally the long continued rivalry gave place to
co-operation, and the Bristol Medical School was opened in
Old Park on the 14th October, 1834, when Mr. Richard
Smith delivered an opening address, from which the above
facts have been derived.
On the 17th November, 1797, an obstinately fought duel
took place near Durdham Down between Lieut.-Colonel
Sykes, of the Berkshire Militia, and Mr. Charles F. Williams,
a barrister, and one of the Bristol Volunteers. Four shots
were exchanged on each side at ten paces distance, and on
1797-98.] | IN THE EIGHTEENTH CENTURY. | 525 |
each occasion one or other of the combatants had his clothes
pierced by a ball. Eventually both were wounded, though
not seriously, and the affair terminated with mutual
apologies. The encounter arose out of some remarks made by
Williams in a newspaper on the rude conduct of a militia
officer at a concert.
On the 23rd February, 1798, at a time when Consols had
fallen to 48, and the Government were extremely
embarrassed to find means for maintaining the war, a meeting was
held in the Guildhall to consider the best means of
supporting the Ministry. To stimulate the enthusiasm of the
citizens, Felix Farley's Journal of the 17th published the orders
alleged to have been issued by General Hoche, the
commander of the French troops that landed in Wales, to
Colonel Tate, one of his subordinates. “The destruction of
Bristol”, said this document, “is of the very last importance,
and every possible effort should be made to accomplish it”.
Tate was directed to sail up the Avon at night, land about
five miles from the mouth on the right bank, and set fire to
the quarter lying to windward, which would produce the
total ruin of the town, the port, the docks and the vessels.
The mayor, who presided at the meeting, reminded his
hearers of the patriotic exertions of the citizens in 1745,
when they raised such a sum for the defence of the country
as excited the surprise of the whole kingdom. It was
resolved to open a voluntary subscription. The list was
headed by the Corporation, which voted £1,000, “after taking
into consideration the low state of its finances”. The mayor
gave £500, the Society of Merchants £600, Messrs. J. Hill
and Sons £600, Mr. J. Powell, Messrs. A. Drummond and
Son. Mr. T. Tyndall, Mr. L. Ames, Mr. Jos. Harford, and
Messrs. W. Miles and Son £500 each, the Dean and Chapter,
Mr. Evan Baillie, Mr. J. Ireland, and Mr. S. Worrall, £400
each, and Messrs. J. Cave and Co. promised £300 annually
during the war. The vestry of St. Stephen's, partaking in
the enthusiasm, deprived itself of the Easter feast usually
given by one of the churchwardens, and the official in
question subscribed 20 guineas to the fund “in lieu of the
dinner”. Another item in the subscription list was:-
“Nancy Bendall, out of her parish pay, 2d.” The
newspapers of April 7th stated that the fund then amounted to
£31,300). At the same date the LiveriX)ol subscription stood
at £17,000, that at Manchester £20,000, and that at
Birmingham £10,000. The local fund ultimately reached £33,260,
but £4,070 of that sum were offered “in lieu of assessed taxes”.
526 | THE ANNALS OF BRISTOL | [1798. |
Sir William Sydney Smith, who had been captured by
the French during the siege of Toulon, but had escaped from
prison after two years' ill-treatment, arrived in Bristol on the
26th May, 1798, and took up his quarters at the White Hart
hotel. Broad Street, which was surrounded by thousands of
citizens. “It is impossible”, says a local journalist, “to
describe the ecstacy of the populace for many hours”. Sir
Sydney posted himself at a window, where he proposed and
drank numberless patriotic toasts amidst the acclamations
of the crowd. Before his departure, three days later, the
future “hero of Acre” was magnificently entertained at the
Mansion House.
Felix Farley's Journal announced in June, 1798, that
Traitor's Bridge, Wade Street, had been rebuilt, and was to
be thenceforth called Froom Bridge. Popular appellations
are rarely altered by authority, but the above order was not
without some effect. Half a century later, although the term
Traitor's Bridge was still remembered, many residents in the
locality applied the name to another bridge, originally
known as Quakers' Bridge from its propinquity to the
Quakers' Almshouse.
Peculiar ideas as to recruiting the army and navy still
lingered in magisterial minds. At the gaol delivery in 1798
a man named Thomas Brown was sentenced to death for
forgery; but the mayor and aldermen, deeming it absurd
to deprive the country of an able-bodied man when such
men were hard to catch for the forces, besought the Duke
of Portland to pardon the felon on condition of his entering
the army. The Grovernment manifested unusual
squeamishness in responding to this application. As already stated,
convicts under sentence of transportation had been permitted to
enter the army in 1795. The Duke, however, now replied
that the War Office objected to enroll convicts; but if the
magistrates approved he would direct Brown to be pardoned.
The mayor and aldermen declined to ask for the criminal's
discharge, and he was probably transported. As three men
were hanged in the city for forgery only six months later,
without the justices stirring a finger to save their lives, it is
clear that their action in Brown's case was not inspired by
any antipathy to the sanguinary punishments of the age.
The dirty and ill-regulated condition of even the most
frequented streets of the city was noticed in the records of
the earliest years of the century, and continued with little
improvement until its close. Frequent complaints were
raised in the newspapers of this period respecting the
heaps of mud permitted to encumber the thoroughfares,
the absence of foot pavements in many streets, and the
pitiful lighting arrangements through which the lamps
often became extinguished before 8 o'clock in the evening.
A local journal of October 27th, 1798, stated that a man had
just been convicted for suffering seven pigs to wander in
the streets. In the following week three men were fined
for a similar offence, and three more cases occurred a week
later. On the last occasion Felix Farley's Journal, which
had previously complained of the filthiness of the
thoroughfares, added:- “The city and its environs are much infested
by such irregularities. Pigs, goats, and other animals are
suffered to wander about the streets with impunity”. A
writer in the Monthly Magazine (May, 1799) condemns
another local nuisance, “the barbarous custom of using
sledges in the public streets for the carriage of goods, which
are continually endangering the limbs both of men and
cattle”. The inefficiency of the lighting arrangements,
producing only “a visible obscurity”, was repeatedly urged
on the authorities by the newspapers. Reforms were
constantly postponed, however, owing to the distrust in
which the Corporation was held by the citizens, and to the
arrogance of the former in maintaining its ancient rights.
The inhabitants were willing to be taxed for carrying
out an efficient system of police, but they required the
money to be administered by elected commissioners. The
civic body demanded that the control of the arrangements
should remain, as before, in itself. The dispute, which
excited much bitterness of feeling, continued for many
It may possibly have been to the dangers and difficulties
of the streets that another social shortcoming was
attributable. Felix Farley's Journal of December 16th, 1798,
observes:- “The deficiency of public amusements in this
populous and opulent city is not only a constant source of
complaint to persons visiting it, but is also the subject of
frequent regret to a great number of the respectable
inhabitants”. The writer in the Monthly Magazine referred to in
the last paragraph uttered a similar reproach:- “Perhaps
there is no place in England where public and social
amusements are so little attended to as here”. He added that the
inhabitants had been in consequence stigmatised for their
want of taste, and described as sordid devotees of Plutus,
but that a more plausible reason for the monotonous dulness
was to be found in the number of dissenters in Bristol.
528 | THE ANNALS OF BRISTOL | [1798. |
Whatever may have been the cause of the singularity, so
strikingly in contrast with contemporary descriptions of
life in Norwich, York, Newcastle, and other towns, its
existence is beyond question. Nevertheless, in Mr. Seyer's
MSS. is a paper in the historian's handwriting, penned
about the end of the century, which shows that a
fashionable gathering known as a “rout”, invented in London, had
its local devotees. With a commendable regard for readers
of the present day, Mr. Seyer wrote:- “It is possible that a
hundred years hence an account of that species of
entertainment called a Rout may be curious to those who take a
pleasure in watching the passing manners of a nation. A
Rout is a large assembly of ladies and gentlemen meeting
by invitation at the house of some friend, so that Assembly
Rooms are ruined. The tickets of invitation are usually
sent out near a month before the time appointed, in which
tickets the expression is 'to tea and cards', or 'for the
evening', or the like, the word Rout being a word of
Undress, and never used formally though in every one's
mouth. A company of less than forty would scarcely be
called a rout, and there have been some here at which 200
persons have assembled; and as not many houses can
furnish accommodations for such a party, some ladies have
removed partitions and taken down beds in order to gain a
room or two, for the greater the crowd the more honoured
the entertainment: and sometimes you can scarce stir, and
find no place to sit in but a staircase. Theu carriages begin
to drive up to the door about 8 o'clock; a servant at the
door of the first apartment announces the name of each
visitor as they enter; and the mistress of the house (and
perhaps the master too) is at hand to receive them. Every
room is spendidly lighted with wax and coloured lamps.
The visitors sit down to cards, usually at whist, but many
of the younger people crowd to a large table, and play a
round game. . . Presently the servants on silver salvers
carry round biscuits, sweet cakes, &c., with glasses of wine,
lemonade, ices, and the like, and this is repeated every half
hour or thereabouts during the evening. . . Some stay
only a few minutes, and depart, perhaps, to another rout in
some other part of the town. In general the company
gradually separates without supper before 11 o'clock, unless
the invitations were for supper also, which is not the usual
practice. Of this kind of assembly there have been in
Bristol for several years past about a dozen every winter,
besides one or two at the Mansion House”.
1798-99.] | IN THE EIGHTEENTH CENTURY. | 529 |
In view of the dearth of public amusements, it is
surprising to learn that the magisterial hatred of billiard
playing revived at this date. In the MS. diary of a citizen, in
the Jefferies Collection, is the following entry dated
November 13th, 1798:- “Mr. Claxton, mayor, caused two billiard
tables to be destroyed in the Exchange; a measure which
he intended to take with all, but did not pursue his
purpose”. The destructive intentions of the magistracy were
warmly approved in Bonner's Journal.
At a meeting of the Common Council on the 12th
January, 1799, it was announced that Alderman John
Merlott, who had died shortly before, had bequeathed
£3,000 to the Corporation, in trust, and that the money had
been invested in Consols. (Owing to the low price of
securities at that time, the amount of stock secured was
£6,114.) The Chamber undertook the administration of the
income, which Alderman Merlott directed should be paid, in
sums of £10 each yearly, to blind persons of 50 years or
upwards. Subsequently Miss Elizabeth Merlott contributed
£4,000 and the philanthropic Richard Reynolds nearly £2,460
to the charity, the income eventually sufficing to provide
annuities for about 45 afflicted persons.
The heavy tax on salt imposed about this time was met
by the manufacturers by so enormous an increase in its
price as to cause suffering amongst the poor. The remedy
devised by the Government was to pass an Act authorising
the magistrates to fix the price of salt, and the mayor and
aldermen of Bristol, in February, 1799, accordingly published
a scale of prices at which dealers were compelled to supply
the public. The bushel of 56lb. of rock or Bristol salt was
to be sold at 13s. 6d. (the cost price of that quantity was
then about a shilling). For a single pound the charge was
not to exceed 3½d. Any person demanding higher prices,
or refusing to sell at the fixed rates, was liable to a penalty
of £20. The tariff was raised a few years later, when the
tax was increased to 16s. per bushel, or about 3¼d. per lb.
The Government made a tempting proposal in the spring
of 1799 to the owners of landed property for the redemption
of the land tax by the contribution of a lump sum, liquidated
by instalments. The Corporation resolved on availing itself
of this offer in order to relieve the whole of the civic estates,
and the first payment was made in July. The amount it
expended in this way was nearly £14,800.
Readers of the present day are unable to realise the
devastation committed a century ago by the smallpox. In
530 | THE ANNALS OF BRISTOL | [1799. |
spite of attempts to check the malady by inoculation, every
town in the kingdom was repeatedly swept by outbreaks of
the scourge during the reigns of the first three Georges. At
such seasons the last sound heard at night was a funereal
knell, and the first tidings of each morning was the death
of a neighbour or a friend. A man could hardly walk the
streets without being a terror to those he encountered. On
some occasions the rural population would neither send in
supplies of food to towns, nor enter to make purchases.
During an especial deadly visitation at Cirencester, in 1758,
farmers and dealers held markets outside the town, business
in the borough being practically suspended for three months.
The local authorities finally announced in the newspapers
that the sickness was greatly on the decline, adding the
remarkable assurance that it must soon cease, “there being
but few people remaining to have it”. The mortality in
Bristol in that and other years is known to have been great,
but the newspapers, in the interests of trade, suppressed
disquieting details, and the statistics have perished. The
disease was never so rife or so destructive as during the last
ten years of the century, when 92 per 1,000 of the
population - nearly one-tenth - are recorded to have died from
smallpox alone, whilst at least twice that proportion
narrowly escaped from the scourge, and were disfigured
for life. A discovery which vastly diminished the amount
of domestic sorrow and extended the average term of human
life was at length made by Edward Jenner, born in 1749 at
Berkeley. After a prolonged study of a disease called cow-pox,
found by experience to protect dairy servants from
smallpox, Jenner published in 1798 the result of his
researches, which, in spite of the derision of many medical
practitioners, soon produced a sensation throughout Europe.
In May, 1799, the Bristol journals announced that Mr. Henry
Jenner, surgeon, Berkeley, would visit the city once a week
“for the purpose of inoculating for the vaccine disease”.
Ignorance and prejudice impeded the diffusion of the
discovery, but the prodigious diminution of mortality in some
continental States, where vaccination was made compulsory,
at length silenced hostile critics. In 1802, before a
committee of the House of Commons, it was stated that Jenner,
whose experiments had suspended the profitable exercise of
his profession, might easily have earned from £10,000 to
£20,000 a year had he kept his discovery a secret. A vote
to him of £20,000 was proposed, but through the influence
of the then Premier (Addington) it was reduced to £10,000.
Another bad harvest occurred in 1799, and the distress
amongst the poor in that and the following year exceeded
even the miseries experienced in 1796 and 1796. For a
considerable time the price of coarse household bread was
fixed by the magistrates at fourpence per pound, a rate
implying semi-starvation amongst thousands of families. At
the close of February, 1800, a subscription was opened for
the purchase of food, to be distributed under cost price to
the poor, and a fund amounting to £15,500, of which £2,000
were contributed by the Corporation, was raised in a few
days. The Court of Aldermen, in May, offered bounties to
encourage the importation of fish, the effect of the step
being to largely increase the supply. Public and private
benevolence, however, could make little appreciable
impression on the vast mass of suffering, and in autumn,
when the crops again failed, and prices rose higher than
ever, there were alarming symptoms of popular discontent.
A serious riot occurred on the 18th September. A baker
near the Stone Bridge had promised to sell some damaged
flour to the poor at 2s. 6d. per peck, but on receiving a
higher offer privately he rejected the money of a crowd of
applicants. A mob thereupon broke into his house, seized
tne flour, and threw a quantity of it into the Froom. The
rioters, charged by the military, were with difficulty
dispersed. The affair was wholly unreported in Felix Farley's
Journal, the editor avowing that he invariably suppressed
such intelligence, but the civic minute book shows that the
justices sat in permanence for three days through fear of
further disturbances. Wheat continued to rise, and in
December, though an unprecedented importation of foreign
grain had taken place, and though the ordinary consumption
of bread was said to have diminished by one fourth, the
average price of wheat in the markets of Bristol and
Gloucestershire reached the appalling sum of 159s. 10d. per quarter,
and the civic authorities fixed the minimum weight of the
shilling loaf of standard wheat bread at 2lb. 10½oz.! After
a vote of £50,000 by the House of Commons for relieving
the famishing poor, the Government purchased a number
of cargoes of herrings in Scotland, one of which, consigned
to Bristol, arrived about the close of the year. It was so
gratefully received that another shipload was ordered by
the mayor and other gentlemen. The dearth was
accompanied by a terrible outbreak of fever amongst the underfed
labouring classes, and the mortality was for many months
532 | THE ANNALS OF BRISTOL | [1800. |
The Corporation's annual gifts of wine became greatly
more expensive towards the end of the century, though it
may be doubted whether the liquor had improved in quality.
In 1709 the two pipes sent to the members for the city cost
£50 5s. In April, 1800, Alderman Noble, for a similar
consignment, to which was added a butt for the Lord High
Steward and a hogshead to the recorder, received £227 17s.,
besides £25 2s. 6d. additional for the bottling of the previous
year's presents, for which he had received £210. The yearly
outlay subsequently rose to nearly £300. In despite of the
increased prices intemperance was never more fashionable.
“Heroic drinking” was patronised by the princes of the
royal family, and men of the best education and social
position drank like the northern barbarians of olden times -
the “three bottle man” being an object of admiration. At
the Colston banquets, it was the custom to drink about
thirty toasts, and the festivity was kept up by determined
topers until after breakfast on the following morning.
A musical festival took place at the Assembly Rooms on
the 31st May, when Handel's “Messiah” was performed.
Incledon, the greatest singer of the time, was engaged for
the occasion. This appears to have been the tenth local
performance of the oratorio, though Mr. Nicholls' history
infers that the work was not attempted here until 1803.
The Common Council's difficulty in finding a gentleman
willing to accept the chief magistracy again became acute
at this period. Mr. Philip Protheroe was elected on the
usual day, but refused the honour. Mr. John Gtordon was
next chosen, but declined the office. After further delay,
Mr. William Gibbons was appointed. It may be suspected
that his acceptance was not unconditional, for the allowance
made to the mayor was increased by the Chamber to £1,500.
This profligate expenditure at a period of intense distress
provoked severe criticism out of doors. Perhaps to allay
discontent, the new mayor announced that the second
course of the Mansion House dinners would be given up,
and other efforts made to ensure economy. Thrift, however,
was not a virtue much admired in civic circles. Soon
afterwards the allowance to each chief magistrate was raised to
In spite of the distress caused by bad harvests and the
war, the theatre continued to be so well patronised that the
manager was encouraged to increase its accommodation.
The old gallery, which was erected over the dress boxes,
was removed, a tier of upper boxes taking its place; and a
new gallery was constructed over the “undress circle” by
raising the roof. The appearance of the interior was said to
be improved by the alterations.
A great flood occurred in the valley of the Froom on the
9th November. Part of Stapleton Bridge was carried away,
and along the whole of the lower course of the river,
especially in the neighbourhood of the Broad Weir and
Broadmead, there was a serious destruction of property.
Lethargy and selfishness marked too many ecclesiastical
dignitaries during the eighteenth century, and, so far as the
capitular body of Bristol was concerned, the latest minute
of its proceedings coming under review betrays even greater
demerit than the earliest. At a meeting of the chapter on
the 1st December, 1800, it was resolved to empower the
dean (Dr. Layard) “to see what he thinks wanting in the
choir, and to dispose of the brass Eagle and the bell towards
the expense of the same”. The prebendaries, in fact,
determined to despoil the Cathedral of part of its requisites
rather than slightly curtail their own incomes to provide
for trivial repairs. The lectern, which weighed 6cwt. 20lb.,
was actually sold as old metal in the following year, realising
about £27. The fate of the bell is not recorded.
A brief paragraph in the Bristol Gazette affords a glimpse
of the state of the prison at Fishponds, occupied by
Frenchmen captured during the war. Upwards of 3,000 soldiers
and sailors were immured in Decemoer. They were said to
be fairly fed, but disease was rife in the crowded wards, and
78 men died during the last six weeks of the year. Gambling
was pursued with frenzied eagerness, and to pay their losses
many prisoners sold their beds, their clothes, and even their
food for several successive days, being sometimes found
absolutely naked and famishing.
It is characteristic of the century whose annals have now
been traced that the last incident to be recorded was a prize
fight. On the 23rd December a battle for £100 was fought
on Wimbledon Common between “the noted Jem Belcher,
of Bristol” (then 21 years of age, and of remarkable
muscular vigour), and an Irishman named Gamble. The combat
was witnessed by several noble lords and members of
Parliament, and upwards of £8,000 had been betted upon the issue.
Belcher won an easy victory, and was for some years one of
the most popular of pugilistic heroes. Two other Bristol
men famed for their prowess about this time were “Bill
Warr” and “Bob Watson”.
1691 | John Hall, died February 4, 1709. |
1710 | John Robinson, translated to London, 1713; died 1723. |
1714 | George Smalridge, died September 27, 1719. |
1719 | Hugh Boulter, translated to Armagh, 1723; died 1742, |
1724 | William Bradshaw, died December 16, 1732. |
1732 | Charles Cecill, translated to Bangor, 1734; died 1737. |
1734 | Thomas Seeker, translated to Oxford, 1737; to Canterbury, 1758; died 1768. |
1737 | Thomas Gooch, translated to Norwich 1738; to Ely, 1748; died 1754. |
1738 | Joseph Butler, translated to Durham, 1750; died 1752. |
1750 | John Conybeare, died July 13, 1755. |
1756 | John Hume, translated to Oxford, 1758; to Salisbury, 1766; died 1782. |
1758 | Philip Yonge, translated to Norwich, 1761; died 1783. |
1761 | Thomas Newton, died February 15, 1782. |
1782 | Lewis Bagot, translated to Norwich, 1783; to St. Asaph, 1790; died 1802. |
1783 | Christopher Wilson, died April 18, 1792. |
1792 | Spencer Madan, translated to Peterborough, 1794; died 1813. |
1794 | Henry Reginald Courtenay, translated to Exeter, 1797; died 1803. |
1797 | Foliot H.W. Cornwall, translated to Hereford, 1802; to Worcester, 1808; died 1831. |
1693 | George Royse, died April, 1708. |
1708 | Robert Booth, died 1730. |
1730 | Samuel Creswicke, promoted to Wells, 1739. |
1739 | Thomas Chamberlayne, died September 15, 1757. |
1755 | William Warburton, Bishop of Gloucester, 1759; died 1779. |
1760 | Samuel Squire, Bishop of St. Davids, 1761. |
1761 | Francis Ayscough, died August 15, 1763. |
1763 | Cutts Barton, died December 10, 1780. |
1781 | John Hallam, resigned 1800, died 1811. |
1800 | Charles Peter Layard, died May 11, 1803. |
The civic year, under the old charters, began and ended on the 29th
September. (The occupations of the mayors have been obtained from
a curious Calendar in the library of Mr. Alderman Fox.)
1700 | Sir William Daines, merchant | Robert Bound, Isaac Davies |
1701 | John Hawkins, brewer (knighted) | Samuel Bayly, Richard Bayly |
1702 | William Lewis, soapboiler (knighted) | Abraham Elton, Christopher Shuter |
1703 | Peter Saunders, merchant | Thomas Hort, Henry Whitehead |
1704 | Francis Whitchurch, grocer | Anthony Swymmer, Henry Walter |
1705 | Nathaniel Day, soapboiler | Morgan Smith, Nathaniel Webb |
1706 | George Stephens, draper | Abraham Hooke, Nicholas Hicks |
1707 | William Whitehead, distiller | Onesiphorus Tyndall. Thomas Tyler |
1708 | James Holledge, merchant | Philip Freke, John Day |
1709 | Robert Bound, shipwright | James Haynes, Thomas Clement |
1710 | Abraham Elton, merchant | Edmund Mountjoy, Ab. Elton, jun. |
1711 | Christopher Shuter, grocer | William Bayly, Poole Stokes |
1712 | Thomas Hort, merchant | Richard Gravett, Henry Watts |
1713 | Anthony Swymmer, merchant | John Becher, Henry Swymmer |
1714 | Henry Whitehead, salt-maker | William Whitehead, Richard Taylor |
1715 | Henry Walter, woollen draper | James Donning, Joseph Jefferis |
1716 | Nicholas Hicks, mercer | Robert Earle, Peter Day |
1717 | John Day, merchant (see p.121); Thomas Clement, shipwright | Henry Nash, John Price |
1718 | Edmund Mountjoy, soap-maker | Samuel Stokes, Edward Foy |
1719 | Abraham Elton, jun., merchant | Arthur Taylor, John King |
1720 | Henry Watts, merchant (see p.128); Sir Abraham Elton, Bart. | Robert Addison, Jacob Elton |
1721 | John Becher, merchant | John Rich, Noblet Ruddock |
1722 | Henry Swymmer, merchant | Robert Smith, Lionel Lyde |
1723 | James Donning, merchant | John Blackwell, Nathaniel Wraxall |
1724 | Joseph Jefferis, merchant | Nathaniel Day, William Jefferis |
1725 | Robert Earle, merchant | Michael Puxton, Stephen Clutterbuck |
1726 | Peter Day, merchant | Ezekial Longman, Henry Combe |
1727 | Henry Nash, distiller | Richard Bayley, John Bartlett |
1728 | John Price, merchant | Henry Lloyd, Abraham Elton |
1729 | Samuel Stokes, soapboiler | John Berrow, John Day |
1730 | Edward Foy, merchant | Edward Buckler, William Barnsdale |
1731 | Arthur Taylor, distiller | Edward Cooper, William Barnes |
1732 | John King, merchant | John Foy, Buckler Weekes |
1733 | Jacob Elton, merchant | Michael Pope, Benjamin Glisson |
1734 | John Rich, merchant | Thomas Curtis, James Laroche |
1735 | Lionel Lyde, merchant | David Peloquin, John Clement |
1736 | John Blackwell, merchant | Morgan Smith, Abraham Elton |
1737 | Nathaniel Day, merchant | Joseph lies, Henry Dampier |
1738 | William Jefferis, merchant | John Combe, Giles Bayly |
1739 | Stephen Clutterbuck, tobacconist | Michael Becher, David Dehany |
1740 | Henry Combe (linen draper) | Walter Jenkins, William Martin |
1741 | Richard Bayley (see p.238); John Bartlett | John Chamberlayne, Henry Mugleworth |
1742 | Sir Abraham Elton, Bart. | William Cossley, Jeremiah Ames |
1743 | John Berrow | Isaac Elton, John Durbin |
1744 | John Day, merchant | John Foy, Buckler Weekes |
1745 | William Barnes, sugar-baker | Thomas Marsh, John Noble |
1746 | Edward Cooper, merchant | Henry Swymmer, Richard Farr, jun. |
1747 | John Foy, merchant | John Berrow, Giles Bayly |
1748 | Buckler Weekes, draper | John Daltera, Isaac Baugh |
1749 | Thomas Curtis, merchant | William Barnes, jun., John Curtis |
1750 | James Laroche, merchant | George Weare, Joseph Love |
1751 | David Peloquin, merchant | Henry Dampier, Isaac Baugh |
1752 | John Clement, shipwright | Daniel Woodward, Edward Whatley |
1753 | Abraham Elton, merchant | Henry Bright, Thomas Harris |
1754 | Morgan Smith, sugar-baker | Thomas Knox, Thomas Deane |
1755 | Henry Dampier, merchant | Henry Weare, James Hilhouse |
1756 | Giles Baily, druggist | Nathaniel Foy, Austin Goodwin |
1757 | William Martin, tobacconist | Robert Gordon, Isaac Piguenit |
1758 | Henry Mugleworth, upholder | Samuel Webb, John Berrow |
1759 | Jeremiah Ames, sugar-baker | Charles Hotchkin, John Noble |
1760 | John Durbin, drysalter | Isaac Piguenit, Samuel Sedgley |
1761 | Isaac Elton, merchant | Joseph Daltera, William Barnes, jun. |
1762 | John Noble, merchant | William Weare, Thomas Farr |
1763 | Richard Farr, merchant | Andrew Pope, John Durbin, jun. |
1764 | Henry Swymmer, merchant | James Laroche, jun., John Bull |
1765 | Isaac Baugh, gentleman | Isaac Elton, jun., Michael Miller, jun. |
1766 | William Barnes, jun., sugar-baker | William Miles, Henry Cruger |
1767 | George Weare, grocer | Edward Brice, Alexander Edgar |
1768 | Edward Whatley, sugar-baker | John Crofts, Henry Lippincott |
1769 | Thomas Harris, merchant | John Merlott, George Daubeny |
1770 | Thomas Deane, merchant | Isaac Elton, jun., Henry Lippincott |
1771 | Henry Bright, merchant | Levi Ames, Jeremy Baker |
1772 | Nathaniel Foy, brewer | John Noble, John Anderson |
1773 | Robert Gordon, merchant | Andrew Pope, Thomas Pierce |
1774 | Charles Hotchkin, gentleman | John Durbin, jun., James Hill |
1775 | Thomas Farr, merchant | Edward Brice, John Noble |
1776 | Andrew Pope, sugar-baker | John Farr, John Harris |
1777 | John Durbin, jun., gentleman (knighted) | John Fisher Weare, Philip Protheroe |
1778 | Sir John Durbin | Benjamin Loscombe, James Morgan, jun. |
1779 | Michael Miller, jun., merchant (see p. 442); John Bull | Edward Brice, John Harford |
1780 | William Miles, merchant | Samuel Span, Joseph Smith |
1781 | Henry Crugrr, merchant | Robert Coleman, John Collard |
1782 | Edward Brice, sugar-baker | Rowland Williams, William Blake |
1783 | John Anderson, merchant | John Garnett, Anthony Henderson |
1784 | John Farr, rope-maker | John Fisher Weare, John Harvey |
1785 | John Crofts, esquire | Joseph Harford, Stephen Nash (knighted) |
1786 | George Daubeny, sugar-baker | Evan Baillie, Thomas Daniel, jun. |
1787 | Alexander Edgar, esquire | John Morgan, Robert Claxton |
1788 | Levi Ames, drysalter | James Hill, John Harris |
1789 | James Hill, linen draper | Henry Bengough, John Gordon, jun. |
1790 | John Harris, hosier | James Moreran, Rowland Williams |
1791 | John Noble, merchant | Joseph Hariord, Samuel Span |
1792 | Henry Bengough, attorney | William Gibbons, Joseph Gregory Harris |
1703 | James Morgan, druggist | Charles Young, John Page |
1794 | Joseph Smith, merchant | Robert Castle, Joseph Edye |
1795 | James Harvey, iron merchant | David Evans, John Wilcox |
1796 | James Harvey, iron merchant | John Foy Edgar, Azariah Pinney |
1797 | Thomas Daniel, merchant | Edward Protheroe, John Span |
1798 | Robert Claxton, merchant | Daniel Wait, William Fripp |
1799 | John Morgan, druggist | Henry Bright, Worthington Brice |
1800 | William Gibbons, ironmonger | Robert Castle, Samuel Birch |
(The compiler is indebted for this list to the Bristol Times and Mirror of
July 22, 1885.)
1700 | James Holledge. | 1751 | James Laroche. |
1701 | James Holledge. | 1752 | William Hare. |
1702 | Thomas Hort. | 1753 | Nathaniel Foy. |
1703 | Thomas Hort. | 1754 | Edward Cooper. |
1704 | William Clarke. | 1755 | Henry Swymmer. |
1705 | William Clarke. | 1756 | Cranfield Becher. |
1706 | John Batchelor. | 1757 | Abraham Elton. |
1707 | John Batchelor. | 1758 | Henry Casamajor. |
1708 | Abraham Elton. | 1759 | Isaac Bauch. |
1709 | Anthony Swymmer. | 1760 | Joseph Daltera. |
1710 | Thomas Moore. | 1761 | William Hart. |
1711 | George Mason. | 1762 | Richard Farr. |
1712 | Abraham Hooke. | 1763 | Samuel Smith. |
1713 | Philip Freke. | 1764 | Isaac Elton. |
1714 | Henry Watts. | 1765 | William Reeve. |
1715 | Sir John Duddleston (died); Henry Watts. | 1766 | James Bonbonons. |
1716 | John Day (mayor). | 1767 | Sir A.I. Elton. |
1717 | William Swymmer. | 1768 | Samuel Munckley, |
1718 | Henry Swymmer. | 1769 | Andrew Pope. |
1719 | Abraham Elton, jun. (mayor). | 1770 | William Jones. |
1720 | James Downing. | 1771 | Thomas Farr. |
1721 | Joseph Earle. | 1772 | James Daltera. |
1722 | John Becher. | 1773 | Isaac Elton, jun. |
1723 | Thomas Longman. | 1774 | Robert Smith. |
1724 | Samuel Hunt. | 1775 | Paul Farr. |
1725 | Jeremy Innys. | 1776 | Henry Garnett. |
1726 | John Blackwell. | 1777 | Samuel Span. |
1727 | John Norman. | 1778 | Michael Miller, jun. |
1728 | Jacob Elton. | 1779 | John Powell. |
1729 | Abel Grant. | 1780 | Thomas Perkins. |
1730 | James Hilhouse. | 1781 | Henry Cruger (mayor). |
1731 | Edmund Baugh. | 1782 | Sir James Laroche. |
1732 | Peter Day. | 1783 | John Fowler. |
1733 | Robert Earle. | 1784 | George Daubeny. |
1734 | John Holledge. | 1785 | Jeremiah Hill. |
1735 | James Day. | 1786 | Edward Brice. |
1736 | John Duckinfield. | 1787 | John Vaughan. |
1737 | John Coysgarne. | 1788 | Henry Hobhouse. |
1738 | Richard Lougher. | 1789 | John Daubeny. |
1739 | Thomas Eston. | 1790 | George Gibbs. |
1740 | William Challonor. | 1791 | Jeremiah Hill, jun. |
1741 | Lionel Lyde. | 1792 | Richard Bright. |
1742 | John Day. | 1798 | James Martin Hilhouse. |
1743 | Richard Henvill. | 1794 | John Garnett. |
1744 | Walter Lougher. | 1795 | Joshua Powell. |
1745 | Arthur Hart. | 1796 | Joseph Harford. |
1746 | Robert Smith. | 1797 | Charles Hill. |
1747 | Christopher Willoughby. | 1798 | John Scandrett Harford. |
1748 | John Foy. | 1799 | Samuel Whitchurch. |
1749 | Michael Becher. | 1800 | Timothy Powell. |
1750 | Henry Dampier. | |
Abbey gateway, 345.
Addison, Jos., in Bristol, 122.
Admiralty Court, Mayor and the, 495.
African trade, extent of, 89; defended,
89, 270-2; suspended, 416.
Ague, charm for, 294.
Aitken, James, 426.
Aldermen, absentee, 454.
Ale, see Beer.
Alehouses, number of, 18, 57, 199, 285, 268.
Algerine corsairs, 188, 281.
Almshouses, Tailors', 43; Foster's,
46; Stokes Croft, 134; Stevens', 116;
Blanchard's, 134; Ridley's, 188;
Old Maids', 218; Fry's, 437.
Almondsbury, 267, 359, 457.
Amelia, Princess, visit of, 164.
America, trade restraints, 205, 414;
Stamp Act, 370; war, 415, 420,
428, 431, 439, 451; local trade with,
414, 429.
Ames family, 462, 468, 517.
Amusements, 24, 333, 487, 527.
Anchor Society, 280.
Anne, Queen, coronation, 43; visit,
44; portrait, 45; gift to, 56;
death, 106.
Apple brandy, 101.
Army, recruited from gaol, 41, 69,
272, 514; desertions, 246; bounties,
270, 432, 436, 440; billeting, 235;
vagrants impressed, 436; regiments raised, 256, 506.
Arno's Vale, 285, 359.
Art School, first, 523.
Ashburton, Lord, 370, 405, ib.
Ashley Road, 406.
Assembly Rooms, 26, 208, 283, 307,
Assizes, soldiers during, 223.
Augustine's, St., theatre in, 61;
Assembly Room, 64, 420; great
house, 84; improvements, 416.
Aurora Borealis, 114.
Aust, road to, 331.
Avon, nuisances in, 37, 254;
Navigation schemes, 94, 369; boats to
Bath, 161, 164; obstructions, 117,
254, ib. proposed floating harbour,
316, 362, 480, 496; defences, 523.
Baber's Tower, 244.
Back Gate removed, 211.
Backsword fighting, 27, 314.
Baggs, Richard, 148, 185.
BaUlie, Evan, 477, 508, 520.
Baker, Slade, 415; Jer., 448, 497.
Bakers' Company, 272, 401, 468;
“foreign”, 22, 79; subsidised, 378, 516.
Baker, a rebellious, 214; knavish,
272; cheap, 401.
Balloon, first, 464.
Balls, early, 26, 208; 487.
Banking, early, 224, 282.
Banks, Bristol, 282, 297,892, 468, 507.
Baptisms, local, 8.
Baptist Mills brass works, 66, 71.
Barbers' Company, 219, 240, 381;
charges, 309.
Barrett, William, 387.
Barrington, Daines, 341, 370; Lord,
Barton, Dean, 347, 354.
Barton Hundred, 359.
Bath, coaches to, 140, 513; boats to, 161, 164.
Bath Street opened, 466.
Bathavon ferry, 246.
Baths, 269, 315, 395, 499, 524.
Bathing, sea, 24, 249, 440.
Bayley, Richard, 238.
Beaufort, Dukes of, 86, 110, 420.
Becher family, 179,210,268,807,893
Beckford, Rich., 310, 318.
Beddoes, Thomas, 504, 524.
Bedford, Rev. Arthur, 61, 62, 80, 86, 120.
Bedminster, 2, 274; gibbet at, 227;
Bridewell, 227, 250; revel, 139;
cunning woman, 350; clerical
innkeeper, 159, 333; colliery, 318.
Beer, consumption of, 13, 16, 235;
price of, 14, 235, 309, 356.
Bellman, city, 73, 492.
Bengough, Henry, 360, 507.
Berkeley Square, 471.
Berkeley, Norborne, 352; G.C., 469.
Berkeley, Earls of, 69, 111-2, 256,
313, 420.
Billiard tables, 26, 116, 371, 529.
Bird, Edward, E.A., 523.
Births and burials tax, 41.
Bishopric, poverty of, 35, 122, 316, 347.
Bishops, list of, 534; Hall, 36, 88;
Robinson, 88, 100; Smalridge, 103,
119, 123; Boulter, 127; Seeker, 206;
Gooch, 207; Butler, 202, 207, 283;
Conybeare, 316; Hume, 316;
Yonge, 345; Newton, 345, 366.
Bishops' Palace, 36, 283; park, 393;
orchard, 185.
Bisse, Rev. Edw., Jacobite, 121.
Bitton parish, crime in, 469.
Black Castle, 68, 285, 329, 377, ib., 391.
Blackmail in Kingswood, 469.
Blacksworth, manor of, 141.
Blaize Castle, 413, 435.
Blenheim, victory of, 65.
Blind, Asylum for, 498; Merlott's
charity, 529.
Blind steps, 368, 408.
Bonny, Wm., printer, 21, 48, 61.
Books, scarcity of, 11, 163; pedlars, 71.
Boulter, Bishop, 127.
Boundaries, city, 24; extended, 422;
parish, 243.
Bowles, Francis C, 524.
Bowling-greens, 25, 202, 371.
Boyce's buildings, 400.
Bragge, Charles, 518.
Branding thieves, 69.
Brandon Hill, 378, 425.
Brandy, apple, 101; French, 101.
Brass works, 14, 66; extent of trade,
Brass pillars, Corn St., 162, 183, 396, 155.
Bread, dear, see Dearth.
Breakfasts in 1700, 16.
Brice, Edward, 382.
Brickdale, John, 63, 304-5, 462;
Matthew, 3, 383, 409, 444, 456, 491, 495.
Bricks, early, 43, 59.
Bridewell rebuilt, 125; enlarged,
225; sacked, 304; state of, 407.
Bridge, great house at, 45, 163.
Bridge Street, 369.
Bridges, James, 336, 352.
Bridges, Bristol, rebuilt, 334, 353;
riots, 500; Bridewell, 373; St.
John's, 327; Stone, 290; Needless,
196; Traitor's, 92, 526;
Drawbridge, 99, 483.
Bridgwater elections, 246, 384.
Briefs, Church, 74, 266, 329.
Bright family, 392, 425, 439, 462,
468, 473, 477, 508.
Brislington, gibbet at, 227.
Bristol, Satires on, 221, 411, 423, 508.
Bristol in 1700, 1-36; in 1727, 161;
in 1739, 222; views of, 3, 121;
poetical description of, 96; plan
of, 285; population, 6, 194, 292,
422; French designs on, 525.
Bristol regiments, 206, 506.
Bristol milk, 17, 104, 161.
Bristol manners censured, 8, 161,
Bristol Channel defenceless, 528.
Britain, Jonathan, hanged, 398.
Broad Street, market, 4, 193; width
of, 460, 467.
Brunswick Square, 372, 479; cemetery, 372.
Brutality, popular, 192, 273.
Bubb, John, 68.
Building mania. 493.
Bull, John, 435, 442.
Bullbaiting, 27.
Burges, Daniel, 474.
Burgum, Henry, 387, 412, 480.
Burials, tax on, 41; in woollen, 9,
302; in churches, 182, 357.
Burial grounds, 264, 355, 358, 372,
399 497.
Burke, Edmund, 409-13, 428, 431,
432, 444; tea service, 413; Richard,
Bush family, 477, 507.
But and Cudgel playing, 314.
Butchers' ordinances, 211.
Butler, Bishop, 202. 207, 283.
Butter, Irish, seized, 112, 306.
Buttons, law respecting, 125.
Byng, Admiral, mania, 322.
Caldwell, J., highwayman, 430.
Calendar reformed, 298.
Callowhill Street, 318.
Cambric prohibited, 278.
Camplin, Rev. John, 315, 348, 478.
Canada, conquest of, 339.
Canal mania, 498.
Candle bell, 394.
Cann, Sir William, 251.
Canning's monument, 315; his
coffer, 386.
Canning, Mrs., at theatre, 400.
Canons' Marsh, 36, 393.
Carbry Capt., bravery of, 281.
Carpenters, rules, 21, 181, 268;
wages, 182, 208, 372.
Carriers, 73, 269, 288, 430.
Carts forbidden, 68, 175, 252.
Cary, John, 32, 49.
Castelman, Rev. J., 326.
Castle Gate removed, 351.
Castle Ditch bath, 395.
Catcott family, 119, 126, 353, 387, 389, 423.
Cathedral injured by storm, 57
candlesticks, 77; penitent in, 94
chapter house mutilated, 180
library, 315; services, 345; graves
in, 357; lay pluralists, 151, 363,
431; choir, 151, 364; sale of
lectern, 583.
Cave family, 468, 477, 507, 521.
Cemeteries, see Burial grounds.
Chamberlayne family, 463, 473.
Champion, William, 67, 244, 289,
362, 368; Richard, 364-5, 371, 381-3,
403, 409, 413, 453.
Chandlers' Company, 384.
Chapels: St. Clement's, 42; Dowry,
260; French, 155; Holy Spirit
358; Lady Huntingdon's, 420
Hope, 420; Lewin's Mead, 483
Mayor's, see St. Mark's Church;
Quakers', 270; Redland, 173, 448;
Romanist, 115. 366, 442, 491;
Tabernacle, 306; Trinity, 518;
Tucker Street, 466; Wesleyan,
204, 498, 507.
Charity School, first, 12; see Schools.
Charlotte Street, 471.
Charter of Queen Anne, 86; Charters
printed, 195.
Chatterton, Thomas, 199, 358, 385.
China dinner ware, 188; Bristol,
286, 381, 413, 453.
Chocolate, Bristol, 177.
Chnst Church great lamp, 38;
cemetery, 264; living, 424; ground
rents, 485.
Christmas Day, “Old”, 298.
Churches: All Saints', 91; Christ
Church, 228, 306, 459, 485; St.
Ewen's, 470, 496; St. Leonard's,
368-9, 393; St. Mark's, 126, 305,
324, 362, 431; St. Michael's, 408;
St. James', 154; St. Mary
Redcliff, 73, 198, 321, 345, 358; St.
Nicholas's, 40, 119, 179, 215, 266,
326, 352; St. Peter's, 281; St.
Paul's, 479; St. Philip's, 283, 364;
St. Stephen's, 57, 169, 181-2, 400,
435; Temple, 483; St. Thomas,
487; St. Werburgh's, 329, 519.
Church, absentees from, 326;
compulsory attendance, 481.
Churchyards, 249, 264, 358, 399, 497.
Churchman, Walter, 177.
Cider, consumption of, 235; tax on, 357.
Circus, first, 401; 492.
Clare, Lord, see Nugent.
Clare Street built, 393, 399.
Clarkson, Thomas, in Bristol, 473.
Clergy: Incomes of, 92, 100;
attempts to levy clergy rate, 98,
462; disloyal, 19, 119, 121;
pluralist, 351, 432, 518, 523;
non-resident, 468; credulous, 348, 483.
Clerke, Clementina, 493.
Clevedon, traffic with, 325.
Clifton (see Hot Well); In 1700, 2;
in 1710, 87; in 1723, 189; in 1750,
245; in 1764, 363; in 1775, 421;
in 1790, 490; church, 116, 381;
churchyard, 472; value of living,
93, 109; grotto, 139; foxes, etc.,
killed, 140; whipping post, 140;
rateable value, 313; tithes, 141,
851; first boarding school, 190;
population, 87,472; Dowry Square,
158, 245, 363; Boyce's buildings,
400; Windsor terrace, 454;
building mania, 493; the Crescents, 494;
York hotel, 490; Vauxhalls, 245,
423; Sion Spring, 504; Hotwell
Road spa, 506; turnpikes, 406;
Hope Chapel, 420; proposed bridge,
309; part of included in city, 422;
windmill burnt, 430; treatment
of paupers, 481; volunteers, 521;
Assembly room, 490.
Clothing trade, 41; decline, 81,
209, 236, 515.
Coaches, private, 8, 274; first public,
22; mail, 458; eight wheeled, 513;
“flying”, 140, 172, 260, 309, 333,
359, 367, 400, 418, 464.
Coal famine, 156.
Coal tar discovered, 441.
Cobweb, wonderful, 106.
Cockfighting, 25, 140, 170, 179, 432,
Cockthrowing, 294.
Cocoa manufacture, 177.
Coffee, price of, 82, 395.
Coffee houses, 17, 97, 240, 392;
decline of, 241, 441.
Coinage, state of, 323, 509.
Coleridge, Sam. Taylor, 503.
College Green, 79, 325, 353; road to,
199, 416; watchbox, 455.
College Street built, 393.
Collieries, Bedminster, 313.
Collins, Emanuel, 159, 383.
Colston, Edward, in Bristol, 46, 84,
85; his school schemes, 46, 80, 83;
elected M.P., 85, 102; conduct to
a low churchman, 86; gifts, 92,
199; death, 129; portraits, 46,
Colston, Francis, 110.
Colston Dinners, first, 85, 102, 111;
Parent Society, 153; Loyal, 299;
Dolphin, Grateful, and Anchor,
280, 532.
Combe, Henry, 213, 224; Rich.,
883, 444; William, 418.
Companies, trading, 21; decline of,
181, 467; carpenters, 181, 268;
coopers, 208, 239, 467; smiths, 468,
bakers, 272, 401, 468; chandlers,
384; innholders, 189; barbers,
219, 240, 381; mercers, 181; tailors,
181, 460; weavers, 470.
Conduits, Temple, 185; St. Nicholas,
141, 353; St. Peter's Pump, 377;
All Saints', 446; St. Stephen, 88.
Conjurer, travelling, 300.
Consistory Court, 94, 359.
Convicts forced into army, etc.. 41,
69, 272, 514, 526; pardoned, 90;
transported, 150, 153; murderous
plot, 130.
Conybeare, Bishop, 316.
Cook's Folly, 266.
Cooks, strike of, 21.
Coopers' Hall, 208, 239, 401.
Copper works, 66-8, 162.
Corn Street improved, 446.
Coroners, salaries of, 129.
Corporation: in 1700, 29; debt, 58,
441, 450; love of feasting, 31, 226;
book of orders, 56, 232; pensions
to members, etc., 69, 120, 128, 187,
206, 219, 288, 243, 263, 302, 361,
381, 402, 420, 436; fee farm rents,
70; payments to M.P.s, 77;
citizens refuse to enter, 86-7, 219,
508; presents of wine, 77, 86, 87,
104, 209, 281, 311, 402, 582;
defence of the slave trade. 89, 90,
249, 271, 477; dissenters
disqualified, 94; mayor's chapel, 126, 305,
324, 362; hours of meeting, 16, 196,
457; state swords, 100, 291; civic
maces, 134; mansion house, 191,
434, 449; defaulting
chamberlain, 218; non-attendance, 237,
253, 457; secrecy of debates, 253;
waits, 26, 114, 239; country
jaunts, 31, 246, 255;
entertainments, 300, 528; love of turtle,
323, 404, 517; quarrels with dean
and chapter, 29, 126, 171, 340;
insolvent members, 237, 361, 492;
charity to West Indies, 378, 392;
treatment of endowed schools,
374; and of city library, 403;
American war policy, 420, 428,
440, 451; official salaries, 429-30,
507; illegalities of officials, 434;
pitchforking members, 422;
absentee aldermen, 454; family
cliques in, 436; sales of property,
441, 450; appropriates charity
funds, 443, 496; clothing of
sergeants, etc., 461; opposed by city,
467, 488; fees to coachmen, 471;
receipts from town dues, 479;
refusals of the mayoralty, 435, 495,
507-8, 532; unpopularity of, 488,
504, o08, 527; election of
aldermen, 497; costly deputations, 485,
Corsairs, ships taken by, 188, 281.
Cossins, John, 173, 448.
Coster, Thomas, 66, 188, 224, 239.
Cotham, disorders at, 281, 404; tower,
Cottle, Joseph, 510-13.
Cotton factories, 123, 196, 482, 505.
Cotton dresses forbidden, 42, 125, 196.
Council House rebuilt, 59; a free
club, 217; proposed rebuilding,
467, 470.
Courtney, Stephen, 75, 146.
Crediton, subscription for, 249.
Credulity, see Superstition.
Creswick family, 243.
Creswicke, Dean, 170, 201.
Crewes Hole brass works, 67; water
works, 83.
Cricket, early, 297.
Criminal law, state of, 347.
Crosses: High, 186, 325, 353; Temple,
466; Redcliff, 358; St. Peter's,
Cruger, Henry, 391, 397, 409-11, 417,
440, 444, 446-7, 456, 477, 478, 489.
Cumberland Street, 372.
Cursing, profane, 169, 263.
Custom House, 60; new, 82, 107;
strange collectors, 68, 412;
sinecures, 451.
Daines, Sir Wm., 42, (36, 85, 102, 108,
124, 130-1.
Dampier, Ald. Henry, 291, 374.
Daniel, Thomas, 455, 468, 473, 477,
480, 525.
Darby, Abraham, 71; Mary, 336.
Daubeny, George, 440, 446-8, 456,
468, 477, 504.
Davis family. 366, 392, 472.
Davy, (Sir) Humphry, 504.
Day family, 45, 58, 121, 144, 168
206, 333; great house, 45, 163.
Deans: Royse, 36; Booth, 170;
Creswicke, 170, 201; Chamberlayne,
276, 325; Warburton, 327; Squire,
828-9; Barton, 347, 354; Hallam,
488; Layard, 588.
Dean and Chapter, 86; estates, 141,
185, 393, 396; quarrels, 276, 325;
negligence, 352, 345, 347;
treatment of quire, 151, 364, 481;
dispose of High Cross, 325; and of
lectern, 538.
Deane, Thomas, 268, 350, 392.
Deanery repaired, 328.
Dearth and distress, 78, 87, 166, 209,
225, 303, 323, 377, 380, 454, 485,
516, 531.
Debtors, imprisoned, misery of, 225,
308, 3.55, 417; impressed into
army and navy, 69, 514; released,
169, 247, 279, 417.
Defence, National, funds 256, 506,
Delaval, ship, 117.
Demoniac, Yatton, 483.
Denmark Street, 115.
Dicker, Samnel, 267.
Dineley murder, 228; Lady 232;
Edward, 238.
Directory, first local, 420.
Dissenters, treatment of, 91, 103.
Distilling trade, 7, 101, 290.
Dock, Champion's (Merchants'), 368,
422; Sea Mills, 98, 171, 296,;
proposed floating, 317, 362, 480, 496.
Dolman, John, 265.
Dolphin Street, 369.
Dolphin Society, 280.
Donn, Benjamin, 367, 398, 403.
Dover, Dr. Thomas, 74, 76.
Dowry Square, 158, 245, 363.
Draper, Sir William, 374, 381.
Drawbridge, 99; proposed fixed
bridge, 483.
Drawing school, first, 523.
Dress of citizens, 300, 423, 460.
Drinking habits, 18, 31, 40, 309, 532.
Drunkenness, 18, 27; punishment
for, 169.
Ducie, Loid, 313.
Duckhunting day, 24, 129.
Ducking Stool, 27, 131.
Duddleston, Sir John, 57, 149.
Duels, local, 168, 505, 524.
Duke and Duchess privateers, 74.
Duncan, Lord, freedom to, 522.
Dunning, John, recorder, 370, 405,
Durbin family, 330, 348, 431, 436,
Durdham Down, mines, 105; races,
24, 122, 278; murders, 104, 248;
Wallis's wall, 266; Ostrich inn,
25, 122, 279, 314, 432, 490.
Earle, Joseph, 85, 102, 108, 130, 160;
Giles, 226, 334.
Early rising, 16-18.
Earthenware, early, 7, 14, 82,287.
Easterbrook, Rev. J., zeal and
credulity, 483. ib.
Easton, inn at, 359.
Ecclesiastical Court, 94, 359.
Education, state of, 11.
Edwards, Thomas, 102, 106; Sam., 449.
Elbridge, John. 199, 218.
Elections, parliamentary:- (1701)
42; (1702) ib.; (1705) 66; (1710)
85; (1713) 102; (1715) 108; (1722)
130; (1727) 159; (1734) 188; (1739)
224; (1741) 234; (1742) 239; (1747)
267; (1754) 309; (1756) 318; (1759)
340; (1761) 344; (1766) 378; (1768)
383; (1774) 409; (1780) 444; (1781)
446; (1784) 456; (1790) 491; (1796)
Elections, abuses at, 29, 224, 378, 477;
excessive cost, 109; 384; 411.
Elton, Sir Ab., 95, 130, 160, 162;
family, 127, 160, 184, 188, 235, 239,
282, 381, 412, 434, 503, 517.
Embargo on shipping, 514.
Emigration, early, 152, 326, 408.
Entertainments, 300, 333, 401, 528.
Equestrianism, 333, 401, 492.
Esther, ship, gallantry of, 513.
Estlin, Rev. Dr., 518.
Evil, King's, touching for, 55, 56, 117.
Exchange, proposed, 118, 180, 218,
226; opened, 247; plate found,
238; brass pillars, 396; outrage
at, 440.
Excise scheme, Walpole's, 183.
Excommunication of scolds, 360.
Executions, 27; list of, 136, 295;
excessive number of, 469; survivals
after hanging, 197; Capt. Goodere,
231; clergy at, 209; for trivial
crimes, 347; curious case, 237;
scenes at, 262, 294.
Fairs, the great, 64, 178, 390; West
Street, 166.
Fane, Thomas, 261, 354.
Farley, family, 50, 51, 292.
Farr, family, 403, 413, 485.
Fecham, Stephen, 167.
Felons, made soldiers, 41, 69, 272,
514; pardoning of, 90;
transported, 150, 153.
Fencing master, unlucky, 116.
Fillwood forest, 191.
Fire, precautions against, 53, 226,
Fire Insurance offices, 54, 393.
Fires, fatal, 340, 356; incendiary,
171, 426.
Fish, supply, 394, 485, 531.
Fishing in Avon, 372.
Fishponds, prison, 487, 451, 520, 533;
common, 437.
Floating harbours, proposed, 316, 362, 480, 496.
Flogging, punishment by, 180, 315,
356, 465.
Floods, great, 125, 208, 533.
Flower, Joseph, 288.
Food, cheapness of, 48; excessive
dearness, 531.
Forlorn Hope Estate, 40.
“Foreigners”, treatment of, 20, 116,
176, 186, 197, 215, 327, 356.
Foreign Protestants' Bill, 289.
Fortune telling, 224.
Fortunes, mercantile, 462.
Foster, (Sir) Michael, 192, 197, 224, 341.
Foundlings, disposal of, 386.
Fox, Dr. Long, 503.
Frank, Richard. 287; T., 382.
Franklyn, Joshua, 98.
Freedom, admissions to, 21, 123, 213,
260, 313, 340, 370, 374, 413, 420, 428,
452, 453, 455, 469, 491, 517, 522;
excessive fees, 260, 356.
Freedom acquired by marriage, 411, 432.
Freeling, (Sir) Francis, 458.
Freeman's Copper Co., 67.
Freke family, 108, 145.
French Chapel, 155.
French man of war taken, 332.
French prisoners, 250, 339, 437, 451,
520, 533.
French wars, 42, 100, 343, 499.
French invasions menaced, 339, 519, 525.
Frenchay highwayman, 379.
Frigates built, 434, 448, 466.
Fripp, family, 178, 331.
Froom, fishing in the, 24; floods,
125, 176, 208, 533.
Frost, remarkable, 78.
Fry, Joseph, 177, 382.
Fry, William, Mercy House, 437.
Funeral customs, 8, 122, 129, 163,
169, 208.
Gallows, see Executions; disorders
near, 281, 404.
Gambling, 116, 223.
Gaol, the, see Newgate.
Gardens, city, 25, 301.
Gates: Abbey, 345; Temple and
Redcliff, 175, 211, 396; Newgate,
57, 377, 471; Back, 211; St.
Nicholas, 3, 215, 225, 266, 335, 352;
Needless Bridge, 341; Queen and
Castle Street, 351; Pithay, 359;
Blind, 394; Froom, 408; Small
Street, 368, 408; Lawford's, 8, 175,
268, 391.
Gentry, county, and turnpikes, 156,
George I., accession, 106; coronation
riot, 106; dinner, 120; portrait,
George II., accession, 159; portrait,
ib..; quarrel with his son, 236;
death, 342.
Greorge III., accession, 342; election
gifts, 444, 448; attempted murder,
470; at Cheltenham, 484;
recovery, 485.
German Protestant exiles, 80.
Gibbets, 104, 227, 248, 280, 350.
Gibbs, (Sir) Vicary, 505; Geo., 507.
Giles, Richard, 269, 348.
Gin drinking, 198, 290, 300.
Glass, table, 14, 45; price of, 318;
local works, 163, 486.
Gloucester Journal, 162.
Gloucestershire, elections, 42; wages
in, 182; society, 45, 188.
Goldney, Thomas, 72, 74, 139, 297.
Goldwin, Rev. Wm., 96, 119.
Good Friday neglected, 463.
Goodere, Capt., murderer, 228.
Goods, rates of carriage, 78, 269.
Gordon family, 468, 472, 477, 493,
Gore, Col. William, 520.
Grateful Society, 280.
Great George Street, 425, 494.
Greep, Henry, 50.
Grenville, Geo., a freeman, 370.
Greville, Giles, 205.
Ground rents, valuable, 485.
Gunpowder magazine, 256, 517,
Gunpowder Plot Day, 340, 396.
Hackney coaches, first, 180; 277, 456,
467, 486.
Hair powder, 342, 418, 448, 515.
Hallam, Dean, 488.
Hangman, a, hanged, 237.
Hanover Street built, 115.
Hardwicke, Lord, 209.
Harford, Joseph, 364, 382, 403, 409,
431, 439, 468, 476, 500, 507; family,
382, 392, 435, 473.
Harford's Brass works, 67.
Harris, Thomas, 412, 477.
Harson, Daniel, 393, 412.
Hart family, 77, 107, 111, 130, 160,
194, 330.
Harvest, a plentiful, 246.
Hawkins, John, knighted, 45-6, 74, 154.
Hawksworth family, 67, 74, 175,
Haystacks in city, 26.
Haystack, Maid of the, 425.
Haythome, Joseph, 507.
Henbury, excursions to, 457.
Heylyn, John, 307, 367.
High Street, 97, 225; market, 4, 193, 253.
Highwayman, “gentleman”, 379;
Bristol, 430.
Highway robberies, 210, 227, 430, 471.
Hill, Rev. Rowland, 307.
Hippisley, John, 15, 63.
Hobbs, John, 95, 117.
Hobhouse, Isaac, 135, 142-5, 152; H.,
462; Ben., 518.
Hoblyn, Robert, 239, 267, 281, 310.
Hogarth, Wm., pictures, 321.
Holledge, James, 74, 218.
Holmes, lighthouse at, 200.
Holworthy, Lady, 99.
Hooke, Andrew, 51, 240, 279;
Abraham, 92, 94.
Horfield, living, 93, 109.
Horseback, travelling on, 48, 246,
Hospitals, see Poor and Schools.
Hospital, proposed sailors', 269.
Hot Weil in 1703, 57; theatre, 62;
fashionable life at, 139, 244, 245,
390, 429, 490; Pope's description
of, 222; water sold in London, 151;
poems on, 139, 288; Lebeck inn,
311; Lisbon earthquake, 316; lead
works near, 321; Dr. Randolph
on, 361; water hawked in streets,
361; Romanist scare, 366; Duke
of York at, 367; Vauxhalls, 245,
423; public refused a supply, 449,
490; well to be let, 463; road to,
486, 497; inn quarrels, 486; high
charges and decline, 489; Sion
Spring, 504; spa near, 506;
Colonnade built, 469.
Hot Well, the New, 264, 464.
Houses, timber, 3; meanly furnished, 10.
Howard, John, on prisons, 406, 437,
Howe, Lord, his victory, 506, 453.
Huguenots, the, 126, 155, 421.
Hume, David, in Bristol, 189.
Huntingdon, Lady, 279, 420.
Impressment, see Press-gangs.
Improvement scheme, great, 368.
Incendiaries, Bristol, 171-2, 426.
Informers, common, 207, 278.
Inchbald, Mrs., 400.
Infirmary erected, 199; state of,
318; chaplaincy, 413; rebuilt, 479.
Innkeeper, a clerical, 159, 333.
Inns: White Lion, 17, 257, 392;
Bear, 263; Lamb, 269; Ostrich, 25,
122, 279, 314, 432. 490; Guilders,
180; Three Tuns, 180, 280;
Exchange, 248; Montague, 205;
Barton Hundred, 359; Bush, 405, 485;
York House, 490; carriers, 288.
Insolvents, see Debtors.
Insurance offices, 54, 393.
Intelligence office, 242.
Invasions, threatened, 339, 519, 525.
Irish leather, 96; butter, etc.,
prohibited, 7, 112, 306, 364, 384;
copper coinage, 133; wool trade, 195,
432; vagrants, 227; trade opened,
324, 432-3; giant, 441.
Iron: early founder, 71; price of,
315; local trade, 205; American,
Jack the Painter's fires, 426.
Jacobites: local, 19; riot, 107; plots
to seize Bristol, 110, 113; arms
seized, 113; disloyal clergy, 19,
119, 121; Lovell's case, 117; local
demonstrations, 139, 164, 193,
257-8; capture of a warship, 256.
Jacob's Wells theatre, 63, 439; water
works, 478; baths, 507.
Jamaica, prosperity of, 234.
James', St., Square, 114; Barton, 421,
Jefferis, Wm., 150, 191, 203, 209, 463, 473.
Jenkins' cheap bread, 401.
Jenner, Henry, 530.
Jessop, William, 481, 496.
Jews' Naturalisation Bill, 299.
Jews' burial ground, 337;
synagogue, 470.
John Street, 491.
Johnson, Dr., in Bristol, 422.
Jones, John, 123, 242.
Judges, entertainment of, 32, 48, 59, 165.
Juries, accommodation of, 399.
Kennet and Avon Canal, 499.
Kentish, Dr., 524.
Kidnapping, local, 56, 152.
King, John, 101.
Kingsdown, 2, 205, 343; patrol, 454.
King's Evil, magical cures, 55, 56,
King's Parade, 494.
King's Square, 318.
Kings weston road, 65, 331; House, 224.
Kingswood, lawless colliers, 78, 156,
211, 219, 303, 469, 515; rangership,
190; Whitefield at, 201; schools,
203, 272; fire at, 267; church,
283; Common, 437; blackmail
paid, 469.
Knight, Sir John, 77, 120, 290;
Anne, 120; John, 78.
Knowle, prison at, 339, 437.
Kosciusko in Bristol, 522.
Labour, hours of, 72, 182, 351.
Ladies, illiteracy of, 12; ill-treated
in streets, 278.
Lamb inn, witchcraft at, 348.
Lambton, Wm. Henry, 504.
Lamplighters' Hall, 389.
Land tax redeemed, 529.
Laroche, (Sir) James, 268, 384, 402, 477.
Lawford's Oate, 8, 175, 268; removed,
391; prison, 112, 407, 465.
Lawrence, (Sir) Thomas, 392, 487.
Leadworks nuisance, 321.
Leather, sales of, 297; bad, 154.
Lee, Bey. Charles, 374-6.
Leicester, a journey to, 89.
Levant trade, 305.
Lewdness, punishment of, 27, 170.
Lewin's Mead, residents in, 421,
Lewis, Sir Wm., 56, 68; David, 484,
491, 518.
Library, City, rebuilt, 210, 367, 408;
circulating, 168; Chapter, 315;
Library Society, 408.
Licensing system, 268; see Alehouses.
Lighting, public, 5, 18, 30; new Act,
37; defects, 82; Bill, 217; Act,
277, 369; improvement Bill, 467;
deficient, 527.
Lime trade, 459.
Lippincott, Sir Henry, 444-6.
Living, cheapness of, 88; dearness, 581.
Lock-out, early, 351.
Lodge Street, 456.
Lodgings, bill for, 88.
Logwood mills, 482.
London, first coach to, 22; wagons,
73, 269, 288.
Lord Lieutenants, 69, 110, 313, 352, 420.
Louisa, Story of, 425.
Lovell, Chris., 117; Robert, 508, 510.
Loyalty demonstrations, 237, 499.
Lukins, Geo., imposture of, 483.
Lunell, Peter, 476.
Macaulay, Lord, 487.
Maces, civic, 184.
Madagascar slave trade, 127.
Mail robberies, 210.
Mails: London, 17, 235; to Chester,
38; accelerated, 355; first coaches,
458; to Birmingham, 459.
Man of War, French, captured, 332;
English recaptured, 259, 332.
Mansion House, civic, 191, 434, 449.
Manufactures, local, 7, 89, 414.
Map of environs, 367.
Marat, J.P., in Bristol, 482.
Markets: in streets, 4, 88, 198, 258;
corn, 151, 471; hay, 176, 457;
Exchange, 198, 253; St. James's,
395; on Back, 97, 422; fish, 88,
453; cheese, 152, 471; regulations,
193, 253.
Marriages, early hour of, 16;
clandestine, 158, 235, 333, 493; notices
of, 239, 330.
Marsh, Bristol, 25, 42; Canon's, 36,
393; Dean's, 185.
Mayor's dues, 194, 415, 517.
Mayors: list of, 534; attempt to
obtain a lord mayor, 29; an
unpopular, 65; deaths of, 121, 128,
288, 442; refusals to accept office,
435, 495, 507-8, 582; salary, 429,
507, 532; Chapel, 126, 305, 324,
362, 431; carriage, 209, 291;
holiday, 196; scabbard, 36, 291;
cursing a mayor, 117; freemen,
370; right to sit as judges, 495.
Meat, regulations touching, 211,
254; price of, 191, 344.
Medical schools, early, 264, 524;
costumes, 173; licenses granted
by Church, 258.
Members of Parliament: see
Elections; payments to, 58; gifts
of wine, 77, 86, 281, 311.
Mendicants, treatment of, 121.
Mercantile incomes, 7.
Merchants, fortunes of local, 462.
Merchant Venturers Society: List
of Masters, 537; defence of the
slave trade, 89; wharfage dues,
31, 99, 317; hall, 42, 99, 213;
taboos Quakers, 91; politics of,
189; policy towards America,
370, 428, 439; change of politics.
485; dock, 368, 422; treatment at
the Hot Well, 489.
Merchant Tailors Company, 181,
460; almshouse, 43.
Merlott, John, his charity, 529.
Methodism in Bristol, early, 200.
Michael's, St., the fashionable
suburb, 97, 166.
Miles family, 298, 417, 443, 473, 476,
478, 508.
Militia musters, 69, 79, ib., 85, 324.
Miller, Michael, 190, 268, 305, 415,
442; Wm., 282, 297, 462.
“Mint”, the, 33.
Money, difficulty in remitting, 180, 224.
Montague Street, 371.
More, Hannah, 331, 373, 410, 412
423, 425, 461, 468, 492.
Morocco, envoy from, 225.
Murders: Maccartny's, 104; by ship
captains, 151, 198; by Capt.
Goodere, 228; Cann's coachman,
248; White Ladies', 279; of a
woman, 280; of the Warner, 351;
Mrs. Buscombe, 362.
Murderer's body destroyed, 192.
Musical Festivals, 161, 308, 327, 407,
480, 582; in theatre, 397, 489.
Nash, Stephen, 68, 468, 470.
Naturalisation Bill, 289.
Navigation School, 99.
Navy, recruited from gaol, 69;
impressments, see Press-gangs;
Bristol ships, 434, 448, 466;
bounties for men, 69, 428, 440,
500, 514; successes of, 452-8, 506,
Nelson (Lord), a freeman, 522.
Nelson Street opened, 496.
Neptune figure, 185, 466.
Newcastle. Duke of, freedom to, 340.
Newfoundland trade, 469.
Newgate, closed on Sundays, 57.
Newgate: the city gaol, 81;
epidemics in, 126, 164; treatment of
suspected criminals, 172; charges
of keeper, 237, 279; drinking in,
355, 471; physician, 209; chaplain,
392, 420; repaired, 396; Howard's
account of, 406; distress during
dearth, 308, 454; proposed new
gaol, 488. And see Debtors.
Newnham, Rev. T., killed, 416.
Newspapers, early, 48, 50; later,
292; restrictions on, 267; taxes on,
Newton, Bishop, 345, 366.
Nicholas Street: narrowness of, 181;
passage through crypt, 215;
through tower, 353; conduit, 141,
Nicholas', St., vestry, 326.
Noble, John, and the judges, 495.
Non-jurors, local, 19, 119.
Norfolk, Duke of, a freeman, 455.
North, Lord, a freeman, 420.
Northington, Lord, anecdote, 284.
Norton's Folly, 266.
Nott, Dr. John, 504.
Nugent, Robert (Lord Clare, Earl
Nugent), 309, 311, 340, 344, 378,
383, 409, 413, 432.
Oar, silver, 263.
O'Brien, Patrick, 441.
Offices, meanness of business, 40.
Old style abolished, 298.
Oliffe, John, 128.
Orange, Prince of, visit of, 187,
Orchard Street built, 115.
Ordnance Survey, 523.
Ormond, Duke of, 104, 110.
Osborne, Jeremiah, 260.
Packhorses, traffic by, 68, 73, 325,
Palatines, poor, 80.
Palmer, John, 439, 457-9.
Panics, financial, 499, 522.
Paper hangings, 332.
Pardons for criminals, 90.
Parish clerks, 363, 431.
Parish feasts, 116, 525; boundaries,
beating, 243.
Park Street built, 227, 332, 333.
Parliament, members of, see
Elections; payments to, 77; gifts of
wine, 77, 86, 281, 311; reporting
debates, 162.
Patriotic funds, 256, 506, 525.
Patronage, Government, 124, 451.
Pauper badges, 78, 380.
Pauperism, see Poor.
Paving Act, 277; new Bills, 467.
Peace of 1713, 100; of 1749, 274; of
1763, 357; of 1788, 453.
Peach family, 68, 190, 390, 397, 403,
445, 456, 489.
Pedley, J.G., frauds, 450.
Peloquin, Mary Ann, charity, 435.
Penance in the cathedral, 94.
Penn Street, 318.
Penn, William, 77, 318.
Pen Park Hole fatality, 416.
Penpole, excursions to, 331.
Perry, Richard, and his wife, 493.
Petsr Street Cross and Pump, 377.
Pewter platters, 14, 45, 164, 188, 214,
Philip's, St., and militia, 79;
hedgehogs in, 140.
Philipps, Sir John, 310, 311.
“Philosopher in Bristol”, The, 418.
Pigs in the streets, 4, 527.
Pill, road to, 325.
Pillars, Brass, Corn Street, 162, 188, 396, 455.
Pillory, the, 27; riotous scenes, 148,
Pine, William, 177, 294.
Piracy by Bristol crews, 351, 397.
Pitt, W. (Earl of Chatham) a
freeman, 340.
Pitts, Capt. Sam., gallantry of, 165.
Plan of Bristol, Rocques', 235.
Plate, silver, local stores, 13;
corporate, 78; discovery of, 238.
Playbills, early, 61.
Pluralism, clerical, 351, 432, 518,
523; lay, 151, 363, 431.
Pneumatic Institute, 504.
Pocock, George, 517.
Podmore, John, 180.
Pointz Pool fair, 166.
Police constables, 172.
Political bitterness, 18, 103, 107, 447.
Poor, Corporation of; founded, 32;
early troubles, 54, 81, 103; buys a
farm, 55; credulity of guardians,
55; infant labour, 72, 514;
educational views, 72, 80; gift to, 73;
pauper badges, 78, 380; increase
of pauperism and rates, 81, 103,
236, 252-3, 380, 464, 485;
churchwardens become guardians, 103;
party feeling, 103, 123; treatment
of vagrancy, 121; debts, 124;
whipping paupers, 465;
redistribution of rates, 485; factory in
workhouse, 514; Baggs' fraud, 185.
Pope, Alex., in Bristol, 222.
Popery, anti, riots, 442.
Population of city, 6, 194, 292, 422.
Port, danger from fire, 361; float
schemes, 316, 362, 480, 496;
regulations, 394; defences of, 523; see
Mayor's dues and Town dues.
Port wine, first appearance, 101.
Portishead, manor, 31; battery, 524.
Portland, Duke of, visit of, 471;
portrait of, 487.
Portland Square, 494.
Post chaise travelling, 262, 404.
Posts from London, 17, 235, 395; to
Chester, 38; Exeter, 39;
Salisbury, 355; rates of postage, 73,
344; Palmer's acceleration, 457; to
Birmingham, 459; penny post, 500.
Post Office, early, 39, 242; in Corn
Street, 263; extent of staff, 416;
Francis Freeling, 4.58.
Potteries, Bristol, 7, 287-8.
Powell, William, 391,
Press-gang brutalities, 168, 216, 314,
322, 337, 440.
Pretender, the, in Bristol, 257, 319.
Prince's Street built, 149.
Prisoners of war, see French.
Prisoners for debt, see Debtors.
Privateering: ships Duke and
Duchess, 74; (1739) 216; (1744)
249; (1747) 267; (1756) 320, 338;
(1762) 351; (1775) 415, 436; Royal
Family priv., 255, 259; local
losses, 338, 436; gallant feats of,
234, 247, 250-1, 256, 259, 268, 332,
343; crew turned pirates, 351.
Privateers, foreign, captured, 33,
268, 332.
Prizefighting, 27, 159, 273, 313, 341,
391, 533; by women, 168.
Profanity punished, 169, 263.
Protestants, foreign, 80, 289.
Protheroe, Philip, 477, 507, 532.
Public-houses, see Alehouses.
Publican, a clerical, 159, 333.
Pugilists, see Prizefighting.
Punishments, excessive, 27, 315, 347, 465.
Quakers persecuted, 19; boarding-school,
43; loan to Penn, 77;
tabooed, 85, 91; decline and revival
of sect, 178; fighting Quakers,
178, 285; tithe-owners, 178, 286;
penitents, 278.
Quays, new, 149, 317.
Quay dues, 317.
Quebec taken: rejoicings, 339.
Queen Square, 25, 42, 45; nuisances
in, 98; trees, 117, 413.
Race meetings, 24, 122, 278.
Randall, Joseph, 136, 257.
Randolph, Dr., 361.
Rebellion (1715) 110; (1745) 255, 264.
Recorders: Eyre, 123; Scrope, 166,
192; Foster, 192, 341; Barrington,
341, 370; Dunning, 370; Burke,
455, 505; Gibbs, 505; fees of, 123,
192, 341, 405, 506.
Recruiting tricks, 270.
Red Book of Orders, 56, 252.
Redcliff Cross and churchyard, 358.
Redcliff Gate, rebuilt, 175, 211;
removed, 396.
Redcliff Parade, 396.
Redland Court, 173; Chapel, 173,
448; value of land, 284.
Red Lodge, 456, 479.
Reeve, William, anecdote of, 285,
370; see Black Castle.
Regiments, Bristol, 256, 506.
Rennison's Baths, 269.
Rents, 344, 398.
Revolution, centenary of, 487.
Reynolds, Richard, 72, 529.
Riding School, first, 344.
Ring, Joseph, 287-8.
Rings, funeral, 13.
Riots: (1709) 78; (1714) 107; (1726)
156; (1728) 167; (1738) 212;
(1749) 274; (1753) 303; (1766)
378; (1780) 442; Bristol Bridge,
500; Food, 516, 531.
Roads: state of, 23, 40, 155, 170, 214,
270, 313, 497; Kingsweston, 65,
331; Pill, 325; Whiteladies, 331,
333; cleansing, 340.
Robinson, Mrs., see Darby.
Rodney, Lord, in Bristol, 452-3.
Rogers, Woodes, Capt., 74-7.
Roman Catholics, 115, 366.
Romsey, John, 54, 74, 77.
Roquet, Rev. J., 392.
Routs described, 528.
Royal Oak Day, 164, 483.
Royal Family privateers, 255, 259.
Ruddock, Noblet, 142, 237.
Rum trade, 101, 102.
Ruscombe, Mrs., murdered, 362.
Sailors, see Seamen.
St Vincent, Earl, freedom to, 522.
Sallee corsairs, 188, 225.
Salt refining, 289; tax on, 529.
Sansom, John, 54.
Savage, Richard, in Bristol, 219.
Scavenging, 30, 88, 82; gratuitous, 340.
Schoolmasters, 12, 123.
Schools: Queen Eliz. Hospital, 12,
16, 46; new school-house, 47;
removed, 374; cost of boarding,
405, 485; funds misappropriated,
442; dietary, 485. Colston's, 80,
83; Grammar, 16, 119; removed,
374; speech day, 396. Red Maids',
12, 134; cost of boarding, 134, 405.
Charity, 12, 80, 134, 198, 218;
Navigation, 99. Redcliff
Grammar, 12, 358; Boarding, 43, 241,
272, 438, 517, 518; Misses More's,
331, 486; Day, 242, 367, 438.
Scolds, treatment of, 27, 132, 359.
Scrope, John, 160, 166, 188, 354.
Seafights, gallant, 234, 250, 259,
268, 332, 518.
Seamen, wages, 385, 454; forging
their wills, 261; required for
navy, 514; proposed hospital, 269;
see Press-gangs.
Sea Mills dock, 98, 171, 296.
Sea walls, 266.
Sectarian divisions, 18, 103, 204.
Sedan chairs, 324.
Selkirk, Alexander, found, 75-6.
Sermons, fee for, 9, 99, 126.
Servants, domestic, 10, 182.
Seyer, Samuel, 243, 348, 374, 522, 528.
Shambles, the, 208, 335.
Shaving, Sunday, 27, 306, 336, 381.
Sheffield, Lord, 448, 491, 518.
Sheriff, list of, 534; gloves, 37;
dinners, 226, 251; allowance, 251,
430; expenses, 480; fine for
refusing office, 87, 492.
Sherry trade, 104.
Shipping, Bristol, 6, 89; seized by
corsairs, 188, 281; size of vessels
6, 188, 371, 517; regulations, 394;
ship sunk by a press-gang, 322;
sunk in harbour, 117, 513; embargo on, 514.
Shirehampton, road, 65, 331; Sunday
coach, 457.
Shoes, bad, destroyed, 155.
Shops, signs, 4, 278, 369; open, 3,
264, 327; tax on, 465.
Shot factory. 453.
Shrove Tuesaay sports, 138.
Siddons, Mrs., at theatre, 489.
Signs, tradesmen's, 4, 278, 369.
Silk imports prohibited, 42, 101,
372; local works, 372.
Simmons, John, 342.
Sketchley's Directory, 420.
Slander, actions for, 359.
Slave dealing: Assiento treaty, 100;
extent of local trade, 89, 249, 271-2,
343, 380, 416, 477; with
Madagascar, 127; defended by
Corporation, 89, 249, 271; enormous profits,
of, 142, 476-8; slave ship captains,
146, 380, 474; tragedies, 145, 301,
343; gin trade, 300; restrictions
on, 413; value of negroes, 414,
478; Clarkson's crusade, 473-8;
local agitation, 476-7; atrocities,.
Slaves in Bristol, 15, 146, 384, 492.
Slaves, Christian, 188.
Sledges street, 3, 252, 527.
Small, Dr. J.A., 479, 518.
Small pox, ravages of, 529.
Smalridge, Bishop, 108, 119, 123.
Smith, Sir Sydney, 526.
Smith, Jarrit, 185, 228, 257, 318, 330,
344, 383; Joseph, 403, 412, 442;
Richard, 524,
Smiths' Hall, 306, 468.
Smoking, prevalence of, 9, 48, 52, 214, 217.
Snuff trade, local, 269, 302, 430.
Soap, Irish, seized, 312.
Somerset, wages in, 182; Society, 183.
South Sea Company, 90, 127.
Southey, Bobert, 397, 460, 510.
Southwell, Edward, 104, 224, 235,
267, 281, 310.
Southwell Street, 205.
Spain, irritation against, 174, 215;
wars, 216, 351; losses of
Bristolians, 175, 216, 286; peace, 274.
Spelter works, 67, 289.
Spencer, Hon. John, 318.
Spider's web, enormous, 106.
Sports, suburban, 27, 140.
Stables, circular, 344.
Stamp Office, 261.
Stapleton living, 98, 109; common, 487.
Starch, illicit, 418; duty, 515.
Steam engines, early, 244, 273;
improvements, 437.
Steep Street, 331.
Stephen's, St., lamp-rate, 38, 82;
constables, 305; windfalls, 306;
Peloquints gift, 435; vestry, 244, 514,
525; improvements, 399, 458, 497.
Stewart, James. 242.
Stewards, Lord High, 87, 111, 209, 471.
Stocte, the, 27, 169, 207, 263.
Stoke Park, 352, 367.
Stokes Croft, 2, 166, 489; theatre, 61, 64.
Storm, great, the, 57.
Streets, narrowness of, 3, 131, 460;
pigs in, 4, 527; nuisances, 169;
encroachments, 83; fighting in,
355; footways in, 396, 527; bad
condition, 356, 466, 526; names
posted up, 491; watering, 504.
Strikes, 21, 70, 315, 385, 404, 497.
Styles, Old and New, 154, 298.
Sugar trade, extent of, 142, 302, 519.
Sunday restrictions, 56, 60, 306, 336;
excursions, 359, 457, 490; schools,
460, 482; evening services, 519.
Superstition, popular, 56, 117, 224,
294, 348.
Sussex, Earl of, freedom to, 432.
Swetnam, J., 389.
Swimming baths, 269, 315.
Swords, state, 100, 291.
Tabernacle account book, 306.
Tailors' bill, early, 109; wages, 315;
404; hours, 351.
Tailors Company, 181, 460;
almshouse, 43.
Talbot, Rev. Wm., 398.
Tanners' grievances. 96.
Tar, Coal, discovered, 441.
Tarring and feathering, 207.
Tea-drinking, 82, 314; price of tea,
82, 395.
Teast, Sydenham, 396, 463, 474, 517.
Temple Street, 97, Gate rebuilt, 175,
211; schools, 80; gardens, 98; Cross,
466; churchyard, 249; conduit, 135.
Tennis courts, 25, 313, 359, 506.
Theatres, early, 26; agitation
against, 60; suppressed, 61-3;
Jacob's Wells, 63, 439; at fairs,
64; Theatre Royal, 364, 400, 439,
582; at Coopers' Hall, 401.
Thistlethwaite, James, 411, 445.
Thomas, John, 71.
Thome, Nich., monument, 329.
Tobacco, see Smoking and Snuff;
trade, 135; price of, 416.
Tokens, local, 509.
Tolzey, Mayor's, removed, 59;
merchants, 17, 118, 446; brass pillars,
162, 183, 396; St. Nicholas', 60.
Tontines, Brunswick Square, 479;
circular stables, 344; warehouses,
455; projected, 455, 494.
Tower, Oreat, on Quay, 119.
Town Clerk, insane, 251.
Town dues, 251, 417, 478; receipts
from, 479.
Trade Unions, early, 21, 70.
Trade, restraints on, 21, 176, 181,
195, 260, 268, 401 (and see
Foreigners); old, 123, 421.
Trading frauds, 154, 197, 272, 437.
Train bands, see Militia.
Traitor's Bridge, 92, 526.
“Translator”, A, 128.
Transportation system, 91, 150-3,
287, 326, 469.
Travelling discomforts, 22; cheapness, 404.
Trees in the streets, 489.
Trinity Street built, 185.
Trucks, street, 68, 396.
Trumpeters, city, 59, 114.
Tucker, Josiah, 118, 238, 283-4, 289,
319, 322, 328, 435, 462, 473.
Tucker Street, 466.
Tuckett, Philip D., 473.
Turner, William, 373.
Turnpike roads, 155, 274, 331, 406;
riots, 156, 274; cleansing, 340.
Turtle, civic love of, 323, 404, 517.
Tyburn ticket, 390.
Tyndall, Onesiphorus, 94, 145;
family, 190, 219, 334, 415, 479, 521.
Tyndall's Park, 334, 494.
Type factory, 177.
Umbrellas, early, 134; Church, 187;
modern, 419.
Underhill. John, 58.
Union with Scotland, 73.
Union Street, 369, 395.
Unity Street, 237.
Vaccination discovered, 530.
Vagrancy, treatment of, 121.
Vaughan, John, 186, 224, 282, 297,
415, 432; R., 477.
Vauxhall wardens, 245, 423.
Vernon, Admiral, 241; privateer, 217.
Vick, William, 63, 308.
Visitors, distinguished: Queen Anne,
45; Prince of Wales, 212; Dukes of
York, 350, 367, 517; Princess
Amelia, 164; Prince of Orange,
187; Jos. Addison, 122; T.
Clarkson, 473; Edward Colston, 46, 85;
J. Howard, 406, 437, 466; Lady
Huntingdon, 279, 420; Mrs.
Inchbald, 400; Dr. Johnson, 422;
Kosciusko, 522; Marat, 482; Pope, 222;
Duke of Portland, 471; Lord
Rodney, 452; Admiral of Sallee, 225;
R. Savage, 219; Scheck Schidit,
192; Sir S. Smith, 526; Admiral
Vernon, 241; H. Walpole, 377;
John Wilkes, 397.
Volunteer corps, 113-4, 256, 440, 516,
520; cavalry, 521.
Wade, Nathaniel, 78, 92.
Wade Street and Bridge, 92, 526.
Wade, General, in Bristol, 112.
Wages, rates of, 59, 168, 182, 268,
315, 372, 385, 404, 454.
Wagons, travelling, 73, 148, 268, 288,
430; forbidden in streets, 175.
Waits, city, 26, 114, 139.
Wales, Fred., Prince of, 196, 212, 236,
290; George, 336, 517.
Wales, French landing in, 520.
Wallis, John, 208, 266.
Walpole, Horace, 377, 388.
War proclaimed, 216, 249, 320, 499;
losses by, 236, 258, 415.
War ships launched, 434, 448, 466.
Warburton, Dean, 327.
Ward, Edward, 52.
Wasbrough, Matthew, 437.
Watching Act, 30, proposed Bill,
217; Act, 311.
Watchman, newspaper, 512.
Watchmen, city, 18, 30, 172, 197, 311,
Water Bailiff's oar, 263.
Water Company, 82, 237, 451.
Watering places, seaside, 440.
Watts's patent shot, 453.
Weare, John Fisher, 415, 477, 507;
Wm., 508.
Weavers, trade union, 70; assault
women in streets, 125; washing
place, 125; fatal riots, 166; wages,
168; Company, 470; truck
system, 71, 209; decline of trade, 81,
209, 236, 515.
Wedgwood, Thomas, 504, 513.
Weeks, John, 405, 418, 458, 464, 484,
Wesley, John, first visit, 203; at
Hot Well, 265; at election, 319;
his school, 272; at French prison,
339; alleged miracles, 266, 482;
last visit, 482.
Wesley, Charles, 204.
Wesleyan Conferences, 204;
disputes, 507.
West India trade, 6, 89, 142;
prosperity of, 234; vessels, 371; French
islands taken, 348; corporate
sympathy, 378, 392; decline, 415, 519;
names of merchants, 472.
West Street fair, 166.
Westbury, living of, 93, 109, 448,
523; volunteers, 521.
Westmoreland, Earl of, see Fane.
Weston-super-Mare, 441.
Weymouth, coach to, 440.
Whale, ship struck by, 208; fishing,
Wharfage dues, 81, 99, 317.
Wheat, price of, 246, 516.
Wheelage toll, 252.
Whipping, public, 27, 65, 180, 224,
315, 356, 437; paupers, 465.
Whipping posts, 27, 140, 268.
Whitefield, Geo., in Bristol, 200, 306.
Whitehall, 33, 124, 225.
Whitehead's poem, 288.
Whiteladies Boad, 331, 333.
Whitson's charity funds, 496.
Whitsuntide sports, 314.
Wigs worn by boys, 158.
Wild, Jonathan, 130.
Wilkes, John, 391, 397.
William III,, statue, 178, 193, 278.
Williams, (Sir) Charles F., 524.
Wills, W. and H.O., 303.
Wills, local, 14; forgery of, 261.
Wiltshire Society, 183.
Wine, civic gifts of, 77, 86, 87, 104,
209, 281, 311, 402, 582; price of,
183, 319, 329, 356, 582; change of
taste in, 100; “Shainpeighn”, 214.
Wine Street, scenes in, 4, 148; width
of, 460; value of sites in, 485.
Witchcraft, 28, 249, 484; at Lamb
inn, 348.
Women, treatment of, 27-8, 65;
boxing by, 168; races by, 122, 279.
Wood's pence, 133.
Woollen, burials in, 9, 302.
Worcester, Marquis of, 491, 518.
Wordsworth, Wm., 513.
Worrall family, the, 261, 308, 351,
398, 494.
Wotton-under-Edge, post to, 39.
Wraxall family, 284, 308.
Wrestling, 314.
Wright, Matthew, 473, 503, 507.
Yate, Robert, 42, 58, 66, 85, 283.
Yearsley, Anne, 461.
Yonge, Bishop, 345.
York, Dukes of, 350, 367, 517.
York Street, 372.
Zinc works, see Spelter.
Butler & Tanner, The Selwood Printing Works. Frome, and Londen.
OCR/transcript by Rosemary Lockie in August & September 2013.