Bradwell: Ancient and Modern
A History of the Parish and of Incidents in the Hope Valley.
By Seth Evans (1912)
Transcriptions by Rosemary Lockie, © Copyright 2013
THE AUTHOR: Seth Evans.
This little volume has been issued in
response to a desire expressed by many
that the articles should not remain “buried
in the files” of a newspaper. Hence, the
subject matter has undergone revision, and
with additions, and many illustrations, it
makes its appearance in book form.
In the work of love in which he has been
engaged it has been the author's desire to
place on permanent record information
collected during many years, so as to place
this matter in the hands of those who care
to interest themselves in these “collections
and recollections of a Peakland village”,
and it is to the kind encouragement and
assistance of the proprietors of the
“Derbyshire Courier” that this has been made
It has, of course, been necessary to
consult many publications in order to procure
reliable information, and to these the
author has laid himself under tribute,
especially the journals of the Derbyshire
Archaeological Society. And there are
others to whom he desires to tender his
sincere thanks. To W.H.G. Bagshawe,
Esq., J.P., D.L., of Ford Hall, he is
indebted for a great deal of valuable
information relating to the Apostle of the Peak
and early Nonccnformity; to Edward G.
Bagshawe, Esq., solicitor, Sheffield, for the
loan of M.S. of his late father, Benjamin
Bagshawe; to Sydney Taylor, Esq., B.A.,
of Buxton; to N.J. Hughes-Hallett. Esq.,
Clerk of the Peace, for his courtesy in
allowing the inspection of county records;
to the Vicars of Hope and Bradwell, and
to the authorities of the Wesleyan and
Primitive Methodist Chapels, for their
kindness in placing their registers at his
disposals to the Rev. R.S. Redfern, for
information relating to the old chapel; and
to Mr. Walter Morton, for the loan of the
precious letters of his distinguished
There are many others the author desires
to thank for assistance rendered, including
those who have so kindly granted him the
loan of photographs, and in this connection
he tenders his warmest thanks to Chas. E.
Bradshaw Bowles, Esq., J.P., lord of the
manor of Abney, and editor of the Derbyshire
Archaeological Journal, for the loan
of valuable plates. The old houses, church,
chapels, etc., are from the camera of Mr.
H.V. Tanfield.
But especially does he desire gratefully
to acknowledge the kindness and encouragement
received from the noblemen, ladies,
and gentlemen, whose names are in the
List of Subscribers.
To those who may say that the author
has overstepped the bounds of the village,
it may be said that to toe a strict
topographical line in these things is difficult,
and he has related incidents in the
surrounding villages that will cause a wider
interest to be taken in the book.
With these remarks he craves the indulgence
of the public for the imperfections
of these “collections and recollections in a
Peakland village”.
February, 1912.
The old-world Peakland village of
Bradwell has a history, and a most interesting
history too. Its steep winding streets - if
streets they can be called - and all sorts of
queer little out of the way places running
in and out in all directions, break neck,
oblique, skew-tilted, beginning everywhere,
leading nowhere, make the stranger feel
that he is living in mediaeval times.
Occupied by the Romans, who left their
traces everywhere, recognised as one of the
boundaries of the Forest of the Peak this
romantic spot was never troubled with a
surveyor. Every man was his own architect.
He built what he liked where he
liked, and as he liked, with the result that
in the twentieth century there remains one
of the most comical looking, beautiful, and
picturesque old towns even in picturesque
But its very name has been deplorably
corrupted. The statement made in the
middle of the last century that its name
was derived from “a well on the
verge of the village” is erroneous.
It is one of those place-names
which indicates the occupation and
military organization of its people - Brad,
from broad or spacious, and Wall, indicating
a site at or near a Roman fortification.
The original name was, therefore,
Broadwall, or Bradwall, for a portion of the
Roman fortification still exists, and upon a
portion of the wall of the ancient Forest of
the Peak the town is built. Its very
earliest settlers, too, who took their name
from the place itself, retained its original
spelling of Bradwall in the Hope Church
registers right down to the year 1843, and,
at least, one of these oldest of local
families, now resident in Sheffield, very
properly retains its name, Bradwall.
Further, the death comparatively recently, of
a resident of Bradwell, inscribed on the
family gravestone, describes her as of
OCR/transcript by Rosemary Lockie in February 2013.