Bradwell: Ancient and Modern
By Seth Evans (1912)
Transcriptions by Rosemary Lockie, © Copyright 2013
“I will show you caves and barrows,
Of a world before the flood.
When the bison and hyæna,
Rang'd over moor and wood;
Where races of men lie buried,
Who fought with weapons of stone.
And sew'd their deer-skins together
With implements of bone”. |
J.H.J. |
Discoveries in Hartle Dale Caves.
A place with distinct evidence of its
occupancy by the Early Britons, Romans,
Saxons, Danes, and Normans cannot fail to
be interesting. The district abounds in
caves, and in many of these there are
distinct traces of Pre-historic man. There
are several small caves in Hartle Dale, and
exploring one of these in 1872, the late
Rooke Pennington, of Castleton, says that
the floor consisted principally of blackish
mould containing a few limestone
fragments, and pieces of chert. It contained
bones of the goat and pig, fox and rabbit.
Two pieces of pre-historic pottery were
also turned out. The ornamentations were
unusually rude for such a remote period,
being simply punctures made in the clay
before baking, with a sharpened stick,
without any regard to regularity.
In 1877 Mr. Pennington, the late Mr.
John Tym, and Professor Boyd Dawkins,
whilst examining other small caves and
rock shelters in Hartle Dale, picked up a
milk-molar of a young woolly rhinoceros,
which had been thrown up to the surface
by rabbits burrowing in the floor of the
small cave at the mouth of which it was
found. In an adjoining cavern there lay on
the rock the tooth of a bear, evidently
washed out of some fissure within. The
first mentioned cave they dug out
thoroughly, finding bones of the rhinoceros and
bison, which Mr. Pennington thought had
been carried to their last resting place by
water. About the same time a fine arrow
head was found on the Bradwell Moors.
These discoveries take us back to the
days of pre-historic man who dwelt in the
caves, and an examination of the many
barrows, or “lows” has shown them to be
burial-places of long forgotten races who
once lived in Britain.
Stone Circles Explored.
The author of the same work says that
one of the most interesting barrows ever
explored was on Abney Moor, near
Bradwell, but it was destroyed to build a wall.
Upon a rampart of earth, by which it was
surrounded were ten upright blocks of
stone each about three feet high, and placed
at equal distances round the barrow.
When the mound was dug into, Mr.
Pennington and his party found in the centre
of the tumulus a large flat piece of
sandstone upon which was a mass of burnt
human bones, deposited with considerable
care. There were also flint flakes,
some jet beads, some amber beads,
and an arrow head. The beads had
evidently formed portions of necklaces.
There were pieces of burnt gritstone and
sandstone, found, evidence that the funeral
fire had been lit upon the spot.
Two other barrows on the same moor had
been previously explored and human
bones, urns, heads of flint, etc.,
found in them. In the immediate
vicinity were a number of pit dwellings
which Mr. Pennington says were no doubt
once covered with some sort of thatch such
as heather would supply.
About a mile distant, in the direction of
Hope, is The Folly. This is a small circular
entrenchment, about 75 feet in diameter,
with a slight elevation in the centre. On
one occasion a cell was found here, and it
is probable that this circular rampart
originally had a stone circle.
Travelling along that portion of Batham-gate,
which is best preserved, separating
the Bradwell and Tideswell Moors, will be
seen on the Tideswell moor side of the road
an almost perfectly circular enclosure or
camp within a now very low rampart, the
whole having a diameter of 300 feet. A
small part of the north-west arc of the
circle has been cut off by the old Roman
road, which is a proof of the early or
pre-Roman origin of this circular camp.
Deposits of the Flood Found in a Lead
In a book on “Darbyshire”, printed in 1660,
there is the following record of a curious
“Near Bradewalle were dug up in sinking a
lead-grove, a piece of a bone, and tooth of
wonderful proportions, namely, the tooth
(though a quarter of an inch of it was
broken off) was 13 inches and a half in
compass, and weighed three pounds ten ounces
and three quarters; and with this, among
other pieces of bones, a very large skull
which held seven pecks of corn. The
conjectures of the learned upon them are
various, some supposing the tooth and bones
to be a man's (and why not when a skull
so monstrous was found with them); but
others have thought it the den molaris of
an elephant, and for this opinion they
produce some elephants' bones found near
Castleton. The most probable conjectures
about the phenomena are that they are
the exuvie of those creatures brought
hither by the general deluge, and deposited
by specific gravitation in the earth, then
rendered as fluid as mud”. This strange
discovery was made in the Virgin Mine at
Hazelbadge, which was worked for lead at
least five hundred years.
Ancient Barrows Explored: Human
Remains Found.
About the year 1867 a great deal of
interest was taken in discoveries of pre-historic
man on Hazlebadge Hills, about midway
between the Hall and Bradwell. On this
field, close to Hill's Rake there is a large
barrow, which was explored by Mr.
Benjamin Bagshawe, solicitor, Sheffield, a
gentleman well versed in local lore, and an
antiquarian, and local archeologist of
repute, whose ancestors had for many
generations been located in the Grindlow and
Foolow district.
Having obtained permission from the
Duke of Rutland's agent, Mr. Bagshawe
secured the services of two reliable miners,
Robert Evans and John Bancroft, who
went about their work with the greatest
care. They had not been at work long,
when only about a foot beneath the sod
they came upon a stone cist, which on being
opened was found to contain the skeleton of
a man, not lying down, but seated upright,
with his elbows on his knees, and his head
on his hands as if he had been shut up in
the tomb and buried alive. By the side of
another man was the skeleton of a horse,
and altogether fourteen skeletons of both
sexes were found, in addition to many burnt
bones, and a number of flint arrow heads.
Only about half the barrow was explored,
and the explorers believe that if the other
portion was searched many interesting
discoveries would be made. There does not seem
to be any doubt that these bodies had lain
there two thousand years, having been
deposited by the ancient Britons long before
the Romans came to the Island.
In the winter of 1891 some workmen
getting out the foundations for a kitchen at
the rear of a house belonging to Mr. John
Ford, on Bradwell Hills, facing what is
known as “The Green”, made a discovery
which went to prove that the house itself
was built upon an ancient barrow. Only
about two feet below the surface of the
ground, three skeletons were discovered.
Two were lying on their sides, with the
knees tucked under the chin, and were
within a wall of flat stones placed on edge,
which formed three sides of a square. The
third skeleton was found lying at full
length on its back with a square stone
standing at the head and another at the
feet. Near the two skeletons within the
small cist a very rough flint flake was
found. Ihe skeletons were terribly broken
by the workmen, and an official of the
British Archaeological Association who
visited the place and took away the flint,
and as many of the bones as he could get,
tried to put together the fragments of two
of the skulls, but was not very successful.
One skull seemed to be of a very low type
of man, the forehead was very shallow, the
bone projected over the eye, and at the top
of the nose the bone was very wide and
thick. The remaining part of the barrow
had quantities of human bones mixed up
with it, which were supposed to be early
burials disturbed for the later interments.
Probably if a search was made there would
be many similar “finds” in the immediate
locality. In 1897 workmen excavating
foundations of new houses for Mr. T. Cooper, in
“Nether Side”, opposite the Newburgh
Arms Inn, discovered a sepulchral cist of
gritstone slabs containing male adult
bones (supposed to be pre-Roman), leaden
“spindle whorl”, iron spearhead, about
seven inches long, copper button, and a
Roman coin. The spearhead and whorl
were placed in the Buxton Museum. A
week or two later the workmen found a
copper coin of 1738, and a three shilling
bank token of the reign of George III., 1815.
The spindle whorl was one inch diameter
and about quarter of an inch thick, and its
upper surface was decorated with five raised
fillets, and the button consisted of a disc of
copper about quarter of an inch in diameter
with a small ring attached to the back. It
was decorated with small hollows, inlaid
with gold.
Grey Ditch, a Monument of the First
One of the most interesting features of
Bradwell is the long strip of defensive
earthwork known as Grey Ditch, which
one authority declared is “the most
important remaining fragment of the Limes
Brittannicus of the first century, in its third
stage between Templeborough and
Grey Ditch shows itself plainly, telling
without doubt of early tribal resistance to
onslaughts up this valley. Standing on the
high road at “Eden Tree”, near the New
Bath Hotel it may be seen stretching along
to Micklow on one side, and to the summit
of Bradwell Edge on the other, right away
up “Rebellion Knoll” to the mountain
road leading to Abney and Brough 1,100
feet high. One writer of the 17th century
(Mr. Bray) said it was carried from the
camp on Mam Tor, and was a fore fence of
the Romans, crossing Bathamgate and
Bradwell water, but subsequent authorities
doubt whether it ever was connected with
Mam Tor. Its elevation is about 10 feet,
and its total average width about 35 feet.
It is a rampart thrown up to resist attack
from the Brough side, and well known
archaeologists are of opinion that it was
possibly once a boundary, of the ancient
kingdom of Northumbria or Brigantees.
There is no doubt that it was for some
military or defensive purpose, and probably
there is a rich reward for the future
explorer of such an interesting spot. More
than a century ago pieces of swords, spears,
spurs, and bridle-bits were found on both
sides and very near it, between Batham
Gate and Bradwell water.
OCR/transcript by Rosemary Lockie in February 2013.