Pigot & Co's Commercial Directory for Derbyshire, 1835

“Allestrey, Quarndon and neighbourhoods”

Transcriptions by Rosemary Lockie, © Copyright 1996

ALLESTREY is a small parish, in the hundred of Morleston and Litchurch, about two miles N. from Derby. The parish forms part of the Duchy of Lancaster, and is within the jurisdiction of a court of pleas, for the recovery of debts under 40s., held at Tutbury every third Tuesday. The places of worship are the parish church and a chapel for Wesleyan methodists: the former, which is dedicated to St. Andrew, is an edifice of some antiquity, with a square tower; and several monuments of the Mundy family embellish the interior of the church. The living is a perpetual curacy in the patronage of J. Mundy, esq. The parish contained in 1821, 361 inhabitants, and, in 1831, 501.

QUARNDON is a village in the parish of its name, in the same hundred as Allestry, about three miles and a half N.N.W. from Derby; deriving some celebrity from its chalybeate waters, which are considered highly beneficial in cases of debility, and from the salubrity of its situation.

Upwards of a century ago it was much resorted to, and is still visited in the summer by numerous respectable persons. The spring rises in the park of Kedleston hall, the seat of Lord Scarsdale. A small church, and a respectable boarding academy for young gentlemen, are in the village. The living of Quarndon is a perpetual curacy, in the gift of Lord Scarsdale and incumbency of the Rev. William Barton. Sir John Curzon, in 1725, bequeathed an annuity of £20. for the support of a free school, for a limited number of children of poor parents residing in Quarndon, Kedleston and Weston.

The parish (which has no dependent township) contained, by the returns for 1821, 438 inhabitants, and by those for 1831, 487.

POST:- Letters are brought from and forwarded to DERBY.

Barton Rev. William, Quarndon
Curzon Rev. Alfred, Kedleston
Davenport Mr. Thomas, Quarndon
Edge Mr. John, Quarndon
Evans Wm. Esq. M.P. Allestrey hall
Major -, Esq. Quarndon
Pickering Rev. George, Mackworth
Scarsdale Hon. Lord, Kedleston hall
Wayne W. H. esq.

Sowter John, schoolmaster, Allestrey
Thorpe William, gent's boarding academy, Quarndon
Twigg James Ashton, mineral surveyor and mining agent and agent to
  his Grace the Duke of Devonshire, Quarndon and at Chesterfield

New Inn, Geo. Pidcock, Allestrey
Red Cow, Wm. Baxter, Allestrey

Buxton William, baker, Allestrey
Clifford Thos., flour dealer, Quarndon
Cockayne Wm., butcher, Quarndon
Flint Elizbth, shopkeeper, Quarndon
Ford -, tailor, Quarndon
Frost Ann, shopkeeper, Quarndon
Hampshire, Wm. joiner & retailer of beer, Allestrey
Haslam Wm. shoe maker, Allestrey
Hunt Thos. wheelwright, Quarndon
Keeling Wm. flour dealer, Quarndon
Lomax Francis, blacksmith, Allestrey
Low John, shoe maker, Allestrey
Maddocks Rd. butcher, Quarndon
Magee Charles, tailor, Quarndon
Sadler John, baker, Quarndon
Smith Robert, shoe maker, Quarndon
Smith Samuel, butcher, Quarndon
Sowter Chas. shopkeeper, Allestrey
Toundrow Ths. butcher, Quarndon
Woolley Ths. wheelwright, Allestrey

To & from LONDON, MANCHESTER, &c. pass through Allestrey daily.

Description(s) from Pigot and Co's Commercial Directory for Derbyshire, 1835.
Transcribed by Rosemary Lockie in May 1996.

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